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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Skins workout Jamarcus Russell today


I'm not sure what is going on but I'm not digging it.


deepie said...

This falls in line with Shanallenhan's tendency to take a look at every potential available player to try to improve the talent level. I don't mind that we're looking at him. If he gained some humility through all the adversity he's been through, maybe he could be an asset. It's not like we have to spend the 1st overall pick in the draft for him.

I don't like the timing of bringing a QB in though. There's enough controversy caused by Shanny's botching of the reasons for pulling McNabb late in the last game. Bringing in QBs now just adds to the speculation.

j, k, and s's d said...

After listening to most of the principals involved in the McNabb benching yesterday, I feel a little more comfortable with it.

I'm not saying that I liked the decision but it does seem to have settled down a bit.

The timing of Russell and Losman showing up is bad but the likelihood of either of them getting signed is minimal. Still, it only added fuel to the fire so it is more of an annoyance than anything.

Rob said...

Shanny tanked the season by undercutting his clear leader in the locker room.

There is zero chance McNabb will be back next year.

Scott said...

Come on Robs, Sexy Rexy, Kyle and McNubb went out for beers the other night. Everything is fine. It was the hamstrings, that's it. Hilarious.

Rob said...

No, Rex and McNabb went out to dinner. Kyle said he was invited but couldn't make it. McNabb made a point to say Kyle was not invited.

It's not good when the QB calls the OC a liar twice in one week. Kyle said McNabb was told he may be benches which McNabb denied.

Rob said...

Benched not benches. Sorry.

j, k, and s's d said...

I did not hear the part of McNabb saying that he wasn't invited for beers. Grant Paulsen (Redskins beat reporter for 106.7) twittered that he was invited. Just curious where McNabb said that Kyle wasn't invited. Frankly, who cares? Maybe Rexy invited Kyle unbeknownst to McNabb.

As far as knowing about the benching ahead of time, the word benching probably was never used but just maybe there was a misinterpretation on what the plan/expectations were. Again, who knows?

A cheerful McNabb also said before he left for vacation, that he was fine with Kyle and the two of them have a very good relationship. Again, it is common for coaches and players to disagree. It's like a marriage. You fight but you don't lose respect and it doesn't mean that you don't get along.

I don't doubt that there are some issues there. However, I don't believe that they are as big as Robs wants to make them out to be. Whether McNabb returns or not is yet to be determined. Certainly, his return does not look as good as it did a week ago. It would be disappointing to lose out on him because even though his play hasn't been that great, he does bring much needed leadership and respect to the team and I'm sure his teammates enjoy that part about him. That said, it may be hard to pay a 34 year old guy $12-$14M a year for 3 years that they don't feel can run the offense but keep around mostly for leadership qualities. The tough part is that we gave up the 2nd round pick and seems like we should have done a better job of research and investigation before making the trade if we didn't intend to sign him for longer.

We'll see how it all plays out. However, while I disagreed with the pulling of McNabb, I do believe it has blown over as best as it can possibly blow over.

Rob said...

Quoting from the linked story:

"Clearly, though, something is wrong. Too much smoke is flying around Redskins Park. Communication between coaches and quarterback looks broken. An example of this came after Kyle Shanahan, answering a question that came at the prodding of a Redskins official, said the relationship with McNabb is good and as evidence of this offered that McNabb and Grossman went out on Monday night and invited him along. A few minutes later, McNabb, on a weekly radio appearance he makes on a station owned by Redskins owner Dan Snyder, confirmed that he went to dinner with Grossman but said “no” when asked if he asked any coaches to join them."

Rob said...

McNabb is a true professional and without him the Deadskins would not be 4-4. Other QBs would fight back when their coaches are throwing them under the proverbial bus, but McNabb doesn't fan the flames of discontent.

That said, there is no way he is back in DC next year. I'm not doing anything to create a controversy or to blow this up. I have no power whatsoever to do that - it is already blown up and it is already a real controversy.

j, k, and s's d said...

We'll see how it all plays out.

You seem to think it is a disaster as you always do. While I don't and never have liked the decision to pull him, it seems to have blown over as best it can. Again, Paulsen reiterated my sentiments on 106.7.

It's hard if we have a conversation several days ago and then need to tell everyone about the conversation, I am sure we will not agree 100% on what was and wasn't said as we relay our recollections to everyone. When we communicate, we have a perception of what we want to get across and sometimes we are confident that we got that message across but we come to find out that the person we were talking to did not get that message.

Look, I don't doubt that there are some issues but I truly don't believe that it is a disaster as you seem to think. Now I don't know if McNabb will return. In the Post, there is an article showing how many times McNabb has said from the point he came to D.C. to even a couple of days ago on how he intends to stay in D.C. It may be spin. He may be lying. Who knows? Who knows if/what the Skins are offering? We'll see how it plays out.

Rob said...

I'm not understanding your point. Why do we need to tell people about our conversations? Who cares?

McNabb's not coming back - there is an interesting piece about Jake the Snake on Yahoo and how ridiculously demanding (i.e., unreasonable) Shanny is. McNabb has no reason to put up with his crap when he will have other options.

j, k, and s's d said...

That's right. We don't need to tell people about our conversations. Athletes get asked and sometimes tell. The point is basically things get lost in translation.

I don't doubt Shanny has his fans and his critics. Every coach does. Many players do. Freddie Mitchell said McNabb should have been benched a long time ago. Of course, that is Freddie Mitchell and he harbors some bitterness towards McNabb as I am sure Jake does of Shanny. So what?

It boils down to you think it is a disaster and, while I don't like the decision, I think it seems to have blown over as best it possibly can. In the end, we'll see where/how it ends.

With that, I am assuming that is the end of this although I have a good feeling that you will want to incite some more.

Rob said...

How am I inciting? I've given you my opinion just as you have given your opinion.

Or are you inciting?

I don't get it. Whatever.

Rob said...

As for whether it is a disaster or not - we'll see. And we'll see if McNabb returns.

But, I will venture to say that there are many, many Deadskin fans - including perhaps some of the regulars here who think this is a disaster.

Scott said...

Disaster or not, here's the reality: McNubb has 8 games left to prove that he should either be the starter here or elsewhere. The good thing is that if the team starts playing better and he is improving, odds are that he will stay and garner the huge dollars that I'm sure he wants. If they finish the year only winning a few more close winse, the Skins may get a good first round pick, which surely would be a QB. Sexy Rexy would start until that QB is ready.

McNubb may be a great leader during the offseason, but it takes a great leader during the season to motivate his teammates and improve the performance of everyone, including his own. It's all up to him. This is a big business.