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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It's hard to find the words that can describe last night's Skins game. It's probably best to forget it and try our best to put it behind us. Just a few thoughts on the game:

1. We were beaten in every facet of the game (offense, defense, special teams, coaching).

2. It was the Michael Vick show and he was unbelievable. It truly is hard to believe that a guy could spend two years in jail and then not only make it back to the NFL but potentially be its MVP.

3. VERY disappointed in the defense. I think it was a combination of game planning and execution but we just didn't have an answer for Vick. It seemed as though we would have/should have pressured more and keep Landry as a shadow on Vick and force Vick to make plays. However, it seems that what we did was rush down linemen, play the safeties back to avoid giving up the big play, and had the LBs drop back about 7 yards and watch for Vick and contain him. It obviously didn't work. I love Lorenzo Alexander but he missed a number of opportunities to tackle Vick and keep him from scrambling for a first down. However, you can't really blame the guy. You are basically asking a converted O lineman to stop Michael Vick. Not going to happen. It's putting him in a position to fail. Just a bad job overall on defense.

4. The first TD there was obvious holding on Orakpo. I literally said as I watched the play, "Holding. HOLDING. HOLDING!!!" I said it three times even before Vick threw the ball. After the catch, I was certain I would see a flag. Disappointed to have not seen the flag and I was upset for a short time but it proved that it really didn't matter as we couldn't stop Vick.

5. McNabb was decent. In fact, the offense showed sparks and when we actually seemed to dominate the second quarter...unfortunately by that time, it was already 35-0. We did get two TDs to make it 35-14 and then got the ball back except McNabb ended up throwing and INT in our side of the field that the Iggles turned into points. That was a critical point. Just a throw in...Galloway sucks and I have no idea why he is on the team.

In the end, it's a loss. It was embarrassing. What will be most interesting is how we respond next week against VY and the TITians. Will we take this loss as an embarrassment and come out angry and show some pride or will we be so shell shocked at this outcome that it affects our play next week. We'll see.

Until then...HAIL SKINS!!!


Scott said...

I wish the quarterback rating went higher than 151.8 because Vick would have had it.

The sad thing is that the defense does have enough talent to avoid something like that from happening. They need to do some soul searching.

It's obvious that the offense is lacking talent in key skill roles. I hate the Skins' receivers. Technically, I don't even like Santana Moss anymore. The Skins would be wise to try to trade his ass if they can. Armstrong is average, but he's not the kind of player to be used like they are using him. F-Ing Joey G. just drops balls. The running game is a joke and the O-Line is even worse. I think the McNabb signing will work out ok if the line can just give him some time to throw and the receivers catch the damn balls. I heard today that they may not have such a bad hit if they decide to cut McNabb this summer, but who cares, it's only Snyder's money and he's cursed.

Rob said...

Man that was some kind of beatdown.

There is no question that the Eagles are a better team, but I think you can also throw out the tape to some extent. Vick played the game of his life. This is not exaggerating - it was one of the best games ever played by an NFL QB. He isn't going to do that week in and week out.

This could be somewhat of a fluke or it could be something worse. We'll see how they respond, but I would throw out the tape and just move on if I were Shanny.

j, k, and s's d said...

Scott is more reactionary and what I consider a typical football fan.

The Skins don't suck but they most definitely had a sucky game...especially on defense.

I also believe that Vick had the game of his life. What's interesting is that he is having a great year and it is amazing that a guy who was in jail for 2 years was not only able to come back to the NFL but play at an MVP level. I think going to jail was probably the best thing that ever happened to him. He lost everything and I think it humbled him and also helped him realize what is important in life and recognize how privileged he is and also who is real friends are. He has learned a lot about himself and also that being a NFL QB is a privilege and that he cannot rely on his athleticism alone but has to work at his craft.

Good for Vick but back to the Skins. It was a terrible game but we have to see how we respond against the Titans.

We are not as bad as that drubbing and the Eagles, while playing as good as anyone in the NFL, are not as good as that thrashing.

Scott said...

Reactionary? More like realistic! Don't blame me for wanting my favorite team to be good enough to compete in the playoffs each year, like we grew up seeing. The Skins won't be there this year. I won't be happy with a team that competes well in their games, but ends up with a 9-7, 8-8, or 7-9 record. Maybe those are the standards that JKSD would like for his team, but not me. Wake up Skins!

j, k, and s's d said...

Dude. Relax. We were 4-12 last year and probably lucky to have won that many games. Rome was not built in a day.

We brought in new coaches, new players, and new schemes. It's an entirely new organization. Did you honestly expect to be 12-4 this year?

I had said that if we go 8-8 this year it will be a tremendous achievement. We are 4-5 with a lot of football left to be played. I would still be happy with 8-8 this year. That would mean we doubled our wins from last year.

Am I happy about the drubbing we took on MNF? Of course not but it was one game and I know we are not as bad as we played. I expect to see good, competitive football for the rest of the year with improvements being shown week to week. I expect to win a few more games and then build for next year and expect better success next year. That is what I expect.

I'm in it for the long haul and will not jump on or off the bandwagon with one win or one loss.

JSR said...

Chad Dukes Rant

Hit it right on. This is exactly why I stopped being a Redskins fan through this Dan Snyder era. This is exactly why I CANNOT root for the Redskins.

Rob said...

Amen. You won't hear this kind of reality on 980 because Danny Boy owns the station.

SSDD as long as Snyder owns this team. It's all about marketing with that guy. Chadd hits it right on the head.

Maybe Shanny will get things turned around. I thought they were making progress until the McNabb benching and now the crazy Monday night game. We'll see how the rest of the season turns out, but I don't think much of the contract they gave McNabb and I still suspect he will be gone next year (with an additional $3.5M check on the way out).

You'll also see a new D-coordinator (Wade Phillips?) - I don't see how Haslett stays if things don't dramatically improve.

I gave up on Snyder's nonsense years ago and I feel great. Good luck Deadskin fans - hopefully for you, you won't have to wait until Snyder sells the team or dies (he is a young man) for the next Super Bowl. Given the things Snyder has done and said in the past to respected players and coaches, I don't think he has the Karma to win - let alone the temperament, patience, or football management skills.