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Friday, November 12, 2010

Skins vs. Eagles preview

Eagles come to town for a big Monday night game. It’s a critical game for a number of reasons many of which we already know (divisional game, Eagles are one game up on the Skins, McNabb facing his old team, first game coming off of the McNabb benching controversy, MNF and a national audience). Keys to the game are as follows:

1. Stop Vick. We knocked him out early in the game the first go around but we were able to contain him while he was in there. We need to do a similar job this time around. I imagine Landry will be shadowing him and will have to key on him.
2. Stop LeSean McCoy. We hurt him too in the first game but he definitely hurt us while he was in the game.
3. Stop the Eagle WRs. I know these are all obvious things but I will still bring them up. Do NOT let Jackson get behind our DBs. The WRs were a virtual non factor in the first game but I don’t expect that to be the case this go around. We really need to keep these guys in front of us and not give up the big play.
4. Stop the Eagle pass rush. Our line has been suspect and there is no question the Eagles defense will be attacking. We need to most definitely watch that double A gap blitz. The RB will have to pick that up and help out. McNabb needs to recognize this at the line and make any necessary adjustments to counter that.
5. Ride the love Torain. Torain should be back and we need to get that running game going. He had a good game the first time around and has been solid while he has been given the opportunity to start so he needs to continue that strong running game. Looks like CP will not play as he suffered a little set back this week in practice and not sure he is game ready.
6. Get Cooley involved. He presents mismatches and we need to utilize him more. The same could be said for Fred Davis. Would love to see two TE sets for blocking purposes and then mix in passes to these guys as they release for a route.
7. McNabb needs to shine. We all know about the benching and it has created quite the story but as I thought, it does seem to have blown over as best as possible. McNabb has been honest in that he was upset about the benching but that he has cleared the air with Shanny. McNabb said yesterday that he has a friendship with Kyle. Shanny yesterday pretty much admitted he was wrong without actually admitting he was wrong in his decision. Bottom line, it seems that there is no question that McNabb is the starter and that there is no controversy and everyone is ready to move forward. That said, there is also no question that that “controversy” will be a big story on MNF leading up to the game. It would be outstanding if he came out and had a big game to silence everyone and again stick it to his former team.

My prediction is that we are coming off of a much needed bye week. The crowd has been a factor in all of our home games and I expect that to continue. I think most everyone will be rooting for McNabb and he will feed off of that. I expect him to have a good game and I expect the coaches to put him in a position to be successful. In the end, I think home field advantage will be the difference and the Skins will come out with a 24-16 win.



Rob said...

We won't know whether the McNabb thing has blown over until they play. Talk is cheap spin until it is backed up on the field.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't think for a minute that there is any type of controversy. That said, if McNabb goes out there and throws 4 INTs a la Jeff Cutler, I wouldn't be surprised to see a change.

Still, there will not be any type of short leash or anything like that. This is McNabb's team but he has to start picking up his game. The leadership qualities he has brought have been terrific but his play needs to improve.

Rob said...

There isn't a controversy between McNabb and Rex. The controversy is the disrespect Shanny has for McNabb.

Those are two different things. If the Deadskins lose tonight and McNabb is average - not great but not bad - then this discussion is still going to continue.

In the end, the controversy will be over if the 'Skins win some games and if McNabb signs on for next year. Both of these are unlikely to happen in my opinion.

Last night's ESPN Sunday Conversation was between Mike Tirico and McNabb and it was all about the benching. That shows you the national implications of the benching and that it is an ongoing issue.

j, k, and s's d said...

Of course that is what they will talk about. What else would they talk about?

The media loves to jump on this. Then they will dig to try and create a story. McNabb has said that he has a friendship with Kyle and that he has ironed everything out and he is comfortable with it and is ready to move on. He has said that he was upset with the benching but he has moved past it. McNabb seems like a pretty straight shooter so I will take him for his word.

Lets not forget that McNabb has not been that great this year.

Agree that winning cures everything.

I do hope McNabb plays well tonight for a number of reasons.

Rob said...

McNabb hasn't played well because his O-line has struggled and he has only one legitimate wide receiver. Cooley is a nice target, but they don't really stretch the field.

On top of that, their running backs don't scare anyone.

I don't know what people (including Shanny) wants from McNabb. He is doing about as well as can be expected.

j, k, and s's d said...

Many QBs in the league are under duress. Washington's avg/carry is right in the middle of the pack in the league (ranked 16). Moss and Cooley are quality pass catchers. Armstrong has been solid as well.

Yes, there are other issues but McNabb is not without fault. He has missed a number of receivers by throwing the ball too high/low. Who knows how many receivers he has missed by not making the correct reads. This, by the way, is more why there has been issues with the coaching staff and him.

I like him but it's obvious he is struggling and to say/think that he is without fault would not be correct.

Again, I hope he does well tonight for a number of reasons.

Rob said...

Put Rex in with the same conditions and you will get worse results.

McNabb is a great QB who is accomplishing things for this team that other QBs would not be able to accomplish.

Look at what JC is doing out in Oakland now that he has some time. When JC was here people complained. Now people are complaining about McNabb. Put Tom Brady on this team and you would get largely the same results.

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree that if we put Rex in we will have worse results because Rexy is not very good.

So you think McNabb has been flawless?

I think if you ask McNabb himself he would say he needs to play better. Cooley said on the radio that he likes McNabb and what he brings but agrees that he hasn't been playing his best. The entire offense has not been playing that great and they all recognize it. They all say the same thing. I have heard many players and coaches say that the line needs to play better, the RBs need to play better, the WRs need to play better, the QB needs to play better, the coaching needs to coach better.

Rob said...

I haven't said flawless - where have I said that?

Looks like the Deadskins signed McNabb to a long-term contract. $40M guaranteed.

It is truly amazing - they chose the most expensive solution possible to end the controversy. I just looks like the same old reactionary B.S. they pull out.