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Monday, November 29, 2010


Skins lose to the Viqueens 17-13. I am disappointed for a variety of reasons. Here are my thoughts:

1. Great opening drive for the Skins. The question is what happened after that? We were clicking on all cylinders on that first drive. We spread the ball around and it really looked great. After that, the offense pretty much disappeared.

2. Too many dropped balls. Both Cooley and Moss dropped balls on a drive in the second quarter that would've resulted in first downs but their drops killed the drive. Armstrong dropped a ball in the fourth quarter right after his bomb that would have set up a second and short. Moss had the ball right off his hands on that slant deep in our territory that ricocheted off of him and ended up getting picked off. Those dropped balls hurt bad.

3. No running game. We were totally one dimensional yesterday. I understand we have injuries to our first and second string RBs but what happened to Keiland Williams? Was he hurt too? Why was that guy they just brought in playing so much? We just didn't commit to the running game and that hurt.

4. Illegal blocks. Riley had two illegal blocks on PRs. The first one didn't really have much of an impact but the second one cost us a Brandon Banks TD. The sad part about that one was that the illegal block had no impact on the play. Banks looked to have already been passed the guy that got that illegal block. That was a killer.

5. Didn't like our defense. We held up pretty well but we didn't do as a good job stopping the run as we should have. I would have liked to see a commitment to stop the run and pressure on Favre and have Favre beat us. We didn't apply the kind of pressure that I would have liked to see because we should have had Favre try and beat us and I'm confident he would have thrown a couple of INTs.

6. Favre's naked bootleg. C'mon! Letting him have that first down was ridiculous. Ole man Favre making that play? The thing was there were like three guys running away from him as he rolled out. If just one of those guys commits to Favre that does not happen.

7. Bomb to Armstrong. It was underthrown. If he had hit Armstrong in stride, it was an easy TD. I understand he had a guy in his face and took a hit but still Donovan has got to make that throw.

There are always would'ves and should'ves but in the end we lost. At the start of the season, I never expected to make the playoffs this year but I was disappointed because this was a game I expected to win and we just didn't show the kind of consistency and improvement I would have liked to see at this point.

Anyways, it's over and it's time to move on to next week.



JSR said...

Hell yeah!

I just love how it was Favre that made the play to seal the game. Old man Favre with his 10 yard scamper. Couldnt have asked for more in Favre's career long contest with the Skins. 5-0 against the Redskins. The final game against the Redskins being decided by a play that Favre made to bury the skins and all but put them out of playoff contention.

Fun game overall... def awesome to go see my boy live!

j, k, and s's d said...

Favre was pretty much a non factor in the game until that last play.

I'm happy for you that you got to see him play.

Again, I didn't have playoff aspirations at the beginning of the year. However, I was disappointed in this game because of the lack of consistency and what seemed like a lot of points being left out on the field.

Rob said...

I just hope Favre is the QB in Minnesota when the Bears come to town.

This game between the Queens and Deadskins played out about as expected. It could have gone either way, but both teams stink, so nobody really cares.

Looks like the Deadskins will finish below .500 - which is what I expected.

JSR said...

Dont worry. Favre will be there to destroy the carebears. I fully expect the bears to collapse, possibly go 0-5 or 1-4 from here on out. they are about as over rated as the 2001 Chicago Bears which means they should lose to the Lions this sunday at Detroit (barely beat them at soldier field), then def lose to a better Patriots team, and lose to the revamped Vikings in a loud Metrodome, then lose to a better Jets team, and then lose to the Packers at Lambeau. They will finish 9-7 or 8-8.

possibly over taken by Vikings for the division title.

Rob said...

Dude, someone needs a cup of coffee to wake up from the stupor that he's in!

8-3 is 8-3. You are your record. You can say they are overrated, but they have the second best record in the NFC and would have a bye in the first round of the playoffs if the season ended today.

The Bears have played tough D all year and their return game is the best in the NFL - they can break one off at any time. Those two things should ensure that they win a few more games.

Like I said, I just hope Favre is the QB against the Bears. We'll get at least three turnovers out of him which should be enough to win the game.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't think the Bears are particularly great either. Still, they have an 8-3 mark and they beat a Philly team although Philly seemed to be making a come back at the end.

They have to be considered a contender. However, personally I am still not sold on them.

Rob said...

Making a comeback? The Bears went into a prevent, soft zone coverage and Philly dinked and dunked their way down the field. Vick threw one amazing pass, but come on, the Bears completely controlled the game starting just before halftime.

The INT led to a TD right before half. The Bears took the ball immediately after halftime down the field and scored a TD, and then they had a 10+ minute drive for a field goal that completely ate up the 3rd quarter.

Anyone who watched the game could see that the Bears D controlled Vick and the Eagles.

j, k, and s's d said...

Controlled Vick and the Eagles? Vick threw for 333 yards and ran for another 40+. The Eagles gained nearly 400 total yards. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they controlled him/them.

I watched the game on Replay last night and it certainly didn't seem one sided. I agree with some of your points like:

1. Bears had good special teams.
2. Bears defense had their safeties play WAY back towards the end of the game so as not to give up a bigger play so Vick had no choice but to check down but still it wasn't like it was garbage throws.
3. The turnover before the half was the play of the game. That was a 14 point swing.

There were other specific plays that went the Bears way but again, all games come down to a few plays and you can say could've/should've/would've. In the end, the Pears won and good for them.

Personally, I'm not sold on them being one of the best teams.

JSR said...

The Bears are not considered an elite team yet. I personally dont think they are or will be this year. In my opinion, they will struggle against 3/4 out of the last 5 teams they have to play. They have a tough road. I think it may come down to the final week.

But this is their chance. If they can win the division by winning games, they will have my vote as an elite team for this year.

If they dont beat out the Packers, meaning they lose one more game than the packers, and lose to the packers, then they can make it in the playoffs as a wild card. But that would mean that they would have to beat the Jets, Patriots, and Vikings and Lions. They will have to keep pace with the Giants/Eagles, Saints/Falcons, and Bucs that way. All the teams have fairly tough decembers. Again I dont think they will win more than 1 or 2 games the rest of the season. The question is will the other teams. They wont make it in as a wildcard by winning 1 or 2 games because of their tough schedule and I think one or two of the above NFC teams will capture the opportunity.

Again the chance is with the Bears to control their destiny. Unless they are elite team that can win against for now considered superior teams (excluding the Vikings and Lions), the Bears best hope of Being in the playoffs hinges on how the Packers do and how the above NFC teams do.

Rob said...

The Bears utterly controlled Vick and the Eagles, especially after the turnover. Vick was sacked 4 times, fumbled 4 times and threw the one interception. The overwhelming majority of Vick's yards were tied to the dinks and dunks that the Bears were willing to give up - that was their plan. Giving up the yards was no problem because it was exactly the plan.

Did you watch the 10+ minute drive that ate up the 3rd quarter?

Frankly, if Vick doesn't hit that long TD pass right at the end of the game - good throw, but very lucky if you ask me - then the score would have been more indicative of the way the game played out.

Look, I don't really care whether you guys think the Bears are any good or not. You've said all year that they aren't and you will hold that opinion no matter what I say. They are 8-3 and they just keep on winning - I'm good with that. Their D and Special Teams have been playing at a championship level all year and their O is getting better. Those are objective facts when you look at the statistics. We'll see what happens over the last 5 games. First round bye is what I expect at this point, and I am hoping they end up with the best record in the NFC. If the road to the Super Bowl goes through Chicago - we will be the NFC Champs.

JSR said...

A quick note:

the numbers 8-3 seem very familiar.

it was the Brett Favre led, 8-3 Jets in 2008 that I was boasting going into week 13. who also were second place in the playoff run... having just beaten the first place and previously undefeated Tennessee Titans.

Things changed quickly as the Jets went 1-4 and missed the playoffs.

All im saying is it could happen especially with the Bears schedule.

Rob said...

Yeah, but thank God we don't have Brett Favre as our QB. If we did, then I might still be worried.

Also, that Jets team had some defensive issues as I recall. That's not the case for the Bears.

If we beat the Lions this week. We just need to go 2-2 to make the playoffs. If the Bears lose this week, I will start to sweat a bit.

JSR said...

One things for sure, itll be fun to watch what unfolds. I really hope it comes down to week 17 Bears at Packers. If its not a Sunday night game (flex scheduling), we should get together for that one.