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Monday, October 25, 2010

Time to go home, Favre

He sucks. Sure, he almost pulled it out in the end but he didn't and he had a pretty poor game throwing 3 INTs (one for a pick six and the other leading to GB TD). Favre's three picks came in a span of seven of his 29 passes, and led directly to 14 Packers points. What's worse is that Childress is openly criticizing the QB and their already tense relationship is certainly taking another hit. In talking about Favre's INTs, Childress stated, "Yeah, the one to Bishop,'' he said. "I'd have to look at that, cause I'd like to know where we're going with the football, because I believe the play was designed to go to the other side and I think Percy's (Harvin) standing there in big air. So not sure why we're looking at the left-hand side.''

What's annoying is that Favre wants to always portray himself as the warrior. He makes a bad play and then is seen limping and just seems like he is looking for sympathy or for the crowd to just think "Wow! Look at this courageous legend." He reminds me of the spoiled kid in the neighborhood who wants to play QB but sucks and then whenever he makes a bad play will cover it up with an excuse. I'm sure the ankle got tweaked but what was silly was that when he would run a play, he was fine. It was only in between plays when he was really limping. Again, if you are having such a difficult time walking, how can you run a play and look fine? Or if it is hurting you as badly as it seems, wouldn't you consider coming out and letting someone healthy play because it just might give your TEAM a better shot at winning?

This whole season has been a debacle for Favre so far. He hasn't played well. The team is struggling. His return to GB was a bad showing and the crowd that loved him for so many years booed him loudly at the beginning and end of the game. On top of that, the day started with more reporting about the Favre/Jenn Sterger story with Favre admitting he left Sterger messages. No doubt Favre is questioning why he let those three Vikings buddies convince him to leave the family farm in southern Mississippi two months ago. For this? For 2-4? For an embarrassing game on the Lambeau sod in what is quite likely his last trip there?

I have said before that I used to be a Favre fan; however, it's pretty sad to see what has become of him. Again, he went from being one of the most celebrated and beloved players in NFL history to a guy that is polarizing and divisive and a guy that has lost most of the love from the proud fans of GB. A guy that looks 61 instead of 41 out there trying to play and recapture some of his youthful glory. A guy that has been exposed for infidelities and admissions of guilt. Go home, Brett and try and work on your family.


Rob said...

I just hope he is the starter in three weeks in Chicago.

That will be a sight to see. Cutler will throw 4 INTs and Favre will throw 5. It will break some NFL record.

JSR said...

"He makes a bad play and then is seen limping and just seems like he is looking for sympathy or for the crowd"


Favre has 290+ starts in a row.

Favre has played through numerous injuries.

Favre limped off the field from an ankle injury. Same ankle he had surgery on this offseason. And continued to limp off the field after the game

Favre has enough money and isnt playing for the money.

"Favre's three picks came in a span of seven of his 29 passes, and led directly to 14 Packers points."


With three ints, Favre and Vikings still had a chance to win it. They were with in 6 inches away from winning on two separate plays.

"What's worse is that Childress is openly criticizing the QB and their already tense relationship is certainly taking another hit."


Everything concerning Favre is under a microscope these days.

Chilly has said worse. Last year even when they were winning consistently.

No coach will talk good about a BAD play.

Bad plays happen.

Favre has more good plays than bad plays.

"For this? For 2-4? For an embarrassing game on the Lambeau sod in what is quite likely his last trip there?


Vikings are 2-4.

Vikings are only 1.5 games out of first place with two games against a weak Chicago team, and a game against GB in Minnesota.

"I have said before that I used to be a Favre fan; however"



JSK DAD is not a FAVRE FAN and I dont consider him to have ever been one.

"Again, he went from being one of the most celebrated and beloved players in NFL history to a guy that is polarizing and divisive "


The above quote is 100% opinion and def not an accurate representation of Brett Favre.

The above quote makes me, and would make most people question whether JSK dad is confused about who Brett Favre is.


JSK dad has a Bias hate for Brett Favre.


No one really knows why.


No one really cares about who Favre has a crush on except for apparently people who love watching drama - soap operas are a good alternative.

No one really cares about whether his marraige is going well or not.

FACT: media is all over Favre,
Favre is not all about the Media.

deepie said...

Life is rough for Favre fans everywhere. I like the guy and I want to see him succeed, but I am leaning towards the opinion that he's become more of a detriment to the team at this point. It's not easy to win in GB, so it's hard to say he was completely at fault, but if he keeps throwing picks, who else can you blame?

Rob said...

If he isn't in it for the money, why did the Queen have to pony up an extra $3 million plus incentives to get him to play?

$24-$28 million to play this year. What a guy. He's only doing it for the love of the game. RIGHT!

JSR said...

again... its easy. The Vikings wanted him to play. To convince him, they paid him more. He did not hold out or say give me this much money and ill play. hes 41. he has no reason other than for the love of the game and his teammates.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, I love all of the "FACTS." I'm glad you have this undying love for Favre but you really don't know whether I was a Favre fan or not. You can have your belief but I am telling you that you are WAY off. I used to really enjoy Favre. Particularly in the 90s when GB was up and coming and trying to beat up on the Cowboys.

However, he has become a side show. The feelings most Packer fans have of him now is how I feel about him. Those same Packer fans that booed him loudly yesterday EVEN after he was hurt and walked off the field hurt were the same Packer fans that cheered loudly for him when he was with them. I share the same feelings as them. You have to understand that there isn't a whole lot in Green Bay and Favre was a demigod there but he broke everyone's heart by doing what he did.

Now he's allowed to do whatever he wants but the consequences are that he is no longer seen as the beloved person he once was. Had he stayed retired when he originally retired, his HOF induction ceremony would have been a spectacle with the entire state of Wisconsin coming out to see him. He is still an obvious first ballot HOFer but the feelings will be much different. Packer fans are proud and faithful and he abandoned them and he broke their hearts.

Now he sucks. He is trying to come across as this warrior but he is throwing bad INTs that are costing his team games. Again, he looks 20 years older than the already old guy that he is out there. Go home, Favre and quit taking pictures of your hog.

JSR said...

You just went from being a "Favre Fan" to "enjoying watching Favre Play"

I am sorry but that is not being a fan. Fan is derived from the word FANATIC. Which I highly doubt you ever were for the Hall of Fame QB.

I enjoy watching Peyton Manning play. Am I a fanatic of Peyton Manning. Clearly not. Big difference there.

All of what you say is total speculation and generalizations. About whatll happen when he retires and what ALL Packer fans in Wisconsin believe and that ALL their hearts are broken. Yeah they booed him. He is not a Packer anymore. He is a Viking. He wears purple not Green and Yellow. He plays for the Packers' arch rivals. Packer fans will boo him. Just like any Redskin fan would boo Joe Gibbs if he returned to Fed Ex field coaching the Cowboys. But when its all said and done I have little doubt that they will embrace the QB that delivered so many years of success and a superbowl championship to the state of Wisconsin.

Remember - FAVRE wanted to play and the Packers wanted to "move forward". He had little choice but to go elsewhere and Play. and also... The PACKERS traded him away. It was Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy who ran him out of Green Bay. Favre never said he did not want to come back and play in Green Bay nor did he ever say he wanted to play for the Jets. But to his surprise when he woke up that morning he had been traded to the Jets. The Packers clearly did not want him back. I and many other Packer fans fully understand this and still root for Favre.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, you are thoroughly deluded, buddy.

Fine, if you want to get technical and get technical with the derivation of the word "fan" then sure I suppose I was never "fanatical" about the guy. Sounds to me you are in truly, madly, and deeply in love with the guy and close to needing some psychological treatment over your obsession with this dude.

I enjoyed watching Favre play. I used to root for him. I enjoyed watching him make things out of nothing. I was happy when he won his MVPs and his Super Bowl. I was happy when he had that tremendous MNF game against the Raiders after his dad passed away. I rooted for him in the NFC Championship game against the Giants and thought going to/winning the Super Bowl would be a great way to end a storied career.

The problem is HE BLEW IT ALL!!!

He turned the GB fans against him. Don't go on believing that it was the Packers that turned their backs on him. He turned his back on GB. Why do you think he was booed so loudly? I was surprised that even as he got injured and the game was over as he walked off the field the hate and bitterness felt by the GB fans toward him did not stop them from booing him loudly. There is no question that that hurts him and this also should come as no surprise to anyone.

It's not like McNabb returning to Philly and the warm reception he got. McNabb wanted to be in Philly. He always wanted to stay an Eagle. Philly traded him. The differences are obvious. If you are to blind to see that, I can't help you.

You think he wanted to stay in GB? Are you serious? The Packers gave him every opportunity to stay in GB. They asked him several times in the offseason after he retired if he wanted to come back and he continually said no. The Packers had no choice but to move forward with Rodgers. Then, after all of the preparations by the coaches, the players, the organization, and Rodgers to move forward without Favre, he jumps up and says he wants back in at the 11th hour. Yeah, cool move. Thanks a lot. That's REAL classy. Basically, all the preparations the Packers did in the offseason are shot. It completely disrespects that entire organization and everyone involved in it. It should come as no surprise that the Packers were ticked off by that. If you don't believe that that is the way it went down, I implore you to check the facts.

j, k, and s's d said...

Here is a timeline of events of Favre's retirement:

Feb. 25 - McCarthy calls Favre and discusses how he might be able to lesson the quarterback's load and whether Favre can commit 100%.
Feb. 29 - Favre calls McCarthy and tells him if he had to make a decision now, he would retire. McCarthy tells him to think about it over the weekend.
March 3 - Favre calls McCarthy at a function in Austin, Texas, and tells him he's retiring. McCarthy asked if he needed more time and he said no.
March 4 - Thompson, McCarthy and public relations director Jeff Blumb are in Thompson's office and Blumb reaches Favre on his cell phone. "We got to the point where he wanted to go ahead and make the announcement (in GB)."
March 6 - Favre conducts retirement press conference.
Week of March 24 - Offensive line coach James Campen, stops in to see Favre at his Mississippi home and is asked by Favre whether he thinks the Packers would take him back. Campen reports the conversation to McCarthy and Thompson. McCarthy calls Favre and hears the same things Campen did.
March 27 - Thompson and McCarthy decide they would be fine with Favre returning even though Rodgers is set to begin off-season workouts as the starter, and they inform Favre.
March 29 - McCarthy makes plans to fly to Hattiesburg on April 1 to make plans for Favre's return. McCarthy is leaving for evening Mass when Favre calls to inform him he has changed his mind. "We were all set for them, but Brett called back and that he and Deanna had a long talk about it and they were going to stick with their original decision."
May 6 - Thompson is down South and decides to pay a visit to Favre at his home. "I called him and I don't have any agenda or anything. So I went and visited. We had a long talk and good talk. Nothing really came up other than like with any retired player, you could tell there were a few things that he would throw in there; 'there might be some doubts, I may change my mind,' or something like that. And that was that."
June 8 - Campen goes to Favre's home and has a long talk with Favre and leaves feeling Favre wants to return.
June 20 -- Favre calls McCarthy and the two have a 45-minute conversation in which Favre tells him he might want to play again.
July 4 - Thompson receives a text message from Favre and sends a message back at about 8 p.m. back telling him he's traveling and can they talk on Monday? "By Monday I hadn't heard back from him. I sent him back a text saying, ‘Haven't heard from ya, hope you're getting these messages, can we talk Tuesday at noon?' He got back to me and said 'OK,' that it would be better sooner, but I was kind of doing some other things so we set up a conference call."
July 8 - Favre and his agent, James (Bus) Cook ask Thompson for Favre's release during the conference call. It's understood Favre won't be the starter in Green Bay. "There were, I think, conversations with Mike where both parties acknowledged that time had gone by and the Packers had been asked to move on, or move forward, or whatever."
July 11 - Thompson receives a letter from Favre and Cook formally asking for Favre to be released.

It's clear that the decision to retire was Favre's. GB asked him multiple times to come back and he said no. Then, just as Favre loves to do, when he decides he is ready to play, he expects everyone to drop everything and let him do what he wants. He is such a diva.

At that point, the Packers had moved on and then Favre wants the Packers to give him his unconditional release so he can go sign with the Vikings - a divisional opponent. NO WAY I DO THAT!

There is no question his HOF ceremony won't be nearly as celebrated as if he had just stayed retired when he originally did so. He literally went from being one of the most beloved players to one that is supremely divisive. It's obvious.

JSR said...


“close to needing some psychological treatment over your obsession with this dude”

****I am not the one initiating all of this. Only posting garbage about Brett Favre every other day on my blog website. I’m just the one defending my boy every time there is a bad post. Who is really obsessed?? I am a fanatic supporter of Brett Favre. You are clearly a Fanatic Hater of Favre. Which sounds worse? Maybe we need re look at who needs psychological treatment for obsession.

“It's not like McNabb returning to Philly and the warm reception he got. McNabb wanted to be in Philly. He always wanted to stay an Eagle. Philly traded him. The differences are obvious. If you are to blind to see that, I can't help you.”

There have been trade talks about McNabb the past few years. McNabb was never loved in Philly. Also Favre in Green Bay this past weekend was 3 years later. Even last year when he came to Green Bay there were more cheers. I assure you next year there will be less cheers for McNabb in Philly. Favre means much more to Green Bay and the NFL than Mcnabb to philly and the nfl. When Mcnabb ran on to the field in Philly a few weeks ago, there were no cheers, a few people clapping but mostly the fans were indifferent. They could care less. McNabb could care less. Favre cared. He cared about playing in Green Bay which is why this thing got messy. If he didn’t care, the “break up” would have been clean like the Mcnabb breakup from philly. Your timeline excludes key points from Favre’s point of view. Believe me, I know the whole Favre story. I followed it extremely closely.

Keep posting about FAVRE my friend and ill keep on coming back to defend.

deepie said...

I like this...Both of you should keep it up.

j, k, and s's d said...

True. It's my blog so I am free to post what I choose. You are welcome to start your own blog and profess your love for Favre each and every day.

TECHNICALLY I am not a FANATICAL hater of Favre just as, in your eyes, I was never a FANATICAL of Favre when he played in GB. I just happen to think he is an arse now. He is a diva and guy that only thinks about himself and also a cheater. Those are some great qualities and reasons to love the guy.

"When Mcnabb ran on to the field in Philly a few weeks ago, there were no cheers, a few people clapping but mostly the fans were indifferent. They could care less."

Are you serious? Did you see the introductions? From ESPN, "McNabb drew a standing ovation from the fans of his former team when he was introduced Sunday before the Washington Redskins' game at the Linc." He got a standing ovation for several minutes. I can post up video of it if you would like. Why do you think the fans vilify Favre so much? Last year, Favre's reception at Lambeau was even worse because the sting was that much more fresh. For a guy that followed the story SO closely, you don't seem to remember this very well. Again, why do you think there is such a difference b/t the receptions for McNabb in Philly and Favre in GB? Favre was not NEARLY at criticized in his time in GB as McNabb was in Philly yet McNabb got by far the better reception. Think about this.

If Favre cared about playing in GB, why did he retire and then change his mind and then change his mind again and then not accept coming into camp as a backup and then want his unconditional release so he could sign with the Vikings - a divisional opponent? He had chance after chance after chance to come back to GB and he chose not to. GB extended many olive branches and he never reached out to grab it.

My timeline excludes key points? Please enlighten us on what the key points are since you followed the reports so closely. I would love to hear them.

JSR said...

Read this transcript at the link below.,2933,397683,00.html

Read AP timeline below
Specifically JUNE 20
June 20 -- Tells Packers coach Mike McCarthy he wants to come back: "When he picked up the phone again after he dropped it, he said, 'Oh, God, Brett. You're putting us in a tight spot. He said, 'Brett, playing here is not an option.' Those were his exact, exact words."

The thing here is understanding why Favre left the Packers. He was given no choice. He wanted to play. He felt like he could play. They did not want him back after a certain date.

The first time Rodgers took the field at Lambeau, he was booed. The behavior of the Packers organization was totally wrong with regards to Favre.

Favre was reinstated and asked to compete for his starting job. The question is WHY? Brett Favre has a great year… Brett Favre retired… Brett Favre wants to play again… Packers reinstate… Packers ask Favre to compete for his starting job. That makes no sense! If the Packers were so intent on moving forward, why even re-instate him at all. They were cut-throat about it because they knew that Favre would not go for competing for his own job. Favre wanted to play for the Packers. As his body and mind healed, he realized that he did not want to retire. He was backed into a corner by the Packers.

With regards to booing and cheering:

The Fans booed loudly for Favre because they cared to boo loudly. No one in Philly cares that McNabb is gone. They have no problem with him. He poses no threat to them. So they gave him a standing ovation out of the fact that he was their qb for 11 years. There was no emotion in it. If Mcnabb was really beloved in philly and if Philly fans really cared, they would have booed the crap out of him for playing for their rivals now. If Andy Reid really thought Mcnabb posses a threat, I doubt they would have traded him to a division rival. The above article clearly says that the packers did not want to trade Favre to a division rival or a contender. They wanted to purposely sabotage his success. Tell me THAT right there is not divisive.

“It's almost like the fans are saying, "Hey, Brett. You didn't want us? We don't need you! We're happy with the new guy because he is one of us and he will get our support." --------------- more speculation and generalizations.

They booed because the Vikings a division rival were taking the field. Its Lambeau field. Not the Metrodome. What else would you expect. They are not going to cheer for the Vikings or Favre who had just beaten them 4 weeks prior. Be realistic here.

If I started my own blog and posted about Brett Favre every other day on it (positives or negatives) I would probably consider myself obsessed and in need of psychotherapy. All I am doing is responding to the garbage that is written in you posts.

j, k, and s's d said...

I read the transcript in the link you provided and what is different? In the transcript I provided, it too says that on June 20, "Favre calls McCarthy and the two have a 45-minute conversation in which Favre tells him he might want to play again." It shouldn't be a surprise that McCarthy tells him that Favre is putting him in a tight spot. This came after three opportunities for Brett to come back - 2/25, 3/3, and 3/29. Read those dates and you'll see how they were willing to accommodate Favre to stay a Packer.

Later Favre would complain that the Packers pressured him into retiring early and give a decision prior to the draft. There is nothing wrong with that. The Packer organization did not want to have another situation they had in 2006 when Favre said he was going to retire and then went through much of the offseason staying retired only to come back. I am assuming you would agree that losing your starting QB would have an impact on your draft and it shouldn't be a surprise that they wanted an answer sooner rather than later so they could plan their draft and then not have to go through what they did the previous year with him. The Packers were more than accommodating to his needs the last couple of years. How can you dispute that? Wouldn't you agree that they gave him more than enough chances to come back or are you saying that they should keep on asking him even though he has said no multiple times and in the chance that he decides to return after 10 times of asking, they should just bow down to him and let him come back no questions asked? Is that what you are saying?

Why doesn't it make sense for him to have to compete for his starting job? At that point, the Packers had built their offense around Rodgers and had done months of planning (by coaches and players alike) to get Rodgers ready to take over. If Favre wanted to stay a Packer than go in there and earn your job.

j, k, and s's d said...

Part 2.

You say, "the packers did not want to trade Favre to a division rival or a contender. They wanted to purposely sabotage his success." Why would you trade him to a divisional rival? What sense would that make? They were not going to give him outright release as he asked for because he would have signed within the division - again that could have hurt the Packers. They agreed to trade him but it would have to be outside of the division. Complicating matters was Favre's unique contract gave him the leverage to void any potential trade by not reporting to the camp of the team he might be traded to if the Packers elect to go that route. As a result, there were not going to be a whole lot of takers.

You say, "The Fans booed loudly for Favre because they cared to boo loudly. No one in Philly cares that McNabb is gone. They have no problem with him. He poses no threat to them. So they gave him a standing ovation out of the fact that he was their qb for 11 years."

Okay, first at least you now agree with me that the Philly fans gave McNabb a standing ovation. Second, I have NO idea what you are talking about when you say that they booed Favre loudly because they cared to boo loudly. They booed him because he couldn't make up his mind and ultimately he is responsible for his leaving GB. McNabb did not want to leave Philly. Philly got rid of him and they did disrespect him by having the guts to trade him within the division. Again, McNabb did not want to part with the Eagles. There is a clear difference. McNabb was clearly emotional in his return to Philly. After the game, he had tears in his eyes and told the locker room that everyone makes mistakes and the Eagles made a mistake in letting him go.

Yes, at Lambeau, they are booing the Vikings as they take the field but the booing spikes when Favre takes the field. In Philly (who we can probably all agree have some of the toughest/worst fans in all of sports), they booed when the Skins took the field. In pregame introductions, they gave their traditional Philly cheer of "YOU SUCK!" after each player of the Redskins was announced. However, once McNabb was announced, they gave their resounding applause and showed their appreciation with the standing ovation. Again, if you want, I can post video of this to provie it to you. How can you not see the difference?

Again, I don't even understand the whole argument of the Packer fans care and the Eagles fans don't care as to the reasoning behind the different reactions. It is clear that the differences are a result of the Packer fans feeling betrayed by their favorite son who broke their hearts by turning his back on them as opposed to McNabb who was summarily dismissed by his team and organization even though he wanted to end his career there.

deepie said...

Let me try to clear this up.

JSR's point sounds valid to me. Favre was loved by the Packers when he was forced out/forced his way out. They wanted him to stay, which is why Rodgers wasn't received well at first. When he left, then returned as a Viking, the Packers fans knew he was still a great QB who could cause problems for their team. Favre ended up having his way against the Packers twice last season. I believe it's human nature, or at least the nature of football fans, to show no appreciation for teams/players that pose a threat. I see merit in the argument that the Packers fans booed Favre when he returned, not because of a decisiveness he created, but due to the fact that they felt he would beat his old team.

Philly fans have no class. I think we can all agree on that. What makes you think they would suddenly become classy and show respect to McNabb? That ovation he got was because they were glad he left. The city as a whole was ready to move on from the McNabb era due to his perceived inability to win the big game. There's a brief video/documentary on the days leading to the Skins/Iggles game on I believe that shows just how pathetic Eagles fans are. That was a truly disingenuous ovation he got. Once again, JSR's position sounds valid to me.

JSR said...

We share two different opinions about what happened and of Favre himself. I can respect that.

Let me explain what I mean by Packer Fans caring to boo.

This is in response to you bringing up the point that Mcnabb didnt get booed and Favre did cus the packer fans generally hate him. I dont really think they gave him a full all out standing ovation first of all. To me it seemed like it was like "oh thats cute, mcnabb on the redskins now. Ok Donovan we'll cheer for you for a minute becaue the whole country knows us as the worst fans"

Why is it that when the Cowboys come to Fed Ex field, that place is 10 times louder and a more hostile environment to play in than when say the Colts come to town? Well its simple, Washington fans care more about the Cowboys than the Colts. They boo louder. Go to a sports bar. Tell a Skins fan that youre a cowboys fan and he'll surely say something derogatory to you. Tell that same skins fan that youre a colts fan and he probably wont care. They will do anything possible to make it tougher for the Cowboys to win at Fed Ex. A loss to the Cowboys is much more devastating to a Redskins fan than a loss to the colts. They essentially care more to boo more loudly when the Cowboys are playing the skins than if any other team plays the skins.

Just the same. Packer Fans care to boo loudly when Favre comes to town. Simply because they Care to boo loudly. They have a feeling there for Favre. Eagles fan seem to feel indifferent towards D Mac playing in Washington.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, I agree with you the majority of the time but I have no idea what you are saying in this case. Brett Favre was a legend in Green Bay. He is the greatest thing to happen to that place. There is no doubt in my mind that there is bitterness on the fans part towards him because he left them. He showed he didn't want to be part of Green Bay. If it is only human nature or at least the nature of football fans, to show no appreciation for teams/players that pose a threat and boo for that. Than why was the crowd booing Favre even after the game when GB won? This was even after Favre had gotten hurt. They showed no sympathy. It is because they have true bitterness towards him. There is a t shirt that became popular in GB when he left that said, Thanks for the memories, Brent. Who do you think comes out with all those silly posters and pictures of Favre? I can prove it but I'm sure many of them are from GB or are Packer fans and it's because they are bitter.

They gave McNabb a long standing ovation because "they were glad he left?" I have no idea what you are talking about. Clearly, the organization was ready to move on with Kolb. I think many of the players were too as they had younger players and they could identify more with Kolb. I can even accept that the fans may have been ready to move on with Kolb but I don't believe for a second that the ovation was disingenuine. I firmly believe that they had enough class to respect McNabb for what he did for the city and organization and they were paying him respect. If McNabb had done what Favre did, there is no doubt that he would have gotten bashed in his return.

I disagree 100% with what you are saying.

j, k, and s's d said...


We share two different opinions?

We agree on the 6/20 events. The three previous dates when the Packers showed that they wanted him back are fact too. Let me ask you a few questions:

1. Do you not agree that the Packers showed multiple times that they wanted him back?

2. Do you think Brett Favre should be allowed to twist and turn and continually tell the Packers that he does not want to return but whenever he chooses to change his mind and want to return the Packers should welcome him back with open arms?

3. Do you believe that the Packer fans booed Favre even after the game was over and the Vikings lost and they didn't care that he had gotten hurt?

4. If you say yes to the above, would you not agree that that would most likely indicate that they harbor bitterness towards him and it's not just about the game? If you do not agree with that, then please explain why they would continue to boo him loudly in that situation.

5. You don't believe McNabb got a full standing ovation? Did you see the video I posted and you still disagree?

Deepie, feel free to throw in your take on the above as well.

Rob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deepie said...

Before responding to your points, let me just say I meant "devisiveness" instead of "decisiveness" in my previous post.

Regarding your points on Favre...I was just talking out of my arse. I don't care about Favre. I like watching him play because he brings excitement and anticipation to a football game. I really don't care what happens to him one way or another.

Regarding McNabb, here's the link to the video I was talking about:

The city despises him. He may have been cheered during the introductions, but when the game started he was booed loudly. The cheering was a sham...Sort of like saying, "Thanks for the memories, Donobert." The city was getting grilled in the days leading to the game because the whole world knew they would boo. I believe it was unofficially organized...Just a ploy to look good. Watch the video and you'll see what the people of Philly really think.

Rob said...


You guys aren't going to agree.

Here is my take - the Packers are very happy that they have Aaron Rodgers and not a selfish diva like Favre playing for them.

The Jets cannot stand Favre and he killed them because he didn't want to allow his streak to end so he played with a bum shoulder. They are very happy that they have Sanchez and not a selfish diva like Favre playing for them.

The Queens greatly benefitted by the unbelievable year Favre pulled out of his arse last year, but the Favre we are seeing now is the one that has been playing the last several years. He killed their chances for the Super Bowl with his ill-advised throw at the end of the NFC championship game.

Now, I am fairly certain there are folks in the Queens organization that are upset that Favre has been killing them with all of his turnovers. When he leaves the Queens, not many people will miss him.

Favre needs to go back to Mississippi, take some pictures of his ding dong with his cell phone and send them to JSR so that JSR can fall further in love with him.

But for most Packer fans they are sick and tired of this dude and he most certainly killed his legacy in Green Bay. I'm sure there are plenty of Packer fans who no longer want him inducted as a Packer - that would never have been the case before he turned into a ding dong texting Diva!

Rob said...

Deeps - you think there was an unofficially organized cheer for McNabb because the city was being attacked for the thought that they may boo McNabb?

Are you actually being serious?

deepie said... got me.'re on your own. I'm trying to support you here, but I don't believe anything I'm saying.

JSR said...

Response to Rob’s post:

“The Jets cannot stand Favre and he killed them because he didn't want to allow his streak to end so he played with a bum shoulder. They are very happy that they have Sanchez and not a selfish diva like Favre playing for them.”

FACT: Jets were 4-12 the previous year. Favre single handedly made them 9-7. Favre reported the injury to Mangini. Not Favre’s job to bench himself. Before the injury Jets were 8-3 second place in AFC and just beat undefeated Titans.

“The Queens greatly benefitted by the unbelievable year Favre pulled out of his arse last year, but the Favre we are seeing now is the one that has been playing the last several years. He killed their chances for the Super Bowl with his ill-advised throw at the end of the NFC championship game.”

FACT: Vikings finished 12-4 and in the NFC Championship game.

2009: 33 td 7 ints 4200 yards passing Rating 107.2
2008: 22 td 22 ints 3500 yards passing 81.0
2007: 28 td 15 ints 4200 yards passing 95.7

2010: 7 td 10 td 1200 yards passing rating 68.0

The statement “ but the Favre we are seeing now is the one that has been playing the last several years” is INVALID by the above facts. He is not playing anything like he has played in the past 3 seasons.

“Now, I am fairly certain there are folks in the Queens organization that are upset that Favre has been killing them with all of his turnovers. When he leaves the Queens, not many people will miss him” <--------------------------SPECULATION AND GENERALIZING

“Favre needs to go back to Mississippi, take some pictures of his ding dong with his cell phone and send them to JSR so that JSR can fall further in love with him.” <--------------------Angry for some reason with what is speculated as Favre’s junk.

“But for most Packer fans they are sick and tired of this dude and he most certainly killed his legacy in Green Bay. I'm sure there are plenty of Packer fans who no longer want him inducted as a Packer” <---------------------MORE SPECULATION AND GENERALIZATIONS AND EVEN MORE SO ROB MIXING UP HOW PACKER FANS SEE FAVRE WITH HOW BEAR FANS SEE FAVRE.

Youre a bears fan. Youre biased against Favre simply for that reason. Its like me commenting on a menacing player on the Bears who has caused me so much heartache over the years… let see who... hmmm cant really think of anyone…. I guess that’s because Favre candidly beat them throughout his career. Never really gave me a reason to hate anyone on the bears cus I cant remember anyone on the bears causing problems for the packers.

So basically your whole post was pointless. So I will not address it any further.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't typically agree with Robs but c'mon, Deeps, organizing and unofficial standing ovation? That's pretty silly.

It's obvious to us all that McNabb was never appreciated for all that he did in Philly. However, for 70,000 fans to unofficially organize something by themselves and give a long standing ovation that was not genuine. I mean even when I write that the whole thing sounds ridiculous.

The difference in fan reactions and feelings between Favre and Packer fans and McNabb and Eagle fans seems obvious.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, how about answering my questions.

JSR said...

Yeah 2 different Opinions… You hate favre and believe one thing and I love favre and believe another thing = two different opinions Also I agree that the Packers wanted him back. But not after a certain Date. After that certain date, the Packers were being unreasonable. It was like once he was out the door, they closed it behind him and locked him out giving no chance for him to unretire and return. Just makes me think that they were bent on moving forward with Rodgers even if Favre never retired in the first place. They would have found some other way of making sure Rodgers was their starting QB. It was a very very very grimy way of handling a Hall of Fame franchise QB that had been part of your team for so many years and brought success, glory and revenue to a franchise that was dead for 3 decades prior. I really ddidnt expect Wisconsin Packer Fans to follow Favre and be Favre Fans over Packer Fans. That would be like asking a Redskins Fan o become a Cowboys fan just because Joe Gibbs coaches the Cowboys now. That absolutely would not happen under and circumstances. Favre did not deserve that. Answers to your questions: 1. Yes. But not after a certain Date. After that certain date, the Packers were being unreasonable. 2. Yes. The Packers should have worked with him better. He had been their QB for 17 years. They should let him come back. How much adjustment would they have had to make? Virtually none. He had been in that offense for the previous two seasons. While Favre was saying hes retiring, Let Rodgers prepare for the starting job. When Favre says he wants to return. Let him play. The Packers clearly were the ones who did not want him back. For whatever reason.

. 5 Maybe some of the fans in Philly were but I don’t think it was a really a standing ovation. It was just kind of like I said before. Like a “thanks for the memories” thing. But we don’t really care that you’re a Redskin. Emotionless. No one really wearing Mcnabb jerseys. It was just an acknowledgement that he had returned to the place where he played football for 11 years.

JSR said...

Yeah 2 different Opinions… You hate favre and believe one thing and I love favre and believe another thing = two different opinions Also I agree that the Packers wanted him back. But not after a certain Date. After that certain date, the Packers were being unreasonable. It was like once he was out the door, they closed it behind him and locked him out giving no chance for him to unretire and return. Just makes me think that they were bent on moving forward with Rodgers even if Favre never retired in the first place. They would have found some other way of making sure Rodgers was their starting QB. It was a very very very grimy way of handling a Hall of Fame franchise QB that had been part of your team for so many years and brought success, glory and revenue to a franchise that was dead for 3 decades prior. I really ddidnt expect Wisconsin Packer Fans to follow Favre and be Favre Fans over Packer Fans. That would be like asking a Redskins Fan o become a Cowboys fan just because Joe Gibbs coaches the Cowboys now. That absolutely would not happen under and circumstances. Favre did not deserve that. Answers to your questions: 1. Yes. But not after a certain Date. After that certain date, the Packers were being unreasonable. 2. Yes. The Packers should have worked with him better. He had been their QB for 17 years. They should let him come back. How much adjustment would they have had to make? Virtually none. He had been in that offense for the previous two seasons. While Favre was saying hes retiring, Let Rodgers prepare for the starting job. When Favre says he wants to return. Let him play. The Packers clearly were the ones who did not want him back. For whatever reason.

. 5 Maybe some of the fans in Philly were but I don’t think it was a really a standing ovation. It was just kind of like I said before. Like a “thanks for the memories” thing. But we don’t really care that you’re a Redskin. Emotionless. No one really wearing Mcnabb jerseys. It was just an acknowledgement that he had returned to the place where he played football for 11 years.

JSR said...

Yeah 2 different Opinions… You hate favre and believe one thing and I love favre and believe another thing = two different opinions Also I agree that the Packers wanted him back. But not after a certain Date. After that certain date, the Packers were being unreasonable. It was like once he was out the door, they closed it behind him and locked him out giving no chance for him to unretire and return. Just makes me think that they were bent on moving forward with Rodgers even if Favre never retired in the first place. They would have found some other way of making sure Rodgers was their starting QB. It was a very very very grimy way of handling a Hall of Fame franchise QB that had been part of your team for so many years and brought success, glory and revenue to a franchise that was dead for 3 decades prior. I really ddidnt expect Wisconsin Packer Fans to follow Favre and be Favre Fans over Packer Fans. That would be like asking a Redskins Fan o become a Cowboys fan just because Joe Gibbs coaches the Cowboys now. That absolutely would not happen under and circumstances. Favre did not deserve that. Answers to your questions: 1. Yes. But not after a certain Date. After that certain date, the Packers were being unreasonable. 2. Yes. The Packers should have worked with him better. He had been their QB for 17 years. They should let him come back. How much adjustment would they have had to make? Virtually none. He had been in that offense for the previous two seasons. While Favre was saying hes retiring, Let Rodgers prepare for the starting job. When Favre says he wants to return. Let him play. The Packers clearly were the ones who did not want him back. For whatever reason.

. 5 Maybe some of the fans in Philly were but I don’t think it was a really a standing ovation. It was just kind of like I said before. Like a “thanks for the memories” thing. But we don’t really care that you’re a Redskin. Emotionless. No one really wearing Mcnabb jerseys. It was just an acknowledgement that he had returned to the place where he played football for 11 years.

JSR said...

Sorry posted the post too many times... it didnt post 1-4. Ill repost. Delete the 3 that are the same

JSR said...

Nevermind they are in there. Delete just the identical ones. Computer is being weird

Rob said...

JSR, many of your "facts" are speculation.

It's no big deal to me that you love Favre - I don't - so what?

I'll speak for myself. I didn't hate Favre when he played for Green Bay. I had a certain level of respect for him, but his diva-ish behavior over the last few years has really turned me off toward him.

This is a FACT - many people, including many Green Bay fans, agree with me and have changed their views to the negative on Favre because of his behavior (I'm talking about crying about leaving the game, then coming back time after time - not his ding dong texting, although that has turned a lot of people off).

Had he just walked away he would be far more loved. That is a FACT.

Rob said...

JKSD, why are you on Deeps? He said he got caught up in the discussion and has stepped back from his earlier position.

Don't beat him up for that.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, the Packers were more than accommodating to Favre and wanted him back. They tried time and again to get him to come back. They said they would lighten his load and he wouldn't have to practice as much and he still said no. Favre agreed to have his retirement press conference in GB, which is where it should be. Even after his retirement announcement, when Favre started wavering, McCarthy was willing to give the job back to Favre and was getting ready to fly down to Hattiesburg to talk it over with Favre and then Favre changed his mind again and said that he wanted to stick wth his original decision of retirement.

Don't you get it? He is basically holding the Packers hostage. The Packers need to make plans for the draft and need to get Rodgers AND the team physically and mentally ready to get started with Rodgers as the starter. It's not easy. To just allow one player (I don't care who it is) to just dictate how I conduct my business is foolish and wrong. In this case, to allow Brett to string the Packers along indefinitely and then just bow down to him whenever he feels like coming back gives too much power to one player and lessens the importance of the team and it disrupts everything I am trying to accomplish in the offseason. It's disrespectful to the rest of the team. That is why I say Favre is a diva and an egomaniac and it's all about Favre. You cannot operate a team or any other type of business effectively that way. All the Packers were asking of him was to please not string them along like he did the previous year and to please give his decision before the draft (end of April). There is nothing wrong with that.

To say that the McNabb ovation was heartless is something I suppose we will just have to disagree on. There are a number of videos showing that they gave a several minute ovation with fans cheering. They also show several fans wearing #5. Those are facts. However, it appears that is not enough to convince you that it was heartfelt. I don't doubt that McNabb had worn out his welcome there and he was never appreciated the way he should have been but I also don't doubt that that ovation was heartfelt and to think that it was somehow orchestrated or disingenuine I would disagree.

JSR, look forward to your answers on 3 and 4.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs coming to the defense of Deeps! The world has officially turned upside down.

Actually, Deeps, if it seems like I am coming down too hard on you, I am sorry. That is a sincere apology.

JSR said...

sorry dude. my computer is being crazy.

I thought 3 and 4 were there. Here they are.

3. I believe they did not care that he had gotten hurt. I think they booed him because he the QB of the Vikings, an NFC north Rival. He beat them twice last year really badly. He was getting set to beat them again. When it is all said and done. They will embrace him. I am 100% sure of this.
4. I do think the Packer Fans harbor some level of bitterness because he is a Viking now and he has beaten them twice before. The second he retires though itll all be forgotten. Again I strongly think Packer fans care to boo extra loudly because he is Brett Favre. He is their beloved QB and they want to make it known to him that they are booing. The worst thing possible would be if the Fans were indifferent and didn’t boo. That would show that they did not care about him anymore. I think that would hurt Favre more. They are obviously not going to cheer for any Viking at Lambeau. This is the NFL not some Pee wee charity football league.

j, k, and s's d said...

The game was over. Favre lost. He had three INTs (two of which were very bad). He got hurt. If he truly was their beloved QB, don't you think at that point, they would have shown some appreciation and sportsmanship and cheered for him if he was truly their beloved QB? It's fine to boo during the game but there is such a thing as sportsmanship and you think the GB fans just happen to care that much that after the game when their beloved QB was battered and injured and had already lost they would just continue to boo because they care? It seems clear that they are bitter at the circumstances by which he left.

Again, look at the example of McNabb. Look at the example of Gretzky when he returned. Think about the example of A-Wad (who left for the money). Fans react accordingly based on whether they feel that the player was pushed out or if they left on their own.

deepie said...

You hurt my feelings and I've been huddled up in a corner sucking my thumb for the last 24 hours.

Here's my honest take on the situation...Favre played the diva role, thought he could show up before the start of the season, and the Packers weren't about to tell Rodgers to step back for the old man. He did what he could to keep playing the game he loved and wound up with the Jets, where he was the ultimate douche. He forced his retirement so he could land with the Vikings.

I think the Packers fans would have been fine with Favre had he stayed with the Jets. He was selfish, got what HE wanted, and lost his legendary/iconic status in the process. The Packers fans boo him because he is disingenuous.

Had he won a couple more Super Bowls for them, I'm sure they'd be more forgiving.

deepie said...

That being said, I still love watching the guy play. He plays with a reckless abandon that makes the game more entertaining. I'd hate to have my team's QB play that way, but as long as he's throwing picks for the Vikings, I think he's the most entertaining football player out there.

j, k, and s's d said...

Looks like Deepie's thumbsucking and crying brought some sense to him.

In the end, Favre is allowed to do whatever he wants but the sad part is that he has forever and irrepairably ruined his legacy. There are a lot of guys like me that respected his game and used to enjoy watching him play and were fans of the guy but most of those have turned against him because of his antics the last couple of years.

Again, had he stayed retired, he would have gone down as one of the most beloved players in NFL history for his accomplishments and ability and commitment to play the game. He is an absolute first ballot HOFer and again, had he stayed retired originally, his induction ceremony would have been national holiday in GB and a sight rarely seen. However, because of his antics, I am absolutely positive the ceremony won't be nearly as grand. He'll still get plenty of fans to come out but for most GB fans there will always be a sour taste in their mouths for the way he ended his career. It's a shame.

j, k, and s's d said...

I love watching Favre play too. It's like watching a train wreck happen right in front of you.

JSR said...


Could end in a train wreck. But everytime he suits up, he will give your team a chance to beat ANY other team out there. He'll take those gunslinging chances even if it means throwing picks or rolling out of the pocket and dodging a lineman coming at full speeed only to fire a pass 40 yards for the score. Even at age 41 you cant count the Vikings out of any game. They will get it together and win the NFC north!

j, k, and s's d said...

True in that he puts on a "show." And while it's still possible for him to roll out of the pocket and dodge a lineman coming at full speeed only to fire a pass 40 yards for the score, it is equally as likely (and probably more so) for him to get the snap, juggle the ball around for a bit, pull his pants down, bend over, shove the ball up his big butt, and fart it 50 yards right to a defender who is standing all by himself and ends up running it back for a TD.

JSR said...

LOL! guess you never what youre going to get with Favre these days.