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Monday, October 11, 2010


HUGE win yesterday over the Packers (a team many predicted would be in the Super Bowl). It was ugly in the first half but somehow the Skins managed to stay in it and in the end they were able to pull out the victory. Here are a few thoughts on the game:

1. Great way to start the game with a turnover but squandered it away with a terrible offensive series capped with a botched snap in shotgun that put us out of FG range. That hurt.

2. Hunter the Punter was a welcome addition although I think he needs to practice his FG holding duties and Gano needs to get comfortable with him holding the FG snaps. Gano missed one and looked to have his timing off on the game tying FG. That needs to be ironed out.

3. McNabb was good but he missed a number of throws. On our second offensive drive, he rolled out left (it was a great play action fake) and had a wide open Armstrong streaking down the left sideline and he overthrew him badly. He also missed an open Cooley on a third and short situation in the first half. He seemed to have a number of passes in the dirt on too high or just plain off the mark. Still, he did have a number of quality throws and I shouldn't complain much given that he threw for 300+ yards.

4. Our defense was pretty terrible in the first half giving up 200 yards alone in the first quarter. However, we did not allow many points. We had a tremendous goal line stand that was capped with Mr. Everything Lorenzo Alexander not biting on play action and staying with the receiver and knocking down the 4th down pass. It was pretty startling to see the score only 10-3 at halftime. It felt like we were getting blown out. However, for most sports fans, we have seen that story line play out all too often where one team appears to be dominating but for whatever reason they aren't able to pull away and then all of a sudden the other team will get a quick score and next thing you know, you have a close ball game.

In the second half, the defense was MUCH better. Much more aggressive and stingy and really giving Rodgers problems. Special kudos to Osakpo and Landry for their play.

5. Still need to get the running game going and would still like to see more of a commitment to it. We seem to get away from the run too quickly and I don't like that. Torain isn't the most gifted runner but he is pretty fierce and powerful and seems to fight hard for extra yardage. I like that.

6. There were a number of pass interference calls and non calls. Can think of at least three non calls (one against Moss and I think there were two against Cooley). They could have certainly had more of an impact on the game but thankfully we still came away with the victory.

7. Brandon Banks looks like the mini Devin Hester out there. The guy is 150 lbs. soaking wet but has tremendous speed and quickness. He is a thousand times better than ARE who used to just dance around before dropping in the fetal position before ever getting touched.

8. What has happened to Chris Horton? The guy went from being a diamond in the rough we found to now we understand why he was available in the 7th round. He had a great rookie campaign and got the nickname The Predator and his jerseys were being pushed out and now he seems like a liability. He had an unnecessary block in the back on a long Banks punt return. Instead of having field position in Packer territory, we got pinned back into our territory. The worst part about it, again, was that it was unnecessary and the block really wasn't needed.

9. Is there any doubt that Clay Matthews should be a strong candidate for NFL defensive player of the year? This guy is a beast and it was clear they were a different team once he hurt his hamstring. Thank goodness for us because even if he wasn't making plays, it seemed like he got into our offensive players heads and was disrupting what we were trying to do.

10. Kory Lichtensteiger is not impressing me. I know he is a Shanny guy but he seems to not be smart enough to recognize his assignments. On multiple occasions, he misread his assignment and missed his block allowing for easy penetration by the guy he was supposed to block. The thing is we have Dockery available to play. Dock is big and may not be as athletic but I don't care how athletic Lichtensteiger is, it don't make any difference if you miss your assignments.

11. Finally, the crowd made a difference. I can't remember when I have consisently heard the home crowd so loud. There is no question they are making it difficult for the opposing team and that's huge.

In the end, a great victory. I hoped to at least split the games against GB and Indy so I like the position we're in right now. The best part is that we seem to be learning how to win which is huge. Over the last few years, we might stay in a game but you knew that in the end we would find a way to blow it. It's refreshing that we have pulled out some close games.

The other interesting thing is that after 5 weeks, it's still very unclear who the stronger teams are in the NFC. With the Packers going down and the Saints losing to the Cardinals, there really isn't a clear cut favorite. Trent Dilfer yesterday summed it up pretty well yesterday when he said that he can't remember when the NFC looked so painfully mediocre. What it leads you to believe is that all the playoff spots right now are wide open. The Skins find themselves in a three way tie for first in the East. Bottom line, I'm just happy with the win yesterday and hopefully we can keep this thing going.



Rob said...

4 points:

1. With McNabb anything is possible. They guy is a winner.

2. As the season wears on the Deadskins will slide back below .500 because they don't have the depth to compete through the end of the season.

3. Where was the call for the helmet-to-helmet 15 yard penalty that Rodgers took on the interception in OT. I'm not saying the Redskins did not deserve to win, but that was about as clear a helmet-to-helmet hit as you are going to find in the NFL.

4. The Bears are 4-1 - they are the elite team in the NFL. Losing to the Giants on the road was no big deal, especially given how well the Giants D (particularly their front 4) is playing.

j, k, and s's d said...

To your points:

1. Agree that McNabb gives an added dimension that you don't get with most QBs so there are more possibilities for winning.

2. I don't think many would have predicted the Skins to be 3-2 at this point so we'll see what comes next.

3. Jarmon was already in the air when the ball was thrown and had both is hands spread out wide. I don't know if he purposely stuck his head out to try and hit Rodgers but I don't remember thinking that it was that big of a deal and I don't recall Aikman or Buck saying anything or the Fox crew going back to show the replay and discussing the play so for you to say that that was as clear a helmet to helmet hit is silly. In fact, the play where Cutler got nailed by the Packer LB late in the game that led to a 15 yard penalty that is about as clear as it gets in my mind. The announcers noted it. They showed a few replays of it and it was clear to everyone that that was blatant. No one complained about yesterday's play. I don't recall the play that well because it didn't seem like an issue but I don't recall Jarmon launching himself head first into Rodgers head. I also don't recall any Packers complaining about the play. I did remember Rodgers throwing his hands up but QBs often lobby for calls so that isn't that big of a deal. I know you will continue to try and complain about the non call because you are salty that the Skins won but you are wrong.

4. HA! HA! HAAAAAAAA!!!!! The Pears are part of the NFL elite? You must be joking! I don't think anyone thinks that (except for you). This is where you lose us, Robs. Your love for the Pears is out of control. You seem to almost lose any sense of reality when you talk about the Pears. Now they may end up proving to be unbeatable and part of the elite but right now, they aren't there. The teams they have beaten are a combined 5-15. That's a .250 win percentage. I know. I know. They don't make the schedule and that is true but we'll see just how good the Pears are as the season wears on. Again, they may prove to be awesome or they may end up being who we thought they are.

Thanks for the Columbus Day laugh!

JSR said...


Point number 4 was worth a good hearty morning laugh.

I agree with JKS Dad... well said.

Go Vikings!

Rob said...

It was a clear helmet-to-helmet hit. I don't know why Fox didn't say anything about it - but who cares.

Helmet-to-helmet doesn't factor in holding out your hands or jumping in the air or twirling like a ballerina or whatever. It just means helmet-to-helmet.

You are your record, and after 5 weeks the Bears are 4-1 with three of the five games on the road. Unless you use some other measure for how good a team is, you have to go with records.

j, k, and s's d said...

Fox analysts/crew said nothing. Mike McCarthy said nothing about helmet to helmet after the game. ESPN is not saying anything about helmet to helmet. The GB newspapers are not saying anything about helmet to helmet. As we all know, refs are VERY protective of QBs in the league and there was a ref right there looking specifically at the QB and they didn't throw a flag. This is football and I understand that it doesn't matter if you are "holding out your hands or jumping in the air or twirling like a ballerina or whatever." Point is that no one is saying anything about the play except for you. It's clear you are just being salty and trying to complain about something that just isn't there. Get over it.

The Pears are 4-1. There is no disputing that but no one is saying that the Pears are part of the NFL elite except for you. Then again, you are the guy that seems to think the Pears run as good an organization and have been as successful as the Colts and Patriots over the years. Whatever. We'll see.

Rob said...

Dude, all you have to do is Google "helmet-to-helmet hit on Aaron Rodgers" and you will get a bunch of discussion about it. ESPNMilwaulkee, USAToday, etc.

It was helmet-to-helmet, no question about it and about a clear as day. Just wait and see, I'm sure with Rodgers concussed and probably missing the start this week there will be a lot of discussion about it.

4-1 is 4-1. We'll see if that holds up - no need to fuss about it now.

j, k, and s's d said...

USA Today said that it appeared that it was helmet to helmet but outside of them I don't see several places where it says it was definitely helmet to helmet.

In fact, (I'm assuming it's a Packer fan site) has fans mixed on whether it was helmet to helmet or not.

You said that it was a clear as it comes. It's football. To me, the hit on Cutler was as clear as it comes. I don't remember anyone making a big deal about it. Refs are very diligent with safety and protection of QBs so I am comfortable with the play. Excuse me, almost no one is saying anything about the play. Yet for you, it is as clear as it comes. Quit being salty, dude.

I could easily complain about the several non pass interference calls that Aikman/Fox pointed out should have been called. It didn't happen.

Agree on the Pears...we'll see.

Rob said...

Jarmon will get a fine this week because it is clear.

Like I said, people will look at it now that Rodgers is hurt. By mid-week people will be wondering why it wasn't called.

It is unfortunate that such an obvious call was missed, but it happens. I am not saying that the Deadskins are undeserving, I am just commenting on that one play which ended up being so critical.

Rob said...

I posted the video on my blog. It is easy to see that it is a helmet-to-helmet hit.

Scott said...

1. McNabb needs to find some accuracy. Even the throw to Armstrong was late and not well placed. Armstrong was so wide open he should have been able to catch that in stride without having to stop and jump, which made it a close play. I was at the game and I saw many situations that were frustrating. I think he tweaked his ankle again.

2. The approach to the running game needs to be re-vamped. The play action passing was getting so ridiculous that McNabb was only holding the ball out for the runner as a courtesy. No one could have possibly been faked out by that lame attempt.

3. It seems that any team can complete a three step drop (quick pass) on the Skins in the flat because the outside linebackers are too slow.

4. Rob, save your money cause the Bears are going to the Super Bowl! Doesn't that sound ridiculous. Look for a quick turn around with that record.

5. JKSD, why do you have to refer to Brandon Banks being soaking wet. Is that how you see him with your mind's eye? Take it easy with the Freudian slips.

j, k, and s's d said...

I suppose he hits him but it doesn't seem blatant nor does it seem that bad. Jarmon jumped up to defend the pass and their helmets hit. I suppose it could have been called but looks like a good no call. Again, the ref is probably five yards away from that play and he was comfortable not calling it. No one said anything about it after the game and it was a non issue.

Now we'll see if Jarmon gets fined.

You seem to think that the helmet to helmet hit of all helmet to helmet hits. If it was so blatant and obvious, why has it not even been talked about? I could show you plenty of other much worse and EXTREMELY obvious helmet to helmet hits if you want to see what that really looks like.

It's unfortunate that that call wasn't made? Was it unfortunate that any of the 3 pass interference calls weren't made? I suppose not because they would have gone in favor of the Redskins. Any one of those would have been critical. We could easily complain about those. Would you care to complain about those? Look, man, don't be so salty.

Just keep drinking the Pear Juice and maybe you'll drink enough that in your mind the Pears will win the Super Bowl next week.

Rob said...

I say it is a clear helmet-to-helmet hit. I haven't said anything more. Please don't make stuff up about what I think.

You can try to justify it, or say it wasn't that bad, or Jarmon jumped, or he goes to church or whatever. It was a clear helmet-to-helmet hit.

It is unfortunate that calls are missed - that is part of the game. But, this was such an obvious blown call on such a critical play in OT.

Pass interference calls are mostly judgment calls - this wasn't a judgment call, it was a blown call.

j, k, and s's d said...

The pass interference calls were obvious.

When the play happened, I did not notice any helmet to helmet. When they showed the replay yesterday, I did not notice any helmet to helmet. None of the Packer players/coaches or broadcasters said anything about helmet to helmet so I didn't even know what you were talking about.

When you posted the replay, I had to look at it several times and that is in slow motion to see that they had actually hit helmets. In real time as the play is happening, it's not surprising that a ref missed the call because it was not obvious.

Again, I will agree that after several looks of the slow motion replay, it looks as though their helmets hit each other. However, if it was SO obvious, everyone would have been up in arms about it and it would have been a huge deal. There was no mention of it after the play, after the game, or today. As the play happened in real time, I don't think it was as obvious as you think it was.

The Packer hit on Cutler was clear as day. You could see that one from the nosebleed seats of FedEx that's how obvious that one was. It was surprising Cutler didn't break a jaw on that hit as his helmet was dislodged a bit. That one was obvious and deserving of a fine.

Rob said...

I noticed right away. If the game is on NFL Replay this week I'll check it out because your football guru, Guru Aikman, may have mentioned it.

j, k, and s's d said...

Spoke to a friend and he said that he remembered Aikman saying something to the effect of Rodgers was looking for a call but that was it and it was dismissed. He did not remember Aikman saying anything about a helmet to helmet hit.

Again, no Packer player or coach made any fuss about the hit. It seemed like a non issue.

I spoke with three people this afternoon who watched the game about the play. One person did not even notice anything. Another felt that Jarmon's pads may have hit Rodgers. A third felt like that there may very well have been helmet to helmet contact but that it was not obvious and it would have been difficult to see/call in real time.

I'm glad that you saw that it was SO obvious in real time. It seemed like it passed by the rest of the viewing public's eyes. I'm glad that your family saw that you were cheering for the Skins. Good for you.

If your point is simply that there was helmet to helmet contact. After watching the slow motion instant replay, I would agree that it looked as though there was indeed helmet to helmet contact. However, it would have been difficult to call in real time. A ref whose job it is to watch the QB and who is standing just a few yards away did not call it. The announcers did not notice anything. Packers coaches, players, and media did not say anything. It has largely been irrelevant today. Given that Rodgers suffered concussion possibly on that play if it was SO obvious and dirty, one would imagine that there would be a big fuss about it today. I haven't heard anything. Yet, it was plain as day as it happened for you.

I'm glad you missed the several pass interference calls because judging at how upset you seem to be at that non call, you would probably have a field day with those non calls.

deepie said...

I'm late to this discussion, but first of all, great win against a really good team. The defense appears to be very capable of handling one-dimensional offenses...The Assboys, Iggles, and Packers all were intent on passing against the 'Skins and none of them scored more than 13 points. The Rams and Texans were more balanced and were able to score more. That being said, I think we have a shot at keeping the Colts within striking distance...It's just a matter of scoring enough to prevent a Manning-engineered comeback.

I agree about "The Predator." He's been more of a liability than anyone could have imagined after his strong rookie season. He seems a bit slower now too...not sure what's going on with him.

Rob's helmet-to-helmet claim may be a valid one, but the hit to the head was not a clear as he makes it out to be. Jarmon was under control with his head up. Aikman, whose career was ended due to a concussion, didn't say the hit was illegal when it happened either. picks for the week were TERRIBLE! But it doesn't matter when the 'Skins win. 3-2 with the Colts at FedEx next Sunday night. I can't wait!


Rob said...


I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, said anything about it being "dirty".

All I have ever said is that it was a helmet-to-helmet hit which was not called. It should have been called and it was obvious to me. It is too bad that it came on such a significant play in overtime. I have never said that the Deadskins got a cheap one, or that they did not deserve to win.

You agree that it was helment-to-helmet, so why you are making excuses is beyond me.

In addition, why you are talking about pass interference calls that I did not see? You are just mucking up the discussion for no real reason.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs and I have spoken on the phone and I believe we have resolved this matter.

Basically, we agree to disagree. I think we agree that technically it was a helmet to helmet hit and that it was unfortunate as to the timing of the play but we disagree in that Robs thought it was obvious in real time for the referee to call it and I do not think it was obvious for the ref to call it in real time and am fine with the call. The play is not reviewable so I am fine with it.

It is similar to the pass interference non calls. We have the benefit of slow motion, multi angle instant replays so it is more apparent to see those pass interference calls but in real time those are difficult and are unfortunate that they weren't called but again those plays are not reviewable so we have to accept them and move on.

I think this matter is closed.