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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Randy Moss to the Viqueens

The Vikings and the Patriots have agreed to a blockbuster trade that will send the Pro Bowl wide receiver back to Minnesota for the Vikings' 2011 third-round pick on Wednesday, an NFL source told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter.

Moss is on the downside of his career but is still one of the better deep threats in the game and should work pretty well with Brett Favre. The Viqueens need to do something to jump start their season as they are built to win now and are jumping in head first. If this doesn't get things going, you can bet there will be major changes with the 'Queens this offseason.


deepie said...

This makes Favre and the Vikings instantly dangerous. They were lacking a serious deep threat and reliable receiver and even though Moss is aging, he is still a top 10 receiver. Favre gets what he needs. Peterson gets someone who can help to open up the running game by stretching the field. It will be interesting to see what happens with Rice comes back...

Sorry Bears Fan...this makes your chances in the division pretty slim.

Rob said...

I don't think it will make much difference. Moss is a good player, but he doesn't strike fear like he used to.

The problem is still Favre. Moss will make a couple of plays, but I don't see any way that Favre is going to have anywhere close to the career year he had last year. He'll still throw the interceptions and fumble the ball as he continues to get hit.

Frankly, I think it won't amount to much and the Patriots will benefit from the 3rd round pick they get.

The Patriots now have extra 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round picks next year and they are already one of the better teams in the NFL. This is why the Patriots are one of the best organizations in football.

deepie said...

I agree that this doesn't hurt the Patriots very much. In fact, next year's draft is supposed to be full of receivers, so they might find their replacement pretty quickly.

Favre will become more productive with a guy he can just throw a ball up to. Just wait and see Bears fan. He's not as washed up as you want him to be.

Rob said...

I think Randy can still play, but I do think Favre is washed up.

This trade does make the Queens better, but that is not saying much because I don't think they are that good to begin with.

Maybe it will get them on a roll, but I just don't see it.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree that it is a good move for the Pats. Moss is still a great deep threat but he was becoming a distraction for that team and the Pats weren't going to re-sign him so might as well get something for him now.

I agree that Favre is still going to have his issues. Moss will get frustrated as he wants to get the ball and make plays so he can sign one more big contract so he will be upset if Favre can't get it to him. Childress is going to have his hands full with ego maniacal Favre, Moss, and the pressure to have to win now.

No question the Vikings improved but we'll see how it all works out.

JSR said...

Sounds more like denial and hating to me...

Favre is NOT washed up... anyone who watches the NFL (National Football League) knows that it was just earlier this year (2010) that FAVRE and the VIKINGS were playing in the NFC championship game. I dont understand how in 10 months time someone can go from LEGENDARY to "washed up"

VIKINGS will win the NFC North and probably the NFC and likely the superbowl. Moss Strikes fear into every defense...not to mention a certain running back... Adrian Peterson...

Favre = hall of fame qb (ask anyone, can still play the game better than most qb's in the league)

Peterson = best running back in the game.

Moss = top 5 receiver/ deep threat

Shaincoe = good tight end

Rice = all pro receiver

Vikings Defense = one of the best in the League

Good formula for a championship.

You guys have to be able to see the picture...

deepie said...

I think JSR is feeling the same pressure that Childress is going to be feeling.

j, k, and s's d said...

I think JSR is drunk or stoned or most likely both.

Looks like after a short stint cheering for the Packers, JSR is back on the Viqueen bandwagon.

I think GB will win the division and I imagine JSR will be back on the Pack bandwagon once that happens.

JSR said...

LOVE IT... more hating!

come on now JSK father... you have to do better than throwing insults my way...

thats usually what it haters resort to. ive seen it plenty of times before...

Favre's been shutting haters up for years for me... and he'll do it again this year.

BTW incase you didnt know... I am an huge Packer's fan... also I am a huge Favre fan... He is on the VIKINGS which is why I am rooting for the VIKINGS until his time is up there. That doesnt mean i have to stop rooting for my team.

I can understand your frustrations though... rooting for a double decade loser team like the dan snyder redkins would have me distraught too.

ITS ALL GOOD BUDDY... i wouldnt throw insults... just talk REAL football.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, I like to have fun; however, if we want to talk "REAL" football (as opposed to fake football), than lets look at Favre numbers this year.

You said, "Favre is NOT washed up... anyone who watches the NFL (National Football League) knows that it was just earlier this year (2010) that FAVRE and the VIKINGS were playing in the NFC championship game. I dont understand how in 10 months time someone can go from LEGENDARY to "washed up.""

You are correct that he took the Viqueens to the NFC Championship game last year and almost had them in the Super Bowl before he botched it with his poor decision to throw across his body/field for an easy INT.

Favre has been terrible so far this year. He is currently the 28th rated QB in the league with only Jimmy Clausen and Derek Anderson under him (and he is only .9 away from being the worst). He has 2 TDs and 6 INTs. He has not been good. He has said that this is a different team than last year and that he still doesn't really have the chemistry with this team. Well, if he had actually spent training camp with the team perhaps some of the issues they are trying to iron out now would have been resolved.

Look, Favre has been a great QB. He is a sure fire first ballot HOFer but it's his ego that has grown the last several years that stands in his way and is what has made him such a polarizing character.

Moss will certainly help the Vikings but I still believe Favre will have his issues. My opinion may be wrong and Favre may turn things around and have an All Pro year. I just don't think that is going to happen. We'll see. The great thing about Favre is that win or lose, play well or play sucky, he makes for a great story each week.

JSR said...

Very true. I mostly agree with what you said. It has been a bad start for Favre three games in... but Football is a team sport. its not on him alone that he has bad numbers. This year the TEAM has started off bad except for the defense and last year they reached the NFC championship as a team and lost as a team.

Last year he played 17 games (excluding playoffs)... and in the end decided it was great year for him.

this year we are looking at just 3 games and calling him washed up. i dont really know how to conclude that he is washed up until the full year plays out or atleast a reasonable size sampling of his games.

Its a matter of opinion as to whether Favre has a selfish ego or not. Hes just a guy who wants to play football. He feels he has earned the right to pick whether he should or should not play... and if the team that wants him is willing to wait for his decision as the packers, jets, and vikings did then that is totally up to them. This year he was to remain retired except for the three man crew that went to mississippi to get him to play.

It would be a private matter in any man's life what he decides to do with his career. It is not his fault that ESPN wants to follow his every move. He doesnt invite ESPN over to his house, nor does he really care what the media makes of him. His legacy and what he did in his career is the cause of how his life is covered by the media. I would suggest that whenever a Favre story breaks... to just turn off the TV. its not favre who controls the media...he really does not call them over to his house, nor does he hold press conferences unless needed. its the media who are after Favre (for whatever reason).

j, k, and s's d said...

True that football is a team sport and the Vikings were a very good team last year. Favre had a very good year as well. I cannot dispute that. Sadly for him and his fans, his poor decision in the Championship game is remembered almost as much as the solid year that he had.

This year, the team is not as good and he doesn't look sharp.

You're 100% right in that he has a right to show up to camp if/when he is ready and team's have a right to accept that if they choose. I personally wouldn't accept that. If I were a GM, owner, coach, I need to know early on if you are going to be part of my team or not so I can begin my preparations. When Favre left GB, he was asked on numerous occasions (even after he made his official retirement announcement) whether he wanted to come back and he consistently said no. The Packers had no alternative but to give the keys to Rodgers. Then, shortly before the season started, Favre called the Packers and told them he wanted to return. When he wasn't welcomed back, he got upset with the Packers. It's that nonsense that bothers me about the guy. Still, you are right in that he can do whatever the heck he feels like if someone is willing to accept it. However, you are currently seeing the price of that as the Vikings are trying to iron out issues that would've/should've been resolved in training camp/preseason.

I still personally don't believe Favre will have a good year but he will have plenty of opportunities to prove me wrong.

As far as the media, Favre has been around plenty long enough that he knows he will garner the story. Just as he is willing to do what he wants and teams are willing to accept/reject him as they see fit, the media is in their full right to cover him and do their jobs.

I used to be a Favre fan and it's a shame that he went from one of the most beloved players in NFL history to a divisive, polarizing aging player that wants to play but only according to his rules.

deepie said...

JKSD...if he only wants to play by his rules, why did the Vikings send 4 team leaders/captains to his home to convince him to play? I think you are drawing conclusions based on what the media portrays Favre to be. I don't think he's a big baby the way he's depicted. I believe he's indecisive when it comes to his career. I believe he knows he's indecisive...Just look at all of the commercials he's done mocking his inability to make a decision and inability to retire.

Here's what I believe...Favre is a top 10 QB, but his body is starting to fail him. He would take retirement a bit more seriously if he wasn't wanted so badly by the Vikings. His indecisiveness opens the door for the media to portray him as something he is not...a full-on diva. I think you've bought into the media's depiction of him.

He is an all-time great and he knows it. It makes him believe he can continue to play without training camp. The problem this season has been the fact that he's lost his top receiver for a few weeks and he lost his 3rd down back. His struggles are more a result of the team's deficiencies than his own, which is why they brought in Moss.

Blame Favre if you want and follow the lemmings who all want to say he's an egotistical jack-ass, but I choose to see through the garbage and assess things for what they are. FAVRE is a once-in-a-generation bad mo-fo and he deserves to be treated differently...Just like Jordan, or Gretzky, etc. Strahan did it and he's a hero because he walked away after winning the Super Bowl. Sorry if I don't want to blame Favre for trying to win while he's still got the ability to do so.

In the end I don't care...All I care about is...HAIL SKINS!

JSR said...

I couldnt agree with you more Deepie!

Rob said...

Look, Favre said it wasn't about the money. But then why did the Vikings have to give him $4 million more to play this season?

If he wasn't such a diva, why does he hold his teams hostage all off-season wanting them to beg (and pay heavily) for him to come in and play?

If people want to cater to the old man that is fine with me, but now performance wise he is not living up to the unbelievable standards he set last year. Not really all that surprising given his history.

I just hope he is the QB when the Bears play him this year. I expect him to throw a bunch of interceptions and fumble the ball a couple of times.

Rob said...

One other note. I heard that there is a rumor that the Pats are going to package a couple of picks up and trade for Vincent Jackson. Not bad if they can pull it off.

They will get a bigger, younger downfield threat that will really help them win over a longer period of time.

May not happen, but it seems like the Pats have a plan in the works.

deepie said...

Like I said, this really works in the Pats favor, but I think the Vikings are doing the best they can to have a chance to win this season...That's all they want because they know Favre is done after this.

Why do you say he was holding them hostage? He said he didn't want to play if the ankle was not healing properly. It obviously has not healed 100% even to this date...So why is he being held to the fire for not committing to come back on his own? He came back only because he was begged to come back.

I see a guy who was ready to call it quits because he wasn't physically ready and who came back at his team's request despite the fact that he hadn't recovered completely. You choose to see a guy who is selfish and manipulative...Call me crazy for not being so judgmental.

JSR said...

There is one simple answer to why the Vikings paid him more money and begged him to come back...

They have a talented team that is expected to make a run at the superbowl. Tarvaris Jackson is not the answer to lead them. Favre is a proven leader who has taken them to within a mistake or two from being in the superbowl (all without a training camp last year). He knows the offense, is familiar with the coaching staff and knows the players. They wanted him back so they begged and payed him more.

On the other side... This was it for him. He wasnt planning on returning. He did it because the Vikings convinced him to. The Vikings had the money to spend and a want to have him back so they spent and convinced him to return. He wasnt forcing anybody's hand. He never said he was only going to come back if they begged and paid him more. He wasnt a hold out. He seriously was ready to retire.

He is playing now... and i think youll see a rejuvenated Favre. Moss signing was something hes wanted since his days in Green Bay. This team is now extremely dangerous. With the weapons they have on offense, the Vikings will SEVERELY challenge any defense.

I wouldnt want to face this offense, especially If I were the Bears. They will not be able to defend against this offense, nor will they be able score.

Vincent Jackson is not, and will never be better than Randy Moss.

JSR said...

It should be fun to see either way... Bears already took out one of my teams... Im pushing extra hard for the Vikings to knock off the Bears when they meet...

j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, I don't care if he is indecisive. That's even worse.

I always say that if someone at work on my team is considering quitting and even worse, hands in their resignation, then there is no point to try and lure them back because they are just not into it. Fine, maybe you can throw a few more bucks at the person and keep them around for a few more months but eventually that person will leave. I don't want that kind of person around and I don't need that kind of person around.

Make up your freaking mind and stick to it. Don't hold the team hostage because you are indecisive. It's fine if the Vikings want to cater to his every need and pay him mega bucks but I just disagree with it.

He is a diva. Again, go back to how he treated the Packers and his indecisiveness there. He told them I'm retired again and again and then he wanted to come back right before the season started after the Packers had moved on and then couldn't understand why they didn't want him back. Then he can't understand why the Packers won't trade him to a divisional rival. Then he goes out and portrays himself as a victim and tried to make the Packers the bad guys. The Packers didn't say anything about the situation until they were forced to react to him being a baby.

In NY, he sucked the latter part of the season but wanted to be a warrior and push on. When he blew it in the last game of the season and threw away the Jets playoff hopes, he said that he had a tear in the bicep muscle and pinned his poor play on that. Thomas Jones said that he and other veterans were ticked off at him for not disclosing that earlier on in the season and being smart enough to pull himself out for the good of the team.

Disagree when you say that his struggles are more because of the team than him. Favre still has arguably the best RB in the league. He has a very good TE in Shiancoe. He has a solid O line. He has decent WRs in Harvin and Berrian. With that, we find him at the bottom of the league in terms of stats among starting QBs. Favre certainly has better personnel around him than McNabb who is also having to learn a brand new scheme/system but McNabb is having a much better year than Favre.

Favre is one of the greatest QBs in history. I wouldn't put him in the same class as a Jordan or Gretzky who both absolutely dominated their respective sports, were perennial all stars/MVPs, and led their teams to multiple championships.

Bottom line, I get it, you guys love Favre but it seems pretty clear the guy is a diva and a guy that thinks it's all about him.

He had a very good year last year but he is pretty bad right now and we'll see if his numbers improve.

deepie said...

Look...If NFL teams treated Favre the way the NBA has dealt with Allen Iverson, also arguably an all-time great, Favre would just go away and none of this drama would have ever taken place. The Jets and now the Vikings understood that Favre is still a valuable player that could make their respective teams better. The dude was mulling retirement and was talked out of it by these desperate teams and somehow you want to believe he's at fault? Whatever.

Look...I agree that he dealt with the Packers poorly. He was probably at that stage where he figured, "I know the offense backwards and forwards. I don't need training camp to batter my body anymore. I'll just come back when the season is going to start and we'll make another run at it. Obviously the Packers organization didn't think this was a good approach and they parted ways. Favre must have thought he'd get his way considering how much he'd given the team over the years...He should have understood their position better than act like a baby when he didn't get his way.

I don't think he has done anything wrong with the Vikings. I think JSR and I have made that very clear. He made a mistake with a previous team and you want to continue to hold that against him. That's not my problemo.

Finally, he does deserve the respect that Jordan, etc. deserves. He is a 3-time MVP who has consistently made his teams better than they would be without him. He's past his prime now, but that's not his fault...Just like it's not his fault that teams still want him to play for them.

JSR said...

I agree with Deepie!!

JSK DAD - just seems like youre basically a Favre hater. Thats fine. Most of what youre saying is totally opinionated with an obvious Favre hating agenda. Favre has consistently made teams better...

think about these two FACTS - in Favre's 19 years as a starting QB, not including the 1 in atlanta which he never played... He has never missed a game, and he has had exactly ONE losing season.

18/19 = 94.7% of the season's hes played, the teams that he has played for have finished 8 and 8 or better.

I can understand Rob's dislike for Favre - hes a bears fan and Favre's the greatest Bear killer of all time.

But really keep hating... makes things more interesting

deepie said...

But let me be very clear...In the end I don't care.


j, k, and s's d said...

First off, comparing Favre with Iverson is ridiculous. If you need me to list the reasons why it is ridiculous, please let me know but I am assuming you can figure that out.

Take it easy, dude. I don't think he's at fault for anything. If I didn't have to show up for all the OTAs, mini camps, training camp, some of the preseason games, etc. and then I'm going to be handed the starting job and, oh by the way, you are going to pay me $16.5M...WHERE DO I SIGN?!!!

Again, he's has the right to do what he wants. The Vikings have the right to deal with and accept everything that comes along with Favre. Good for them (you).

I don't particularly like that kind of guy on a team I am playing on. It's loosely similar to Haynesworth. Everyone wanted him to practice here but he chose not to and he hurt himself both in terms of being behind in learning the scheme and losing respect from teammates. Favre certainly had to deal less with the latter but I am sure there were some players annoyed with him being unable to make up his mind. However, the former has been critical. Favre and the Vikings are trying to figure things out now that should have been figured out in the offseason/preseason.

I am assuming you have no personal/professional stake in the whole thing so it isn't your "problemo." I just don't like that kind of teammate. I don't want to work with someone like that. It's my choice/opinion. Obviously, you are okay with that.

As far as the comparison with MJ and Gretzky, there is no comparison.

MJ is a Six-time NBA champion (1991-93, 1996-98); NBA MVP (1988, '91, '92, '96, '98); 10-time All-NBA First Team (1987-93, 1996-98); All-NBA Second Team (1985); Defensive Player of the Year (1988); Nine-time All-Defensive First Team (1988-93, 1996-98); Rookie of the Year (1985); 14-time All-Star; All-Star MVP (1988, '96, '98); One of 50 Greatest Players in NBA History (1996); Two-time Olympic gold medalist (1984, '92). He is widely considered the greatest player to have ever played. He certainly revolutionized the game. Even the great players at the time understood how great he was. Magic Johnson said on several occasions how MJ played on a different level than he and everyone else.

As great as MJ's records are, it is easily argued that Gretzky dominated his sport even more than MJ. He holds a combined 61 NHL regular season, playoffs, and all-star game records. He won ten Art Ross Trophies, and nine Hart Trophies (league MVP), including eight in a row from 1980-1987. He is a 15 time NHL All Star. He has won the Stanley Cup 4 times.

Favre is a great QB but I wouldn't put him in the same league as MJ and Gretzky. One other point, is that when the biggest games were on the line, everyone and their mother knew that the ball/puck was going to MJ/Gretzky and much more often than not, they came up huge. You look at Favre's last two opportunities to make something happen in a big game and in both he threw INTs.

Again, he is a great player but part of being legendary, fair or not, is how many times you are a champion. Ask Ovie all about this. He has done a tremendous amount individually in his young career but he will never be considered truly great unless he delivers a championship(s).

j, k, and s's d said...

I used to really like Brett Favre and admired him during his glory years. However, I lost a lot of respect for him in how he has handled himself the last few years.

If you want to call that "hating," so be it. I would have had more respect for the guy this year if he had just come out early on and told the Vikings, "I'm not coming to any camp. I will show up a week before the season. I want to be paid top dollar. Take it or leave it." He would have been a jerk but I would have respected him more.

JSR, I get it. You are in love with the guy. I am not. We can leave it at that and see how the season plays out for him and the Vikings.

JSR said...

Yeah def i agree. Let the season play out and we'll see the end result.

I do understand where you're coming from though.

You said you were a fan... then something happened and then you were not a fan.

Its a similar formula for my relationship with the Redskins.

I loved the Skins... then Dan Snyder happened... and now I dislike the Dan Snyder Redskins.

until next time!

Scott said...

If you guys had your own sports talk show on TV, they would have to make it a mini-series!