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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Caps off to a 3-1 start

It's great that hockey is back but as I mentioned in my earlier post about the Caps, the regular season is largely irrelevant. We all know the Caps are going to win the Southeast Division (barring injuries to their key players). They will be one of the best teams in hockey and they will have a high seed going into the playoffs. The real test is what they do once they get to the playoffs. This is a team that is built to win now. Their core players (Ovie, Semin, Backstrom, Green) are all young but they are all vets and the time is now. This is a team that should be thinking about how many championships they will win and building a dynasty so another early exit this year would be devastating.

I have watched at least parts of every game so far and a couple of thoughts on the season:

1. Offense is going to be fine. Just as last year, we will not have a problem scoring goals.

2. Penalty kill seems much improved right now. This was an issue last year and something that was stressed in the offseason and so far so good.

3. Neuvy has been very good. Varly is supposed to be the number one but he tweaked a groin and should be joining soon so in the meantime Neuvirth has gotten the nod and he has been excellent. He kept the game close in the season opener loss. He had some great saves last night against the Isles. He really hasn't had a poor game so far so first it's comforting to know we have two solid goalies but second, if Neuvy continues this play, maybe he challenges for the number one spot.

4. D.J. King - love this guy. He was brought in specifically to be the enforcer. Losting Brashear last year hurt. I don't think we can really understand how much his loss hurt us and we didn't have anyone that fit his bill. Now we have King and this guy is a beast. In his first shift of his first game last night, he gets into a fight. That's exactly what we need. We need an enforcer. Someone that provides toughness and grittiness and he knows his role. He was actually on the Junkies this morning and it's funny just listening to him as he is totally serious but he knows why he is on the team. The Junkies were asking him about fighting and if he would get into it with certain players including Beaugard from NY Rangers who is a 6'8", 280 lbs monster and King said, "Probably." He said it in all seriousness and said that they had mixed it up several times before so it is likely. It's funny because most players prepare for a game thinking about scoring or good defense or that part of the game. King goes into games thinking he is going to fight. Takes a special guy to be in that role and it's just funny that that is what he does. Still, I am glad he is on the team because that role was missing last year and was very much needed.

5. Power play needs to step up. I am confident it will. In fact, we got a PP goal last night but want to see this pick up soon.

6. Need other players to chip in on offense. We can't rely on the usual suspects (Ovie, Semin, Backstrom). We need guys like Fehr, Fleischmann, Johannson, Knuble to get theirs. Fehr already has a couple of goals and I think Knuble and Fleischmann have one each but these guys have to not rely on the superstars and create opportunities themselves.

7. Guys need to continue to play hard. As I mentioned earlier, the season is largely irrelevant and we need to see what we do in the playoffs. I think the players kind of feel the same way as there have been times during the games there are signs where guys seem a little lackadaisical and it seems like there is some impatience/annoyance to have to go through the formality of the season. I may be way off on this and it may just be my own feelings of lets just get through the season but guys need to stay focused. Everyone is playing with a chip on their shoulder as to how the season ended in such a disappointing fashion and maybe once the playoffs come around, there will be an extra sense of urgency and focus among the team. I expect that but I don't want to lose the hunger during the season. We need to be the dominant team we should expect to be.

We'll see how the season goes but so far so good.



Scott said...

I was at the game last night. The Caps were fortunate to win that game. I don't know if they took the Islanders lightly or if they were just tired, but the Islanders had much more intensity then they had last night. In fact, Nirvy was spectacular and truly allowed them to win. The power play is not clicking. Heard DJ King on the Junkies this am. He said that he had done research about the guy that he fought and knew that he was the Islanders' enforcer. He said that he was trying to be an energy spark, but sadly, he said that was one of his worst fights ever. It's evident that these teams have a lot of animosity towards each other. I look forward to their next game.

Scott said...

BTW Semin and Fleischman are not playing well. I'm glad they put Backstrom back with Ovie and Knubble later in the game. There's a rumor that Semin won't be with the team after the trade deadline. We'll see. Also, it's painfully obvious that the Caps should have kept Eric Belanger. Big loss. Hopefully these young guys can pick up their play.

j, k, and s's d said...

What? We don't need Belanger. I think you have him confused with someone else. He really didn't do a whole lot for the team in the short time he was here last year.

Yeah, the interview with King was kind of funny while not intending to be funny. It was also interesting.

Neuvy has been spectacular so far this season and really seems to be making a play for the number 1 spot. Although, I think that that is still for Varly unless he really stinks it up when he gets healthy.

Yeah, it was good to get Ovie back with Backstrom as they assisted each other's goal. Boudreau said after the game that some times you just like to mix it up a little to make the guys not rely as much on their linemates and take them for granted and it forces the individual to have to work harder. It seemed to work for them last night.

Semin is interesting because he is very talented but he does seem to lack that real fire in his belly. He signed one year extension last season so he isn't locked in like Ovie or Backstrom. It's possible that he could be traded. We certainly could get good value for him but he is also a guy that is good for 35-40 goals and he is a fellow Russian so you don't want to mess with the chemistry of this team because along with the talent, it seems like we have good chemistry.

Fleischman needs to get better. He doesn't seem to be growing.

Rob said...

Again, I'll say it really doesn't make much difference.

The Caps will make the playoffs - even with injuries to Ovie, and a couple of other front line starters this team would make the playoffs.

Everything is tied to playoff success.

I suppose the regular season is good for trying to get the young Caps goalies into shape, but other than that, the regular season is like pre-season.