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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Brett, what have you done?

The NFL says it is reviewing allegations involving Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre, who the website Deadspin says sent racy messages and photos to a woman who worked for the team while he played for the Jets.

League spokesman Greg Aiello said Friday, "We are reviewing the matter," when asked about reports that Favre sent voice mails and photos to Jenn Sterger, who did game-day work for the Jets.

The Vikings and Jets play Monday night in New York (ESPN, 8:30 p.m. ET).

Deadspin reported Thursday that voice mails and photos were sent by "someone she was led to believe was Brett Favre." It said the person contacted Sterger on MySpace.

"Send me a text. Love to see you tonight," one voicemail said.

The voice mails and photos have not been independently confirmed as coming from Favre. Sterger did not lodge a public complaint and did not comment for Deadspin on the story.

In an e-mail to The Associated Press, A.J. Daulerio, Deadspin's editor in chief, declined to reveal the source of the material. He did say the source of the photos contacted him and that Deadspin paid "more than we ever have" for them.

"I was certain about the accuracy of her story, the evidence was presented substantiating that," he said, "and then as things began to unfold, it appeared more and more likely that this happened. Plus, there will be more."

Later Friday, Deadspin reported that Favre also pursued two female massage therapists who worked part-time for the team, according to one of the women. Deadspin did not identify the women, but a Jets spokesman said the team has contact information for the two women and was giving that information to the league. The Jets spokesman requested anonymity because the NFL investigation is ongoing.

The women were two of 17 massage therapists the Jets used during what they called two intensive recovery days in training camp in 2008.

According to Deadspin, one woman exchanged phone numbers with Favre, and the other woman told the website that the quarterback sent "nasty" text messages and invited both women to his hotel room.

Asked about the report Thursday, Favre said: "I'm not getting into that. I've got my hands full with the Jets and am trying to get some timing down with our guys, so that's all I'm going to discuss."

A Jets spokesperson said: "We are working closely with the league in their review of this matter."


JSR said...

LOL... Deadspin? Really?

It all makes sense now. How much they paying you?

a few things...

1. The video released on Deadspin... is just that... a Deadspin production. They are a tabloid gossip website thats basically full of Tutti stories.


a. does NOT sound like Favre and also he does not use words like "chill

b. Anyone can take his voice from his press conferences or any other voice streams made public and piece something like that together very easily.

3. Probably just another Favre Hater (like a certain someone else we know) just taking it to another level. (are u sure you didnt create this muck?)

4. Its Deadspin - Look at the kinds of articles they post. Since when did they become a "Reliable Source"

Nothing will come of all this. Its total garbage.

j, k, and s's d said...

I didn't write the story. I am just posting what is out there. ESPN has the story as one of their headlines on its website.

Favre has not denied it yet. Childress spoke with Favre and didn't tell reporters about the conversation. Favre is not talking to the media.

Sadly, we are a society of guilty until proven innocent. We'll see where the story goes.

If it is true then it is just another large step down tarnishing Favre.

Deadspin is also reporting that it is entirely possible that the messages are not left by Favre.

The NFL is going to investigate the allegations so we'll see what happens.

JSR said...

Im j/k

This will be a disaster if true...

I seriously think it was fabricated though after listening to the VOICES on the messages. One sounds like Favre and the other sounds like some dude trying to speak in a southern accent. The bits that sound like Favre could have been clips taken from his press conferences.

ESPN says thats Sterger has never spoken with Deadspin, and that it is possible the entire thing was fabricated.

I really hope none of this mess is true.

j, k, and s's d said...

It's a headline on CNN's website as well. The NFL is investigating this on a fast track so we will probably find out something soon. A couple of thoughts though:

1. If you were Brett Favre and a story came out like this came out about you and it was totally false, what would you do? If it were me, I would not hide from the press or not have any comment on it when asked by the press and just say I want to talk football. I would immediately get in front of the camera/media and say this story is 100% a lie and I am ticked off at whoever broke fabricated this story. It is completely irresponsible and negligent and wrong. I would also want to get to the bottom of who made this story up and why they did it. I wouldn't comment any further on it and I would then only talk football.

However, I find it VERY interesting that he has made no such comment and is only hiding from it. Kind of leads you to believe there is at least some truth to it. Again, we should find out soon.

2. Again, if this is true, you got to be one heck of an idiot to leave voicemails, texts, pictures of your dong on other people's cell phones. I mean don't you think that there would be even the slightest bit of a possibility that these messages/pictures can/will be used against you?


Rob said...

Favre doesn't owe anyone an explanation. He can do whatever he liked - but he better be prepared for the story to last for a few weeks. I have looked at the stuff on Deadspin and there is more info from a couple of massage therapists who work for the Jets. It is pretty clear to me that Favre was engaging in inappropriate behavior.

The problem is that Favre was acting like a high school jock with co-workers who could have felt threatened or pressured.

I am going to assume it is true because the voice mails and text messages provide pretty clear evidence. The pictures of his junk may or may not be real because you don't see his face.

Favre is just an idiot and this just provides further evidence of his selfish diva-ish nature. His wife must be embarrassed and feel horrible about what Favre did. I feel for her. Jerkweed.

j, k, and s's d said...

He doesn't owe anyone an explanation. However, I would think that if a story came out like this and if was indeed totally fabricated, you would want to defend yourself. I am not saying that you have a press conference specifically about this or anything and try and make it a bigger deal. However, I would make a short statement as to it being totally false and that I am disappointed and upset at the irresponsibilty of journalism and professionalism shown in the material. That would be the end of it. I would make it clear that I will not talk further about it because then it takes on a life of its own and it becomes a distraction for me an my family and my team.

Rob said...

The problem is that it is true. So he should keep his mouth shut.

j, k, and s's d said...

You are probably right in that it is probably true and I would agree that he should just keep his mouth shut.

JSR said...

Do you really honestly believe that Favre has not acknowledged the situation and is just going to roll over and let some stupid tabloid website ruin his image??

Favre is not commenting on this because a lawsuit is already being pursued against Deadspin, and his lawyers have advised him to decline comment. I def believe that the more you open your mouth in situations when youre being attacked, the more chances you have to be caught out of position by saying something stupid.

This is the correct route for Favre. Favre and his publicist are not commenting. They are handling this with the right legal actions. Not with words. Which is the right thing to do.

To me, him not defending himself is a pretty good indication that he's paying someone to defend him instead, and to also bring down Deadspin.

Innocent til proven Guilty my friends.

The timing of this is pretty interesting too.

Why 2 years later?

Why the week that the Vikings are playing the Jets? (it came out before but not to this magnitude, died down at that time).

Rob said...

He isn't suing anyone. He is staying quiet because he wants it to blow over.

If he was going to take down Deadspin with a lawsuit he would just say that - he hasn't.

JSR, it is no big deal to me that he is an arse - I knew that already.

JSR said...

He, smartly, wont disclose what he intends to do about this. He would be foolish to, even before any real evidence has come forth. Especially since Jen Sterger has not even said a word, and deadspin acknowledges that the evidence could be fabricated. Why would Favre preemptively acknowledge this and start defending himself before any REAL evidence has come forth. Deadspin releasing some audio and pictures is not substantial enough to be called Real Evidence. We dont know if hes suing deadspin... all i will say that it is very likely that he has consulted his PR rep, and his lawyers regarding the matter and they have advised him to stay quiet until there is a need for action.

Favre is handling this smartly and logically. I am sure nothing will come of these accusations.

Rob said...

Have you seen what is on Deadspin?

The pictures may not be him - his face isn't in any of them - but the audio and text messages are fairly convincing evidence.

I suppose it could be some teammate who was playing a joke on him or someone who sounds like him and went to the trouble of getting a phone with a Mississippi area code saying the stuff that is in the voicemails or who sent the text messages, but it seems pretty crazy to think it isn't real.

I'm convinced he is a jerk, but I thought that before, so for me nothing has changed.

Scott said...

All I care about is that Farve throws several interceptions and fumbles so that Braylon Edwards will have even more opportunities to score tonight because I'm losing and need points to keep my unbeaten streak alive! F-Farve

JSR said...

Im not an expert on voice recognition but I have heard enough of his press conferences and can tell you that there are clearly two different voices on the audio part of it.

One sounds like it might be Favre. It could easily have been clips from his press conferences put together by anyone using any signal processing software. The other parts (the ones where he is talking crazier) are clearly not him. They sound like someone trying to speak in a southern accent.

There is a lot of interference as well and any AV engineer can tell you that as more signal proceesing and editing is done to the source, more noise and loss of data is generated causing gaps in the waveform signal and thus interference which we hear in the message. Also, there is a buzzing sound in the audio. Generally this occurs when there are two sources with different frequencies that are overlapped and are trying to be decoded by one receiver sampling at a certain frequency. Had there been only one signal aka a single untampered voicemail message and not a combination of different clips strung together, there would not have been any interference. Thats how I know there are atleast two sounces there. In any real voice mail message you would not hear such things because you have you leave a message at a certain sampling frequency and usually when the person listens to the voicemail, the phone decodes the message's waveform signal at frequency that matches very closely to that of original the message. Check your own voicemails and you will see how clear it is.

It is extremely easy to get a mississippi area code (or any other area code ) phone number for free. Give me a few hours and I can call you with one to prove it if youd like.

If he is guilty of this and he did actually do it, ill be the first to say hes a scumbag. But there is no real evidence here for Favre to acknowledge.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, Favre doesn't need to come out and talk about details or anything like that. However, again, if a story like this came out about you, would you not at least want to make a quick statement saying something to the effect of this "story" is utterly false and how angry and upset you are with the lack of professionalism/morals/ethics in the journalists and the owners of the website for producing such a story and that the truth will come out? I would want to say something to that effect just so it's clear how upset I am. I will not talk about it any further and will not respond to any questions. If reporters want to talk football, fine; otherwise, we will not be discussing this matter.

The other thing is that Deadspin paid a large amount of money for the evidence and I don't think they would pay that kind of money to just any old joker. I am assuming they are smart enough to only hand over that type of money if the source is reliable.

Whatever. The NFL is investigating this on a fast track and we should be able to get the truth in a few weeks.

Rob said...

I'm not sure what evidence you want. There is evidence that seems fairly clear.

It may turn out that the evidence is not credible, but I wouldn't just dismiss the evidence by saying it is not real.

As JKSD says, there is an investigation going. We'll find out.

Either way I still think Favre is a selfish diva.