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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Expendables?

Jason Statham
Stone Cold
Bruce Willis
Mickey Rourke
Randy Couture

I think the only ones they left out were Van Damme, Segal, and Norris.

This has matar aloo's name written all over it. I expect him to be camping out for tickets 2 weeks in advance.

Seriously, all those plot lines we did on RobsObs way back when would probably make for a more entertaining story than this pack of shat.

Fatal Attraction

Last night, I got caught up watching Fatal Attraction until like 1 am. It's been a while since I've seen the movie but I must say that is some crazy shat. Good story and well acted.

Although I will say Glenn Close is pretty ugly so it's hard to take her seriously as a vixen. She does however nail the craziness down. Watching as an adult kind of makes you think what you would do if a crazy was after you. The scene where Douglas breaks into her place and tries to kill her after Close steals his kid from school and takes her to the park and the wife in a panic gets into a car accident seems pretty real. I could imagine doing something similar. Of course, I wouldn't have gotten myself into that sitiation in the first place. Michael Douglas was STOOPID (said like that dude at Deepie's party)!


Don't you hate it when you are up at night and instead of going to sleep, you sit in front of the tv and channel surf watching nothing in particular. Or even worse, get caught up watching something ridiculous where at the end of the program you think, "That was a big waste of my f'ing time!"

A couple of nights back, I was channel surfing in the middle of the night and I ended up watching this ridiculous excuse of a movie called Joy Ride. It starred Paul Walker (Fast and Furious) and Steve Zahn (Saving Silverman) and was made earlier this decade and followed the same genre as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer.

It was a "horror" film but with a little tweaking could have very easily turned into a comedy. Basically, it was about two brothers travelling cross country and having fun with a CB radio but unfortunately poke fun at the wrong trucker who ends up tormenting them throughout the movie.

Rule #1 when making a horror film, do not cast Zahn. This guy can't help but look/act funny whatever he does.

The acting, plot, setting, and everything else including the key grip all sucked in this movie. Sadly, I stayed up and watched the whole thing. I actually got a couple of kicks at the attempts at suspense but really was more comedic. The funny thing was the ending set it up for a Joy Ride 2.

Note to self...stay away from Joy Ride.

Monday, June 28, 2010

LeBron a Bull?

Reports today are that Lebron is likely headed to the Bulls along with Bosh. The Bulls cleared a lot of money recently to make a run at two FAs. It's a strong FA class and is likely that the FAs are discussing where they will land. FA signing opens up on July 1 so we'll see what happens. Would be interesting to see Lebron in a different uniform and also play in MJ's town.

Bosh seems likely to fall in Chicago or Miami.

The U.S. dream is over

After a tremendous emotional win over Algeria that got the country energized to get into the round of 16, the U.S. blew it against Ghana.

Anyone that watches any type of sport understands what could happen and the similar story line of a team that gets that huge emotional win to get to the next round only to come out flat footed and lackadaisical. There is almost an attitude of "we've arrived" as they go into the next game/round.

That is exactly what happened to the U.S. They started off slowly and Ghana took advantage scoring a very early goal. Most of the first half belonged to Ghana as we just looked flat. Not sure what Bradley said to his guys before the game but I would have made sure to tell them that we have achieved nothing so far and that Ghana is going to come out firing so be prepared.

U.S. looked very good for much of the second half and seemed to be dominating and had good opportunities but again, could not finish. Donovan got the penalty shot and made a perfect shot that ricocheted off of the right post. The goalie guessed wrong but even if he had guessed right, there's no way he would have stopped that shot. When it was tied 1-1, I was feeling good and felt like it was our game. However, momentum started to shift later in the second half and regulation ended with the tie.

In the OT, Ghana again struck first and quickly. After that, the U.S. never seemed able to get a good opportunities. Ghana won 2-1 ending the U.S. dream.

After the game, people were disappointed but commended the U.S. team for their effort. I, on the other hand, am a bit more disappointed. We shouldn't be consoling. We blew it. We came out slow and we have difficulty finishing shots. You look at some of the other/better teams in the tourney and they know how to finish. We had a great opportunity to advance and we blew it. The thing is for some of these players, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We have to wait another four years before we get another shot. Disappointing end for the U.S.

And the winner is....

Last week I discussed how I finished my 1/4 barrel of Miller Lite and was debating on what beer to put into my kegerator. I received some suggestions and was happily surprised when I went to the store to look at what was available. They actually had quite a bit of selection. Again, I am somewhat limited as I will never purchase what we know as a full size keg (1/2 barrel). This is WAY too much for me so I am looking for either a 1/4 or 1/6 keg. I was debating between Blue Moon, Pilsner Urquell, Miller Lite again, and Sam Adams Summer Ale.

In the end, I went with the Sam Adams Summer Ale. It was a 1/6 keg so the size was manageable and it was good to get a seasonal beer for the summer time. The beer is bright and citrusy, brewed with Grains of Paradise.

Samuel Adams® describes the Summer Ale as an American wheat ale. This summer seasonal uses malted wheat, lemon zest and Grains of Paradise, a rare pepper from Africa first used as a brewing spice in the 13th century, to create a crisp taste, spicy flavor and medium body. The ale fermentation imparts a background tropical fruit note reminiscent of mangos and peaches. All of these flavors come together to create a thirst quenching, clean finishing beer perfect for those warm summer days.


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Watch the world's reaction to Landon Donovan's unbelievable goal against Algeria.

Get ready for John Wall

NBA draft is tonight and barring some kind of weird fluke, the Wiz have their sights set on Kentucky's phenom John Wall. It's a necessary pick because choosing anyone else would send the fans/city into an uproar.

It's interesting because all of a sudden D.C. has gotten it's fair share of superstars. With Ovechkin in hockey, Wall in basketball, Strasburg in baseball, all of a sudden it looks like the Redskins aren't the only team in town.

Do you believe in miracles?! YES!!!!

Landon Donovan and the U.S. soccer team pulled off a miracle scoring in the 91st minute of play to win their game against Algeria 1-0 and advance to the round of 16 in the World Cup. A loss or tie would have ended the U.S. run and just when it seemed like it was over, they stormed back for an unbelievable ending.

The U.S. out played the Algerians and had a number of good scoring opportunities (Dempsey's nullified goal because of offsides, Altidore miskicking the ball on an open net, Dempsey hitting the post, etc.) but they couldn't punch it in. Also, the Algerians seemed content playing for a tie as it seemed they had the mentality of we're not advancing and we're not going to let you advance either.

Still, at about the 90th minute, when the U.S. had already sent more players to the offensive side leaving the defense shorthanded, the Algerians had numbers and had a good crossing pass that one of the Algerians put a head on sending a hard shot on the U.S. goal but it was right to Howard. At that moment, I was thinking that we need to outlet the ball quickly and just as the Algerians had numbers on us, maybe we can transition quickly and get numbers on them. That's exactly what happened. Howard threw the ball out. It got to Donovan who dribbled a good part of the field. He sent it wide, that guy knocked it to the middle to a streaking I believe Dempsey who kicked the ball just as the goalie was arriving. The ball bounced off the goalie leaving a juicy rebound for a trailing Donovan to fire into the left bottom corner of the net. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

Hopefully the U.S. can carry this momentum and fire into their next game against Ghana on Saturday.

GO U.S.A.!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Haynesworth coming to camp

Fat Albert released the following statement earlier today, "As I have previously said, I am continuing to prepare for the season individually and will report on time, in shape and ready to play football. Any issues I have with the club I will discuss privately and therefore do not plan to make any further public comments about this matter."

It's going to be a loo loo when he gets here. Will be interesting to see what kind of shape he is in and how the coaches and players react to his arrival.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Redskins Alumni Day

Bruce Allen organized something that should have been done a long time ago...ALUMNI DAY!!! Actually, judging from the highlights and turnout that I saw, it seemed like it was VERY well received by the alumni and they really enjoyed it. It's something the fans and the alumni had wanted for some time as we should be reaching back to those players that were part of the glory years and seek their support and goodwill.

Interesting because with a true GM in place, a proven coach running the show, solid assistants supporting the coach, judicious selections in FA, drafting for need, reaching back to the alumni...could Danny Boy finally be running a legitimate NFL franchise?

WTF is this dude talking about?

Some freelance writer wrote an article for ESPN about Haynesworth. Highlights below:

I'm sympathetic to Albert Haynesworth. Totally so. In fact, I can't fault him whatsoever.

Look, I can't comment on Haynesworth as a person. I know he's not the sort of dude you want stomping on you, any more than you'd want to share a row with him in coach. But personal charm isn't the issue. The issue is simple.

Is Haynesworth actually doing something wrong? Is he behaving in an inappropriate, intolerable, incomprehensible manner? Does he richly deserve the slings and arrows already heading his way?

No. No. And, of course, no.

Haynesworth isn't being unduly selfish, disloyal or conniving. Nuh-uh. He's just using the leverage he has to maximum effect. Haynesworth's argument essentially goes like this:

I signed with the Redskins expecting to be a havoc-creating, quarterback-attacking playmaker in a 4-3 defense. That's the role in which I excel; that's the style of play I enjoy; that's what was promised during my free-agent courtship. Only now, the team has shifted to a new coaching staff and a new 3-4 scheme, which basically asks me to eat double-team blocks. Thanks, but no thanks. I'd like a little more excitement. A lot more glory. Please send me somewhere else.

Is that really so awful? So craven?

Let's try a food analogy. Imagine you're thetop pastry chef in New York. A bunch of restaurants want you. One restaurant offers you more money than the others, plus the opportunity to run the dessert menu. You take it. A year later, the same restaurant switches to an all-fondue format and demands that you become a sous chef, chopping chocolate-dippable fruit wedges in the back room.

Technically, you're still preparing dessert. Woo-hoo! But otherwise, it's not exactly the gig you signed up for. Would you be annoyed? Would you maybe call in sick and check the restaurant want ads, even though you're perfectly healthy?

He played only one season in the Skins' 4-3 defense. Should he have to play the next six in a 3-4?

Time for another dessert analogy. You're a parent. You make your child dinner. Before dinner is served, you feed your kid a triple-scoop hot fudge sundae. Upon digging in to the main course, your kid refuses to eat. Too full. Not interested.
Who's to blame, you or the child?

He's dictating terms to his employers. Take this job and shove it? Not quite. But not far off, either.

Hmmm. Come to think of it, I'm not sympathetic to Haynesworth, after all...I'm jealous.

This guy is an idiot of the highest order. Since when did employees dictate to employers the terms of employment? Dude asks if he is doing something wrong. HELLS YES he is doing something wrong in that he signed a contract to play football and he took his money but now doesn't want to play football. That is what he was paid to do.

He is being selfish, disloyal, and conniving in that the Redskins told him in February that they would grant is outright release and allow him to sign on with another team if he forfeited the $20M due to him on April 1. Fat Albert said that he wanted his money and that he would be a Redskin. He took the money but now is not coming to mandatory camp. He is reneging on his end of the deal. Kinda seems selfish, disloyal, and conniving to me.

Dude's analogies suck too. The pastry chef one doesn't make sense because the chef isn't under contract. Haynesworth has a contract. Fine, he may not be happy about the change in scheme but, again, he has a contract he is supposed to honor.

The kid/dessert thing doesn't make sense either because I am assuming the parent's would have said that we are not giving you the sundae unless you promise to eat your dinner. If the kid didn't eat his dinner, he lied and there would have to be repercussions. Haynesworth was said that he wanted his money (dessert) and that he would come to camp (eat dinner). He took the money (dessert) but lied about coming to camp (eating dinner). There should/needs to be repercussions for that. That is character stuff and he has demonstrated himself to be a person of poor character. Don't want that guy on my team. Don't need that guy on my team. Can't win with him. Can't play with him. Can't do it!

Finished the Keg

So I finished the keg in my basement yesterday. Was wondering when that thing was going to empty. The good thing was that I had that keg for around 3 months but the the beer still tasted good. I had Miller Lite in there as I had never connected a keg to a kegerator so I didn't want to go too high end only to screw it up and have the keg go flat after a couple of days. Now that I am more comfortable with it, I am looking forward to putting something a little better in there. Maybe Amstel Light or Heineken. Wouldn't mind Dogfish IPA. Blue Moon would be an option but that is thicker/heavier and not sure I want a full keg of that. The good thing is that store I go to has a good selection of kegs so I have options.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jammal Brown to the Skins

The New Orleans Saints agreed to send disgruntled offensive tackle Jammal Brown to the Washington Redskins on Saturday.

Brown, who missed the entire 2009 season with hip and sports hernia injuries, signed his $3.62 million tender offer before the trade. He skipped the Saints' voluntary workouts this offseason because he was unhappy with the tender.

The Saints' compensation in the deal is tied to the Redskins' trade with the Eagles for quarterback Donovan McNabb in April.

Washington will now be without its third- and fourth-round draft picks in 2011, but it will also get back a later pick from New Orleans.

Washington owes the Eagles a third- or fourth-round pick in 2011 for McNabb, based on how the quarterback plays or the team performs. If the Redskins win nine games, go to the playoffs or McNabb gets selected to the Pro Bowl, Philadelphia will receive Washington's third-round pick and New Orleans will get Washington's fourth. If none of those happen, the Eagles will get the Redskins' fourth-round pick and the Saints will get the Redskins' third-round pick.

If New Orleans receives Washington's third-round pick, then the Redskins will get a 2011 fifth-round pick back from the Saints. However, if Washington's third-round pick goes to Philadelphia, then the Saints will send a 2011 sixth- or seventh-round pick back to the Redskins.

LOVE IT!!! The Skins get a HUGE upgrade at tackle and now have solid bookends to anchor the line. We get a 2 time pro bowler in Brown and suddenly seem to have a legitimate NFL offensive line. This is the first time we can say this in years.


Manute Bol Dead

Sorry to hear this news. Seemed more of a freak show than an actual player in the NBA but also seemed like a gentle giant.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fat Albert wants a trade

This guy is a loser. He is such a cry baby. The guy got paid millions of dollars to play football and now he doesn't want to play. So it's not the scheme you like or you have an issue with the coach. Last time I checked, he was an employee and is supposed to do what his bosses tell him to do. He sat out of all voluntary OTAs and cried like a wuss and now he is going to sit out of the mandatory OTAs and is demanding a trade.

I don't mind trading him if we got decent value for him but given the fact that teams know he wants out and that the Skins might be anxious to dump him as he could potentially cause locker room problems and become a bigger distraction than he already is, not sure we would get good value for him. If we can't find a good trade, I say keep him and play him. If he doesn't play and cries, bench him and send him home and fine him as much as possible within the rules. I don't want him at the Park if he is going to be a batch!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So why do athletes have to get in suits after games? I can understand if you are on the road and the team policy is to get in a suit on the plane and stuff but what about when you play at home? For instance, the Caps would play a home game and finish up around 10 pm. Between showering and interviews and stuff, it must be close to 11 pm before they leave to go home so why get in a suit? Why get all dressed up to go home and change out of the suit?

Just find that interesting.

McIntosh signs offer

Skins and Rocky McIntosh agreed on the 1 year tender offer of $1.7M this year. McIntosh skipped the first voluntary OTAs but participated in the second one as he was displeased with not being able to become an UFA. He was seeking a multiyear deal from the Skins. Such is life. There are many other players on other teams in similar situations. It's tough but it is what it is so players should go ahead and sign. McIntosh should play out and if he performs, he will get paid.

For me, McIntosh is a solid LB but nothing special and he has had injury issues so I wouldn't want to invest tons of money in the guy either.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Creepy dude

So we went to a kid's birthday party this past weekend at Build a Bear. For those that don't know what Build a Bear is, it's a store in the mall where you can choose a shell of a stuffed animal you want to make, they will stuff it, and then there are ways to personalize your newly created animal.

So towards the end of the party when everyone has there animal (they give you a box to put your animal in and all the related paperwork that goes with it), the worker was printing out birth certificates for all of the kids animals. I was standing with my two boys near the computers where customers can print out their birth certificates for their animals. We were standing on the outer edge of party. The worker called my two kids names and they walked up to grab their birth certificates. When they came back, one of my son's box with his animal was gone. He asked what happened to it and I saw this dude who looked like he was in his early 50s walking with a box with a tiger in it (the boxes have holes in them so you can see inside and my son had built a tiger). I didn't actually see him pick it up so I wasn't going to accuse him but I said a little loudly and certainly loud enough for him to hear me if anyone had seen an extra box because we were missing one. A friend at the party also started asking around and between the two of us, there is no question that this guy would have heard us.

The guy sat down at a computer very close to us where I am assuming his wife and 20 some odd year old son were creating a birth certificate for an animal they had created. Now as I am asking if anyone has seen our missing box, I am keeping an eye out for this dude. I hear his wife say to him, "Oh, you have a box?" and he kind of nods to her. It was clear that she thought he had picked up an empty box to house their stuffed animal. I started looking too at their computer to see the kind of animal they had built and if it was possibly a tiger. Once it was clear that they had not built a tiger, I tapped the guy on his shoulder and asked him if the box that he kind of seemed to be hiding at his feet under the computer desk was his. He looked at me and said, "Oh, no." and then handed me the box. WTF, DUDE?

Seriously, the box was always near my son until he got up to get his birth certificate. It's not like it was on the other side of the store or was left unattended. My son was gone from the box for no more than 30 seconds. Once he picked it up and sat down at the computer with his family, he was never more than 10 feet away from me so he certainly could easily have heard me asking if anyone had seen a box. Also, there was a kid's party with several children and their parents right next to him so he had to have known that there would be several of these boxes with animals inside right near him. Why would you even think to pick up the box? If for some reason you picked up the box and thought it was misplaced, wouldn't you have returned it to a worker and said that you thought it was misplaced? Fine, you're a clepto but why would you steal a little kid's stuffed animal in the presence of your family? The more I think about it, the more upset I get and the more I should have just given the dude an open handed chop to the adam's apple. What a dick, man.

At least we got the tiger back and all is well in the end.


Time to celebrate...STRASMUS IS HERE!!!!

Rookie phenom Stephen Strasburg takes the mound tonight at home for his major league debut. The kid has been lighting it up in the minors and the time has come to showcase his talents in the big leagues. It will be a much anticipated debut as the park will be sold out and I'm sure there will be tons of extra media out there watching/critiquing his every pitch. When was the last time you could say that you were actually looking forward to watching the Nats play?

That said, rejoice my friends as we celebrate Strasmus!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Selig won't reverse perfect game call

So last night some guy from the Tigers pitched a perfect game for 8 and 2/3 innings. For the 27th and final out, the first base umpire called a guy safe on a play that wasn't even that close destroying the perfect game bid. Pretty shocking in that it wasn't even that close but also it was in Detroit and it was the final out. You'd almost think the ump would give it to the pitcher if was even close.

To the ump's credit, he was visibly upset and apologized to the pitcher after the game but it doesn't take away the blunder. Selig had a chance to reverse the call but chose not too.

I disagree with this and it's too bad that such a difficult accomplishment was spoiled by a botched call.

And then there was one...

Golden Girl, Rue McLanahan, passed away today. That leaves only Betty White as the sole remaining Golden Girl left. Estelle Getty died two years ago, Bea Arthur passed away last year, now think Betty White is looking forward to 2011?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Back from Disney World

Went to Disney with the family last weekend. We have gone the last four years but I have to say didn't enjoy as much this past year. I think I have become too familiar with the place. Sure it was fun to see the kids and their enjoyment but even they didn't seem thrilled mostly because of the crowd and heat. It was H-O-T...HOT!!!

Also, it's unbelievable how commercialized that place is. Makes Danny Boy look like a marketing intern. They have Mickey Mouse on everything! We can't just get regular oreos because the kids want the Mickey Mouse oreos. The parks are super expensive. The crowds were unbelievable and the heat almost killed me.

At least our hotel was decent but I really didn't feel like I had the vacation I had hoped for and am now hoping to go away again. Don't think we will go back to the house of mouse for a few years.

So long Mickey!