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Monday, April 19, 2010

What is Kyle Shanahan smoking?

So after this past weekend's mini camp, Kyle Shanahan had this to say about the Redskins O line (keep in mind Heyer was playing LT and Artis Hicks was the RT): "I'm real excited about our offensive line," he said. "You know, I mean, they talk about that that's been a weakness and stuff, but I don't see it on tape and I don't see it on the field. We've got some real good players. I think we've got some big guys who aren't just big guys who stand still -- we got some big guys who can move. We've just got to get 'em in shape and get 'em used to running the zone scheme, and runnin' and cuttin' and I think we've got a good chance there."

The Washington Post's Rick Maese, sounding more than a little dubious, asked if the players looked different on tape from how they looked on the field, and Shanahan continued in his theme of relentless positivity.

"No," he said, "It's not different. It's tough when you watch tape of an old staff; you don't wanna watch too much, because you're not watching scheme. You don't know what they're asking players to do, so you're not really evaluating that. You're trying to watch the individual. When you watch the individual, you do see talent. You see size and you also see speed. And as a coach, that's all you can ask for.

"Now we wanna get 'em on the field and see. We know they're talented -- can they do what we're askin' 'em to do? Each day they got better, and hopefully by training camp they'll continue to grow."

Here's the part where I think the skeptics are going to really have trouble with Shanahan's thinking. Kelli Johnson of ComcastSportsNet asked if Shanahan the younger would be asking Shanahan the elder for a left tackle in this week's NFL draft, and Kyle remained cheerfully confident.

"Nah," he said, " we've got a bunch out here so I think we're good to go."

Johnson was incredulous, and asked as if to clarify, "You feel confident in the tackles that you have?"

"Oh yeah," Shanahan said.

Maybe this is some posturing for the draft or maybe Shanny's offensive scheme is suited for these guys. Maybe these guys haven't been coached to their full potential or maybe Kyle is smoking some serious dubage.


Scott said...

Pabs, they are hedging. They may end up trading down or going in another direction, i.e., Suh.

Is Rocky McIntosh on the trading block? Why didn't he go to minicamp?

Rob said...


j, k, and s's d said...

I don't know if they are hedging. It could all be posturing as the draft approaches and they don't want to show their cards. We'll find out what they think on Thursday night.

McIntosh is upset about the tender but my take is be a professional and own up to it. It's an unfortunate situation for players who would otherwise have been UFAs but it is what it is so man up. Play the year and if you perform, you will be rewarded next year. I think McIntosh feels like he has more leverage because he feels the team needs him as they shift to the 3-4. I don't think we will pay and he is hurting himself with this new regime by missing time.

j, k, and s's d said...

Not sure what Robs means by "Mogambo!"

I know what I mean when I say "Mogambo!" and it certainly would not be appropriate to say that in this situation.

Rob said...

I just answered your question.

j, k, and s's d said...

Fair enough.

We can all make of what we want when Robs yells, "MOGAMBO!!!"

Rob said...

There is no reason to trash players now, but I think Shanny Jr. is making himself look like an idiot with his comments.

Everyone knows that they need two new tackles. If the Deadskins don't draft O-linemen and/or trade or pick some up somewhere, we will be looking at another offensive disaster.

j, k, and s's d said...

Shanny Jr. is making himself look like an idiot or is he making himself out to be a genius? There is a fine line between complete ineptitude and total enlightenment.

Whatever. We better go O line in the draft.

Scott said...

Best case scenario, Skins package Campbell and Hayney for one of Seattle's other first round picks and we get Eric Berry and a OT.