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Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Nike commerical with Tigger

Interesting commercial because it really doesn't advertise the product until the logo at the end. Still, it probably has the desired effect of catching interest because most everyone is interested in anything Tigger right now. Think it probably does a good job to help Tigger's image a little bit by drawing in the voice of his deceased dad with a solemn looking b/w video of Tigger asking if Tigger has learned anything.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Here's the rest of the quote from Tiger's daddy that didn't make the commercial: "Tiger, how did it feel to bang the porn stars? Were they loose like a an old sock or were they tight like Mickelson's arse?.....Did you ever think, "F-it, I'll just pay Elin off and continue F-ing who I want to and when I want to?"