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Monday, April 5, 2010

McNabb a Skin

Pretty surprising. Didn't even realize we were a player in the McNabb sweepstakes.

He is now the starter. I do feel bad for JC as I never felt he got a fair shake here in D.C. and now he will most likely be gone. I can only hope the best for him.

Back to McNabb. The facts are that he is a perennial Pro Bowl player and a HOFer. We have improved at the position but the question is how much. I think McNabb is a slightly better physical talent over JC. I do think his decision making is better than JC but probably the biggest difference is his leadership abilities.

The interesting thing is that we will find out how much of the problems on offense were JC and how much were the O line as McNabb will have the opportunity to play behind this group.

I suppose the best thing is that I was afraid that we would take a QB with our first round pick this year and that it would be Jimmy Clausen which I thought would have been a HUGE mistake. So basically we save our first round pick and I assume we will go O line which is what we need to do and with our second round pick we get a Pro Bowl QB.

We'll see how this plays out.


Scott said...

ESPN's Clayton says that the Skins will now compete with the Cowboys to win the division. Sounds like some instant credibility, which proves my earlier points that JC is not, was not, and won't ever be the solution for success for the Redskins. The NFL is big business and a team can't continue to hope for the best with subpar talent (i.e., JC). I believe he got a fair shake as he has started a substantial number of games and has achieved only mediocre results. There are other QBs that have been successful with OL issues. McNabb brings the Skins leadership on the field and in the locker room that they don't have and haven't had for many years. Go Skins!

Rob said...

When McNabb goes down in week one because Stephon Heyer blows an assignment in week 1, and then Rex is injured in week 3 because big Mike Williams is still out of shape, the Deadskins season will be over.

They can concentrate on O-line now, but even if McNabb is solid, they are changing their D and changing their O. It takes a year or two to get all the right personnel down.

Look at their linebacking corps - they need a couple of new guys to fit the 3-4. Andre isn't going to play in space very well and he isn't big enough to play the traditional D-end in a 3-4. Haynesworth needs to find his way. Fletcher isn't a 3-4 middle linebacker. They still have secondary problems - especially at free safety.

Then the O-line problems are well documented. It won't get all sorted out in one season.

The Deadskins were 4-12 for a reason - and it wasn't just QB. Right now, I say they finish 7-9. I'll see how things go in camp, but that would be a significant improvement.

deepie said...

Awesome move to get McNabb. Not only did we improve at a position of need, but it results in a division foe dramatically downgrading at QB. It's a win-win for the home team.

The Skins will take Okung with the 4th. We'll trade Campbell and make some moves to recover a 2nd or 3rd rounder to get some additional youth at LB or at o-line. We'll get Darren Sharper.

All of this will translate into a 7 to 9-win season. The team will improve dramatically in season two under Shanny. Good things to come...

Hail Skins!

Rob said...

Same old 'Skins. They compete in the offseason, but not during the season.

They dicked JC yet again.

They gave two starters/contributors to the Eagles with the 2nd and 3rd/4th for next year.

They picked up a soon to be 34-year old QB who may or may not hold up (probably not with that O-line). In the end they will end up 7-9 and still be talking about the need to develop a young QB.

You say the Eagles are worse off. That is not a clear proposition because there are a lot of players who probably want to move on from McNabb.

I know this - the Eagles have been very good with their personnel moves over the last decade. The Deadskins haven't. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the Eagles until I have reason to think otherwise.

Scott said...

I watched the D-Mc press conference. He said all of the right things about winning as a team. He complimented the guys currently on the team and he is hungry to win a super bowl. FYI about the age thing: When Shanahan started working with Elway, he was 34. When Shanahan worked with Steve Young in SF he was 33 and won a super bowl. Brett Farve will probably win one next year and he's 40.

D-Mc made a joke about how they never seemed to run the ball in Phili. Shanahan will run first and throw second, which will prolong D-Mc's career.

D-Mc worked out with his teammates this morning to start the ball rolling. Nice to also hear that many Skins(Portis, Cooley, Sellers, Rogers, etc.) were there to support him in the press conference. When asked if he wanted a contract extension, he said that wasn't his focus. His focus is to spend time with his teammates developing relationships and timing.

JKSD, buy me a #5 jersey. No, not Brennan's.:)

Rob said...

The 'Skins are dicks

deepie said...

Wow Robs...The blatent hateration isn't surprising, but I guess I was expecting a little bit of approval of the approach the 'Skins are taking these days. I'll chalk it up to denial. Seeing the 'Skins organization function in a more business like, strategic, and professional manner than your beloved Bears has got to hurt.

We picked up a legitimate franchise QB for a bargain compared to what the Bears gave up for Cutler. The o-line will need some holes filled, but that's what the draft is for. Trading Campbell and possibly Haynesworth will help us recoup the lost draft picks. The o-line will be much better and much younger this year than last.

I completely disagree with you on how the 'Skins treated Campbell. Immediately after the McNabb trade, Shanny reached out to JC, had lunch with him, and explained to him that he's still wanted. He left it up to JC to decide what he wants. If he wants a trade, it's up to him. If he wants to be a backup, it's up to him. I think JC will seek a trade and I think that's the best thing for him now. He needs to get away from DC and start over. He's still young and he can be a decent QB for years to come. It's a business and Shanny's looking for the best players at each position. If the process hurts a few guys along the way, so be it. JC wasn't dicked over. He's getting what he needs...Options for his future.

The Albert Buttersworth issue is a breath of fresh air. I hope he gets traded. No one is bigger than the team and this regime has made it clear that no one is worth that much money. Get him out of here. Get some picks in the draft and bring in some youth. If he stays this year, it'll be because he came in to camp at 315 pounds and is ready to play DE in an 3-4 scheme. If he's in shape and shows some desire and willingness to help the team, then he'll be welcomed back. I doubt that will happen, so good riddance.

Hail Skins!

Rob said...

Deeps - you are joking if you think JC is wanted by the 'Skins. The idea that it is up to JC is ridiculous. That is just Deadskin spin to try to do damage control.

The McNabb trade is a good one if you think the Deadskins are getting to the Super Bowl in the next year or two. I don't think so.

I am amazed at how quickly you guys turn on your players. Last year, picking up Haynesworth was awesome and was going to transform the Deadskins D. Now, after just one year, you want him out.

I hope the Bears trade for Haynesworth. He would fit their D, and he would only cost them about $5M/year because of the way his contract is structured. The Deadskins would just have to eat most of the guaranteed money.

The Deadskin D will be bad this coming year because they don't have personnel to run the 3-4. The O-line will continue to struggle. They don't have much talent anyway, but the guys they do have now have to learn Shanny's blocking schemes which require fairly athletic guards and strong and athletic tackles. None of which they have on the roster right now.

I liked most of their moves up until the McNabb trade, but this trade is more like Snyderatto then like Shanny. It is a win-now kind of move, when the reality is this year and next year should be used to rebuild and get younger players who fit the new schemes.

Rob said...

Deeps - one more thing about JC. The Deadskins have a first round tender on him. They want a team to offer him a contract. That way, they will get that team's first round pick for him.

If Shanny said, "Jason is not in our plans for this season" NO ONE would sign him and give up their first round pick because they know he will be released.

JC is not allowed to practice with the team while he seeks out a trade. What the Deadskins are hoping for is that some team is willing to part with a 3rd or 4th rounder as part of a trade - because there is NO POSSIBILITY that a team is going to give up a first round pick for JC when they know he isn't seriously being considered for a roster spot in DC.

It is a complete farce to think that Shanny wants JC. If JC's agent cannot work out something by the draft then the Deadskins will release him. They aren't going to give him a one year contract for $3.1M to sit on the bench.

If they actually allow him to sign the tender contract - they will still try to move him before the season starts. Barring injuries to BOTH McNabb and Rex, there is a 0 percent chance that JC will be Deadskin on opening day.

j, k, and s's d said...

Not sure where to begin.

We can start with JC. I do feel bad for him as he has given a lot to the organization and hasn't gotten much in return. I would have liked to have seen him been given a fair shake and play for a good coach, in a good system, with a semi decent O line protecting him. Fine, that won't be the case. I don't think he was dicked over by Shanny. I'm sure the two had a very candid discussion at lunch. I'm sure JC is disappointed about the way things unfolded but understands the business side. I'm sure Shanny told him that they will try and move him but aren't just going to give him away so we'll see how that plays out.

I think Haynesworth is a good player and I hope he does contribute to the team this year. What I don't like is that, as a leader, he shouldn't be complaining about the 3-4 defense and he should be with the team now. You look at Portis and the way he has conducted himself in the offseason previously. This year, he is at Redskins Park and is working to show he is a leader and he is committed and also to prove he deserves to be the starter to this team and the league. Haynesworth, as a leader, needs to have the same attitude. For the amount of money he is being paid, he shouldn't complain and be willing to play wherever these coaches tell him to play. Also, now that he has chosen to train off by himself and go back to his "roots" with that trainer that worked with him when he was at the top of his game, he better come back in shape. The onus is on him and he better prove that going off was better for him or else he will lose even more credibility/standing with the team/coaches.

Again, while I am a big JC fan, I am okay with the McNabb trade. You could tell right off the bat with him coming to workout at 7:30 am (5 hours before even being introduced) that he is a leader. He mentioned that a number of times in his introduction and bringing the guys together.

One of the big things I liked was that he said every time the Eagles stepped on the field, they believed they were going to win and he wants to bring that same attitude here. I'm sure Shanny has had the same feelings when he was in Denver and wants to bring that here. That's big because we have not had that feeling in a LONG time.

For the first time in a long time, there seems like there is a plan with capable people leading us. There is a feeling of organization, hunger, and change in attitude.

I don't expect miracles to happen over night but I am hopeful and excited in the direction of the team.

Rob said...

7-9 next year.

9-7 in 2011.

New starting QB by 2012.

The McNabb trade might result in 3 more wins over the next two years, but the Deadskins won't be a serious playoff contender until they get guys to fit their new systems, and by that time, they will need a new QB to take over for their 36-year old McNabb who will be brutalized because of their O-line.

deepie said...

Robs...I'm sure the 'Skins want to move JC. I don't think they want him back as much as they say they are willing to bring him back. I do believe that what Shanny said about allowing JC to seek a trade is true though. He also said that if a trade can't be made before the draft, JC may be back on the team as the back-up. Either way, the belief is that JC is valuable to the team.

I wish the best for JC. I think a move to a stable team/organization is what he needs. There's too much bad karma for him in DC, so a change of scenery would be best.

As for Fat Albert...he's the most dominant d-lineman in the game. For as many plays as he missed, he was in on the 2nd most amount of snaps last year among the 'Skins d-linemen. He helped everyone around him become better. The problem is, he's a crybaby and he's spoiled by that contract he signed. I will welcome him back if he comes to camp in shape. It would show some dedicaiton on his part. If he's still prone to flopping around like a beached whale after each play, then get the dude out of here.

Rob said...

Shanny is posturing so they can get a 4th round pick (perhaps a 3rd pick) for JC.

Like I said, if Shanny said the obvious - JC is no longer a QB we are seriously considering for our team - there would be absolutely no chance for the Deadskins to get anything for him.

AT BEST, the Deadskins will get a 3rd round pick for him. But more likely they will get a 4th or 5th round pick if they get anything. If he isn't traded by the draft he will be cut the next day.

The Deadskins would be idiots to trade FA after just one year. He is better than everyone on their D except for maybe Orakpo and they have poured $32M into him. They have another $8M guaranteed tied up in him, so just keep him for this year.

Rob said...

Look - if there was any possibility of JC actually being with the team next year, they would allow him to use Deadskin facilities and they would have him sign his tender right away.

JC is not allowed at Redskins Park (they don't want him to get hurt and be responsible) and he has not signed the tender. The latter is probably because the Deadskins have already told him it has been rescinded, but the Deadskins want people to believe that he may be allowed to come back so they can still get something for him.

Teams can just wait until he is released at the end of the month - it is probably better for JC to wait also - and just sign JC without giving the Deadskins anything.