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Monday, April 12, 2010

JC signs the tender

So Robs thought that there was a zero chance of JC returning to the Skins and that the Skins had pulled the tender from JC is wrong yet again. JC signed the tender and now it is up to the Skins to find a trade partner. This will be interesting because JC is no longer a RFA and will make $3.1M next year. We'll see what happens.

Still, Robs hate for the Skins runs SO deep that it clouds his thinking and yet somehow he believes he remains objective.


deepie said...

It has been reported, yet again, that Shanny wants Campbell back as the backup if a trade that benefits JC and the 'Skins can't happen. Yes, Robs...Shanny is saying what he needs to say to make sure that JC's perceived value is high, and I'm sure that the team and JC both would prefer a trade, but I think it's clear that they aren't just going to dump him or that he's being "dicked" with, as you seem to believe.

The fact that JC signed the tender makes a trade more likely because other teams won't have to compensate the 'Skins with a 1st round pick. I hope that means something happens soon. JC's a good dude and I hope he lands somewhere with a stable organization where he gets a chance to play.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree 100%.

I am a big JC fan and in some ways was disappointed with the McNabb trade because I would have liked to have seen JC in this offense but hopefully a trade can be worked out to give JC a fresh start.

Still, Shanny has said that he wants JC back if there is no trade. JC is not participating in voluntary OTAs because he doesn't want to be a distraction to McNabb and the team. Once again, showing his professionalism. Shanny understands this; however, Shanny said that if no trade is made, he fully expects JC to show up to all required camps/practices. There is no question in my mind JC will show up if that is the case.

Also, Robs made mention that no big time players find out about trades from news sources. This is incorrect. It happens regularly. While I cannot think of specific instances off the top of my head, I know I have heard of this happening before. In fact, most of Santonio Holmes teammates were surprised to find out about his trade. Ryan Clark said that he found out from his wife who saw the ESPN ticker. Heath Miller found out when he arrived to the practice facility. Ryan Clark in an interview with ESPN talked about how owners don't really show loyalty to players and changes are made with the snap of a finger. He wasn't bitter about it. He was simply stating the state of the NFL today and how much of it is just a business.

It would have been nice for Shanny to have contacted JC immediately after the trade but the fact is he reached out to him shortly after and the two I am sure had a very candid lunch meeting together and the Skins will try and do right by him. What more can you ask for at this point? Don't blame the current administration for the the previous administration's transgressions.

Rob said...

I said there is zero chance of JC being on the roster this year. I stand by that.

I am not shocked he signed the tender. I thought the Deadskins may do right by JC and just release him, but they want to try to get something for him.

The way the tender works is that there is no guaranteed money. So, the Deadskins can keep him through training camp and then if they cannot get a trade for him they can still release him and save the $3.1 million. Of course that would be another dick move on the part of the Deadskins - but why stop dicking JC now?

If the Deadskins truly wanted him, they would have him participate. They just want to try to get a pick or two for him if they can.

Every team in the NFL can see what the Deadskins are doing. It basically comes down to this. A team can try to give up a pick for JC and trade for him (perhaps a 4th or 5th would be enough). Or they can wait for JC to be released and get him for free.

There is absolutely, positively no way the Deadskins are going to bring JC back at $3.1M for this season. He has to be on the roster on opening day - which won't happen. The Deadskin will release him at the end of training camp if they have to to avoid paying him.

That would be the ultimate dick move - which would not surprise me given how dickish the Deadskins have become. At that point it would be tough for him to catch on with a team because their rosters would be set.

Rob said...

JKSD - your point about Holmes makes no sense and is irrelevant to the JC situation. How does Holmes trade affect Ryan Clark's or Heath Miller's playing time?

Although it is not exactly the same situation, it is interesting to note that that Pittsburgh called up Holmes before publicly announcing the trade. He got a call from the team at 9:00 pm on Sunday.

JC lost his starting job and the organization did not inform him until the next day. I don't think many good teams handle situations this way and it certainly does not look like the Steelers would have done what the Deadskins did.

Rob said...

JKSD, get your facts straight. I said:

"If they actually allow him [referring to JC] to sign the tender contract - they will still try to move him before the season starts. Barring injuries to BOTH McNabb and Rex, there is a 0 percent chance that JC will be Deadskin on opening day."

Let me be clear - signing a tender contract does not guarantee the money. The money is only guaranteed on this contract if JC is on the active roster on opening day.

JC won't be a Deadskin - we'll see if I end up being right and if my analysis of the situation was correct.

Rob said...

One last thing - the Deadskins are dicks.

j, k, and s's d said...

Sheesh, Robs. Take it easy. Post after post without even a reply. Settle down, snapper.

Again, don't blame the current administration for the past administration's transgressions.

I don't expect JC to be on the team but I think this administration has tried to do the right thing with JC. Shanny had a candid conversation with JC the day after the trade. I genuinely believe JC doesn't want to come to camp because he doesn't want to be a distraction. That again shows his professionalism. You said that the Skins are disallowing him to come. I don't believe that. You said that the Skins more than likely rescinded the tender offer. That is obviously not true.

I know you are a hater but you let your hate run wild with your imagination.

Actually, it is amusing because I was wondering why you had been so silent for so long and then suddenly the sleeping midget decided to wake up.

Again, I am sure the Skins are looking to trade JC in a single deal or a package deal with other players.

I do believe JC doesn't want to come to Redskins Park and be a distraction. He is all too familiar with the distractions that take place over there and knows if he does show up, it will be a circus.

I do believe that if JC isn't traded before mandatory practices, he will show up and do what is asked of him.

Continue hating, hater. You should probably worry yourself with the Bears who have blown their wad on Peppers when they have other needs (O line, Safety, WRs). Maybe you should think about who they will draft in the first round. Oh yeah, they don't have a pick in the first round.

Good luck, Bear fan!

Rob said...

If the Deadskins were going to do right by JC then they would release him.

The Deadskins are doing right by the Deadskins at the expense of JC (as usual).

I don't have much of a problem if they can make a deal before, during, or a day or two after the draft - but if this drags out into the summer it will just be another dickish move.

j, k, and s's d said...

What do you mean? Why not keep him and try and get something for him as opposed to just let him walk away for nothing?

If the Skins keep him all through camp and release him just before the season starts, that would stink. I can only assume that the new administration will keep JC in the loop and JC will keep the new administration in the loop on what the plans are.

Quit hating, hater.

Rob said...

Because every team in the NFL knows he won't be on the opening day roster. It is patently obvious that the Deadskins are not going to pay him $3.1M to sit on the bench.

I don't have a problem with the Deadskins holding on to him through the draft and for a day or two after. If they don't get anything for him by then, they should release him and give him a chance to catch on with another team.

If they hold on to him and cut him right before the season then they are even bigger dicks than they already are.

j, k, and s's d said...

What if the Skins kept him?

Rob said...

They won't.