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Friday, January 29, 2010

Ovie being silly

Glad this guy doesn't take himself too seriously because he looks pretty ridiculous in this commercial.

Terry Tate - Office Linebacker!

With the Super Bowl coming, this was a good Super Bowl ad/campaign by Reebok.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Caps make it 8 in a row

Another lopsided 5-1 victory over the Ducks. This team is rolling. What I like about the team is they are leading the league in many offensive categories and the offense is coming from many different players. Also, there seems to be a hunger on this team that is only matched by their confidence. It's got the making for something special.

I also like that the team seems to genuinely listen to and understand Coach Boudreau. Sure, he looks like Alfred Hitchcock but the guy can coach. I like that he recently said that as good as they have been hopefully we haven't seen the best yet. Also, that he is hoping that the team is not peaking too early and that they save that for April and May. He seems to have a good pulse of the team and the ability to keep this group of young stars grounded.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Fletcher going to Pro Bowl

With the Saints winning yesterday and earning a trip to the Super Bowl, London Fletcher will take the place of Jonathan Vilma on the Pro Bowl roster. Too bad he had to get in the way that he did but still he is going and good for him. Fletcher is one of the most unrecognized players in the league and it's good that he gets some attention.

Congrats, London!

Favre blows it...AGAIN!!!

It was an ugly game for the Vikings. The way they were turning the ball over you'd a thought it was covered in grease. Football is a team sport and the game is comprised of several plays. Still, when the game mattered and it was on the line, the guy that blew it was the guy that caused all the offseason hub bub and the guy that was supposed to be the key to bringing the Vikings a Super Bowl berth. Instead, he blew it!

Favre had a great year which was in large part to having probably the most complete team he has ever played on. Still, he deserves credit for his play this year. He was erratic yesterday but again, the guy blew it in the end. First, Minnesota botched it with the 12 men on the field call which knocked them back 5 yards and made an already long FG attempt that much longer. Then coming off of a timeout, Favre did the unthinkable.

The Vikings lined up trips on the right side. It was a roll out play to the right. I'm sure the coaches told him that if there is nothing there, either run or throw it away. What does Favre do? Breaking every QB rule taught in QB 101, he threw across his body and across the field for an easy INT. WTF?!!! The thing was if he had just run, he would have easily gotten 5 yards, probably 10 yards, and possibly 15 yards setting up Longwell for a game ending/winning FG attempt. You might be able to accept that time of silly play from a rookie but Favre has all the experience in the world and his decision is just inexplicable. It almost suits what is wrong with Brett Favre in general. He believed so much in his arm and being the gun slinger and had to go unconventional but in the end, it cost him and the Vikings a trip to the Super Bowl.

Well, glad to see the Saints get their chance to finish off a dream season and will be interesting to see what Favre decides to do in the offseason.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Solid performance all around last night. It was playoff atmosphere. There was a lot more media there. The fans felt it and the players felt it with many saying that it was a more intense type of game. Obviously there is a rivalry amongst the teams but also the game pits the biggest stars against one another in Ovie vs. Crosby and Malkin. Also, despite being atop the Eastern conference and having a great year, they are still reeling from last year's playoff loss to the Penguins. The Caps have typically come out on the short end of the stick when facing the Penguins in the playoffs and there certainly is a history there.

Again, solid performance all around. Theo let in the cheapie goal early on but after that he had himself another good game. Still, I am looking forward to getting a healthy Varly back as I think he is the better goalie. What I loved about the game is that it just felt like the Caps believed they were the better team. You can feel the difference with this team. There is a cockiness and confidence about this team that makes you believe we can win the Cup. I said it all last year. As good as they were, I felt like this would be the year they made that push. Two years ago, once Boudreau took over, they went on their amazing run and captured the fans support. All of a sudden Caps games were selling out and "Unleash the Fury" and "Rock the Red" became great rallying slogans. We got a taste of the playoffs but we were still way too young. Last year, we had talent and confidence but we were still young and inexperienced. This year, we have even more talent, more confidence, but equally important, we have experience. We know what it takes to be successful. We know what it takes to be a champion.

Last year, I just felt like we weren't ready and I said it all year long. This year it feels different.

What I also love is the difference between Ovie and Crosby. The bigger the stage the better for Ovie. He wants to showcase his talents to the world. He also makes no apologies for the way he plays. People have complained about his goal celebrations and his physical hitting but he will not change and he will not apologize for his play. I love that he said about yesterday's game that it was a big game and that it was like Lebron going up against Kobe or Real Madrid against Arsenal. It's true. He won't shy away from that. I don't know what Crosby said about the game but he seems more they type of person that will downplay that type of game. Ovie also said about the fans jeering him every time he touched the puck, "It's great, I think the fans love me. They booed me because I'm not on their team." The guy is the ultimate superstar and the greatest player in the world. He has the rare combination of size, speed, skill, talent, and supreme confidence. Honestly, I cannot think of an athlete in any sport that has been like him. MJ was fantastic and is the greatest athlete I have ever seen and revolutionized basketball but he didn't have the size that Ovie has. Lebron has the size but he doesn't have the killer instinct that Ovie, Jordan, and Kobe have.

Whatever, I love this Caps team and feel like we have something special here and anything short of the Cup this year will be a big disappointment.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Are you ready?

Pretty good article on Chan Gailey

Funny article in SI about the hopelessness for the Bills as they hired Chan Gailey. Here's part of it.

"But how can Buffalo fans believe? The Bills just hired a 70-year-old rookie general manager, who hired a 57-year-old retread coach, and together they are supposed to lead Buffalo past Bill Belichick and Tom Brady, past Rex Ryan and the Jets, past Bill Parcells' Dolphins. It's like watching your Uncle Ned run the Boston Marathon and hoping he can beat the Kenyans.

This is nothing against the 70-year-old rookie GM, Buddy Nix. When a man named Buddy gets his dream job at 70, you have to pull for him. And it's nothing against Chan Gailey, who got fired in Dallas, coached mediocre teams at Georgia Tech and ... well, OK, those are two things against Chan Gailey.

One of Gailey's big selling points is supposed to be that he thinks you can win without stars in the NFL, and the Bills don't have many stars, so -- PRESTO! -- we have a perfect match. If you're a Bills fan, how much tequila would you have to drink before you even begin to believe that? It's as if the Bills said, "You believe in Pillsbury crescent rolls, and we happen to have some Pillsbury crescent-roll dough, so let's open a fancy restaurant in Manhattan."

Gailey was fired by the Chiefs before last season started. The guy is so bad, he gets canned when he is going to suck. I'm kidding. The timing of Gailey's Kansas City firing was so ridiculous that the whole episode should not be held against him. But what in his career makes anybody think he will strike NFL gold at 57?

If you're a Bills fan, and the whole country makes fun of your city, and your team is best known for losing Super Bowls, and the best player in franchise history turns out to be ... O.J. Simpson, and your owner has decided the best way to keep your team in town is to have it play games in Toronto, and you're freezing to death ... I mean, I think you have lost more faith than Chan Gailey can restore."

Kiper has the Skins taking Bradford at #4


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Redskins coaching moves

So the Skins brought in Shanny's longtime running back coach from Denver. Good move given how successful they were running in Denver.

They also brought in Lou Spanos as the LB coach who has spent the last 15 years in Pittsburgh and has had great success over there. Seems like another good move especially as we move to a 3-4 defense.

So far, I have liked what we have done in the offseason in terms of getting a bona fide winning head coach and GM and allowing them to build their staff. Again, we finally seem to have a plan in place.

Gaines Adams dead at 26

Sad anytime you hear about a young man with talent like that passing away. They say it was cardiac arrest. Toxicology reports will be released in a couple of months but it sounds like the guys was a decent guy.

From the business standpoint (which is very secondary), the Bears lose out on their second round draft pick because of the trade for Adams and basically have nothing to show for that trade now.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hockey's unwritten rule

So the other night when the Caps faced the Lightning, Ovie got into it with one of Tampa Bay's tough guys. Apparently Ovie took exception to something that guy did and went looking for him on the ice rocketing into him like a missile and hitting him hard. The two engaged in some pushing and shoving and both were sent off the ice for penalties.

In the box, the two were jawing at each other and once their penalties had expired, the Tampa Bay dude went after Ovie. To Ovie's credit, he didn't back down and the two threw their gloves down and were ready to fight. Just as they were about to engage, Matt Bradley flew in and mixed it up with the Tampa Bay guy.

It's interesting the unwritten rules of hockey. Ovie seemed ready and willing to fight the guy and Ovie was bigger and I'm sure stronger but Ovie is also a super valuable player to the Caps and will always be protected. It's just interesting that the Caps (and other teams) will go to all lengths to protect their stars. Every team has their intimidator or their fighter and their job is to do just that. Brashear used to be that guy for us but since he left, Bradley has stepped up in that role as best he can. Even if Ovie wanted to fight (and it looked like he did), the team will not allow it. Bradley or someone else without even thinking will immediately step in and take Ovie's place. It's interesting how hockey works this way.

Great Caps game last night

Down 4-1, the Caps battled back to tie it sending the game into OT and ultimately prevailing in the shootout.

Neuvirth got the starting nod but for the second game in a row was terrible. He let in at least two soft goals and for the second straight game was replaced by Theo. Theo didn't let another shot it in all night.

Down 4-1, the Caps scored shortly before the 2nd period ended and then Ovie scored just as the 3rd period started. The Caps added the equalizer with about 7 minutes remaining. They really had a flurry the last couple of minutes and looked like they had the game won when Knuble tipped I believe a Laich pass but it hit the post. The game ended up going to OT where it was back and forth action. The Panthers had at least two breakaways that Theo shut the door on. Laich took a tripping penalty with 45 seconds remaining making it a 4 on 3 game for the rest of OT and despite a couple of good Panther opportunities, they were unable to put the puck in thus sending it to shootout.

Panthers went and missed. Both teams first three players missed sending it to sudden death shootout. The Panthers scored on their opportunity so it was up to Brendan Morrison to keep the game alive. Thankfully he did but the Panthers next player scored for them. Again, it was up to Laich to keep the game alive and he did as well. The Panthers missed their next shot so Fleischman had a chance to end the game and he did. Great game and glad to see the Caps rebound from the disappointing Tampa Bay loss the night before.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kiffin to USC

When you look at his prior stint with USC, it's not a huge surprise.

I can understand Tennessee being disappointed and upset with him leaving but let the guy do what he wants to do. They shouldn't be haters.

Buges retires

Seems like the guy has been around here forever. He's a solid coach and seemed to maximize the effort with what he had to work with but it's a good time for him to leave given all the change happening with the Redskins.

I'm sure his daughter passing away last year had an effect and refocused him to spend more time with his family.

Good luck, Buges.

Skins hire Haslett as defensive coordinator

Seems like a solid hire. Haslett has had decent success running defenses previously and it's time for Blache to go.

We're expected to run a 3-4 defense so we'll see how that impacts our staff and the defense.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Great Pack/Card game

51-45 was the final score. Great game if you love offense. Felt bad for GB having fought back multiple times from great deficits only to come up short in OT. The Pack scored to tie the game with less than 2 minutes left in the game only to watch Warner and Co. drive down the field to set up a 34 yard Rackers FG with 14 seconds remaining. Rackers drove it wide left and kept the Packers hope alive. At that point, you kind of felt like the Packers were going to pull it out especially when they won the coin toss.

On a 3rd and 5 in OT, Rodgers held on too long and was hit and lost the ball that went right into the waiting arms of Dansby who ran it in for the game winning TD. Again, REALLY tough loss for the Packers and you have to feel especially bad for Rodgers who had a great game but will probably only remember that last play in that game. Tough knowing that that is the play that ended your season.

For us fans, it was fantastic. That is the beauty of playoff football. I love it and can only hope for equally entertaining games next week.

Pete Carroll to the Seahawks

Good move for all parties. The Seahawks were a big disappointment this year and needed to shake things up. Carroll has been courted by NFL teams recently and was the hot college coach.

USC had also suffered a disappointing year and lost the conference for the first time in years with 4 losses and also had some allegations against them. It was time to get out of Dodge City.

Carroll will be taking OC Jeremy Bates (sorry Bear fans) and LB coach Ken Norton, Jr. at the very least. Carroll officially resigned from USC and a formal announcement on his hiring is expected today.

After a couple of unsuccessful NFL gigs earlier in his career (with the Pats and Jets), will be interesting to see if the older, wiser Carroll can have success with the Seahawks.

Also, looks like $7M is the going rate for top coaches now.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gilbert is a (agent) ZERO!

Guy is an idiot. He fools around too much and thinks everything is funny and doesn't realize his actions.

I think we all know what he has done and now he has been suspended indefinitely which means most likely at least the remainder of the season. He is suspended w/o pay meaning he gives up about $10M dollars for the remainder of the season. The thing is he better hope he doesn't get charged and convicted of a felony because the Wiz will most likely void his mega contract because of conduct issues.

He has already stolen from the Wiz on that contract by being largely inactive because of injury the last couple of years. The thing is even if he does not get any jail time and he gets reinstated next year and the Wiz are able to opt out of the contract, he will have forfeited A LOT of money. The guy would be turning 29, has had knee persistent knee injuries, would not have played the better part of three years, and is a tremendous head case/pain in the locker room. I'm sure he would still get a contract but nothing like he signed with the Wiz. Probably a 1 year contract for a few million dollars.

I will say that if I was on the Wiz and I didn't see it coming and he started shooting imaginary guns during the introduction, I would probably have laughed too. C'mon, I know you guys would've too.

Jason Campbell to stay in D.C.?

Interesting listening to Shanny in his introduction speech yesterday. He seemed excited about his new role and promised that we would not be disappointed. When asked about JC, he responded saying that he was excited about working with JC, he loved his attitude, and that he wanted to talk to him and sit down and watch all of his film and that he believed that his best football was yet to come. It sincerely sounded like a guy that believed JC could be his QB.

When asked about CP, Shanny sounded much less supportive and basically said that it all depends how players work in the offseason. He has seen aging RBs fall off the table because they don't put the time in during the offseason.

When asked about the possibility of drafting a QB with the #4 pick overall, he didn't sound enthusiastic but didn't rule out that possibility.

I understand the guy just got here and he has a lot to do with meeting the current coaches and players and then assembling his staff and preparing for the draft and getting his playbooks down but he sounded like a guy ready and excited to jump in and get his hands dirty.

The coming weeks/months will be very interesting for Skins fans. We'll see what direction we go in but right now I feel pretty good about what is taking place.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jason Campbell vs. Clinton Portis

So Clinton Portis calling from Brazil on the John Thompson show had a few choice thoughts on Jason Campbell that he shared. Highlights included:

"No disrespect to Jason but everybody in that locker room can tell you, you'll never see Jason mad, you'll never see Jason's tempo change, you'll never see Jason get mad. He going to get up, dust himself off; he going to give you everything he got. But as a leader, you never heard -- it was always, 'Jason couldn't take control of the huddle,' or he didn't do this or he didn't do that. That wasn't Jason's character."

Informed of Portis' comments, JC sounded off. Highlights included:

"How is he going to say I'm not a leader? I mean, that's just not true. To me, that's somebody who shows that they don't know what a real leader is. A leader is not someone who leads by the wrong example. A leader is someone who is trying to do the right thing and trying to lead by example, and not just [being] about themselves. There's a reason guys get selected as captains, and there's a reason guys don't get selected as captains. Obviously, he doesn't have the respect of the locker room to be a captain. For someone to try to take a shot at me at the end of the season, after they haven't even been around, only speaks about their character anyways."

"There have been a lot of things I could have come out and said. But I never went out of my way to make those things known. I never wanted those things to leave the locker room because it's no one else's business. And for those things to be said, questioning my character and questioning my leadership, I think that's not the way to go, especially when you're supposed to be a team guy. Is that being a good teammate? If that's the case, why is no one questioning my leadership and everyone is questioning his work ethic?"

"Not one time have I come out and made any excuses about anything with my situation," Campbell said. "I never do anything to try to hurt my teammates. Some people need to stop being 'me' guys and start being 'we' guys. And another thing, and I want you to write this, too, how does he even know what's going on with our team?"

"How's he [going to] question anything when for those four or five weeks before he was on IR [the season-ending injured-reserve list], he never even came around. He wasn't with us. He was never at practice. Who does he think was holding the offense together? He should go ask the coaches and the players if he wants to know. But he wasn't around to do that. He doesn't know anything about leadership."

"You've got guys out there working their butts off, guys out there practicing and doing everything they need to do to prepare for Sundays, and you see him over there getting special treatment. What does that say about him? I go out, I get beat down on Sundays, and I still have to go out and practice and get ready for games. And that's what your supposed to do."

Personally, I love that JC stepped up and finally showed some emotion and shot down CP. Recently, we have gotten more word of the special treatment and relationship CP had with the front office. It's clear that players aren't happy with CP. I think the players respect JC and probably do so even more now. I really like JC and hope he gets the opportunity to be the QB next year.

Apparently Portis and JC spoke late yesterday and cleared the air but I'm sure for JC the damage was done and I'm also sure that he meant what he said regarding the poor attitude and work ethic of CP. I will say that I don't think Portis meant for his comments to come across as strongly as they did. In fact, it kind of seemed that CP was saying that JC has been put through so much b/t who is calling the plays and trying to relay the plays and everything that it is hard for him to really focus on leading as opposed to just trying to do his job. I may be wrong but still CP shouldn't have said what he said and he is only alienating himself further from his teammates.

Again, love that JC is stepping up as it shows more high character from him and leadership qualities and confidence in himself. These are all qualities that I would like in our starting QB.

It's official - Shanny is the new Redskin coach

No surprise. It was just a matter of time. In fact, the announcement came later than I thought it would.

All in all, I'm happy with what is happening. I felt after the Zorn debacle (and it's not all Zorn's fault) that we needed a veteran, established coach to lead the team. I would have probably preferred Cowher and then Gruden (given that he has worked successfully with Allen in the past) and then Shanny but I'm fine with the way things worked out.

In fact, I like what I hear as far as the staff Shanny wants to bring on. I also like how Shanny has been very active in his one year off going to different camps and seeing how offenses are being run and also studying film of all games during the season. He seems like he has tried to stay on top of things and the year off hopefully did him good in terms of re-energizing himself.

Again, there are no guarantees and who knows how successful he is going to be but for the first time under the Snyder regime I feel like we are building something and moving in the right direction.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Zorny fired

No surprise here. It was expected for weeks. I like Zorny but he was overmatched and it was time to go.

I understand that he had to deal with a lot of nonsense all year but honestly, the Zorny hiring was a disaster from the get go. The guy had never been a coordinator and was brought in to be the OC but then found himself as the new head coach. He took over the team that had its coaching staff in place which is difficult. He was the puppet to Snyderatto which is never good. He bowed down to whatever Snyderatto wanted to do.

Rock Cartright said today that he liked Zorn but there was a lack of discipline on the team that started from the top. He mentioned how different players played under different rules. Haynesworth hinted towards the same thing a short time ago. That can't happen. I'm sure that was a Snyderatto issue but it is also a reflection on the coaches.

I truly don't think Zorny is head coaching material. I think he is an excellent QB coach for his ability to relate to a few individuals but I don't think he is the guy that can rally a team. All that said, I wish him well and hopefully he has better success in his next gig.

Moving forward, I like the hiring of Allen. Actually, it is more that I love that Cerrato is gone. We could have replaced him with a monkey and I would have been happy. Still, Allen seems like a proven NFL executive so that is good. All reports seem to point to Shanahan being the next coach. I would be comfortable with that hire as I think we need a proven winner that is strong minded in here. It would be good for him to build his staff as opposed to being forced to take the one that is in place.

One of the big problems for the Redskins has been this hodge podge mentality of just getting a collection of high priced FAs and big names and throwing it together and not understanding why it doesn't work. It's like having all of the finest ingredients the world has to offer. If you throw all of it in a pot it doesn't mean you are going to come out with something that is delicious. We need a GM and coach on the same page. Understand the system that will be run and then bring in players and coaches that can fit that system and that can be team guys and a few guys that can really be leaders.

I believe there is good talent here but Rock was pretty telling in saying that there is poor discipline. Haynesworth said the same thing that there is talent but everyone is going there own direction and that we needed someone in here that can lead.

Along with Shanahan, I have heard reports of Cincy's Mike Zimmer or Jim Haslett taking over the defense. I like that Allen said today that the 2010 season starts now and it will be interesting to see what changes take place over the coming days/weeks.


Skins fall in season finale

Not that a win would have mattered or anything and it's not like I expected to beat the Chargers. Still, it would have been nice to send Zorny out with a win. Also, we were going up largely against the Charger backups.

Actually, it looked like we were going to win the game but once again, we found a way to lose. It pretty much boiled down to bad mistakes on our part that cost us the game. Specifically, Dock jumping offsides on a 4th and inches on the Charger 2 yard line where we were coming off of a timeout. That's inexcusable. Also, our DBs must have the absolute worst hands in the NFL. I thought it was largely just Carlos Rogers but apparently he has infected our entire defensive backfield. Smoot dropped one that was right in his hands in the first quarter that would have saved a FG. Then on the Charger last minute scoring drive, Tryon dropped a floater that hit him right in the chest. I knew after that play that the Chargers would score. Fitting end to sucky season.

Here are a few general thoughts:

1. O line sucked.

2. JC was solid. Again deserves credit for having to play under such sucky working conditions.

3. Defense was okay but dropping of balls was inexcusable.

4. Randle El had one very nice return. It was weird because he caught it and actually ran forward instead of hopping around in place before falling down before even being touched. Where the hell was that all year?

5. Kicker seems sketchy. Think he may have a hurt foot or something but not sure he is the answer. Short kickoffs and had a short FG that had difficulty getting through.

6. Good to see Kelly get involved. He had the one 80+ yard catch that would have been nice if he scored but it's still good to get these guys involved. Think we just need to simplify the offense and get these guys the ball.

Not much else. It was a very disappointing year and I'm glad it's over and we can begin changes and get ready for next year.