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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What now Tiger?

10 days ago, Tiger's public life was so squeaky clean it was ridiculous.

We all know about his "transgressions" and his accident and the bashed in windows and how he has holed himself up at his Orlando compound. Still more women are coming out of the woodwork and claiming affairs with him. Yesterday reports that a Florida trooper who suspected Woods was driving under the influence sought a subpoena for the golfer's blood results from the hospital he was taken to after crashing his SUV, but prosecutors rejected the petition for insufficient information, according to a police report released Monday.

A witness, who wasn't identified in the report, told trooper Joshua Evans that Woods had been drinking alcohol earlier. The same witness also said Woods had been prescribed two drugs, Ambien and Vicodin. The report did not say who the witness was but added it was the same person who pulled Woods from the vehicle after the accident outside his home (Elin).

Now this morning, an adult woman was taken to the hospital on "advanced life support."

Oh Tiger, what have you done now? Pretty shocking at how quickly this guy's life has changed in the public eye.

Good luck, Eldrick!


Scott said...

Seems like it was Elin's mother who was on the stretcher. Apparently Elin drove to the hospital in an Escalade. Maybe he got sick and tired of his mother in law's bitching and kicked her ass or she collapsed under the pressure. Maybe Elin was swinging a club at Tiger, missed and hit her mother in the head. Maybe the girl was one of Tiger's older Ho's and Elin kicked her ass. Maybe Tiger was bangin the chick in the shower and she slipped and hit her head. Maybe they were all doing drugs and she had a bad trip or od'ed. I can go on forever, but I have to get back to work.

Rob said...

There are apparently as many as 9 women he has had "transgressions" with.

Elin should just divorce him, get a huge sum of money, come to some agreement on how to split time with the kids, and they should move on.

No big deal.

j, k, and s's d said...

All very good possibilities and I thank you for bringing them to the table.

Maybe it was part of the intense counseling and it was role play and the counselor had Tiger put on a wig in the role of Elin and Elin got so mad at Tiger making fun of her in his portrayal of Elin that he knocked his ass out.

Maybe Elin's mom wanted to find out the fascination with Tiger and wanted to try and he was too much for her.

Maybe Tiger had Lefty come over and put on a wig just to experiment and Tiger was too much for Lefty.

Maybe Jesper came over to bring Elin back as a nanny and Tiger took a driver to his ass.

Maybe the Golden Bear came over to provide some mentoring to Tiger and Tiger got sick of him and knocked his ass out.

There are just too many possibilities open.

Rob said...

Maybe you should just stop wasting your time on Tiger.

j, k, and s's d said...

Sounds like Robs is hurt by the Tiger bashing.

Maybe Robs can post a stop bashing Tiger video similar to that dude who put together the stop bashing Britney video.

Good luck, Bear fan!

Rob said...




deepie said...

Looks like you hit a soft spot with Robs.

I'm with Robs though. Who really gives a shart? Old news, new news...It's garbage.'s your blog. Write what you want if you think it's interesting.

Rob said...

I was being melodramatic, but the reality is that I don't think that many people really care all that much.

This is all going to pass and golf will make sure that there are no signs or protestors at tournaments. So it will be business as usual when Tiger gets back on the course next year.

j, k, and s's d said...

I do think it is interesting from the perspective that so many people think it is interesting.

Again, it would be great for Tiger (and every other celebrity that faces a scandal) to deal with it privately. It just isn't the case. So it is interesting to see how people react to this and to see how it affects Tiger.

Scott said...

Did you hear that the EA game Tiger Woods 2010 has some hidden screens that allow you to go to the bar at each of the clubs, pick up the waitresses and bang them?

I think Elin should leave him. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8 that's ok, but 9, that's too much.

Rob said...

He doesn't have any responsibility to deal with this publicly. He is not a public official. If you are in government then you have a public responsibility, but being a pro athlete does not compel you to air all of your dirty laundry in public if you choose not to.

Elin should, and more than likely will, leave Tiger. They'll get a divorce, but he can easily rehabilitate himself. He just has to take care of his kids and soon-to-be ex-wife and then go about his business of winning tournaments.

His only problem is that he is married. If he wasn't married but he was picking up cocktail waitresses and having sex everywhere he travels guys would think he was cool. He would be just like George Clooney.

In a couple of months everything will get settled and this will be no big deal.