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Monday, December 14, 2009

Redskins coach

Seeing how the team is playing completely different than it did at the beginning of the year, the thought creeps in whether we should actually keep this coaching staff intact.

Zorn appeared like a lame duck coach a few weeks ago but we have been making good progress each week and finally seem to be playing like the team I thought they would be. At this point, I still think he will get fired. However, if we finish strong, I would like to see him back. I feel like we are finally starting to build something positive here and would hate to fire him/his system and take steps back in hopes of taking a step forward.

The other thought that comes into my head is that should Zorn get fired, would it make sense to hire Bingo as coach? Bingo is a long time coordinator and was once thought of highly as head coaching material but never got his chance. The offense has certainly been MUCH better under his playcalling. We wouldn't have to change systems and he would have some familiarity with the players, surroundings, and routines so there wouldn't be too much new to learn.

I think the rest of the season will help determine what happens in the offseason but it should be interesting.


deepie said...

JKSD...You've been drinking Danny Boy's kool-aid, haven't you? Snyderatto want you to believe everything is now fine and things are turning around. That way they can justify what's happened over the course of the season. They can take credit for the team's apparent depth and finding some diamonds in the rough under very difficult circumstances. They can justify hiring Bingo Lewis and cutting Zorn's legs off at the knees in the process. They have an excuse for all of the haphazard and reactive decisions and dysfunction if we start believing everything is getting better.

The fact of the matter is this. The team is improving because the offense has been simplified and Campbell is maturing in the system. Devin Thomas and Fred Davis are getting opportunities and we whoever we put at tailback is going to be hungrier than Dolla' Bill. The fact that this is happening is an indictment on the organization...not a reason for Snyderatto and the coaching staff to take credit. The team is COMPLETELY upside down with respect to talent vs. salary. Snyderatto didn't recognize that and the coaching staff didn't have the balls to say otherwise.

We still have Randle-El, Mr. 2 yards and a cloud of dust, returning punts for some reason only Snyderatto can understand. We still have a QB who is 100 times better than all but a handful of QBs in the league who is no closer to being resigned to a long term contract. We have a stud of a DE who is being forced to play LB. We have all of these issues because things are the way they are.

I know your argument is for the coaches to remain intact. I say that can't happen. I would love to see Zorn stay as a offensive assistant or even OC. He has proven to be a guy that the players like to play for. He has devised a system that can produce yards and points. I think the system needs to remain in place. A change is needed at the head coach spot though. Bingo Lewis isn't the answer. Campbell has said he never talks to the guy, so he's not making himself a viable candidate for the job. He can be an assistant as well, but a strong willed coach who won't put up with the Snyderatto BS needs to come in and light a fire under the team to make sure this production doesn't wait until week 9 next season before it kicks in.

I say bring in Gruden. He and Zorn can keep this WC offense rolling. He's a fiery guy who demands Snyderatto's respect and they will have to give him a voice when it comes to personnel. We will have a good o-line and solid depth if he comes in. I am sure of that.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, you're crazy.

First, Gruden is not coaching next year because he signed a contract to stay on MNF so that's not happening.

Second, no way JZ steps down as coach and accepts a demotion to OC.

Third, even if JZ accepted the OC position, no way he and Bingo stay on together. We don't need three OCs (JZ, Bingo, and Sherm Smith).

I will agree that the offense is much better because of a simplified offense AND much better line play.

Also, think about the one thing that has changed over the last several weeks resulting in better offensive production. It is the playcalling. Bingo deserves some credit for that. Also, they are designing plays for the young guys and they are stepping up. Now as much as I hate to say it, Cerrato probably deserves some credit for that. He is the one that brought Bingo in and I would not be surprised in the least if Cerrato told Bingo to inject the young guys more into the offense.

I like JZ and don't like what they did to him. However, you cannot discount the complete change in the way the offense is playing once the changes were made. I think JZ still deserves credit and carries value as the team seems to want to play for him and they have not given up even when they aren't playing for anything. In fact, they seem to be playing their best football of the season right now.

I have always liked JC and supported him. You on the other hand have not always been there for him. Just a few weeks ago, you said that he was missing reads and wasn't a big time QB. I don't remember your exact words so I am paraphrasing.

We all agree on Randle El and his uselessness as a punt returner.

I think we have all agreed as well on Osakpo and him being misused. Not sure how he would do against the run but at the very least, I would like to see him be given the opportunity to play the position he played in college.

Several weeks ago, I didn't think JZ had it and had no issue with him being gone at the end of the season. However, should they continue to play well over the rest of the season, I wouldn't mind in the least of keeping the coaches together because I finally feel that we are building something. The WC offense is starting to click. The young WRs are starting to produce. JC is showing that he can run this offense successfully if given enough time. The defense is sound except for giving up some big plays which can easily be corrected.

If we change head coaches, that more than likely means that we will be changing assistant coaches. We will have new schemes, new routines, and very possibly a whole new offensive and defensive philosophy. It basically means that we are starting over.

Lets not forget that just because we bring in a new coach doesn't guarantee success. If things are finally coming together for this team and they are really understanding the offense and how things work and it is showing itself to be successful, why would we want to change everything?

Honestly, the team is showing itself to me to be the team I thought it could/should be from the get go. I feel like we need some O linemen and would love to get a true FS and a LB to replace Orakpo and have him put at his natural DE position. Would have been great to have gotten B. Dawkins as he would have been perfect fit for this defense. He is still a good FS and he brings the veteran leadership this team needs. He would have been the captain of the defense and been able to direct that defense. It would also free up Landry to play his natural SS position which he is better at.

Again, I don't like Cerrato and still would love to see him go and a true GM brought in but right now we don't look too bad and maybe I am deluding myself but I truly believe for the first time in a long time we are building something and we aren't too far away from being a playoff team.

deepie said...

I may be crazy, but you're nuts.

Ok. Maybe Gruden isn't an option, but this team is going to continue to be mediocre if drastic measures aren't taken. Ceratto still has to be replaced and Zorn, God love him, isn't HC material.

I agree that we are building something now. All of the craziness has forced us to take a look at some guys that weren't getting chances before. It's caused a bunch of high-priced starters to be displaced, albeit temporarily, with guys that are hungry. That, however, is part of the problem. Snyderatto has built a team of high-priced names that don't perform on the field. The system stinks and needs to be shaken up. That won't happen until Ceratoo is replaced by someone who knows how to build a team and knows how to compensate players at a level commensurate with their talent.

I'm for keeping the offensive system in place. I think Zorn has built something that works. It just needed Bingo Lewis to keep things simple. JC is the key to it all though. If he isn't rewarded for getting this offense to start working, we're going to be back at square one with Jimmy Clausen Pickles at QB. If JC isn't brought back, all of the progress we've been seeing can be tossed out and we will really see a revolt by the fans when Snyderatto try to sell us on another big splash on draft day.

And just because Zorn's system is starting to work, it doesn't mean Zorn is the answer at HC. He's there because he gives Snyderatto room to meddle. We need a coach with some clout who won't be so willing to stick with an unproductive CP or ARE and who will not stand for going through multiple drafts without taking an O-lineman.

Bottom line:
Replace Ceratto.
Re-sign JC.
Keep the WC system in place.
Bring in Vince Lombardi

j, k, and s's d said...

Again, we all agree on Cerrato needing to go. The sad part is with the improvement in offense since Bingo signed on and the stepping up of the younger WRs, it gives Cerrato credit for making some decent decisions. Still, we agree that he should go.

I am not sold on JZ as a head coach. I do like that the players seem to respect him and genuinely want to play hard for him even though the playoffs are well out of the picture. He deserves some credit for that. The problem I have with him leaving is that a new coach most likely will want to bring in his own staff meaning all new assistant coaches and perhaps a new offensive system and everything that comes along with that. Basically, it will be starting this offense all over again. As we all know, Snyderatto do not know how to build something. They see the next flavor of the month and want desperately to try it. The WC offense finally seems to be working with this team and if we abandon it, we are taking another big step back. Snyderatto doesn't think that way. They don't think about finding a GM that can find a coach that shares the same philosophy (i.e., WC offense) and can get along and then draft players/bring in FAs that suit the culture of the team and the system being run. It's all just hodge podge now.

Still, JZ and JC seem to have a good repoir with one another and, as mentioned, the offense finally seems to be clicking. I am more worried that Snyderatto will just bring in guys with all new philosophies and more hodge podge and we take big steps back. I wouldn't be surprised with this happening since this has been their M.O. for the past decade.

We both seem to agree that we are actually building something now so why not continue to build off of it -- assuming we finish the season strong.