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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh Tigger!

So there are reports of 12 women having affairs with Tigger. They are all coming out of the woodwork and who knows how many are legit.

Grubbs has also released some of the text messages and they are out there in all of their steaminess.

Gatorade dropped the Tiger drink but they said that they were going to do this even before all of this happened.

It's pretty terrible. Again, I agree that Tiger should be allowed to handle all of this privately but that isn't the world we live in. Right or wrong, fair or not, this has continued to be a big story. Society loves scandals and the bigger they are the harder they fall and the more the public enjoys.

I also agree that Elin should just divorce him. Get as much money as possible and Tiger should try and be the best father he can and just move on with his life as the best golfer in the world and continue his trysts more openly and comfortable knowing that he doesn't have a wife anymore to cheat on.


Rob said...

Why don't you change your blog name to "Hell to the Tiger"?

j, k, and s's d said...

Only if you change yours to "I am deeply, madly, unconditionally in love with Tiger and hope to be his next concubine!"

Rob said...

I haven't posted anything about Tiger. You keep on doing so.

Look, I don't really care all that much. If you want to keep on posting stuff that is fine with me - but it really seems like a non-story to me.

It's your blog and I have no issue with you doing what you want to do.

deepie said...

Tiger's addiction to booty bores me...about as much as watching golf when Tiger's not playing.

I don't care about this shart. Let him get back on the golf course so we can continue to enjoy watching the greatest golfer ever.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, you don't seem to get it. I don't really care about Tiger and his "transgressions" that much. He should deal with it privately.

I am more fascinated with society's fascination with Tiger. He continues to be a headliner on websites, magazines, radio, news, etc.

I find it interesting how society is dealing with it and how we have made Tiger go from one of the greatest public figures in the world to a villain in a matter of hours.

You seem to think I hate Tiger. Not true. I don't love him like you do. Frankly, I don't really care for golf and if I happen to be watching some, I typically do not root for Tiger because I want an underdog or some one other than Tiger to win because of how he dominates.

I do find Tiger on the tour interesting because all eyes are on him. What he has done for the sport of golf has not been replicated by any athlete in any sport. The closest may be Jordan but Tiger has revolutionized the game and given it a much higher appeal and opened the sport up for new demographics.

Tiger is one of the most influential people in our generation. I don't minimize the impact he has. Again, I don't really care about Tiger. I am more interested in how society is so interested in tearing him down.

Scott said...

I think JKS dad should compare and contrast society's reactions related to this Tigger issue, the Salahis, the idiots in Colorado with their son on the balloon, and his favorite singer Adam Lambert's leud conduct on National Television. That would be a good post.

Rob said...

I don't think most of America gives a rat's arse, yet you seem to love this sh*t.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, you are wrong (although you would never admit it).

Go to CNN's website every day and they have their top 10 hot topics and every day you will find Tiger Woods up there.

Why do you think Tiger is still talked about on radio shows and appears on magazine covers? Why do you think ESPN spends quite a bit of time talking about him and that he even still makes headlines on regular news?

I don't think that it is because most of America doesn't give a rat's arse.

I was listening to the Lavar and Chad Dukes show earlier and Mike Wise was saying he got flak for not talking about Tiger in the first hour of his show.

If America didn't give a rat's arse no one would be talking about it.

Wake up, Bear fan!

j, k, and s's d said...

To Scott's suggestion of comparing and contrasting society's reactions related to this Tigger issue, the Salahis, the idiots in Colorado with their son on the balloon, and my favorite singer Adam Lambert's leud conduct on National Television, we could also include Scott's dong as part of the compare/contrast.

All these stories relate because they are all very small, disinteresting, and rather grotesque yet the public seems to have a crazy fascination with all.

Scott said...

Hey, I wasn't the one with the tiny elephant trunk underwear.

matar-alloo said...

I have a friend at work...he's a bit older at almost 50 years old...and he used to admire Tiger a lot. He told me that when he heard of Tiger's accident late at night, he thought that Tiger was going out to get baby formula.

People really should stop looking at athletes as role models because it just may end up in disappointment. I'm not saying athletes can't be good role models, but it's very rare for that to happen. Darrell Green and Art Monk had flawless public images and were great athletes and leaders on the field. To me they were great role models. But if one day it's revealed that image is tarnished by some type of a scandal of this magnitude, I'd be pretty upset too. Athletes really should only be admired for what they do on the field, or court, or whatever arena they participate in.

Scott said...

GO TRIBE! The sixth-ranked William and Mary football team will continue its quest for the program’s first national championship when it plays at No. 2/3 Villanova in the NCAA Semifinals on Friday at 8 p.m. The contest will be televised live nationally on ESPN2 and will also be available on