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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Most recent Woods family photo

This is pretty much the kind of stuff that will be popping up on the world wide interweb.

You can forget any hopes of Tiger getting privacy. Reporters have been trying to contact any and all of Tiger's family and friends. His father in law has already been contacted in Sweden and does not want to discuss this.

Now Jaimee Grubbs, a waitress in Vegas, is claiming a 3 year on and off again relationship with Eldrick. AP reporters have been sent to contact her. Media is all over this and is doing anything but respecting his privacy. This will continue. Good luck, Edrick!


deepie said...

Honestly, I don't care where Tiger sticks his Wood. If he had an affair or many, he's just another athlete who spends 95% of his life away from home who gets booty thrown in his face everywhere he goes.

He has committed no crime other than potentially disrespecting the sanctity of his marriage. It should be a private matter and if Elin wants to beat him up with a 9-iron, he deserves it.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't care either. All athletes do it so why not just own up to it and say it and get it out there so that rumors don't swirl and people come out of the wood works for weeks. It is becoming a WAY bigger story than it needs to. US is running Tiger on its cover. Soon all the other tabloid magazines will follow suit.

Just get it out there and be done with it already.

Rob said...

I already explained why he shouldn't.

Let me ask you one question JKSD - if he came out and spoke candidly and talked about what happened and perhaps other affairs and other things he has done, do you think the media would just leave him alone?

j, k, and s's d said...

Would the media leave him alone that second immediately? Are you crazy? Absolutely not.

However, it would allow him to control the situation to some degree. Right now, he has to react to everything.

He issued a written apology this morning a few hours after the Grubb came forward and played the voicemail that is allegedly Tiger.

There will be more and the story is snowballing and he will be on the cover of all tabloid magazines. Again, as ridiculous as this is, it is becoming one of the biggest stories in news around the world.

If he had just come forward early on and talked about his failures without going into the lurid details, it would have been better in my opinion. There would have been the immediate media frenzy and some public backlash but by not talking, that becomes the story. It is snowballing and becoming bigger than it ever should have. The thing is the media is all over this and will not stop until he speaks now. He has made it much worse for himself.

I will again point to Andy Pettitte and how he just came clean and you almost sympathized for the guy. You understood that he made a mistake and owned up to it and lets let bygones be bygones. You look at Clemens and he is denying it and hiding and he has severely tarnished his career and reputation. It would have been better to just come clean on his own terms as opposed to it being done for him by others.

Rob said...

Without going into details? Then the tabloids would fill in the details and/or he would be hounded for details.

Then would you call for him to provide details?

Petite broke the law and unlike Clemens and others who lied about illegal steroid use he came clean. Tiger hasn't broken any laws - people just want to know details about his personal life.

Tiger cannot control the situation no matter what he says. Just keep your mouth shut, deal with your personal life behind closed doors, and then play golf next year. That is the right thing for him to do.

j, k, and s's d said...

He doesn't need to discuss the dates and times and women and so forth. Just show your face and say that you had some indiscretions. His written note on his webpage was nice but he should have just come clean early on.

It's too late and the story has taken off. The point is he is going to have to talk about it sooner or later. We don't have a right to know but the media will do whatever it can to break this story. TMZ, US Magazine, and every other tabloid, freelance paparrazi and guy with a cell phone will be taking pictures of Eldrick to try and get the story. Again, the "story" has become the story. If he had just come clean, he could have put the wolves at bay and they wouldn't be chomping at the bit and trying to call friends and family all over the world to get information. Now, TMZ or the Enquirer is going to have Tiger's babysitter's third cousin coming out of the woodworks to throw a nugget out there just for a buck.

Sure, steroids are illegal but Tiger's infidelity is immoral and he will be judged. It's not about fair or not, it's about reality.

He should have come out and come clean and people would have seen that he is human and made a mistake and then would have just moved on. Because he hasn't spoken, it raises questions and speculation and so forth and the public feels like they are owed an explanation (even though they aren't) and they love to see these guys fall. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Again, it's all going to come out anyway so why not do it yourself and get it over with and move on.

Rob said...

I'm sure his wife and family would love to see that. That would be great as he tries to save his marriage.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm sure his wife loves to see the pictures and here the jokes and here the stories being reported by the tabloids.

I'm sure she loves that reporters and paparazzi are flocking to her house and to members of her family's houses all over the world to get pictures/quotes.

I'm sure she loves to here about waitresses coming out and playing voicemails and holding press conferences.

This is all great as he tries to save his marriage.