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Monday, August 31, 2009

Skins fall to Pats in Preseason game 3

Solid performance. Here are some thoughts:

1. JC was solid. Would rate his performance as a "B." This would have been an "A" had he hit Moss on the bomb. Still, he played with confidence and was smart with the ball. He directed a couple of scoring drives and threw the ball downfield which is what we all wanted to see. I like JC. Unfortunately, people still demand perfection with him and he even joked around in post game interviews that the fans will still complain about him missing Moss on the bomb.

2. Disappointed with the defense. We played a lot of man to man and that's fine when you get pressure but we were inconsistent in that and that led to some big plays for the Pats. I like being aggressive and think we will have success against most teams during the season but the Brady and the Pats are smart at recognizing defenses and adjusting at the line and make the correct play. Defense will just have to play better.

3. Again, too many penalties. Need to be more disciplined.

4. Really like Marko Mitchell. Solid play and seems to be very humble and hard working. I know many people want him to be a starter but lets not get carried away with the guy. We need to keep in mind that he is going up against guys that most likely won't make the final roster.

5. The Colt train seems to have derailed. The love fest with him has faded and he did not do anything in my mind to separate himself from Daniel. Looks like that competition will come down to the final preseason game when both of them will get plenty o action. I think it will end up being Colt just because he has been in the system longer and he seems to get along with a lot of the guys.

Giants on Sept. 13. Can't wait!


Friday, August 28, 2009

Vick returns!

I'm sure there were jitters on Vick's part and I'm sure he wasn't certain what the crowd reaction was going to be but from everything I saw and heard, it was a very successful return for Vick.

I watched part of the game last night and he came in on, I believe, the second play of the game and he came in to a standing ovation. He ended up completing a shuffle pass for a short gain. He finished the game 4 of 4 for 16 yards with the longest completion being something like a 12 yard pick up. He still has the zip on the ball and he seemed really happy to be out there. Every time he took the field, the crowd roared. Again, if he accepts what he has done, you have to feel good for the guy. He seems to be happy to be doing what he loves to do and he seems to have the support of his teammates and fans.

My wife actually asked me if I thought that opposing players would give Vick a hard time and say stuff to him. I'm sure that there are some animal lovers playing in the NFL just as I'm sure there are some gay football players. However, I think the NFL is a fraternity and the players, by and large, are supportive of Vick. He was one of the games superstars and he fell hard but he paid his debt and he's back. I think players are happy he is back and will be supportive of him.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vick is back!

So the world will get their first taste of Vick tonight. Security will be beefed up as their will be both Pro and Anti Vick demonstrations prior to the game.

I gotta believe Vick is nervous/anxious/excited about playing tonight. In some ways, it probably feels like his first big college or pro game. He hasn't taken the field in two years so it will be interesting to see how he reacts and plays.

The interesting thing is if he performs and should Donovan struggle early on in the season, the fans will be pushing for Vick. However, I like Donovan and think he will have a good year and I think Vick will be called upon for certain plays/packages and right now, I think this arrangement will work out pretty well for the Eagles.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Schism" in Viking locker room regarding Favre

So Adam Schefter of ESPN reports the following: "Sources with knowledge of the Vikings locker-room dynamics say some players believe Tarvaris Jackson gives the Vikings the best chance to win, while other players believe Sage Rosenfels gives the team the best chance to win -- which is one of the new twists to this storyline. In the words of one NFL source, Favre has "little support" in the locker room as Minnesota prepares for its Monday night preseason game against the Houston Texans."

This all makes for a very messy season. If Favre steps up and plays well, all will be put to rest but if he struggles, some players and many fans will be calling for a change. This could undermine Childress and the organization and heads will roll. Already the locker room is divided. The X factor is Rosenfels. It's not like this is just a two person competition/division. There are supporters of all three. This is going to be fun to watch!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Favre vs. Jackson

So there are reports that there are Vikings players wanting Tarvaris over Favre. Apparently these players wanted the Vikings to stop their pursuit of Favre and give the ball to Jackson. After last week's performance, I'm sure it did nothing to quell those sentiments.

Favre will get the ball the entire first half in the next preseason game and for his sake, he better perform better and hope Jackson struggles otherwise it will be a short honeymoon for him in Minnesota.

This whole story has the makings of the Viking season imploding right in Childress's face. Although for his sake it might be a good thing as it might actually improve his ugly looking mug.

Jason Campbell thoughts

So there seems to be mounting pressure from the outside (fans and media) on Jason Campbell's performance and needing to step it up. Peter King said that there is no one under more pressure this week than Jason Campbell.

Was listening to Sportstalk yesterday with Kevin Sheehan and the topic was JC. The majority of callers were down on JC and the funny thing was they were getting excited about Chase Daniel and Marko Mitchell. Fans are SO funny and fickle. It's like the QB du jour. Who ever plays well in a single game, that is the guy they will support. Last year, it was all about Colt. This year Colt is fighting for the 3rd spot.

Anyway, going back to JC. There was an article in today's Post on JC and Zorn being comfortable with where they are at. The game plan last week was to take some shots downfield and that is what they did. The first one was a couple yards underthrown and it would have been great to hit it but I was happy that we took the shot because the deep ball was something completely lacking last year. The deep ball to Santana was a miscommunication. Moss broke inside and JC threw it outside. People get really wound up about this but that is the purpose of preseason to iron these things out. People may think that Zorn is praising JC to the media to keep his psyche positive. However, Zorn has always been a straight shooter and I genuinely think he feels comfortable with JC as the QB. I still feel good with JC and believe he will have a good year.

There is a good test for him this Friday at home against the Pats. I think it will be important for JC and the offense to have success. They will be playing the entire first half so we need to get some points. If for nothing else, just to get the fans and media off of his back.

As I have mentioned several times, I will reserve my full judgement once the regular season starts but right now I feel good about JC because he seems to understand the bigger picture and comfortable with the direction of the offense and his understanding of the offense and becoming a leader.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Skins win!

Actually, it's not that big of a deal so not sure why I put the exclamation point. It was a good win but it's just preseason. Here are my general thoughts on the game:

1. Was okay with JC. I really liked that we took two shots downfield. Even though we didn't hit those, we have to take shots to get the defense to respect that part of our offense. We keep doing that, we will hit some of those. We need to have some big plays this season. Also, I know JC was only 1 for 7. Not a big deal. JC and Zorn both said it wasn't a big deal. The thing that was important was that JC looks more in control out there. If you look at his incompletions, he missed on the two long balls and he got rid of the ball on two screens that weren't developing. The only bad ball was I think his last throw to Fred Davis where there looked to be a miscommunication. Davis did a button hook and JC looked like he thought Davis was going to slant in so the pass wasn't accurate. Not sure who was at fault but that was the only one that looked a little sketchy.

2. Pretty happy with the first team offense. Their first drive was a 15 play, 7 plus minute drive that led to a field goal. It was against one of the top defenses last year and a defense that dominated us when we played them last year. The encouraging thing was that we scored. The VERY disappointing thing was that we settled for a FG when we should have gotten a touchdown. That will have to be fixed when the regular season gets underway.

3. The O line looked good again. I don't have any problem with the way they have played in the preseason. They had all 5 starters out there and they were solid.

4. ORAKPO - what can you say about this guy? The guy has impressed all through camp and now we get to see in these games what people are talking about. Incredible example of size and speed. He seems to always be in on the play. I think we can expect good things from him this year.

5. Starting defense was good. They look much more aggressive and seem to have the ability to get to the QB so much better this year. On the Steelers first drive, Batch was under quite a bit of pressure so that was all good.

The things that were disappointing:

1. Again, we have got to be able to punch it in and not settle for the FG.

2. Special teams weren't great. In all phases of the special teams we need improvement.

3. WAY too many dumb penalties. Starting with Hall's personal foul on a short pass on 3rd and 18 to give them 15 yards and an automatic first down was terrible. I thought it was an iffy call but it certainly was not out of the question for them to make the call and Hall should know better. I think he was feeding off of the energy after getting them into a 3rd and long, after just making a big hit on the safety valve the previous play, and the crowd being into it but still no excuse. We had a few more dumb penalties and that can't happen. I know Zorn wanted to see more intensity out of the team this game compared to the last game but that doesn't mean take stupid penalties.

I didn't watch much of the second half so I can't comment on the play of the second/third stringers. Although by all accounts, Daniels and Marko impressed. Glad to see that the love of Colt has tempered and people realize that he isn't ready for the big time yet. Frankly, Colt better watch out because if Daniel continues to impress, he will be the new darling of Skins fans and supplant Brennan.

Looking forward to Friday night against the Pats and having the 1s go for the first half.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Preseason Game #2 - Redskins vs. Steelers

So again, I don't put a whole lot of stock into the preseason. For me, it's just entertaining to watch the game because it is the Redskins but I hold off on all of my real judgements and opinions until the regular season starts. Sure, I would love to blow them out but again, just as getting beaten, blowing them out isn't a true and great indicator that we will dominate once the season starts.

The ole' ball coach and his Gator boys blew teams out in the preseason but we didn't do much once the regular season started.

The things I will be looking for are better intensity and execution. In particular, the following:

1. Continued development and execution of Jason Campbell.

2. Will be good to see Portis.

3. Involvement of Kelly and Thomas.

4. Davis to hold on to the ball.

5. Orakpo - both on the pass rush and coverage in space.

6. Will be good to see Haynesworth.

Hopefully the 1s can get us some points and it will be interesting to see us take on one of the best defenses in the league. We'll see how it goes but the good thing is with each passing day, we get that much closer to the regular season.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

One of the funniest clips I have seen

The fat in my belly still hurts from laughing so hard!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I know the hockey season is over but the NHL channel has been running 2009 playoff hockey games and I've been catching pieces of the Caps wins over the Penguins in their series and three things come to mind.

1. I miss watching the Caps.

2. How close we were to beating them (forget Game 7) and taking that next step to the Cup.

3. How I watch knowing the final outcome but almost hoping that some how there will be a different outcome.

Anyway, the Caps have a lot to be excited about and I said all of last year that this coming year is the year we have to expect to win the Cup. Two years ago we had the miraculous run after they fired Hanlon and brought in Boudreau. They generated a lot of excitement in the area and built/rebuilt their fan base. They got a taste of the playoffs. Last year, they were still young but playoffs were a definite. They ended up having a very good year and had some success in the playoffs. This coming year they are still young but they are experienced. They know what it is like to be a great team and now they have to act like it and the expectation has to be anything less than the Cup is a failure.

I know it is early to talk about hockey but can't wait to see the Caps again!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Favre's back...AGAIN!!!

I'm so sick of this guy! This guy can't make up his mind at all. He was debating in the offseason to stay retired or come back to football with the Vikings. He was given a deadline. It passed and he said that he was going to stay retired. Now we find out as teams gear up for their second preseason game that Favre is boarding a plane and is expected to sign a $10-$12M contract pending a physical. WTF, man?!!!!

Is that kind of money for one year?!!! This guy went from being one of the greatest QBs of all time to a egomaniacal joke. I hope he falls flat on his face. I'm not a Bear fan but I hope the Bears drive him into the ground. Better yet, I hope the Packers (and their fans) demolish him on his return to Green Bay. I would like nothing more than Aaron Rodgers to outplay him in every way, shape, form when the two face. Every time Rodgers throws a TD, he should do a Lambeau leap right into Favre's arms.

I'm so tired of that dude.

Strasburg signs with the Nats!

With 1 minute and 17 seconds to spare, the Nats were able to get their man. Didn't seem like it was going to happen but he got record rookie money and the Nats got the deal done. By all accounts, this guy is a once in a generation talent as he can consistently top the 100 mph mark and had an impressive W-L record and ERA. It's rare when there is a by far and away consensus #1 player in the draft but he is that guy.

It was important for the Nats to sign the guy not just because of his talent but to generate a little bit of excitement into the team for the fans. The Nats moved to D.C. and built a new ballpark but they have sucked. This guy gives the fans something to get excited about and a potential ace in their rotation.

Hopefully he doesn't end up like Mark Prior and have a year or two success before blowing out his arm. I imagine it's hard for a power guy like that to stay healthy for a long career unless he takes very good care of himself.

Paulus to start for 'Cuse

Interesting story in that after one week of practice Greg Paulus has been named the starting QB for the Orange Crush. I suppose Syracuse needs to do something to generate excitement back into their program but it's fascinating that a guy that hasn't played QB in four years since high school and hasn't taken a college snap was named starter so quickly.

I believe Paulus has the leadership and management qualities to be a QB (probably developed that as the PG for Duke) but seems like it would be hard to shake the rust off after 4 years. Not to mention Division I A football is a whole lot different than high school. Again, a lot more people will be interesting in Syracuse now that he is QB so good for them.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Skins lose 23-0!

No big deal. It's preseason and it's still training camp and the tapes will be used for analysis.

More importantly, the first teamers played fine. Of course, we would have liked to have scored and won but I was comfortable with the play of the first teamers. JC looked confident out there and did a pretty good job. He had nice completions to Cooley, Randle El, and Betts (who he hit in the flat after going through his progressions). He nearly hit Hagans for a big play but there was a guy in his face and he had to short arm the throw resulting in it being a little high. Still, to me, it was catchable and Hagans just missed it. That would have kept the opening drive alive and gotten us close to scoring range. Our first team defense was decent. They did give up a short pass that turned into a long gain as the receiver ran for like 25 yards. However, they managed to keep the Ravens out of the end zone when they had a first and goal on our 5 yard line. The score was 3-0 at the end of the first quarter.

After that, is when it got out of hand. A fumble from Fred Davis and an INT from Brennan didn't help our offense.

I didn't get a chance to really watch the second half but these are my quick observations from what I did see:

- Starting O line held up pretty well.

- JC looked more confident and in command out there and made some nice, decisive throws. He did a better job of running through his progressions. There was only one time where I felt like he held on to the ball longer than he should have.

- Malcolm Kelly had a couple of nice receptions. Will be interesting to see who wins the #2 WR spot.

- Orakpo looked a little lost in coverage but is a great pass rusher and has a tremendous motor. No question he will get his share of sacks/hurries/hits this year.

- Tryon has apparently had a good camp but didn't translate to the field in the game. He has to do better.

Not much else. I know the common Redskin fan is all upset this morning and reeling from the shutout and the disparity in yards gained and so forth but there is nothing to be concerned about at this point. I also know that the expectations are for JC to complete every pass and he is under a microscope for everything he does. Thought he was solid in his play. The thing was most of the Redskins were very comfortable and relaxed after the game and understand that it was just preseason and this is still practice and time for film analysis.

Preseason Game #3 is the dress rehearsal and where we will want to see a little more. Still, even in that game, we won't be showing everything so the real test is when the season starts.

For the common Skins fans out there, there is no need to panic. If I remember correctly, we had a poor preseason last year but we started the season very well so everyone just relax and lets see how everything plays out.


Vick is an Eagle.

I'm glad to see him back in the NFL. He paid his dues and he is getting another opportunity. Sure, there will be PETA and others that want to bring him down but give the guy a break. I'm not excusing him for his previous actions but he has paid his debt.

You look at a guy like Leonard Little who drove drunk and killed someone and, I believe, didn't get a day of jail time and probably minimal suspension/fines from the NFL. Donte Stallworth killed someone and didn't get jail time but is suspended for the entire 2009 season.

Vick was part of a dog fighting ring and did some terrible things (electrocuted and drowned dogs as well as pit them against one another) but he served his two years of prison and will be further suspended for part of this season. He is making his rounds giving lectures on his past indiscretions and seems sincere in his wrongdoings. It is time for him to get another chance and do the thing that he was born to do and that is play football. There will always be haters that will want not want to forgive and keep him down forever but screw them.

I like the Eagles being the place he goes. They have a pretty strong foundation and Andy Reid seems like a good coach to take him under his wing. There are reports that McNabb is not happy with the signing and still feels betrayed by the drafting of Kevin Kolb and then the benching last year for Kolb and now this. Publicly, McNabb said that he approves the decision and feels no threat by Vick but who knows exactly what is going on.

Bottom line, I am happy to see him back in the NFL and think the Eagles is a good place for him.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Redskins vs. Ravens tonight!

So preseason game #1 is tonight. Exciting as we will get our first opportunity to look at the team playing against another team. Practice and camp is one thing but while it is only preseason, there is always extra intensity when you get a chance to hit another team. Speed should quicken tonight too.

Players/things to watch tonight include:

1. O line (particularly RT) to see how they are progressing and see if they give JC time against a very good defense.

2. JC - everyone will want to see if he has made progress in learning the offense and becoming a leader. A good opening drive especially leading to a Red Zone TD will be ideal.

3. Orakpo - will be good to see how the rookie responds to life in the NFL as a LB.

4. Kelly/Thomas - as mentioned in other posts, these guys need to step up and take a firm hold of the #2 WR spot.

5. Colt Brennan - everyone is enamored by this guy and will be interesting to see if he continues his solid preseason play.

Looking forward to the game. Can't get too excited because it is just the first preseason game and things will be kept fairly vanilla but I'm sure everyone wants/expects to have success tonight.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Orakpo is a starter

So Rack got the starting job at SS LB. I like that he is a starter as, from all accounts, he has been impressive in OTAs and camp. Will be interesting to see what he is capable of and how well he is picking up the LB role. I think he will have a number of opportunities to rush the QB which is what he does best. I expect a whole lot more sacks/hurries on the QB this year with the addition of Orakpo and Haynesworth. Hopefully that translates into more turnovers as well.

As a side note, looks like Heyer gets the nod at RT. I am also very curious to see how well the O line stands up.

Preseason game #1 against the Ravens just two days away.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Skins sign Hackett

Good move for depth. We wanted to bring him in last year at a higher cost. We end up getting him this year and don't sacrifice much. He will be good for depth. He has decent size and is young and knows Zorn and his offense so it was a good move. Should be a good fit for any 4 or 5 WR sets.

Training Camp is here!

So training camp has started. It's good to know that the football season is right around the corner. From the sounds of things, it seems like the Skins have the following issues:

1. O line needs to tighten up. The group says that they need time to gel and build chemistry but we really need for them to give JC time or else it doesn't matter how much he has improved or knows the WC offense, he will be spending most of his time running for his life or on his back.

2. They seem to want to give Devin Thomas the #2 WR spot. I think it will go to him and he needs to produce. Randle El is better suited for the slot.

3. Orakpo seems to be impressing all.

4. Defense looks good.

5. JC seems to be more comfortable with the offense and being the leader. Hopefully he can show it because I like the guy and would really like to see him succeed.

We'll see how the storylines playout over the next month or so.

BTW - first Skin preseason game is one week away (8/13).