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Monday, October 6, 2008

4-1, BABYYYYYY!!!!!!!

Much to Robs chagrin, the Skins are 4-1 and have looked very impressive over the last several weeks. Honestly, I don't think many people would have thought we would be 4-1 but I'll take it.

Great win yesterday against divisional opponent Philly. We started out terrible. We got down early 14-0 (even though Jackson's punt return for a TD should have been called back for an illegal block in the back) and the offense looked terrible in the first quarter. We knew we would be facing a blitzing/attacking type of defense and we didn't seem to be able to figure it out early on. However, what I really liked about this game is that we did learn and we did end up doing a great job against that defense. Honestly, after the first quarter, we dominated that game. It was another impressive game by the offense and JC. We have yet to commit an offensive turnover which is amazing. Here are my general observations:

1. Zorn and the coaching staff are doing an unbelievable job. I have to give credit to Danny boy and Vinny for selecting this guy because Zorn gets the guys prepared and put in the right position to win games. Not only does he get these guys in position but equally important, he gets these guys pumped up to play and that has been key. He has gotten these guys to believe that we can play and we can win. Winning is contagious and I certainly believe after winning the games that we have, that this team is believing and know that we are capable of competing against any team we play.

2. JC had another solid performance. He is making sound decisions and even bigger, not making critical mistakes.

3. Portis was huge. I think we are giving him more opportunities to run to the outside and make plays. He has really taken on his role as a leader on this team.

4. The defense came up big and basically shut down the Eagles from the second quarter on. The Eagles went nearly 30 minutes without getting a first down and had four straight three-and-outs until finally putting together a long drive where we stuffed them at the one yard line. London Fletcher is the backbone of this defense and it really begins and ends with him.

5. Keeping with the defense, the secondary has been stellar. Rogers has actually been much better. We have been playing a lot more man to man as Blache trusts the secondary and that opens more things up in terms of blitzing or disguising different packages. You really don't hear the names of our players in the secondary called out that much or the opposing WRs and that is a good thing because they are being shut down. Smoot and Springs have also been impressive and it is comforting to have Landry back there for insurance.

6. Didn't like McNabb's comments after the game saying that basically it was the second game in a row that they should have won. The Skins dominated the Eagles. It wasn't a fluke play or that we were lucky. We dominated the game.

Bottom line, is that this team has grown a ton this season and there is still plenty of room to grow. The great thing is that the team seems to be rallying around Zorn and each other and really believing in themselves. Again, we take big steps each week and I am impressed at how we adapt to the different teams that we play.

Everyone talked about how difficult the first 5 games were for us. We came through that with a very impressive 4-1 record. The main thing now is that we go into the next 3 weeks against teams with a combined 1-11 record. We cannot be satisfied with getting through that tough stretch and thinking things will all of a sudden get easy. We have to continue to grow and learn and play each week as if we are playing the toughest team in the league.

Again, I like the make up of this team. For the first time in a long time, we seem to be building on something and not just trying to find short cuts or patch things together. Hopefully we can keep this thing going.



deepie said...

In response to your observations:

1. Zorn's clock management went from terrible in week 1 to pure genius in week 5. The way we managed to drive down the field to score the field goal at the end of the 1st half was a thing of beauty. Gibbsy would have been content to run three plays and go into the locker room down by 8. Zorny wants to score everytime he gets the ball and it's great to see how intelligently he's leading the effort to do so. Man, am I glad Snyder screwed up his coach search so much that he had to settle for Zornstar.

2. J.C.'s only mistake was throwing the ball away on 3rd down when we were trying to run out the clock...I think he realized it was not a smart thing to do. Honestly, if that's the type of mistake he's going to make, I'll take it. It's a million times better than throwing a boneheaded pick or fumbling.

3. Portis is having a pro-bowl year. He's not as elusive in the open field as some other top backs, but his toughness, durability, and leadership are what sets him apart. He's exactly the type of guy you want on your team.

4. The defense is playing well. We have a lot of speed in the LBs and secondary and it makes things difficult for opposing teams with good passing games. We've made the Saints, Cardinals and Cowboys all struggle and that's saying a lot. I'd like to see us get more sacks, but we are creating pressure with just our d-line and that's a great thing. Getting Springs and Taylor back will be huge...although I think our run D is probably better with Evans in at DE.

5. Landry is a as hell to watch. Having Smoot as the 3rd CB says a lot about the quality of Springs and Rogers. Sure Rogers has hands of stone, but he can cover and that's far more important. I'm really glad to see Horton playing so well. If our secondary had a weakness after the tragic loss of Sean Taylor, it had to be Doughty...I don't mind having Doughty as a backup though. He's a tough dude.

6. McNabb is a first-class douche. I don't think he realizes what just hit him...Or maybe it's difficult for him to really get perspective of what the Skins did to the Eagles considering he was on the field for only 35 plays the entire game.

j, k, and s's d said...

1. What I like about Zorn and his play calling is that he is aggressive. He is not scared of making the difficult calls or the bold calls. We are not nearly as predictable or one dimensional as we were under Gibbs/Saunders. I have heard multiple players (Moss, JC, Cooley) say they enjoy the Zorn system much more because there was so much movement before the play under the Gibbs system that these players felt like they were running a play before the play even started. I also like the up tempo. JC has the team jog to the line and they get the play going. Where as under Gibbs it was slow to get the play in, all this movement, and then timeout because we couldn't get the play off in time. Much better under Zorny.

2. Wasn't the play you are referring to a play where it looked to me it was pass interference and I think JC was trying to throw it out there thinking that we would get the call. I may be wrong but bottom line he is playing with confidence and efficiency. He certainly seems comfortable in the system and seems to be developing into a premier QB in this league.

3. Agree 100% with your comments on Portis. He doesn't seem as comfortable making that move in the open field that could take him all the way but still I love the attitude and character and leadership qualities he brings to the team.

4. Run D has been stellar. Would also like to see more sacks and that should pick up with the return of Jason Taylor. Still, hard to find much fault with the way the defense is playing.

5. I think we have a solid secondary. Landry is tremendous back there and his speed and aggressiveness is just what we need. I also like how Horton has stepped up. Great find with the 7th round pick. Doughty is tough and a great over achiever but he just doesn't have the speed or athleticism to cover down field. Horton is the better option. Rogers seems fully recovered from his injury and is playing at a high level. Smoot has been solid and Springs was the best I have seen him against T.O.

6. McNabb is delusional. Maybe T.O was the one that was right. Okay, that might be a little much but McNabb should be looking at his own team instead of just saying we are better than the competition despite losing to them.