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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Skins Disappoint!

I know it's been several days since their loss but I have been too upset to write about it. I'm kidding -- just been busy. Still, the Skins blew it against the Rams. They had a chance to make another statement by winning big against that team but we didn't.

I actually missed the game so I can't comment too much. I saw some of the highlights and just seemed like we weren't meant to win that game. The Kendall fumble for a TD right before the half was a killer. If Kendall just bats the ball down or if he just catches it and falls down, maybe it's a different story. Also, Brooks became a liability (probably a good thing that we cut him). He was consistently bad. He is directly responsible for giving up points in that game and others. Seriously, I think I could punt just about as good as him. We outgained them in yards and CP had another outstanding game. Still, we didn't win and that is the only stat that counts.

It was nice to see us come back and take a lead near the end of the game but then we gave up the bomb at the end. Not sure where Landry was but we needed him to help. As the free safety, you cannot let anyone get behind you especially in that situation at the end of the game when you know they are going to have to throw the ball deep. Maybe Holt was running deep on the other sideline. Not sure but it's just too bad that the game ended the way it did.

If there is a bright spot it's that both the Cowboys and Giants lost so we didn't lose any ground in the division. However, with the Iggles winning, it only muddles the division even more. We have a must win game against the Browns this week who are coming off of a HUGE win against the previously undefeated Giants on Monday night. Hopefully we learned our lesson against the Rams and come out with a whole lot more intensity. We'll see.


deepie said...

It's funny how irritable I get when the 'Skins lose when I expect them to win...I know I'm not the only one. It's amazing how much football affects our lives.

The 'Skins had no business losing that game. We gave it away. Our D only gave up 12 points with at least 3 of those points resulting from the short field the Rams had after a poor punt. The long pass at the end was unfortunate. The problem I have is that the announcers said Smoot was on the sidelines for the play, which is why Torrence was covering the 3rd receiver. Smoot is always getting hurt and going out of the game at the wrong time. Had he been on coverage, I doubt he would have given up such a crucial play.

The fumbles were what did us in. Turnovers happen, but the way we lost the ball was just plain stupid for the most part. A bad snap from center...Cooley fighting a little too hard for extra yards while dragging 4 defenders...and Kendall's ridiculous attempt at imitating CP...All three fumbles were avoidable, but they cost us the game. Hopefully the miscues were a result of nothing more than a lack of focus as CP said this week. I'm sure the team will learn from the mistakes.

The one thing that amazes me is our ability to score just about everytime we need to. When down by 9 in the 4th, we put two drives together and got the lead. Our offense is pretty damn good and it starts with JC playing at a high level week in and week out. Too bad our D let us down in the end...Then again, if you watched the game, you would have known it was going to happen because it simply wasn't our day.

j, k, and s's d said...

You bring up a good point about our offense stepping up when they need to. It has happened all year and is a welcome change from previous years. Before, it seemed like if we were down in late in the game, there was no chance we would launch a comeback much less a last minute scoring drive. This team seems much more confident on the offensive side of the ball and it's great that we have made 4th quarter comebacks and won games late in the game.

We have a solid team. Again, I didn't see the Ram game but from what I saw and read, it seemed like we played pretty well but the turnovers, particularly coming at very inopportune times (e.g., Kendall's fumble right before the half that was returned for a TD effectively resulting in a 10 point swing if you consider we would have at least gotten a FG out of that drive) were devastating.

Again, the Browns beat the previously undefeated G-men handily so it's going to be a tough game. They will be coming in with a renewed sense of confidence and we have to get back on the winning track. I like our team and believe we will rise to the challenge.

BTW - agree that Smoot is always coming out. I think Torrence is decent. The disappointing thing is that on a third and long with like a minute left, you know they are going to have to throw the ball deep. Seems to me like there should have been some inside help. I'd have to look at the game film because I know we have been playing more man to man and maybe we didn't want to play prevent and were trying to be aggressive and sending more guys at Bulger and leaving the CBs on the island with the WRs. Whatever, bottom line was that we didn't make the play and we lost. Again, hopefully we turn it around against the Browns and get back in the win column.