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Tuesday, September 9, 2008


What is up with Vince Young? Coming off of a sub par year last year and an offseason when there was talk of VY retiring, he was looking to get off to a quick start last Sunday. Apparently he struggled and the crowd started booing him and he didn't want to return to the field. Jeff Fisher forced him back out there where he subsequently got hurt.

Now there is a report saying that Nashville police were asked to search for Vince Young on Monday evening after family members placed a call to the Tennessee Titans informing them of their concern for the quarterback's state of mind.

According to Nashville Metro Police spokesman Don Aaron, Young "abruptly" left his home in Williamson County at around 7 p.m. Monday without his cell phone. Those with him at his home, including family members, were "concerned with his emotional well-being," Aaron said.

Police issued a bulletin to all on-duty officers to be on the lookout for Young and negotiators were also placed on standby, a procedure that is common in such situations, Aaron said.

Someone contacted Fisher out of concern for Young, and Fisher contacted the police department, police said.

After the cops, Fisher, and VY all met, it was determined that the concerns were unfounded and VY was allowed to return home by himself.

Still, all this can't be sitting well with the team. The guy clearly has issues and when he is able to physically return from the injury will he have the respect of the team to be the QB? The last thing you want your team to question about you is your toughness. VY is coming across as a fragile guy that can't take the heat. It reminds me of Tim Couch when the fans booed him and he cried in the locker room in front of the media wanting to be accepted. That was the beginning of the end for him. I wonder if the same thing will happen here. VY will have a lot to overcome to regain the respect of the fans and team.


Rob said...

This is a complete non-story. He was booed and he got hurt. He is an emotional guy and it probably bothered him. But, there doesn't seem to be any reason to believe he was going to commit suicide.

j, k, and s's d said...

It's a non story in terms of the suicide attempt. He was probably frustrated about a few things and stormed out of his house and needed to cool off.

However, I think it is a story in terms of him having to win back the confidence of his team and fans. Again, I'm sure there are those on the team that question his toughness and he will have to earn it. Also, whatever the truth is about him on the sideline of the game and now this incident, the damage is done in terms of it is out there and the fans will have their fuel to fire their flames on him. They have already booed him and this news won't do anything to help endear him to the fans. He needs to step up and perform otherwise he will face a long year in TN.

Rob said...

This happens in many cities - fans boo their starting QB. Ultimately players need to win and perform - that is the only way they can endear themselves to fans.

Frankly, I don't care about the fans. If he has trouble in his locker room that is another story. As far as I know, there isn't an uprising among players to have Kerry Collins take over at QB.

I also think that the Tennessee Titans just don't have the receiving options to be taken seriously. Vince has made plays for that team with his legs and by improvising which has allowed them to win. I suspect that a couple of weeks of Kerry Collins will remind people that Vince is the Man. We'll see.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't care too much about the fans as well. We all know that the best job on the team is the backup QB because if you get in and f it up, no expected much because you are the backup QB. However, if you are solid, than all of a sudden you are the greatest thing.

This is a little different because it appears that the booing is affecting him. It appears that he is fragile which will only perpuate the booing. He needs to have thicker skin. Again, Tim Couch is a perfect example of not being able to handle the boos.

Still, the bigger issue is trouble in the locker room. Was listening to Merrill Hoge and he was questioning VY's toughness and he made no mistakes that when the players question another player's toughness, it makes for a bad situation. From what I have heard and read about VY's issues, it seems like there is a question on his commitment and toughness. We'll see how the story plays out.

Rob said...

Who the F cares what Hoge thinks? He is a part of the media. Like I said, I am not familiar with any problem in the locker room (but I don't follow the Titans that closely).

j, k, and s's d said...

Take it easy, dude. Why are you getting so upset? He isn't just part of the media. He played in the league for several years and knows much better than you or I the ins and outs of the locker room and the issues that can come up.

I'm sure there is a lot of buzz in Tennessee about VY and his commitment. Again, it doesn't matter what the media thinks. If everything is AOK in the locker room and his teammates believe he is 100% committed to playing and leading the team, then great. My personal opinions given what I have heard and read are that there would be those in the locker room questioning his commitment and believe him to be fragile.

Rob said...

I completely disagree that Hoge knows what is going on in Tennessee's locker room. He is speculating just like you and I are speculating. He is in the media - he is not in the NFL.

Vince was at Steve McNair's house watching Monday Night Football. He left his house without his cell phone. Big deal.

If his team is questioning his commitment or his toughness because he felt bad about having a tough game and getting injured, then it seems to me that his team is weak. I just don't believe the Titans have a problem with his commitment. I am sure there are some players who want him to play better, but I don't actually believe they think he is quitting on the team.

j, k, and s's d said...

Read carefully. I NEVER said that Hoge knows whats going on in the Tennessee locker room. I said that as a former player, he knows much better what happens inside of a locker room. Last time I checked neither you nor I had been inside of an NFL team's locker room. Since Hoge played NFL football for a number of years, I think he understands pretty well the dynamics of an NFL locker room.

As far as VY, I don't know what the the team is thinking. However with all of the news on him not just the recent news but even previous news, my personal opinion is that there are people inside the team/organization questioning VY's commitment to playing football.

Apparently, the Titans had concerns about Young that began even before late Monday night.

After Young balked at having the MRI on Monday, Fisher went out and talked to him at his Brentwood home, spending more than an hour with him. The Titans also sent a psychologist, Dr. Sheila Peters, and Tina Tuggle, the team's Director of Player Development, to meet with Young to try to encourage him.

The psychologist said Young was extremely depressed and expressed concerns to the team about Young's safety. Later, Young left the house and sped off in his Mercedes Benz without his cell phone. He couldn't be found for some time, which prompted a phone call to Fisher.

Additionally, VY's mom came out and said that her son was "hurting inside."

Now maybe the family overreacted when they called Fisher regarding VY's leaving the home Monday night. However, the facts that VY didn't want to get a team issued MRI and that Fisher and the organization sent a psychologist to VY's home on Monday gives me some impression that the guy is having issues. The doctor said that VY is depressed. Then there is his mom's comments. Now don't you think it is reasonable to conclude that there would be some on the team questioning VY's mental state and commitment to football?

j, k, and s's d said...

Read carefully. I NEVER said that Hoge knows whats going on in the Tennessee locker room. I said that as a former player, he knows much better what happens inside of a locker room. Last time I checked neither you nor I had been inside of an NFL team's locker room. Since Hoge played NFL football for a number of years, I think he understands pretty well the dynamics of an NFL locker room.

As far as VY, I don't know what the the team is thinking. However with all of the news on him not just the recent news but even previous news, my personal opinion is that there are people inside the team/organization questioning VY's commitment to playing football.

Apparently, the Titans had concerns about Young that began even before late Monday night.

After Young balked at having the MRI on Monday, Fisher went out and talked to him at his Brentwood home, spending more than an hour with him. The Titans also sent a psychologist, Dr. Sheila Peters, and Tina Tuggle, the team's Director of Player Development, to meet with Young to try to encourage him.

The psychologist said Young was extremely depressed and expressed concerns to the team about Young's safety. Later, Young left the house and sped off in his Mercedes Benz without his cell phone. He couldn't be found for some time, which prompted a phone call to Fisher.

Additionally, VY's mom came out and said that her son was "hurting inside."

Now maybe the family overreacted when they called Fisher regarding VY's leaving the home Monday night. However, the facts that VY didn't want to get a team issued MRI and that Fisher and the organization sent a psychologist to VY's home on Monday gives me some impression that the guy is having issues. The doctor said that VY is depressed. Then there is his mom's comments. Now don't you think it is reasonable to conclude that there would be some on the team questioning VY's mental state and commitment to football?

Rob said...

I would if everything that has been written is the truth and the only truth. Vince was at Steve McNair's house watching Monday Night Football - most people didn't know that because it wasn't reported. Fisher has explicitly said that this is a media driven frenzy.

I have no idea what Titans players are thinking. If some of them start saying they question Vince, then we have a story.

The idea that Hoge knows something more than you or me is ridiculous. You love to give "experts" more credit than they are due. If he were a beat writer or someone close to the team, he doesn't know any more than you or me.

j, k, and s's d said...

What are you talking about? Hoge does know the dynamics of an NFL locker better than you or I because he played in the NFL for years. He is not a blogger, he is not a beat writer, he is not just any guy in the media. He was a long time player and I think he understands better than non players what it is like to be in the locker room. Don't confuse that with he knows exactly what is going on in the TENNESSEE locker room. I understand he is not in that locker room so he doesn't know what is going on in there but being a former player, I'm sure he understands what it is like to be in A locker room.

In the same article as the one I pulled the information from, it was mentioned that he was at McNair's place. I know about Fisher's press conferences and I'm sure he is trying to protect his QB and quell any concern over VY's commitment and mental state. However, it is a concern and does raise questions when VY does not want to take the team mandated MRI. It also is a concern that apparently Fisher and the organization were concerned enough about VY that he along with a psychologist sent from the team went to visit VY during the day on Monday prior to VY abruptly leaving his home to visit with McNair. It also is a concern that VY's mom, who I assume knows him pretty well, says that he is "hurting inside."

Seriously, dude. This isn't a Redskin or Bear issue and we don't need to be defensive or anything but seriously, don't you think there is enough out there right now that there would be some players in the locker room wondering what is going on with VY and if he is committed to playing? Lets not forget that there were reports in the offseason of VY possibly retiring. Also that the psychologist said that VY was depressed. You are so quick to judge the Redskins inner workings from the media reports so why don't you do the same things with Tennessee? If anything, I would always tell you regarding the Redskins that you aren't in the locker room so how do you know what is going on and you would always say that you would read things and hear things. Again, maybe everyone on the team firmly believes in VY and know him so well that they find these reports ridiculous and they are discounting all of them and they believe VY to be 100% committed to playing. I am just saying that with the news that is out there, from my perspective, it seems like it is reasonable to believe that there would be some in the locker room that question his commitment. I suppose in your eyes the Tennessee media isn't as good as the D.C. media and we should discount their reports and you believe that it is inconceivable that the team questions VY's commitment. That seems to be your stance. If it is, I will accept it. However, I respectfully disagree and find it interesting that you believe the D.C. media but not ESPN or the Tennessee media. So be it.

Rob said...

Sure players may be concerned. But that doesn't change the fact that I think this is a media-driven non-story.

I am sure that when Vince is healthy the team wants him to play over Kerry Collins.

If there are any players or even beat writers who have some real insight into the team let me know. Until then, please don't try to convince me that Hoge knows something I don't know.

I hope he comes back healthy and mentally ready to perform. If he retires or sits out for a year because he is depressed what do I care?

Rob said...

As far as the Tennessee media, I have no idea what they are writing about Vince or more broadly if they are any good. Frankly, I don't much care.

If I hear some actual reporting that names people within the organization (or at least anonymous players/coaches on the team) then I might actually pay attention.

j, k, and s's d said...

Okay, lets forget that Hoge played in the NFL for how ever many years. You know the inner workings of an NFL locker room just as well as him. How? I have no clue but you seem to think that you know an NFL team's locker room just as well as him.

Again, as far as the facts are concerned, Coach Jeff Fisher went to his house on Monday to check on him as well as a team issued psychologist to check on his well being. Those are facts. Clearly, teams don't send their coach and a psychologist to a player's home unless they have some concern over his mental state. Again, given that, as a teammate, wouldn't you question his commitment to playing football and to the team? That is all I have been saying.

BTW - the AP issued this article:

Report: Titans QB Vince Young indicated he didn't want to play football anymore
By Associated Press

11:01 AM CDT, September 10, 2008

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) _ The mother of Titans quarterback Vince Young said he indicated he doesn't want to play football and is "hurting inside and out."

Felicia Young said in Wednesday editions of The Tennessean that her son is tired of all the negativity he's faced after being booed during a 17-10 win Sunday over Jacksonville. On Monday, Titans coach Jeff Fisher called police to help find him.

"What would you think, if you were tired of being ridiculed and persecuted and talked about and not being treated very well, what would you do? What kind of decision would you make?" Felicia Young said "He may not want to deal with it (all), but you have to get to that point before you make that decision first.

"But we're not talking about football right now. We're talking about what would make him happy, and that is the most important thing."

The phone number for Young's home is unlisted, and his agent, Major Adams, did not answer his cell phone Wednesday morning. The Titans did not immediately return a message left by The Associated Press.

This isn't the first time that Young has talked of wanting to quit football. He told a reporter last spring that he thought of retiring after his rookie season, a statement he said later was taken out of context.

The No. 3 pick overall in the 2006 draft, Young won the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year and followed up by helping the Titans reach the playoffs last season with a 10-6 record. He has been criticized for his passing struggles, with nine touchdowns and 17 interceptions in 2007.

His mental state has been in question since being booed Sunday after his second interception during the Jacksonville game. He didn't want to go back into the game until prodded by Fisher.

He sprained the medial collateral ligament in his left knee four plays later and could be out for up to four weeks. Fisher said Tuesday night he is only ruling Young out for Sunday's game at Cincinnati.

Young didn't go to the team's offices Monday and postponed his MRI exam until Tuesday. He met with a psychologist at his home Monday along with Fisher and another team official.

Four hours of uncertainty followed Monday night when Young left his home without his phone, prompting someone at his home to call Fisher. He called police to help find the quarterback and had a meeting late Monday night with Young and police crisis negotiators at the team's headquarters.

Young later drove home.

Felicia Young said her son needs some space.

"It is hard, all he is going through right now. He's hurting inside and out," she told the newspaper.

"But he will be fine if people are prayerful and help my baby boy out. He is a young man. He just needs a lot of love and support."

I would believe his mom knows him well enough to understand his feelings. I like VY. I hope he does come back stronger and better than ever. I loved watching him in the national championship game against USC. I am not sure if I have ever seen a performance like that where one individual in a football game, single handedly brought their team victory the way that he did.

The point of this whole discussion has been that my opinion is that given all of the information that we have gotten, it is my opinion that it is reasonable to believe that his teammates question his commitment to playing and to the team. You have disagreed and believe his team does not question his commitment to playing and to the team. Once again, I am left unable to understand your position and I suppose you are too. I suppose that is nothing new and we will agree to disagree.

Rob said...

OK, you love Merril Hoge and think he is a football god - I get it. I don't think he has any more insight into Tennessee's locker room than you or me. I just disagree with you - GET OVER IT!

AP is not a beat writer - when you have a quote from a Titan player, coach, or even front office person let me know. I am sure you are reading the Tennessee Post or Tribune or whatever their local paper is.

Rob said...

I said players may be concerned - but all I ask of you is to let me know when someone who actually knows something says something.

I DON'T GIVE A SH*T WHAT MERRILL HOGE THINKS. HE DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING! What is so difficult to understand about that?

j, k, and s's d said...

WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! CAN YOU NOT READ CAREFULLY?!!! I do NOT love Merrill Hoge. I NEVER said that he understands what exactly is going on in the Tennessee locker room. I said:

"Read carefully. I NEVER said that Hoge knows whats going on in the Tennessee locker room. I said that as a former player, he knows much better what happens inside of a locker room."

I also said:

"What are you talking about? Hoge does know the dynamics of an NFL locker better than you or I because he played in the NFL for years. He is not a blogger, he is not a beat writer, he is not just any guy in the media. He was a long time player and I think he understands better than non players what it is like to be in the locker room. Don't confuse that with he knows exactly what is going on in the TENNESSEE locker room. I understand he is not in that locker room so he doesn't know what is going on in there but being a former player, I'm sure he understands what it is like to be in A locker room."


We agree that the fans reactions don't much matter.

I have given my opinion based on the reports that it is reasonable to believe that his teammates and organization question his commitment to playing. I have said that that is JUST MY OPINION. I have not heard from the players and don't know what is going on in their locker room (I UNDERSTAND THAT HOGE DOES NOT EITHER).

You said, "I just don't believe the Titans have a problem with his commitment." I GET IT. THAT IS YOUR OPINION.


Rob said...

I know what you said - and I said:

Sure players may be concerned.

Now that it seems like you have gotten your head out of Hoge's arse, you agree that Hoge doesn't really know about the situation - as I have been saying pretty much from the beginning.

Since your favorite team is now the Titans and you are following the Vince Young soap opera so closely, please let me know when an actual Titan player, coach, or member of the organization says something about the situation. I would even be interested in what the beat writers say about the situation.

Stop being such a HOGE-LOVER and telling me that he knows all about NFL locker rooms. It is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TO THE DISCUSSION. He is not actually giving any news about the specific situation - so WHO THE F CARES?

j, k, and s's d said...

If you would pay attention and follow an F'ing discussion you would have known my thoughts on Hoge. All I did in the previous post was pull stuff that I had written earlier but because you have such difficulty following, I have to repeat things time and again.

As far as you saying that, "Sure players may be concerned," you finally came around to that. Originally, you had said, "I just don't believe the Titans have a problem with his commitment."

That was my WHOLE F'ING POINT!! That it was reasonable to believe that his teammates question his commitment to playing.

Going back to Hoge, the point was that as a former NFL player, he understands better than you or I the inner workings of an NFL locker room (again, I didn't say that he knows exactly what is going on in the Tennessee locker room). He understands better because he was in there for several years. You and I have never set foot inside of a NFL locker room. Still, I believe you and I can safely say that if you have teammates that question another teammates commitment, particularly the QB, than it can cause problems. Again, we don't have specific evidence of a player saying he questions the is only my (and I think yours now too) opinion that it is reasonable to believe that some teammates may have questions. Why do I have to be SO freaking literal and spell things out so carefully for you to understand?

As far as the Titans becoming my new favorite team, that's just you being even more ridiculous. I guess you saying that is like me saying VY must be your new favorite QB for how much you are defending him. I never intended this subject to get SO much attention and discussion from you. However, it exploded since you just don't seem to be able to pay attention and/or read everything carefully. The whole thing seemed pretty simple to follow. I was just offering my opinion on the subject and you disagreed. I believe we now agree but it is such a headache to get to that point with you.

Rob said...

I'm sorry, but you have completely flown off the handle.

You need to get a grip - I think you are losing it.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't even understand your comment. How have I flown off the handle? How am I losing it?

If anything, I have concerns that you are experiencing the first signs of dementia and/or all you do is sit in front of your computer thinking of conspiracy theories and that the world is all wrong and somehow RobsObs knows something that we all don't. I think you are the one with the problem.

Seriously, when 5 other people say they all have the same issues with you, I think it is time to look in the mirror and take inventory.

Rob said...

I don't know who these 5 other people are. As their apparent leader, please let those 5 other people know that I will respond directly to their concerns should they pass them along to me.

I think you should go back and look at what I wrote each time. It all seems very reasonable to me.

Somehow, you felt a need to escalate this to try to make some point that I am still at a mystery to understand.

I am seriously saying this to you - I don't need or want you to waste any more of your precious time. It is quite obvious that you and, at least according to you, these 5 mystery people think I have issues. Fine, no problem. I'll save you the trouble by no longer writing what I think on your blog.

j, k, and s's d said...

Funny because I feel almost exactly the same way you do.

I feel that everything I wrote was reasonable.

I felt like you were the one that escalated this.

I don't want to waste any of your time either. It's up to you whether you want to post anything here or not. I leave it to you.

deepie said...

Sheesh. It looks like JKD has lost all ability to maintain composure. Robs better be careful or we might hear a new story on the news wires about a some big, green dude wearing nothing but a Redskins jersey physically assaulting his internet tormentor.

Honestly, if my job didn't prevent me from posting my thoughts in response to Robs' complete inability to find any value in anyone's opinion other than his own, I'd probably fly off the handle as well. Good thing I have a job that already makes me that way.

Not that you two care, but here's what I think.
This story is relevant. It's being discussed in all sports circles, because an athlete once considered a superstar in the making IS flying off the handle. His mother says he's hurting inside. He doesn't want to return to a game after going to the sidelines. NFL insiders...Yes Robs, Hoge is a subject matter expert and that's why he's speaking his mind on the issue...are saying it could become a problem in the locker room. He's not any more informed about the issue than anyone else, but his opinion should carry some weight considering he was a solid NFL player for many years.

Please resume your crotch-kicking contest. It's amusing.