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Friday, September 5, 2008

Redskins Lose!

What can you say? The first 27 minutes of the game was an absolute embarrassment. Our offense was ridiculous. We could not move the ball if the Giants weren't even on the field. It was pretty pathetic. The numbers were pretty ridiculous in the first half. Thoroughly beaten in time of possession, first downs, yards gained and pretty much every other offensive statistic.

Defensively we couldn't stop them either in the first half. The good thing is that we only limited them to one TD in that half despite them having their way with us.

Still, we managed to keep the score 16-0 late in the first half and then we put together a nice drive right before the half scoring a TD to make it 16-7 going into the half with us getting the ball to start the second half. I was actually feeling pretty good. Momentum was starting to shift and you have to feel good only being down 9 points after the type of first half that we played.

The second half was better. The defense did not allow them any more points and tightened up. Still, we had opportunities to get some INTs and missed out on those. However, the thing that really killed me was how often on third downs we made a play but came up just short of the first down. It seemed to happen on nearly every drive. Now I don't know if that is poor play calling, poor route running and not knowing where the sticks are, poor decision making on JC, or what but it just can't happen. We needed to convert some of those third downs.

Here are some general thoughts:

1. Defense was pretty bad the first half.

2. Offense was pathetic in the first half.

3. Special teams actually had a decent game. Brooks was fine. Cartwright was good (he had some nice kickoff returns and a nice tackle on a punt). Sellars had a good tackle on the opening kickoff.

4. Need to convert those third downs in the second half. I can count three off the top of my head (Moss coming up just short when he lost his helmet, Thomas coming up just short on his one catch, Portis coming up short on a third and short). That has to change.

5. Defense played pretty well in the second half.

6. What was up with the play calling in the final minutes? We were down 9 points and needed two scores and there wasn't much urgency. We ran the ball a few times. I just didn't understand it.

Finally, let me finish up with JC. It's kind of hard to evaluate his performance because I honestly don't know how much was his fault and how much was the play calling and route running and WRs just not getting open. I do know that the first play of the game when he was sacked was his fault. The protection wasn't bad but he walked right into the DL who got the easy sack. I personally don't think he was great but I don't think he was given much help with his receivers and coaching. Still, as is the NFL today, the focus will be on him. The interesting thing is that people may get upset with JC but you really don't hear the clamoring for Todd Collins. That may change. In fact, you will probably hear a lot of screams for Colt which would be just plain nonsense and bad for Colt, JC, Todd, Zorn, and the entire team. Again, I don't think JC did anything to catch the sole blame for the offensive woes yesterday (although he will be the focus of the fans ire). He didn't fumble or throw poor INTs. The offense as a whole was just anemic. Without seeing and understanding the game film, it is hard to put the sole blame on him. From my perspective, it seemed like the entire offense (all players AND coaches) were just off.

Hopefully they can get this cleaned up. Frankly, Robs and I talked about this earlier that we should expect growing pains with a new head coach, new offensive system, and a young QB. I still believe we will be fine but there will be some growing pains. It will be interesting to see next week's home game against a tough NO team.


Rob said...

About what I expected on offense for the 'Skins. I thought the Redskin D did what it had to.

I think the Giants should have just continued to stuff the ball down the Redskins throat with the rushing game. They seemed to be able to run at will. Frankly, if not for the Giants calling so many passes and so many subpar throws by Eli, the Redskins would have been destroyed on the scoreboard.

In every way, the Redskins were dominated - the score was not indicative of the Giants domination.

I would not be surprised if the Redskins struggle at home with New Orleans this week if we hear the boos rain down and the "WE WANT COLT! WE WANT COLT!" chants.

j, k, and s's d said...

I expected better from the offense. I was not expecting an offensive explosion but not the type of performance in the first 27 minutes. I would have been pleased with the second half if we could have just converted some of those third downs. That was VERY frustrating to come up just shy every time.

We can say that Eli and the Giants played poorly but I give credit to the Skins defense for stepping up as well. Given that the offense did not help them much and that Springs was out and Rogers and Landry were playing without getting any preseason work, I thought they played pretty well in the second half. I was comfortable with them. Again, we could say that the Giants played poorly and could have run up the score but we could have equally said that the Skins played poorly in not converting the third downs. The point is that the game is what it was and we can say this or that but, again, it was what it was. As I mentioned, in a previous posting, typically the first couple games are sloppy. It's not until the third or fourth games before things really start to fall in place.

As I mentioned, next week will be interesting. It will be home and another stinker of a performance like that will certainly bring on the boo birds. They should expect that with that type of performance. Depending on JC's performance next week -- if he throws a couple of bad INTs and/or fumbles, I wouldn't be shocked to hear chants of Colt although, as I mentioned, that would be silly for everyone involved.

Again, I don't think JC is to blame for that loss yesterday. I understand what the fans may do next week; however, what is your take on JC's play yesterday and where the blame should lie.

Rob said...

Frankly, I don't think JC played well. I don't think his receivers helped him because they often looked covered up. But, he didn't seem to get the idea that he needs to get rid of the ball quickly in the WC offense.

That said, I believe you have to go with JC and let him learn the O and develop.

The thing that would bother me - if I were a Redskin fan - is that it did not appear the Zorn had confidence in the passing game. I don't know if it is JC or more of a general lack of confidence, but the play calling seemed off to me. It may be that he is just learning as a coach.

The fact that Thrash is the third receiver and there are two smurfs playing wide receiver is not exactly threatening to other teams. Thomas needs to step up and become a threat and I think they should go back an sign Billy McMullen (if he is still available).

deepie said...

I expected some struggles on offense and I knew Jacobs would be able to run on us, but i was guardedly optimistic as well. Guess I should just skip the optimism and be honest with myself. We stink and we're going to stink for a little while longer.

All in all, I pretty much agree with everything that's been said. I will add that JC is not seeing the field well though. He's locking in on his primary receiver and that's not good. This is his 5th year in the league and he should know better than that regardless of the system.

Zorn definitely showed a lack of confidence in the passing game. Good thing Portis knows how to run the ball because if we didn't have him, there would have been no entertainment value last night at all.

We'll do better at home next week. This was just a tough way to start.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't think JC played that well either. However, I don't think the offense or the offensive coaches had a good game. My point was that JC will probably take a lot of the heat but to me it wasn't an abysmal JC performance so much as it was an abysmal offensive performance.

No question the offense needs time to understand the system but I agree with Deeps and Robs that JC needs to be able to get rid of the ball quicker and also be able to go through his progressions quicker. Hopefully this will come with time. What will be disappointing is if JC is having the same types of struggles mid season. I am not expecting him to become a pro bowler tomorrow. I just want to see steady and continued improvement each week. That will give me confidence in him and Zorn.

Next week's game will be very interesting. It's a tough, home game and I am sure the fans will be excited but also ready to boo quickly if things don't go well early. It's going to be a big game for the Skins.

j, k, and s's d said...

BTW - it's JC's 4th year in the league and not 5th.