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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Redskins WRs

I have pretty big concerns with the Redskin passing game. Sure the team needs time learning the WC offense and JC is still developing but another issue is the WRs. Moss drops his fair share and Randle El has never appeared like a #2 WR. I like James Thrash and think he is a good special teamer and a good guy to have in the locker room but he isn't talented enough to be the #3 in my opinion.

I am pretty disappointed with how Kelly and Thomas have not been able to contribute. They both came in to camp out of shape and both suffered injuries in training camp that have caused them to miss extended time learning the offense. They have the size and tools necessary to be successful in the league but it's pretty imperative to get them on the field for us to have success. What's even more disappointing is you look at guys like DeSean Jackson in Philly and even Eddie Royal (local kid) in Denver and the types of games they had in Week 1. Thomas and Kelly were considered by many to be the best WRs in the draft. We need them to produce. Hopefully they will be able to contribute at some point this season. Apparently Kelly is ready to return to practice full speed this week. Again, we need one or both of these guys to step up.


Rob said...

People need to be a little realistic. There is a new first-time head coach and a first-time offensive coordinator (neither of whom have ever called plays) who are teaching a young QB a new system. Then, they have to bring in a bunch of rookie wide receiver/TEs and teach them also? Get real.

The reason Eddie Royal and DeSean Jackson are doing well has very little to do with work ethic in my opinion - it is far more likely that they are successful because they are going into established systems with solid NFL QBs. They also are surrounded by veterans who are familiar with their respective offenses who can teach them what to do.

Frankly, if the goal was to win this year, Danny and his Manny (Vinny) should have kept the coaching staff in place from last year.

Instead, they were so interested in completely uprooting the Gibbs system that they went out and got a rookie head coach to install yet another offense with all kinds of new bells and whistles. It is like their latest shiny new toy.

Blaming Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly for struggling is ridiculous. If they have questions, it is not like they can go to Moss or Randle El for some veteran leadership - those guys are learning the new system also.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am realistic in terms of it taking time for everyone on offense to learn the system. I can be patient with that. We know where we are and all I want to see is progress (even a little bit) from week to week.

I am sure Danny and Vinny want to win just like the rest of us but they should know that it will take time as well. I don't think Zorn is on a short leash. The only way they would pull the rug from under him is if we really digress and it's clear he has lost the team.

We couldn't keep the offensive coaches from last year. Gibbs quit. I suppose we could have kept Saunders but even keeping him seems like there would have been change to the offense as Gibbs was an integral part of how the offense worked when he was here. With Gibbs leaving, I am sure Saunders would have wanted to change things to better suit his style. Then the X factor would have been who ever the new head coach (assuming it wasn't going to be Saunders) may have wanted to tinker with the offense. So, regardless, there would have been change to the offensive philosophy.

I think Thomas and Kelly deserve blame for coming into camp out of shape and not being able to complete the fitness tests. Even Thomas criticized himself for not coming into camp in better shape. He did say that he has learned and won't allow that to happen again.

The injuries are part of the game. It is unfortunate (even if those injuries had to do with poor conditioning) because they missed out on valuable time learning the system. I am not blaming them. It is what it is. I am only saying that we need them to be able to contribute as soon as possible. It was clear that we needed help with our WR corps and that is why we drafted them. Now we just need for them to grow with the system and be able to contribute quickly.

Rob said...

If they had just kept GG (head coach) and Saunders (associate HC and OC) they would have had some stability.

Even if Saunders had "tinkered" the offense was now used to the system and terminology so any changes are not likely to be radical.

Instead there is a completely different program - it wasn't just Gibbs quitting. It is that the pushed out GG and Saunders.

What is done is done, I hope Zorn gets a fair shake. I suspect there will be some coaching changes in the off-season as Zorn brings in more of "his guys" to help him.

As for their rookies coming in out of shape, I suppose that is what happens sometimes with rookies. It shouldn't happen, and it doesn't for most organizations because they set up off-season training programs and monitor players. Perhaps the Redskins should re-look at their off-season conditioning program. It may be just another problem with their organization that they need to address.

I'm glad you cut Lloyd. So far he seems to be a positive force around the Bears locker room and he is performing on the field.

j, k, and s's d said...

The defense hasn't changed much. That is why we wanted Blache so there would be stability there. Listening to the players, they all say that it is the same. If anything, it has been simplified so people understand their roles better.

You didn't like Saunders when he was here. Maybe that is immaterial for this discussion. I suppose you are only arguing stability. Perhaps, it would have only been "tinkered" with if Saunders had stayed. Perhaps there would have been bigger changes. Again, by accounts from last year, Gibbs and Saunders wrestled for control of the offense. Saunders wasn't invited to certain offensive meetings and it wasn't clear who was calling the pass plays vs. the run plays. There was too much chaos and frankly it seems more slimmed down now. Again, Gibbs left, he wasn't fired. Snyder wanted to keep the coaching staff intact. He tried desperately to keep Gibbs around. Again, if a new coach had come in, he most likely would have wanted to make changes. If anything, that person would have probably wanted to have made even more changes to the staff.

Zorn's offense will take time to learn. Agree that I hope he gets the opportunity to fully install it here. Then we can make a judgement on his coaching abilities. We'll see if he brings in any more of "his guys" in the offseason. I don't suspect much change with the coaching staff unless people retire.

You can't set up OTAs or off season training programs before you even draft the guy. I don't know what the rules are as far as setting up programs for rookies and veterans during the offseason. Apparently there wasn't an issue with conditioning among the veterans so that doesn't seem like something that needs to be addressed.

I love how you love Lloyd now. With the Skins he was terrible. I know it was a bad financial pick but you also criticized his abilities as well as his attitude when he was here. Since becoming a Bear, you love him. You did the same thing with Arch last year. Taking away the financial part, you talked about his diminishing skills when he was a Skin but when he signed with the Bears all of a sudden he was great again.

It's amazing the way you think and the discussions we have. I seriously don't have the type of issues we have when I talk to anyone else. I understand that in your head you always think you are right and that's fine but I have such difficulty communicating with you and I don't have nearly the issues with anyone else.