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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dallas week!

The rivalry has become just a token rivalry now. There isn't the animosity that there was back prior to free agency. Still, I think the players get a little more pumped up for the game. It's going to be tough going facing a very talented team in Dallas. Here are the keys to the game:

1. Pretty simple -- the game will be decided at the line. Offensively, our O line needs to protect JC. The Cowboys have some big, strong guys that are talented up front. They run a 3-4 defense which we will struggle with. Ware and Ellis are essentially like two additional DEs. There strength and speed are going to really hurt us. Also, given that Heyer may be out and Jansen is going to play that is an additional factor.

To counter this, I think we need to try and get the running game going. We also will have to focus on short, quick routes because I don't think JC will have much time. We should probably employ the shotgun a fair amount to buy JC additional time. If we can manage to get JC time, it would be good to take a few shots down field because I think we can exploit their secondary.

2. The D line will need to get pressure on Romo. Again, the Cowboys have a huge, talented group protecting Romo. Also, it looks like it will be more challenging for us to get pressure since Jason Taylor will be out. Still, Demetric Evans and maybe Erasmus James and Chris Wilson are pretty decent so hopefully they can get some pressure. It will be key to knock Romo down a few times. However, if he is given time, he will pick us apart. We also cannot give up the deep ball. I know T.O. will be running some fly routes so we will have to watch against that. Too bad Sean Taylor is no longer here. He seemed to have a special relationship with T.O. and there is no question T.O. knew that Taylor was lurking around out there waiting to get a shot in on him. At least we have Landry who I think is faster than Taylor and certainly plays with an intensity and fearlessness that is similar to Sean. Landry will have to be quick and fast back there to get to some of those deep balls.

It will be a tough game, no question. However, I think we can compete and we will be solid. We'll see what happens.



deepie said...

I'm looking more and more forward to this game with every passing moment. It may be a token rivalry as far as the teams are concerned, but I hate the Cowboys, and given how everyone is picking them to be this year's Patriots, I would love nothing more than to stick it to them this Sunday evening.

You're right. The game is going to be decided at the line of scrimmage. If we can open up some running lanes for CP and give JC protection, I think we're going to see the passing game open up against that secondary. I'd love to see us mix things up with any of the three new pass catchers in there. I can see Moss having a big game.

I'm more concerned about the defense than the offense. With Taylor out, we're losing a lot, but the backups will be fired up and, who knows...Maybe Evans, James, and/or Wilson will step up and make some plays. They each have their strengths, so we'll see what happens. The bigger issue will be slowing down Romo's passing attack while keeping Barber bottled up. He ran for 1 yard last time we played them, so we are definitely capable of doing the job...Easier said than done though.

I'm making my bold prediction now...Skins win a stunner...27-21.


j, k, and s's d said...

I think we will definitely show up. I expect us to put up a good fight. I agree that I still hate the Cowboys and it is still somewhat of a rivalry.

I am worried about Jansen if he starts. Ware will probably be moving around. I think Samuels is excited at the challenge of going against Ware but if Ware switches sides and Jansen is out there, I smell trouble. We need to get Portis going to help open up the passing game. JC will be okay as long as he has time. I am just afraid he won't have the time. The O linemen are going to have to do a great job of communicating.

Evans, James, and Wilson, as you said, each have their own strengths so hopefully we optimize them. I expect to do a decent job on defending the run. It's the pass that concerns me. Again, if we don't get pressure, Romo will pick us apart. Also, they will take their shots deep. T.O. didn't get much against GB and I'm sure he will want more production this week. Not just because of last week but because it is a prime time game against a divisional opponent -- against the Redskins -- and it will be a major broadcast. He loves being the center of attention and loves to do it on a national stage. I like Landry back there as he has the speed, aggressiveness, and confidence to defend against T.O. What worries me is if they do matchup issues and run a play where Doughty or Horton are back there as the safety. T.O. will be able to get behind those guys. I expect Horton to play more this week as he plays more on passing downs because I assume he is faster. That is probably a good move.

Again, I think we will compete but I think we will fall short. The injuries we have will hurt us and playing in Dallas is a disadvantage. As much as it pains me, Skins fall 27-17.

deepie said...

Do you think the Cowboys' receivers are better than the Cardinals' receivers?

The Cowboys have the added dimension of Jason Witten, but I don't think the passing lanes will open up too much against our secondary. I think we match up pretty well against these guys. I'm more concerned about Barber getting running lanes and then forcing us to bring another player in the box...If that happens, we're in trouble.

j, k, and s's d said...

I think T.O. is better than Fitzgerald and Boldin but as a whole, the Cards receiving corps is probably better than the Cowboys. However, the difference is that the Cowboys offensive line is better than the Cardinals and when you give a quality QB time, you could be the WR and they will complete the pass. That is the difference.

Again, it won't really be the WRs that are the difference. It will be the line play.

Rockthrower said...

For a team that is facing a 12 point spread in a hostile environment, they really need to score a touchdown quickly (i.e., the first series). Against a 3-4, they should spread the field with four receivers (including Cooley and Yoder, if need be). I believe there will be fruitful match-ups with that secondary and linebacker pick-ups. Portis needs to help block those blitzers. Campbell is going to have to run again. Zorn needs to keep yelling at his players when they F-up. Come on Durant Brooks!

deepie said...

DID I CALL IT OR WHAT!!! Read my first post again. I'm da man!