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Monday, March 31, 2008


So I picked all four teams in the Final Four correctly and I am leading the office pool. However, it doesn't mean too much as the weighting on the Final Four games and the Championship games could quickly drop me towards the bottom. It truly appears that the selection committee got it right this year and the four teams left standing certainly appear to be the four best teams out there.

I like UNC to win it all. They have a nice balance of talent and discipline. I also think Hansborough can single handedly win games. He is always on and the teams feeds off of him.

I like Memphis to beat UCLA. They have tremendous athletes but we'll see if they can hang with a tough team like UCLA. They don't seem to be as disciplined as a UNC.

Still, at this point, I think you have four really talented teams and it's all up for grabs.

The one certainty is I will be watching. So grab the nachos and beer and lets get it on!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Eastern Promises Review

What is this movie about? There doesn't seem to be a story line good enough to make a movie. I sat through it and when it was finished, I sat there by myself and said out loud, "What the F did I just watch?" I didn't know when or how it would end. It just seemed kind of silly.

One star.


I used to be a pretty big follower of the Caps several years ago. I knew most of their players and I enjoyed watching their games. They went into a rebuilding phase and outside of Ovechkin and Kolzig, I really didn't know who was on their team.

They started out this season in a very disappointing way and ended up firing their coach (Glen Hanlon) and brought in a career minor league coach (Bruce Boudreau). Ever since, they have been a different team. It's been a tough hole to dig themselves out of but they are on the cusp of making the playoffs. They have a core group of very young talented guys that include Ovechkin, Alexander Semin, Nicholas Backstrom, and Mike Green. They added a solid veteran in Sergei Federov and a decent goalie in Cristobal Huet. I have found myself enjoying the Caps again and following the team and getting to know the players. They play exciting hockey and it's good because with their youth, talent, and energy, they should be solid for years to come. The other nice thing is they developed the team the right way...through the draft and added some FAs where needed.

Again, they are only 2 points out of a playoff spot and there are only 4 games left so every game left (and really each of the last several games) have basically been playoff/must win type games. The good thing is that they are (I believe) 7-1 in their last 8 games. They have gotten really hot. The bad thing is the teams they are chasing (Carolina, Philadelphia, Boston) have been equally as hot. As mentioned, there are only a few games left and this is going to come down to the wire. If the Caps manage to get in, I think they can make some noise.

One other point, Ovechkin is leading the league in goals (first player in like 12 years to score more than 60 goals in a season) and points. If the Caps get in the playoffs, he should win the league MVP unanimously. It's great that we have arguably the best all around player in the world on our team.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Gilbert Arenas

Arenas seemed poised to make his return yesterday against the Pistons. He is coming off of two knee surgeries and has missed nearly the entire season. It was a big game against one of the top teams in the NBA. The Wizards are right jockeying for position in the playoffs - they appear to be lining themselves up for a 5-6 seed. He participated in yesterday's shoot around and seemed ready to go but shortly before tip off was told by the team that they didn't think he was ready and that he should sit.

It's interesting because Gil has said that he is going to opt out of his contract at the end of the year. Thus, it seems like it is in Gil's interest to get back on the court ASAP and the Wiz to keep him off the court indefinitely. I'm sure Gil wants to play and show that he hasn't missed a beat so that he can land an even larger mega deal than he has now. For the Wiz, by keeping him off the court, it would make teams leary on investing huge bucks on a guy that is coming off of two knee operations and hasn't seen game time for an entire year.

The Wiz probably won't let Gil play unless they start making noise in the playoffs and even then they may not want him as he might disrupt the chemistry and flow the team has generated without him.

Ah, the games that we play. Again, just another sign that sports has become more of a business.

The Kingdom

Another decent movie.

I won't give away too much other than I thought it was a decent movie but I thought the story wasn't enough to create such a big movie with the cast of characters that they brought together. Didn't think it was a bad story but just didn't seem big enough.

The story is basically when a terrorist bomb detonates inside a Western housing compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, an international incident is ignited. While diplomats slowly debate equations of territorialism, FBI Special Agent Ronald Fleury quickly assembles an elite team and negotiates a secret five-day trip into Saudi Arabia to locate the madman behind the bombing. Upon landing in the desert kingdom, however, Fleury and his team discover Saudi authorities suspicious and unwelcoming of American interlopers into what they consider a local matter. Hamstrung by protocol-and with the clock ticking on their five days-the FBI agents find their expertise worthless without the trust of their Saudi counterparts, who want to locate the terrorist in their homeland on their own terms. Fleury's crew finds a like-minded partner in Saudi Colonel Al-Ghazi, who helps them navigate royal politics and unlock the secrets of the crime scene and the workings of an extremist cell bent on further destruction. With these unlikely allies sharing a propulsive commitment to crack the case, the team is led to the killer's front door in a blistering do-or-die confrontation. Now in a fight for their own lives, strangers united by one mission won't stop until justice is found in The Kingdom.

All in all probably about 2.5 stars.

I Am Legend.

Not bad. I'd give it 2.5 stars.

Pretty good story and effects. Didn't really understand the virus and what it did to people. I believe at one point it was explained as having a rabies like effect. However, it seemed like it just made people into monsters. I mean, the "darkseekers" were intelligent. They made the same contraption to catch Will Smith that he made to capture one of them. They were able to organize and communicate. They were able to develop freakish strength. It was just kind of strange because they were "normal" humans just a few years earlier. However, now they were violent, human blood sucking, freakish animals but still had rational thoughts. Just kind of strange to me. It might make more sense if they were just full on rabid and more mindless.

Also, some times Will Smith seemed okay with his loneliness and isolation and other times he seemed totally lost. I mean I don't know what something like that will do to a person but there were times he seemed totally sane and other times where he seemed like he was losing it. This was just a little weird for me.

When his dog died, Smith didn't seem too torn up about it. I would have probably lost it. This is my one friend and now she is gone. I have nothing. Not only that but she died giving her life to protect me. The guilt and loneliness would have killed me. He just didn't seem to care too much.

On that note, when he was trying to get back in his car after freeing himself from the trap, he didn't seem to be in too big a hurry. I understand he is physically wounded and he is a little out of it but he seemed to have enough clarity to figure out what was going on. I would have just thought that he would have been in a little bit more of a hurry to get back to safety.

The woman and boy who come to visit him. If they knew of this human colony in Vermont, what took them so long to try and get there? Where were they and what were they doing? If I knew of a possible colony, I would have head for it almost immediately and not waited years to see if it was there.

I know, I know. I am being highly critical. I will say that I was entertained and that is what matters most. It was an enjoyable movie and for all the complaining that I have done, there was a lot of good stuff in there. Again, 2.5 stars

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Madness Begins!!!

I was 13 out of 16 yesterday. Not bad but should have done better.

My losses were USC, Kent State, and George Mason (I went with my heart).

How about the Duke/Belmont game. Duke escapes with a 71-70 victory. Feel bad for Belmont as they put up a tremendous fight. They had a chance to win it down by one with 4 seconds left they were inbounding the ball right under the Duke basket and what do they do coming out of a TO? They threw it right to Duke. Nelson missed the first shot of a one and one so Belmont still had a shot with 2.7 seconds remaining but now they had to drive the length of the court. They missed and Duke won. Tough way to lose the game. Obviously, it was the most exciting game yesterday. The crowd was really pumped up.

Being a Duke hater, I was obviously disappointed. The thing that concerns me is often times a top ranked team will have a scare early on and it kind of wakens them up for the rest of the tournament and they will come out with more intensity. I'm sure Coach K was all over his team for their play and will expect a lot more from them in the next game. I just want to see Duke out.

I look forward to watching the madness continue!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Don't you hate it when...

You are at work and you walk into someone's office that you need to speak with and there is the distinct, strong, pungent smell of fart? You know you have just made a face and that the person you need to speak with is embarrassed that you smell it. Still, you both pretend that nothing is wrong and you continue to have a brief conversation. Don't you hate that?

Speaking of Rambo and Missionaries...

I had a couple of young missionaries come to my house yesterday. I was in my office and the blinds were open and the lights were on so I saw them coming and they saw I was at home so I knew I had to answer the door. I was thinking, "Oh shat!"

Anyhoo, they knock, I answer and they cordially introduce themselves and ask if I know the prophet Joseph Smith. I proceeded to pull out a Rambo like knife and tell them that if they don't get the F outta here, I am going to carve some bacon off of their backs and feed it to them. NOW GET OUTTA HERE!!

Okay, seriously, I politely tell them no, I don't know who Joseph Smith is but that I am totally comfortable in my beliefs and that they don't need to waste their time talking to me. They continue that they are trying to spread the word of God and give people a direction and so forth. Again, I say that that is great but I am comfortable with who I am and what I believe. This is true by the way. I am very comfortable with who I am and my relationship with God.

They thank me and ask if there are any neighbors I know of that might be looking for answers. I told them that the kid across the street sucks at math and may need some help. Okay, I joke again. I told them no and that they can continue to go door to door.

Now I can appreciate these guys doing what they are doing. I just don't want to be bothered by them. I know religion is a sensistive subject but I just don't like these guys thinking that (and it is not their fault, this is what they have been taught) that they are enlightened and saved and that they need to save others. Anyway, I wanted to get out of that conversation as quickly as possible and I did and I thank God for that!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


OH MY GOD!!! I have never seen more gratuitous violence, blood, and gore in my life. Unbelievable! The last 15 minutes are basically Rambo sitting behind a high powered, high caliber machine gun just firing away and ripping through guys. Here are my top 10 reasons the movie was asstastic:

1. Sly

2. Sly

3. I loved that the asian dude from the cingular wireless commercials was one of the mercenaries. They really picked up the A list to cast this one.

4. I loved how the missionaries thought they could actually make a difference.

5. Despite a warning on the way up stream from pirates, the missionaries think it is a good idea to continue.

6. During the last 15 minutes when Sly is just plowing through guys, I loved how the girl was just holding her ears, cradling back and forth, crying like she was just touched in her "no no" spot and just wants to go back to her happy place.

7. Fantastic that the one missionary dude who condemned violence the ENTIRE movie and gives Rambo a hard time about his beliefs and thinks he has all the answers ends up killing a dude in the end.

8. Movie was only about 70 minutes of actual movie footage (more than half of which had extreme violence).

9. Sly looked so swelled up from the 'roids and HGH, he looked set to pop. Nothing like seeing a 61 year old guy trying desperately to hang on to his glory years.

10. Sly

There are so many more reasons why you can't help but fall in love with this movie. The only thing that could have made this classic better was a Frank Stallone original song used either in a flashback montage or at the very least when the final credits are rolling.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Watched this movie last night.

I think they got the name of the movie wrong. I think they meant to call it "Shitter." Movie was mildly entertaining. I would give it 2 stars. Wahlberg was a very poor man's Jason Bourne. I thought it was hilarious how in the beginning he becomes disillusioned with the government for selling himself and his partner on the mission and then goes into isolation for 3 years living off of the land. He is coaxed back into serving a special mission where the President may be assassinated. He is supposed to consult where and when the President is to be assassinated. He does all of his surveillance and such and then when it's supposed to go down, he is looking out the window with binoculars saying it's going to happen now! Do something! He turns around where a guy shoots him. He ends up being blamed for the assassination attempt and the rest of the movie he is trying to clear his name.

I thought it was kind of silly that he was able to escape from all of the security. Then he goes to his dead partner's wife's house for help and they look like they are going to get it on. I thought that was a real jerkweed move on his part. In general, thought it was too unrealistic. I either want something like Rambo where it is clear this is just a blood fest and that Rambo will be in a room with 100 of the fiercest Cambodians with tremendous amounts of weaponry but he is able to escape because he has his trusty utility knife safely tucked away in his arse. That and a couple of vials of HGH. Either that or something more believable. This was something that some where in between.

Again, it was okay but nothing great.

Monday, March 17, 2008

No Country for Old Men

Again, if you don't want to know about it, stop reading.

Good movie. Strange ending. Not what you would expect. It's interesting because I don't think there was any music in the movie. You kind of figured the Josh Brolin character would get away with it and there would be some show down with the other dude but it never materialized and the other guy ends up walking away from everything.

Then there is T.L.J. He kind of has his side story which is mildly interesting.

All in all, I was entertained and while I enjoyed the ending, it felt a little strange.

Hackett signs with Carolina.

I'm not saying Hackett is the second coming of Jerry Rice but he seemed like he would have been a nice fit here in D.C. The 'Skins have said that they were going to be pretty frugal but they offered the guy the league minimum. Again, he hasn't proven to be an elite receiver or anything but he knew Zorn, he knew the offense, and we could have certainly used a solid #2 WR and a bigger body to complement Moss and Randle El. He seemed like a good fit for us. The thing is Carolina didn't break the bank on the guy either. He ended up signing a 2 year, $3.5M contract. Nothing near than the Berrian deal and I don't think the level of talent is as different as the contract dollars would indicate.

Again, disappointed we didn't get him as he seemed to be a good fit. Even more disappointed given that he didn't seem too expensive. Maybe we will find someone in the draft.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

3:10 to Yuma

If you haven't seen this movie and want to see it then do not read any further.

Good movie but didn't understand a couple of things.

1. Once Dan got Wade on the train, did he think he was safe to go home? It's not like Wade's outfit was just going to let him ride off.

2. When Dan and co. make the old switcheroo in the carriage taking Wade off and putting on a decoy, isn't the decoy basically on a suicide mission? I mean if I'm that dude you better load me up with some heavy artillery and stuff because he has no chance to survive.

3. Why does Wade bother to hang around the town and get caught in the first place?

Whatever. I still enjoyed the movie. I like Christian Bale as an actor. Had a good story and good action.

High School Reunion on TV Land

Great show. Basically takes a gang from the class of 1987 of a high school in Texas and brings them together for a 20 year reunion in Maui. You have the Jock, the Pipsqueak, the Bully, the Geek, the Clown, the Drama Queen, the Backstabber, etc. What's interesting is that even though these guys are all near 40 years old, when you put them all back together, they revert to their high school years. Essentially, it is beach week all over again with 40 year olds. The thing is the guys that they have brought back all have some history with each other (both good and bad) so there is a fair amount of exchange b/t these guys.

Also, the cliques have kind of broken down. For instance, the pipsqueak in high school didn't have a chance with the popular girl but now the pipsqueak is decent looking and has drawn the eye of the popular chick. Also, the geek gets to confront the bully. Then there is the backstabber who was best friend's with the clown who was married to the drama queen. However, the clown and the drama queen invited the backstabber to live with them at some point and the backstabber slept with the drama queen. Needless, to say that has set off a chain of fireworks.


Hackett visits Redskin Park

Have to say that I like the approach we have taken as far as FA in the offseason. We didn't go hog wild or anything. We have been conservative and are staying the course. I don't think too much was broken so we don't need to fix a whole lot. We seem intent on addressing needs through the draft which is a welcome change.

That said, I like that we are bringing in Hackett for a visit. He seems like he could be a good fit for the 'Skins. Now that we have jettisoned the problematic Lloyd, we need a true #2 WR. Moss is solid at #1 and Randle El is a good #3 in the slot but it would be good to get a bigger target at the #2 WR. Hackett is in the prime of his career and at 6' 2" and 205 lbs. is a larger target that we could use and have been looking for. The other good thing is that he knows Zorn and the offense so his transition would be minimal and he could help in teaching the other WRs the system.

I haven't been a fan of Cerrato but I must say that he seems to be doing/saying the right things recently. Regarding Hackett, Vinny said, "[Hackett] has some size to him. He knows the offense and he would be able to help the other receivers learn the offense, which would be a big advantage."

If the Redskins are able to sign Hackett, he would likely serve as an outside receiver, with Antwaan Randle El moving to the slot, Cerrato said.

"We've watched film on [Hackett] and he has played for coaches on our staff," Cerrato said. "If we did sign him, we'd know exactly what kind of worker he is, what kind of guy he is. There are no questions with him--we would know exactly what he would do."

We'll see if it pans out.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Brandon Lloyd goes to da Bears!

He's their problem now. I actually think it is a pretty good move for all. Lloyd is going to a team w/o a true #1 WR. He has an opportunity to become that guy. He also knows that he is at a pivotal point in his career and has to show something. The Bears recognized this and signed him to a one year deal. If he doesn't clean up his act, he may find himself out of the league all together just like Freddie Mitchell. He has to avoid the off the field issues and perform on the field. He is 26 years old and needs a great year in hopes of landing that big time contract. All that said, I wouldn't want him on my team. He is a loser and a guy that can bring a team down and ruin chemistry. I can see him possibly having a solid year in Chicago. I can also see him complaining that the QB situation sucks and that he is not getting enough touches and then quitting on his team.

Rock is Back!

Rock Cartwright was looking for a bigger deal and $2M guaranteed. There were no takers and he is back with the 'Skins. Love the pick up since Rock was one of the better kick return guys in the NFL last year. More importantly, he is a leader on the team and he is good at rallying the guys together. He was one of the more important figures after the Sean Taylor tragedy. It was a good move on the 'Skins part.

I actually like the 'Skins approach this year. They didn't go on any kind of spending spree and what is also interesting is it seems that some of the FAs have been grossly overpaid (e.g., Berrian) and some have found that there just isn't a market out there for their services (e.g., Briggs and Cartwright). The 'Skins may see if prices drop and pick some one up but they didn't do what they typically do and go nuts in FA.

I actually feel like we are on the right track.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Brett Favre retires.

A little surprising given that he had an MVP type year last year and the Packers seem poised to make some noise again this coming year. He is a guy that seems to love the game and his play is indicative of that mentality. I figured he would want to continue given his love for the game and the fact that the Pack can be competitive. He's had a great career but it must be tough going out the way he did in his last game against the Giants. He played pretty poorly in the snowy conditions at Lambeau and his late INT was key in setting up Tynes game winning FG.

Still, a tremendous career and again, a guy who played the game with all the passion and heart he had.

Bring on Aaron Rogers.

Brandon Lloyd is cut!


He is the biggest mistake the Redskins have EVER made.