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Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Jim Zorn era begins!

First, let me say that I am pleased that we didn't hire Jim Fassel. It was just hard for me to imagine him being on the sideline on Sundays.

Second, I am pleased with the choice. Not really what I expected but to me Zorn is as good as anyone else. At least we didn't go with a retread guy and we are taking a chance on someone. Honestly, people are going to have their opinions and that is all well and good. For me, lets just see how he plays out.

It's just funny how fans want a guy that can guarantee a Super Bowl. Anything less and they will complain. Lets give the guy a chance and see what he can do.


Rob said...

I am non-committal on the choice. I don't think he was really a hot candidate, but he may end up being a good candidate.

The one thing that I think will be tough is that JC probably will not be the franchise QB going forward. I just do not see him as a viable West Coast QB.

I honestly would not be surprised if they take a shot on Rex Grossman. He is more of the Matt Hasselbeck/West Coast QB type. Good arm, quick release.

j, k, and s's d said...

Rexy coming to the 'Skins? You really are crazy.

I think it's pretty ridiculous to already be saying that JC is out. I am sure that some where along those 16 hours of interviews Zorn mentioned that he is looking forward to working with JC and revamping the offense and honing JC's skills.

The more I think about it, the more I like the pick given the way the team is set up. Again, I didn't really like the idea of a retread as that is old news. I like the idea of giving someone new an opportunity. I also like that they didn't go with some young hot shot. They went with a 54 year old who seems well entrenched in his life and understands who he is. He doesn't need to come in and make his mark just for the sake of making his mark. He seems like a guy that is happy and comfortable that there is a coaching staff in place and that most of those coaches were here last year so he can learn and build off of that. I think his age and experience also won't make him intimadated by the fact that there are a lot of coaches here from last year. If anything, I think he is happy that is the case and he will welcome their guidance. At the same time, he sounds like a dedicated guy and a hard worker that is willing to listen to not only his coaches but his players as well.

Again, I most likely wouldn't have done this whole thing the way Danny did it. However, now that it is all said and done, I think they made a pretty good selection. We'll see how it pans out. I'm sure there will be some growing pains. From Springs, it sounds like the offense will be revamped and he runs a pretty thorough practice.

Again, I'm comfortable with the selection. Seems like a pretty good choice especially the way the staff is built. In all fairness, I will judge Zorn by his results on the field.


deepie said...

I'm also happy with the choice. A lot of 'Skins "fans" are up in arms with the pick, but who would have made them happy? Not Fassel or Mooch. Maybe Double G, but his ego was too big to fit into Danny Boy's office. Going with a well regarded coach who, by some accounts, was overqualified in his previous positions, is probably the best choice that could have been made.

I agree with JKD. The process to get to Zorn was all wrong, but a good choice was made in the end. I don't think Danny Boy had many other options considering how other candidates weren't exactly blowin' up his cell phone asking for an interview. Regardless, Danny Boy said he and Vinny saw a potential for Zorn to be an HC during his coordinator interview and they feel he was the best candidate available.

Zorn comes into a situation with a hands on owner and a strange front office structure. The salary cap situation is a mess, but if he's as smart as they say he is, he'll make recommendations to keep the spending under better control. He was known to argue against some of Holmgren's boneheaded ideas. Apparently, he was the only one who had the balls to do so. That is a very good sign.

j, k, and s's d said...

One of the interesting things will be the p.r. campaign he will have to engage in over the next several days. I'm sure he will be holding a number of interviews with the local radio and news channels to get his name out there and get the fans to know him and understand him a bit. I think that that would make sense and I think he will do a pretty good job of trying to win over the fans at this point.

Also, I know everyone was up in arms over the whole continuity/consistency thing but now that things have settled, you are hearing that things are fairly consistent. WRC was reporting how 75% of the coaching staff last year will be the same. Also, the entire support staff and training staff will remain the same. I know they are in the process of restructuring contracts but we'll see if there is the purge that RobsObs always talks about. Sure, some guys need to leave and should leave but lets see if there is the purge. I'm not saying that I am thrilled with the 'Skins cap situation but I haven't been thrilled with it and every year RobsObs cries purge but it hasn't happened yet.

Also, as I mentioned above, now that the dust has cleared, you are hearing a little bit more about the consistency. RobsObs said that I was the only one arguing about that. Again, when you lose a head coach, you can't expect 100% consistency. Apparently everyone (including Gregg Williams) felt that Saunders needed to go and that they all liked Zorn so the offense was going to change even if Gregg had gotten the job. That part of the team will change but the rest should remain consistent. That is what I was arguing. That things will remain relatively consistent.

Rob said...

Zorn does not sound like a head coach and seemed pretty nervous in his press conference. That said, he may or may not be good. We'll have to see.

JKD, why don't we get off the consistency thing. I say that they have not maintained consistency, you say they have. Fine.

If you look at their cap problem this year it is even worse than last year. They will redo some contracts and push off their problems again and make them worse next year. I strongly believe that until they decide to stop this financial B.S. they will not be able to be a serious contender.

A good purge would allow them the opportunity to build a long term winner. But, it would require admitting that their current system doesn't work (which Danny Boy won't do) and it would require a true rebuilding program through the draft (which they have not shown that they can do).

You cannot seriously compete for a title if you start off $20M over the cap and the other teams in your division start $20M under the cap. Then, you have plenty of other teams in the NFC who are also far under the cap.

Chicago $20M under.
Dallas $21M under.
Detroit and N.Y. Giants $23M under.
Tampa $26M under.
Arizona $30M under.
San Francisco $31M under.
New Orleans $32M under.

These are all solid teams that will be competitive. They don't start from the hole the Redskins have to start with. And next year the Redskins problems will just be worse. You think Danny Boy is a genius for being able to get under the cap? JKD, you need to wake up and stop praising him.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm sure Zorn was excited and nervous at the press conference. Joe Gibbs mentioned when he was hired that he was so "jacked up" that he didn't sleep for 2-3 days. We'll have to see.

I argued that there was some degree of consistency and 75% of the coaching staff, 100% of the training and support staff seems to prove that but fine, we'll get off of that.

Where was I praising Snyder? I have said that I would not have conducted the interview process the way that he has. I have said that I would hire a GM. I have said that I am not thrilled with the cap situation. Again, where have I praised Snyder?

We were a serious contender this past year. We certainly looked better than the Giants going into the playoffs. Every year, teams prove that once you get in, anything can happen. Now don't get me wrong, I AM STILL NOT HAPPY WITH OUR CAP SITUATION. However, every year you cry "purge" and it hasn't happened. Maybe it will happen one day and when that day comes, I will address it. However, we will restructure contracts and get under the cap. I know, I know...this is a temporary fix and it will catch up to us one day. Again, I will wait until that day and then address it. However, we have a solid team. We'll see what we are able to do with the draft and FAs this year. Needs include a DE, O-line depth, a #2 WR, and CB depth. However, the Bears have WAY more needs than the 'Skins. Their entire offense needs to be blown up and started from scratch. Olin Kreutz is probably the only guy on that offense that is guaranteed to come back and play the position that he is playing.

Again, where have I praised Danny Boy? I am not thrilled with the way things are set up but it is what it is. I am a fan and I will support. We have a solid team going into next year. There will be growing pains with the hiring of Zorn. We'll see how that shakes out.

Rob said...

The Redskins were not a serious contender. That is my opinion so let's not bicker about it.

Fine, you don't praise him (although I know you love him deeply), but until you accept that the Redskins need to actually have a purge to get their cap problems resolved, then you accept the financial nonsense they have been doing.