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Monday, January 7, 2008

Redskins lose...the dream is over.

First, let me say that it was a great run. I had predicted 9-7 at the beginning of the year and I got that. I had hoped to get a playoff game and I got that. When we had that great 4 game win streak at the end of the season, I was thoroughly impressed and I said that I was satisfied with the season. They had met my goals and anything more would be a bonus. Sure, I would have loved for the season to continue but I am happy with the season...particularly after the 'Skins had to deal with all that they did during this difficult season. I know they were the feel good story and people talked about them being the team of destiny but it didn't work out that way. Still, a great season in my mind and I am very proud of this team.

As far as the game, I will say that I was disappointed with the overall play. The thing that really marked their 4 game win streak was how well they were prepared, how well the game plan had been formulated for each of their 4 games, and how well that plan was executed. That didn't seem to be the case in the Seattle game. We were thoroughly dominated in the first half. What I found interesting was that the weather was not at all what was predicted. It was expected to be rainy and windy and it was quite the contrary. With that expected weather, I had predicted that the 'Skins would try and establish the running game and do short passes. That actually seemed like the gameplan but it didn't work and realizing that there was good weather we should have altered the plan and played more like we did in the previous games with aggressive playcalling. We should have passed downfield more to help open up the run. I know that is easier said than done and it would have been difficult against Seattle's quick and athletic defense but still it would have been the right thing to do.

I don't blame Collins for the difficult first half. He didn't have much protection and he had at least 3 bad dropped balls. Cooley in general just didn't look like he had much energy in this game. There were a number of missed blocking assignments. There was one run where Portis ran to the right and Kendall pulled and he ran right by two Seattle defenders who came in and made the stop on Portis. Kendall was just standing there! Where was he running?! Who was he looking to block?! Anyway, there were a number of breakdowns like that from the entire offense that hurt us. If Collins had a second more on that bomb to a wide open Moss, we could have tied the game and swung the momentum. Again, another breakdown.

What was interesting was that as badly as we were dominated, the score was only 13-0 and I was thinking if we can get a score than just like that we are back in the game. Sure enough, Randle El gets the TD and things look better. Than Landry comes up big with the pick that leads to a quick Moss TD. Just like that, in 2 and a half minutes we take the lead. The sideline looked animated and all of a sudden there was a feeling like we could pull this thing out. Then Seattle botches the ensuing kickoff and we get the ball again deep in their territory and we have an opportunity to really stick the dagger in. However, Cooley drops a ball right in his hands that would have set up a first and goal at the 1 or 2 yard line. Not only do we not get a TD but Suisham misses a 30 yard field goal. That hurt badly. To not come away with any points on that gift that Seattle gave us was a pivotal point in the game. We let them off the hook.

When Landry got his second INT on the ensuing Seattle drive I was thinking we again have an opportunity to take this game but we couldn't do much and then Frost kicks a 30 yard punt giving Seattle good field position and they marched down and scored. On that scoring pass, what was Prioleau doing? He was playing off of the receiver in man to man coverage. The receiver ran right at Prioleau and Prioleau stepped up to try and get a chip on the receiver but missed and the guy ran right by him for a wide open TD. If you want to get a jam, get right up there on line of scrimmage. I didn't really understand Prioleau's technique/thinking there.\

On the ensuing kickoff, Cartwright gets a great return setting us up at midfield with plenty of time remaining; however, Collins threw a prayer to Moss who wasn't expecting the ball and we all know what happened. The rest of the game is history and we suffered a disappointing loss.

As tough as the loss was, again, I am proud of the team and proud of the season. We achieved the goals that I had layed out at the beginning of the year. Sure, you get greedy and always want more but it was a decent season. The good thing is that I think we have a lot to look forward to for next year. Hopefully we can keep most of the team in tact. I think this team really grew together as a family and I think they still feel like there is and will be unfinished business as they enter camp next year.

I think Springs will be gone. I would prefer he stays but if he is looking for top dollar, the 'Skins shouldn't pay that to him at this point of his career. Also, I don't know Washington's contract status but he isn't really worth top dollar either anymore. We need a stud DE/DL to complement Carter. I think the front four do a good job of run defense but we need another DE that can put pressure on the QB. We could also use a good replacement for Washington. Smoot had a very good year and hopefully we can get a healthy Rogers back. Landry always seemed better suited at the FS position and Doughty did an admirable job at SS.

On the offensive side, we need another playmaker at WR. Moss is good but he had his health problems. Randle El and Caldwell are solid #3 guys but we need a tall physical WR that can also be a deep threat to complement Moss. Cooley is one of the best and I really like Portis. We also need depth on the O-line. I liked the way guys like Wade, Fabini, and Heyer stepped in and played but the starters are aging and we could use better quality up there. I would still be okay with the starters that we have but I am just not sure they can all stay healthy and some better quality up there would be good. Portis has already said that he would be open to restructuring his contract. He said that he would love to be back. Again, I think these guys really grew together and became a family and I think it is important to keep the key pieces together as there is a feeling of unfinished business which will be important going into next year.

It will be interesting what happens with Collins. No question Campbell will go in as the #1. To me, it only behooves Collins to come back. At 37, he is not going to land a huge lucrative deal to come in as a starter for another team. Frankly, I don't think he would perform nearly as well on another team anyway. He has been in the Saunders system for 10 years and understands it so well and that has helped him in his play this year. It would be good to see him come back as our backup. Frankly, the way the NFL is, you have to expect to see the backup at some point during the year so he would probably get playing time even if he is the backup. Seriously, Todd Collins played well during the win streak; however, he also showed his limitations. He is not very mobile and his arm strength is weak. It takes forever for his ball to get there on those out patterns. Again, I would like to have him back as the backup but it will be interesting to see what he decides.

Again, great year and hopefully we can build off of this season for next year.



Rob said...

Good season for the Redskins (obviously I am excluding the death of Sean).

The game went about as I expected. Seattle's D is very good and they get a lot of pressure on the QB. The Redskins just could not get anything going.

If not for Hasselbeck's constant bad decisions and poor throws where he missed so many open receivers, Seattle would have been way ahead.

It is interesting to ask the question of what would have happened if Campbell had not gotten hurt. The Redskins may not have made the playoffs, because Todd really played about as well as a QB could play.

I still don't think the Redskins are really geared for the future. The linebacking corps is older, Springs likely won't be with the team, Rogers won't come back before mid-season (if at all), there are a lot of cap questions that have to be answered. It will be a very different team again next year.

deepie said...

My off-season in a nut-shell:

1. RESTRUCTURE and get under the cap.
2. Draft a DE in the 1st round. Daniels is done. Wilson is a pass rush specialist only.
3. Draft a OG in the 2nd round. Kendall is too ssssllllooowww to be a pulling guard on running plays and he and Fabini constantly get blown off the line.
4. Get help at CB. Springs may be gone and Rogers may take some time to come back.
5. Get a big receiver to play the slot position.
6. Resign Collins and Cartwright.
7. Get rid of Brunell and Lloyd (please!).
8. Maybe go after an OLB (Briggs?)...if 1-7 are taken care of...but for God's sake...don't address this until the other pieces are in. Godfrey/Blades are more than adequate in the short run. Our front 7 played really well even after McIntosh went down.
9. If we can get someone like Haynesworth, GET HIM! He's a beast, and even if he loses some of his beastliness once he gets paid, he'll be better than Griffin hurt on the sidelines. Montgomery looks really good though...Imagine Haynesworth and Montgomery with Carter and a 1st rounder at the other end...Unbelievable!

I think all of the above can's just a matter of being proactive and proceeding with continuity in mind.

deepie said...

As for the season...I'm a little disappointed we didn't get further, but going from a terrible 5-11 with everything up in the air to 9-7 and a playoff appearance despite losing Taylor and all of the injuries is a lot more than I could have asked for. I predicted 9-7 too. I guess I'm satisfied now that I look back.

On to the off-season for another off-season championship. If we can do what I listed, we'll be in good shape for '08.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm not really sure what you mean RobsObs when you say Hasselbeck's constant bad decisions. If some of the Redskins had held on to the ball or if there was better protection than this could have happened. That's football. I don't think Seattle is a much better team than the 'Skins. You just don't like the 'Skins and think the worst of them. That's how it has always been. I will dismiss that comment as silly.

Todd did play really well down the stretch and no question he was a big reason why we won those games. Who knows what would have happened if JC doesn't go down. It's not really that interesting to me.

I like the pieces that we have. Every team will have issues that they will try and address during the offseason. Every team will be older. Still, I like the core guys we have right now.

Agree with much of what Deepie wrote. Good article by RobsObs boy LaCanfora in the Post today talking about the future. He says we will restructure contracts and it shouldn't be too much of a problem to get cap space. He also says that we might make a play for Briggs which would be huge. In D.C. he could be the man that he craves to be. He also talked about trying to get another receiver like a Drew Carter or Bernard Berrian. Berrian would actually be a nice addition with his size and speed. Also, don't think he would break the bank.

We should draft a DE. I think this would help a lot. We also need help on the O-line. Getting back Jansen and Thomas will help but would like to see additional help up there.

Don't expect to see Springs or Lloyd back. We should also get rid of Brunell. They are expensive and only Springs is worth something but he won't be worth what he will ask for.

Again, the team really grew close this year and I'm sure there is a feeling of unfinished business and the core guys will want to stay together. That will be important.

Agree that we should keep Cartwright. He is a solid player but more importantly, he's and emotional leader and a good guy to keep on the team.

We'll see what happens but despite RobsObs continual hating on the 'Skins, I like what we have and think there is promise for the future.

Rob said...

Deeps - you are dreaming. The Redskins are $21M over the cap right now for 2008. They are the only team that is over the cap. By comparison, the Bears are $20M under the cap. In the NFC East the Giants and Cowboys are more than $20M under the cap and the Eagles are $17M under the cap. The situation is so bad that the Redskins may not cut Lloyd because it would accelerate his cap hit.

Here are the "big cap" guys for 2008:

Brunell - $6.5M
Carter - $5M
Cooley - $7.1M
Griffin - $6.2M
Jansen - $8.8M
Moss - $5.9M
Portis - $8.9M
Samuels - $8.3M
Springs - $7.5M
Thomas - $8.9M
Washington $6.5M

Lloyd is "only" at $4.2M

So, these guys count $83.8M next year.

They will cut some of the guys after June 1 because they can split the contract amounts over 2008 and 2009.

Let's say that they cut Brunell, Lloyd, Griffin, Jansen, and Washington. That would save them $21M for 2008 and get them even (this leaves no money for signing players).

But that is not the end of their contracts. The Redskins will still have $20.1M in dead cap space in 2009.

Keep in mind that JC is going to need to get his big contract this year if they are going to keep him. He only counts $1.6M against the cap because he is still in his rookie contract.

I know JKD will say, "I don't care" but the fact is that this horrible cap management is just killing them and will continue to be a drag on the Redskins until the decide to just bite the bullet.

The Redskins are going to suck and have to do a major rebuilding over a two year period in the next year or three.

Thank you Danny Boy!

deepie said...

Killing them? When have the 'Skins ever been killed by the cap?

I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'll believe Danny Boy can work around the cap because he's done it every other off-season where people like you said we were in salary cap hell.

Rob said...

All that has happened is that they pushed back the bad situation from last year to this year and made it even worse. They will probably do some more restructuring to try to keep as much of the team together for Gibbs' last year but the fact is that they will lose a lot of key players AND end up with an even bigger headache next year.

I give you the numbers and it is obvious that they are in worse shape, but I'll let you see it as it unfolds rather than argue about it now.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree with Deepie. Every year RobsObs cries "CAP! PURGE! DONG!!!" Yet, we don't purge any more than any other team. Maybe it will all come to a head at some point. Until then, I won't worry about it. Still, I would love to be under the cap. It would make things easier/better but it hasn't hurt us yet despite your crying RobsObs so I'll just worry about that when it happens.

For now, I am comfortable with the team that we have. We have some solid pieces and hopefully we can add help where it is needed.

Rob said...

For all of the genius moves that Danny Boy has made, you have a "great" 9-7 team that only got in the playoffs because a 37 year old journeyman had 4 career games in a row. And, you have a team that is $21M over the cap.


j, k, and s's d said...

9-7 got us in the playoffs. You have to be in it to win it.

To say that we "only" got in because of Todd Collins is ignorant. Clearly, you didn't pay attention to the team and the games.

You should just worry about your Bears. They have a TON of issues (QB, RB, WRs, entire O line, LBs, D line, safeties). Good luck with all of that!

deepie said...

All I can say is this. At this point, the 'Skins are more of a sure thing than the Bears. Cap relief is badly needed, but it can be managed considering many players' willingness to make the adjustments needed to stay with the team. We probably could have won another game or two had our best o-lineman (Thomas), our 2nd best CB (Rogers), our starting T (Jansen), and our best player (Taylor) not been lost. Considering the losses and considering that we're in what is clearly the best division in the NFC, we did really well.

Injuries are part of the game so we had to deal with it, but we're getting the key pieces, minus Taylor obviously, back next year. If we can add a competent DE in the draft and have a healthy '08, we'll be fine...even better than 9-7.

I don't think it's as simple for Chicago.

Rob said...

I have concerns about QB for the Bears, but the big thing is they need linemen on both sides of the ball. I think they will find them in free agency and the draft.

I will say this - there is no way in the world I would trade up the Bears team for the Redskins team. I am not speaking as a fan, I am thinking about talent and depth and cap space.

WTOP's "talk back" question of the day was whether Todd Collins should be resigned and who should start for the Redskins next year. They reported that 75 percent of the calls were for Collins starting. QB controversy on the way.

j, k, and s's d said...

No way I trade the Redskins for the Bears team. You crazy!

Do YOU think Collins should be the QB? I will say this. JC is the QB. JC should be the QB. JC didn't play poorly when he was in there. However, if Collins returns (he should - that can only benefit all parties and there won't be too much demand for a 37 year old QB) and JC struggles early on next year, Collins should get an opportunity. Still, JC is the franchise QB. He is only 26 years old and is just starting to enter the prime of his career. He played well when he was in there and he has SO much more upside than Collins.

You can try and stir the pot but you know that I am right. I did not see/hear/read about WTOP's poll but if that is correct one I would like to know how many people were surveyed but then it's just idiot fans who just want to hold on to the short term success Collins had. JC is the guy that can take us to the next level. Collins is the nice insurance policy if something happens to JC.

j, k, and s's d said...

Bears need help at ALL positions on offense. They need help at many of the positions on defense. They will lose some of their players (Briggs, Berrian, Grossman, Brown, etc.) unless they reward them handsomely. They have so many more issues than the 'Skins have.

Rob said...

I'd go JC, because there is a reason Todd was a career backup.

But, when the Redskins start off 1-2 or 1-3, you will hear the fans booing JC and calling for Collins.

Frankly, I don't care who plays QB for the Redskins.

j, k, and s's d said...

As well you shouldn't care since you have enough to worry about with the Bears and all of their issues.

I would agree with your comment on if the 'Skins start out poorly, I think it would be fair that we would hear the boo birds. Not that I would agree with the boo birds only that we would hear them. However, I will stipulate that this will also depend on JC's play. If he plays okay and we lose, the boo birds won't be for JC. However, if he plays as poorly and erratically as Rexy, than you can expect the boo birds coming out on JC. That is fair.

deepie said...

The reason why Collins is a backup and no more is because he's completely immobile in the pocket and he has the arm strength of my grandmother...your grandmother. The Seattle game showed off his weaknesses big time. When you have to lob a 15 yard out to your receiver because there's a little wind blowing in your face, you're not starter material.

JC's the man. But if in the pre-season, Collins shows he's still significantly more effective at leading the offense efficiently, then we'll see what happens.