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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Simple Question...

Is Norv Turner a good coach?


j, k, and s's d said...

This is what one friend thinks of Norv (I am posting it for him):

Norv Turner is a good offensive strategist and a mediocre head coach. I believe that Norv can create a high quality offensive game plan, however, his lack of ability to make good decisions during the game always comes back to hurt his teams. Some people just aren’t strong leaders. Strong leaders are able to light a fire within a player, which simply was not evident during his tenure as the Redskins and Raiders coach. His situation in San Diego is different because of the level of talent on that team, which was driven by a strong front office and prior year coach. The upper echelon of NFL coaches most likely would have handled the Patriots game differently. The defensive strategy was working extremely well and Randy Moss was neutralized. The toughest receiver to cover in the league, Wes Welker, did make several third down conversions, but the defensive line was getting to Brady and he didn’t have a good game. Under these circumstances, the Charger offense had several golden opportunities to score touchdowns after the turnovers, which would have changed the face of the game, but poor play calling did them in. Also, Norv should have pulled the quarterback, who had knee surgery earlier in the week, who was immobile and unable to transfer his weight effectively on his throws.

j, k, and s's d said...

A co worker said he was "terrible" and provided this from Tuesday Morning QB:

Norv Turner's decision to punt in New England territory in the fourth quarter when trailing by two scores might go down as the single worst coaching decision of all time. Let us count the ways in which the decision was ludicrous. First, the Patriots have the best offense in football history, so the odds of getting the ball back quickly without New England scoring were very low. Second, you need a touchdown and a field goal and are in field goal range. Why aren't you at least attempting a field goal? Sure a long field goal try might not work, but punting is guaranteed not to work! Next, San Diego coaches should have decided already, when the Chargers had third-and-10 on the New England 36 at the 9:36 mark, that they would go for it on fourth down. The opponent is the highest-scoring team of all time; you will not defeat those guys by passively punting the ball away late in the game. Yet rather than use "four-down thinking" and call a draw or similar play on third-and-10 so the fourth-down situation would be more manageable, San Diego's coaches called a midrange pass on third down, then, facing fourth-and-10, shrugged and punted.

By sending in the punt team, Turner quit on the game. At that point, he no longer was trying to win -- rather, he appeared to be attempting to hold down the margin of defeat so people would hire him to do banquet-circuit speeches in the offseason and introduce him as a coach who gave the Patriots a good game. A more sinister interpretation of Turner's surrender is offered below. Giants coaches, please note -- two straight playoff games have featured opponents playing the Patriots close through three quarters, then folding in the fourth quarter after going passive. (Trailing New England by 11 points late in the divisionals, Jacksonville passively kicked a field goal on fourth-and-goal.) Jersey/A, if you are to prevail in the Super Bowl, you can't play passive. Don't try to avoid criticism or constrain the margin of defeat. Don't dance with the champ. Go all out!

Single Worst Play of the Season -- So Far: You're playing the highest-scoring team in football history; you're trailing by more than a touchdown with 9:21 remaining in the AFC Championship Game; and you're in New England territory on the Patriots' 36 -- you cannot seriously be sending in the punting team! I don't care if it's fourth-and-goal from the 36! You must score on this possession or the game is over. A fourth-quarter punt inside the territory of the highest-scoring team ever, when trailing by two scores, could well be the single worst coaching decision in NFL history. Norv Turner, with one game remaining, you are guilty of the Single Worst Play of the Season -- So Far.

I am not sure I necessarily agree with the article but it is what it is.

Rob said...

I wasn't going to respond, but I started laughing at how stupid your co-worker and the "Tuesday Morning QB" are (I don't really know what TM-QB is, but it is clearly idiotic).

That decision was the "single worst coaching decision of all time." Really? Just that comment alone tells me how ignorant the writer is.

If the Chargers pin them deep and get a 3 and out they get the ball back with about 7 minutes, first and 10 on the 50 yard line.

The San Diego D was playing well. Hell, if the Chargers stop the Patriots on 3rd and 11 on the Patriots 24 with more than 7 minutes to go, who knows?

Posting up that kind of second-guessing stupidity just shows you how critics try to paint Norv Turner as a bad coach.

That is their opinion, but it is just plain idiotic.

j, k, and s's d said...

The TM QB was more done tongue and cheek. Again, I'm don't necessarily agree with their thinking. I think my co-worker sent it as tongue and cheek but still believes that Turner is "terrible."

I just want to find out from one other person that Norv is a good head football coach.

Rob said...

Troy Aikman thinks he is good. LT thinks he is good. Alex Smith thinks he is good. Jimmy Johnson thinks he is good.

I'm sure there are a lot of guys in Indy who respect him for beating them twice.

j, k, and s's d said...

There are plenty of people on his Oakland and Redskin teams that didn't care much for him as a head coach. Again, he was called out publicly for his coaching skills in Oakland and lost his team.

I was talking about fans anyways. I'm not talking about if he did a good job this year but looking at his head coaching experience cumulatively if I could find a fan other than you that thinks he is a good head coach.

Rob said...

You don't think there are some San Diego fans who think he did a good job this year?

j, k, and s's d said...

Read please.

"I'm not talking about if he did a good job this year but looking at his head coaching experience cumulatively if I could find a fan other than you that thinks he is a good head coach."

Rob said...

OK, fine.

You don't think there are some San Diego fans who think he IS A GOOD COACH?