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Monday, January 14, 2008

Who I want to win the Superbowl.

Obviously, I am a 'Skins fan and since they are not in, I really don't have much preference. I suppose it's not so much who I want to win rather who I would prefer not to see win. That said, here is the order of teams it would bother me least if they won:

1. GB: Obviously, you have to like the way Favre has come back and had the year he has had. He is the feel good story and I'm sure everyone would want him to get another ring. You also have to like the way this team seems to have overachieved. I don't think many people thought much of GB at the beginning of the season and even when they started out the season hot. However, guys you hadn't heard of before like Greg Jennings, Ryan Grant, and much of their defense have really stepped up. Frankly, GB is the only team I will be actually rooting for because I really don't like any of the other 3 remaining teams.

2. NYG: Don't care too much for Eli but I suppose it would be kind of nice for him to get some redemption for all the heat he has taken. I am also glad that they knocked Dallas out since I really didn't want to see them win.

3. Chargers: Frankly, I don't mind this team. Norv is kind of annoying with the way he is always yelling up and down the field but that's no big deal. He also deserves credit for turning the season around and they are playing good football here down the stretch. I like LT and the defense. The only thing that really bothers me is Philip Rivers. The guy acts like he is an elite QB in the league. He hasn't earned the right to act the way that he does. It was ridiculous the way he yelled at Cutler from the sideline. Reminds me of the little punk kid that wants to be cool hiding behind his big friends for support. Also, annoying the way he was yelling at the Colts fans this past weekend. Pretty childish and classless. I know he can do whatever he wants but that is my opinion of him.

4. Pats: I used to really like them and admired them for playing solid team football. Now they just seem like a bunch of arrogant SOBs. No doubt they are great and I expect them to win it all but it would still be nice to see them fall short. It would be tremendously disappointing after going undefeated during the regular season. Basically, they have become the bully and I'd just like to see the bully get whipped.

Again, I am glad Dallas is out of it and I am also glad Seattle is out of it. Couldn't root for the team that knocked out the 'Skins.

Whoever wins I can only hope that we see some good, competitive, exciting playoff games. Sadly, it's hard to believe that the season is already coming to a close. It's amazing how quickly football season comes and goes. It seems to only quicken as I get older.



Rob said...

The teams I hope win the Super Bowl:

Chargers - Go Norv!

Giants/Packers (don't really care)

Pats - I don't hope they win and the classless B.S. they pulled after the San Diego game last year is the team I think they are (i.e., classless jerks).

j, k, and s's d said...

Nice to see you jump on the Norv bandwagon especially after the way you came down on him when he was the 'Skins coach.

I love it!

Rob said...

I didn't come down on Norv when he was the Redskin coach.

In fact, a big reason why I am no longer a Redskin fan was the poor treatment Danny Boy showed him when he fired him.

Norv was 10-6 in Danny Boy's first year as owner and was 7-6 when he got fired. He is the best coach Danny Boy ever had.

Look up what I said about Norv when he was hired by San Diego. I like the guy.

I find it hilarious that Norv is playing for the AFC Championship while Danny Boy is sitting at home with your nose up his butt, pondering who his 6th coach will be.

j, k, and s's d said...

Did you think Norv was a good head coach with the Redskins? Do you think he was deserving to continue as head coach?

Keep in mind that in 7 years with the team he had a cumulative record of 49-57-1. He had only taken the 'Skins to the playoffs once. He was not hired by Snyder.

Now I don't know the relationship Turner had with Snyder but clearly it was less than friendly. However, often times when new ownership acquires a company, they will change the leadership from the old regime and put in place the guys that they want. I agree that Snyder should have waited until the end of the season if he wanted to make a change. Things must have gotten pretty bad to do what he did. I'd like to think that Snyder has grown from that experience and he does seem to be more hands off than he used to be. Still, in today's NFL, seven years is A LOT of time and normally you only see guys hold on to the same position for 7 years when you have continued success. Norv's record and playoff appearances did not indicate a guy that deserved holding on to his job for 7 years.

As far as Norv's success this year. I give him credit. However, he also inherited a talent rich team that went 14-2 last year. When you inherit a team like that, you better be damn sure you make it to the playoffs and make some noise. In fact, the way the Chargers started out (1-3), there was already talk of firing Norv. Good for him for not losing the team and being able to turn it around but again, remember he was handed a very good football team. If Norv was such an outstanding head coach, he was given another opportunity in Oakland and failed. He went 5-11 in his first year and followed that with at 4-12 performance.

If you are going to give Norv all the credit for inheriting a 14-2 last year and taking them to the AFC Championship then you should be equitable and give him his just criticism for taking a bad team and making them worse.

I suppose I will watch Sunday with my nose up Danny Boy's butt but I'm sure you will be watching with Rexy's dong in your mouth. Hopefully, you will be done by the second half so the two of you can just watch the game as you cuddle/snuggle.

Rob said...

Yep. He was 7-6 when he was fired. He had gone 10-6 the year before and won a playoff game.

I have no problem with an owner wanting to hire his own coach - that is up to the owner. But Norv was completely disrespected and his firing was horribly inappropriate.

He inherited a talent rich team that could not win in the playoffs. It is not just luck that is getting them through. Norv's playcalling has been great.

Oakland is a black hole. No one wins there.

I think Norv has done an incredible job in San Diego. You seem to want to say it is just because he has talent.

In Washington, he took over for a 4-12 Redskin team that had virtually no young talent left on its roster. His first year he went 3-13. After that he was 46-44-1. He was no slouch and was a very solid coach in Washington.

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree that Danny Boy should have waited until the year was finished before he made a decision on Norv. I didn't agree with the decision but I also think Danny Boy has learned from that experience.

The Chargers were stacked. It certainly makes it easier when you inherit a team with the Chargers talent. I never said that the Chargers are good just because of their talent. Pay attention. I have said that Norv deserves credit but again, it's nice to take over a team that went 14-2 last year and has several great players on the team.

Regarding Oakland, all I am saying is that if Norv was such an outstanding coach as you seem to think he is all of a sudden, then why couldn't he make any difference with the Raiders? Again, the talent was poor but if he is such a great coach/play caller, couldn't he have made a difference?

I don't know why all of a sudden you think that Norv is such an unbelievable coach. Fine, using your stats, Norv was about .500 in six years in D.C. (although I don't know why we are discounting his first year since that record was part of his tenure). He got them to the playoffs once in 7 years. The knock on Norv by most people was that he is a great O coordinator but not head coaching material. Hats off to Norv for winning a playoff game. Hopefully he can continue. I harbor no ill will towards Norv. I just don't understand where all of a sudden you think he is a great head coach. You never really mentioned it before and all of a sudden you are in love with him.

Again, he deserves credit for not losing his team and having confidence in himself when they started off 1-3. There was a lot of pressure in taking the job because it was a Super Bowl caliber team and the way he started he had a lot of people talking that he should be fired. S.D. was going to be his last chance at head coaching and he was able to turn it around. All I'm saying is that it is easier to win with a team that you inherit that went 14-2 last year than a team that went 2-14.

Again, kudos to Norv but I am not willing to all of a sudden say that he is a great head coach based off of one playoff victory.

Rob said...

He lost his best player and his QB on the road in Indy. His top receiver (Gates) was slowed by a dislocated toe. His team was certainly not more talented than the Colts.

Frankly, the plays he called for Billy Volek were great. BILLY VOLEK led the San Diego Chargers on the game winning drive. I think a lot of it had to do with Norv's plays.

Just to wrap this up, the point I want to make is that the firing of Norv by Danny Boy was one of the major reasons that I have my animosity toward the Redskins.