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Thursday, May 31, 2007

What is going on with Kobe Bean?

First he says he wants out of L.A. and there is nothing the Laker organization can do to change his mind. He would rather play on Pluto than the Lakers and then after a blubbering call to Phil Jackson, he wants to stay. What is going on with Kobe Bean and why is he such a whiner and don't you just feel like slapping that silly look on his face in this picture?


deepie said...

Kobe's been made out to be the cause of the Laker's problems for the last 3 years. All along we were told how Kobe was the reason why Shaq was traded. Now he spills his guts and I believe the truth has been revealed. Even Shaq said he believes what Kobe is saying.

The fact that he asked for a trade is nothing to be surprised about. You may remember that Jordan and Jerry Krause were cat fighting for a while and Jordan whined a bit then about the state of the team.

Regarding slapping Kobe...Are you sure you don't mean you'd like Kobe to slap you...over and over? I'm sure you mistyped.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yes, I mistyped. For some crazy reason, I want Kobe Bean to repeatedly give me hard back handed slaps until I am (more) silly.

Shame on you, Deepie. Looks like you have dipped your hand into the HGH jar. Are you on HGH or do you carry a torch for Kobe Bean?

I don't understand. If Kobe Bean wasn't at least part of the reason for Shaq leaving and/or any other issues with the Lakers, why would he agree to "take the bullet" and be the fall guy for the Lakers? I'm sure if he really wanted Shaq to stay a Laker, he could have talked it over with Dr. Buss and management. Kobe Bean is trying to come across like some sort of martyr that he was betrayed over and over and over again and he kept taking the bullets for this crazy organization that he has spent his entire career with. Yet, he had no problem outing Shaq when Bean was arrested for rape charges and said that he should do what Shaq does and just pay for the girls to be quiet.

Think about it. If you were blamed time and time again by your company/the media for things that you didn't do, wouldn't you stand up for yourself. Why would you just let those things slide and just take the heat?

Kobe Bean is just a cry baby. He is just like A-Rod and wants so badly to be loved. Just as A-Rod wants to be Derek Jeter, Kobe Bean wants to be Michael Jordan. No doubt Bean has talent and he may very well be the best player in the game today but he is such a baby.

Maybe Bean did take some unwarranted heat but I'm sure he is not completely innocent and brought on some of the heat himself.

Rob said...

Kobe is a loser. He pushed Shaq out. He pushed Phil out. Now three years have passed and he hasn't been able to lead the team out of the first round.

He is a great player, but he has no friends on the team and no one around the NBA wants to play with him. They don't think he is a great teammate.

I'm curious, what truth do you think Kobe is saying?

If you believe that Kobe wasn't agitating for trading Shaq and getting rid of Phil, you are dreaming. At the very least, all Kobe would have had to say is KEEP SHAQ and KEEP PHIL or I will be unhappy and the Lakers would have kept them. But he didn't because he wanted to show that he could do it all - But, he is no Michael Jordan.

Jordan never whined about the state of the team. I lived in Chicago when the feud was at its peak. The issue was that Michael didn't like Jerry Krause's arrogance in trying to take all the credit for all the Bulls' championships.

I give him credit for getting Jordan and Pippen, but with Jordan and Pippen, all you needed was serviceable, average players to win.

deepie said...

No I'm not carrying any sort of torch for Kobe. I believe there is some truth behind what he is saying. I don't doubt that he thought playing without Shaq would give him an opportunity to get the credit he always wanted, but I seriously doubt Dr. Buss could have cared less if Kobe was unhappy with Shaq.

Buss traded Shaq because he wanted to trade Shaq. Now we're hearing about it and for some reason people would rather believe that Kobe's an arse than give him the benefit of the doubt. Shame on you.

j, k, and s's d said...

It is a rare occurrence when RobsObs and I agree but here is one of those times.

If Bean wanted Shaq to stay, he could have said to Dr. Buss keep Shaq or get rid of me too. I'm sure he didn't put up too much of a fight in trying to keep Shaq. If he didn't have anything to do with it, why would he take all the heat through the media that it was him who ran Shaq out of town? Why wait 3 years to out your owner/employer? He can't get it done by himself and I'm sure he was devastated that Shaq won another championship with D. Wade. He's a loser and whiner.

Bean has pretty much said over the last few days that his team has no talent. How do you think that makes his teammates feel? He has ripped his employer/owner through the media without talking to him. How do you think that makes him feel? He has done the same with his GM. How do you think that makes him feel? The guy has isolated himself which is what he does and then he tries to make himself out to be the victim/martyr. He's a loser.

deepie said...

So you're saying you don't believe there's a chance that Kobe was duped into resigning with the team 3 years ago with the impression that Buss would bring in real talent to replace Shaq? You think Kobe would rather have 17 year old Andrew Bynum and the trash they got from the Wizards because it would allow him to shine? I don't think so man.

I'm not saying Kobe's a 100% class act. Yes he's whining and it may seem odd to do it 3 years later, but after 3 years of seeing that his team's leadership doesn't want to bring in more talent was evidently the straw that broke the Kobe's back.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't think he was duped into signing a contract that was going to pay him $18M a year. If that is being duped, then I hope I get duped like that.

Bean lobbied for Kwame. There is no question in my mind that Bean wanted to be the only star in L.A. He wanted desperately to prove he could do it w/o Shaq and he can't. If anything, Shaq proved that he can win w/o Bean.

Again, why bash your entire team/organization 3 years later? If people were saying lies and making him out to be the bad guy for reasons unbeknownst to us, why just sit back and accept them and then 3 years later decide to rip everyone? It doesn't add up.

I'm sure Kobe is consulted with on many personnel moves. Heck, he even admitted Buss called him in for a private meeting to discuss Shaq. There is no question he has a say in who comes and who goes. I'm not saying that his voice is the loudest but I'm sure it is heard. I don't know what Laker management said in regards to bringing in Boozer, Maggette, Baron Davis, etc. but if they believed they weren't worth the money, that is their prerogative. I don't care how great you are, players shouldn't be allowed to dictate who comes and who goes. If Bean doesn't like the situation, then leave. Why rip the entire team and organization in the media the way that he did? He didn't even talk about these things with his employer/owner or coach before airing it all out for the entire world to hear. If you have a problem with your company/boss, go talk to him/her about it. Don't go outside and blab and whine to the world and make yourself out to be some kind of martyr who has been persecuted and suffered. Issues like his should stay in house and should be resolved.

Here's a general piece of advice:

If you don't like something, change it.

If you can't change it, accept it.

If you can't accept it, leave.

That simple. Don't blab and whine. Just play it cool and leave. Keep it inhouse and ask for the trade OR ride your $18M/year contract out and then opt out when it is done.

Rob said...

Look, Kobe is a flake.

I need to be traded.

No wait, I was misquoted.

No wait again, I have come to the conclusion that I need to be traded. The Lakers lied to me.

Wait, wait, wait! I talked to Phil and I want to be a Laker for life.

ALL IN 48 HOURS! Man, the guy is really f**ked up and he really f**ked up his already f**ked up organization even further.

F**k you Kobe! That's probably what all the guys with no-talent on his team are saying.

But check this out - Kobe has NEVER been out of first round of the playoffs without Shaq on his team. That says something about his leadership.

deepie said...

Kobe's just crying because it's the only way to create some leverage to get what he wants. Let's run through your criteria for dealing with this type of issue.

The problem Kobe has now that he realizes that he can't do it himself is that his team sucks. He tried to change it by scoring 81 in a game and single handedly carrying his team to the playoffs. It hasn't worked.

He couldn't change it so he tried to accept it. Even after 3 years of suckage he is seeing that Dr. Buss still won't bring in people like Baron Davis or Carlos Boozer who were available.

He said he'd like to leave. Unfortunately it's extremely difficult to trade such a high profile player due to the money. So, Kobe's moved to step four in the JKD guide to self help...Whining like a little baby. If he sits quietly, the Lakers will continue to stink. If he creates a big enough stink of his own, maybe he'll get his way.

It's a Lance Briggs approach which is really childish and selfish, but when you've moved past steps 1 - 3, what else can he do?

matar-alloo said...

Kobe's gay. It's obvious from that pic.

j, k, and s's d said...

Wait, Deepie. Lets run through the criteria again and this time lets run through it they proper way.

If he thought that there was no talent on the team (again, he had a hand in bringing Kwame Brown to the Lakers and if you think he had nothing to do with Shaq leaving you are fooling yourself so some of the talent issues are his own fault), then go to Dr. Buss, Phil Jackson, and Kupchak and voice your concerns and discuss what you think needs to be done. There is no question he has a voice (not sure how loud it is) in personnel decisions.

Fine, your talent sucks and for whatever reason you can't change it, then accept it. He has said that he has been a die hard Laker fan from when he was a kid. He can remember the play by play calls of the 80s championship teams. He has spent his entire career with the team that he has adored. He has won 3 championships on the team that he loves. Fine, accept what the team is and hope that it improves. Be happy with the accomplishments that you have achieved and be happy that you are lucky enough to be playing on the team that you grew up adoring.

Okay, FINE. You can't accept any of that. Then change it. Instead of going into the media and ripping your teammates, your employer, your coach, your entire organization without even talking to them first (nice leadership skills), why not go to them privately and say that you are not happy. Why not take care of things in house and if things are so bad, asked to be traded or released from your contract. If neither of those will happen, be happy that you are collecting $18M/year and ride out the next couple of years until you are a free agent and then walk.

It's like if you have a problem with your spouse or best friend, why would you blabber and cry to everyone else. Wouldn't it be better to talk directly to the person you have the issue with to resolve it?

Kobe has isolated himself and after 3 years of not being able to do it w/o Shaq, he is trying to make himself out to be a martyr and the fall guy for his organization. He is trying to get the media and fans sympathy for something that he created (at least partially) himself. He's a loser and whiner.

Rob said...

Kobe is a selfish brat who earns $18M a year, and is largely responsible for the predicament he finds himself in. He should just shut the f**k up.

If he wanted talent, why did he allow the Lakers to get rid of Shaq?

Baron Davis and Carlos Boozer have no interest in playing with Kobe. No one in the NBA really wants to play with Kobe because he is a selfish brat.

Unlike Shaq, Kobe has no friends in the NBA. He is a great player, but he does not make those around him better.

Look at what LeBron did last night against the Pistons.

As for leverage, he has no leverage and complaining in the media reduces his leverage. If he wanted to be traded, then he should have worked quietly with his organization. Then, they could shop him around and perhaps find a decent trade. Now, every team in the NBA knows that he is not happy and will try to use that to negotiate weaker deals.

It is clear he has no respect for his teammates - why would other players want to play with him? Or, why would the top contenders want to have him come in and be a cancer in their locker room?

His ridiculously bi-polar rants have just made him look like an idiot and have destroyed any leverage he had.