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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rexy on thin ice.

No surprise but SI has Rexy as one its top 10 shakiest QB situations going into the season. They say, "Rex Grossman was either really good or really bad last season. Unfortunately for the Bears, he was really bad at the wrong time in their Super Bowl loss to the Colts. Chicago may not be able to live with Grossman's turnovers throughout the season and could turn to veteran Brian Griese. "

If Rexy doesn't start out well, you better believe the fans/media will let him have it and there will be pressure on Lovie to make the change.


Rob said...

No problem. He led them to the Super Bowl in his first year as the starter throughout the season.

He is improving this off-season and they are putting in the shotgun to help him further.

His teammates love him. Rex will be fine and the Bears will be great again with him at the helm.

j, k, and s's d said...

SI ranked all of the starting QBs in the league. Rexy ranked lower than Jason Campbell. No one really thinks a whole lot of him.

He didn't lead the Bears to the Super Bowl. The rest of the team did. Don't get confused.

Shotgun...P'SHAW!! All that means is that tired, old line of yours will have to be more nimble. At those guys ages, good luck.

I will agree that his teammates do seem to love him (I'm not sure why) and that does go a long way.

Again, you better believe if he struggles early, everyone will be on his back and pressure Lovie to make the change. The window for the Super Bowl is small and it's closing and Rexy better not be the one that holds them back.

Rob said...

The last comment is on target and if Rex can just cut down on the interceptions from 20 to about 10-12, it will be huge. I fully expect that from him.

Unlike you, I actually set some target goals and have real expectations for improvement. I like to quantify my expectations. You on the other hand will just say, "The Redskins just need to play better."

As for JC and Rex. It really doesn't matter what folks say, especially when JC hasn't proven anything at this level. Like him or hate him, Rex is a winner and has taken a lot of crap and criticism and still won. He is a mentally tough guy and I like that about him. Most guys facing the kind of scrutiny he faced would have collapsed. He didn't.

j, k, and s's d said...

You're right. I don't quantify everything. Maybe if I had more time I would. I do expect the defense to play better. It really can't get much worse. I think JC is a HUGE upgrade to the broken down Brunell. I am a realist. I know we have issues and I don't expect unbelievable turnarounds but I do expect improvement.

As far as Rexy...the Bears won despite Rexy not because of him. The defense and special teams saved his arse SO many times. Sure, Rexy had his good games. He also had some downright pathetic ones. If it were possible to get negative ratings as a QB, he would have had a few last season. That's the thing with him. He is SO inconsistent. Not the type of QB you want on a Super Bowl caliber team. As I have mentioned, with their defense and special teams, you don't need a QB that has to win you the game, just don't blow it. There are times it seems Rexy is going out of his way to lose the game for the Bears.

As far as his confidence, after last year's Minnesota game, he seemed thoroughly confused. In his post game press conference he looked dejected and beaten and confused and said, "I just am so confused why I do some of the things I do. It just doesn't make any sense to me.''

I have never seen a QB of a 12-3 team booed so loudly/badly by his home crowd in a game. Clearly, he does not have the confidence of the fans or media. He will be one of the biggest stories going into the season for Chicago as well as the NFL.

Whatever, he's your QB. Good luck to ya!

As far as JC, he performed well when given his opportunity. It was his first action and if that is where he is starting from, I will be happy to see his growth. Portis has called him the "perfect weapon" for this offense. The players and coaches have noticed a big difference in Campbell's understanding of the offense and confidence. Those can only be good signs.

Rexy on the other hand has that stupid grin like a drugged out puppy dog. If he doesn't watch it, he'll get that stupid grin knocked off into next Tuesday.

Rob said...

13-3 last year. Ultimately, that is all that counts.