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Monday, November 3, 2014

Redskins in bus crash on way to game

Original reports were that it was a fairly minor accident.  It turns out it could have been a lot worse than people thought.  From Brian McNally of WJFK, apparently it was the police escort that missed the exit and then tried to over correct and cut in front of the first bus to make the exit causing the bus to avoid the cruiser, slamming on the brakes, getting hit from behind by the second bus, and hitting the guard rail.  Fortunately, the bus did not break through the guard rail as they could have gone over an embankment and on to a highway where it could have been a much more serious if not catastrophic accident.

McNally reported that RG3 did fly around the bus on impact as did I believe it was Ryan Clark.  Stephen Bowen apparently was in the back cursing loudly as he thought he had re injured his knee.  Some of the players mentioned that they had never been so scared in their life.

Again, the good news is that no one was seriously hurt but this certainly could have been a much much worse accident.

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