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Monday, November 3, 2014

"Amateurish" journalism

So there was a report from ESPN's Britt McHenry reported last week that RG3 had alienated himself from the team so much so that during an interview in the locker room last week, about a dozen players interrupted the session in protest so much so that the interview had to be moved to the hallways.  McHenry indicated that the players interruption was a result of their feelings towards RG3.

McHenry is a young woman who used to report for WUSA in D.C.  She is fairly new to ESPN and I'm sure she is trying to promote herself and probably thought her report would get her noticed.  It did but it has since become clear the report was inaccurate.

Yes, there was a disruption during RG3's interview but it had nothing to do with RG3.  Was listening to Brian McNally (the beat reporter for WJFK) and he said that he is friend's with McHenry and thought the report was accurate in that there was a disruption but completely disagreed with McHenry in that in had anything to do with RG3.  From McNally's standpoint and everyone else he talked to, they felt the players had no issue with RG3.  McNally mentioned that the players yelling were immature and some thought it was a prank and others were genuinely bothered by the media and some of their reporting and were voicing their displeasure.

Was trying to find McHenry's report on ESPN today and it appears that it has been removed.

It's this type of nonsense that causes hysteria.  Silly fans will automatically buy into it and it causes unnecessary distractions. 

McNally also reported that the Skins were embarrassed by the players yelling and asked the media to not report about it indicating that those individuals would be dealt with in house.  McHenry apparently felt like she should report on it.  I have a feeling McHenry won't be covering the Skins any more and if she does, she will certainly have a hard time at Redskins Park from players and management alike.

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