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Friday, October 31, 2014

Awesome commercial

If you didn't see this last night, it's worth watching.  For all the reasons I (and many others) despised LeBron for the way he left Cleveland, it's hard not to root for him now for coming back home and trying to complete some unfinished business.  This commercial seems to help capture LeBron's feelings and reasons for coming home.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

RG3 is back!

Looks like RG3 will get the start this Sunday.  I like the move.  I'm sure some people will say they should rest him more and be patient.  I think they have been patient with him.  If this was last year, he probably would have tried to come back a couple of weeks ago. 

The guy was doing running and agility drills a few weeks back.  He has been cleared by doctors.  He was doing limited practices last week and is doing full practices this week.  There is no reason to hold him out.  At least not physically.

Some people are all on the Colt McCoy bandwagon.  Most likely the same people that jumped off of the Cousins bandwagon.  Colt had a very good game against the Cowboys but the fact is that he is not nearly as talented as RG3. 

Now I'm sure people will expect immediate greatness from the guy.  Again, fans are morons.  I expect him to play well but I imagine he will be a little rusty and it will take him a little bit to get back up to game speed.  What I really want to see is improvement from week to week and in his game three or four really putting it together.  That's what we need to see from him.  He also NEEDS to stay healthy.  He certainly can't afford another significant injury.

Anyway, glad he's back and it should be fun.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wizards open up tonight agains the Heat

Wizards open their season tonight against Eastern Conference champs Miami.  It's a good test for both teams.  Wizards are a team on the rise and Miami wants to prove they can still compete without LeBron James. 

For the Wizards, I expect them to have more confidence this season.  Getting into the second round of the playoffs last season proved to them that they are good.  They brought in a couple of veterans in Paul Pierce, Dejuan Blair, and Kris Humphries to help.  I like these moves particularly Pierce as he still has some gas left in the tank but more importantly he know what it takes to get to the championship.

The Wiz have some injuries namely to Bradley Beal but there is enough depth on this team that they should be fine until his return.

As far as Miami, again, they want to show that they are more than LeBron.  In particular, I think Chris Bosh is looking forward to having a more expanded role on this team.  I like the Luol Deng signing and frankly, I think this team will still be solid playoff team in the East.  At the same time, I can't imagine teams fearing them like in the past.  In fact, I expect a team like the Wizards to have more of a swagger to them and feeling like they are the better team.

Should be a good early test for both teams.  Looking forward to it although I will probably watch the Caps as they play at the same time tonight. 

ESPN Power Rankings: Week 9

Skins:  #24 - up two from last week.
Pears:  #23 - down four from last week.
Puckers:  #7 - down one from last week.
Iggles:  #5 - down two from last week.
Texanas:  #21 - up two from last week.

Skins coming off of a tremendous win on MNF agains the Cowboys in Dallas.  Impressive win but need to follow that up with a win against the Viqueens in Minnesota otherwise that Dallas win is pretty meaningless.

Pears are on the brink of disaster.  Porous defense where tackling is optional.  Cutler throws picks.  He LOVES to throw picks!  Trestman is losing control.  They have a bye week and need to figure this out.

Puckers need to shore up the defense.  They also have a bye week which is good as it gives more time for Rodgers to heal up that hammy.  They would be a VERY different team with Flynn at the helm.

Iggles and Texanas battle in Houston.  Foles needs to be more consistent and the Iggles need this win against a tough Houston defense to show that they truly are a top team in the NFC.  Fitzpatrick needs to make some plays and not lose this game for Houston. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Skins beat Cowboys 20-17!

HUGE win last night!  The Skins typically save their worst performances for national TV but last night was one of their best.  Loved the way they played and I've said it many times before, teams need to learn how to win.  This was a great lesson for us.  I've felt in recent times, the Skins are satisfied with keeping it close but do not know how to pull out wins.  Even last night, it had a feeling for me that they were content with just being in the game.  Really enjoyed watching this team keep drives alive and stay aggressive and grind out the victory.  Just a real fun game to watch.  Here are my thoughts:

1. The "Real" McCoy.  This guy was huge.  He started out a little shaky.  He looked awkward back there and seemed to be telegraphing his passes.  His INT hurt as we had just gotten the ball on a turnover and he lofted one up for easy pickins for the safety.  Just a bad pass.  However, after that, the guy was gold.  He was aggressive.  He improvised.  He made plays with his feet and his throws were solid.  Have to give the guy a lot of credit for his play.  I like the way he speaks too.  Seems like a guy that is humble, very appreciative for the opportunity, and wants to prove his value to the NFL.  The only thing I find silly is this morning people are already talking about a new QB controversy.  SILLY!!!  This is RG3's team.  He will have it once he is healthy so I wish people would shut up.  Still, for what it was, Colt was tremendous yesterday and it shows how different the outcome of a game can be when you protect the ball.

2. DEFENSE.  Outstanding.  Haslett has taken a lot of criticism including from me.  However, have to give credit where credit is due and he deserves credit for dialing up a game plan that made it difficult for the Cowboys.  Yes, Murray got his yards but Romo struggled and was under duress for much of the game.  I loved that we were aggressive in dialing up blitzes and getting some good shots in on Romo. 

3. Secondary.  I know they are part of the defense but giving these guys their own bullet.  Breeland and Amerson were awesome, particularly Breeland.  Felt like we saw this guy grow up last night.  He was physical and fearless.  There were a number of plays where he was one on one with Dez Bryant including two plays from the 5 yard line where the Cowboys targeted Bryant and both times Breeland made plays.  I loved when he made the plays, he got in Bryant's face and showed no signs of backing down.  Great CBs have to have supreme confidence and this guy showed it all night.  Brandon Meriweather also deserves credit for a couple of sacks and hard hits and a forced fumble.  Thought he had a strong game.  Again, the secondary has been highly criticized all season but they had an outstanding game.  Limiting Bryant to 3 catches for 30 yards is a big win for this secondary.

4. Commitment to the run game.  Good to see Morris get a little more on track.  Glad that we showed a bit more commitment to the run game and thought Morris, Helu, and even Redd all played well.  We still have some improvement here but it was good to see them get going.

5. Special teams were special.  Forbath made a couple of long FGs.  He has significantly improved his kickoffs where this was a big problem for him last year.  Tress Way continued his strong punting and had a great one late in the game pinning Dallas back inside their 5 yard line.  Coverage was strong all night as well. 

All in all, just a great game.  I do believe this team is decent and if they hadn't turned the ball over so much in the other games, we would/should have won at least two more games.  It's two wins in a row and it gives some confidence to the team and some life to the season.  It's a short week and then Minnesota on Sunday.  While we have to feel pretty good today, to lose against the Viqueens would be soul crushing.  The Skins have to find a way to win that game and head into the bye week on a high.  Will be an interesting matchup pitting last season's Cincinnati's offensive and defensive coordinators against each other.

It's funny how everyone is all happy today.  Again, winning cures all.  The gossip and media will settle down and talk radio has a very different tone as all the callers are giving accolades and singing Cumbaya instead of chastising everyone and calling for change all over the place.  I have said it time and time again.  It's the nature of fans/media.  A win and everything is golden.  A loss and the world is crashing.  SILLY!!!

A final note about the Cowboy game, I thought it was very interesting the Cowboys chose to put Romo back in.  They guy is coming off of back surgery and took a hard hit to the back that required him to be pulled from the game.  He looked gimpy returning to the field late in the game and later revealed he got a cortisone shot to numb the pain.  Why send him back in?  Weeden was effective when he was in there and this game was not so significant for the Cowboys to risk the long term health of Romo.  Just seemed like a dumb and dangerous move.

In other NFL news:

1. The Pears are on the brink of disaster.  They got shelled in NE.  There is mounting frustration and division on that team and Trestman doesn't seem to have control.  Cutler is getting paid like an elite player and playing like a third stringer.  Another couple of losses like the one they just took and it will cost people their jobs.

2. Puckers take beating against NO.  Defense was offensive as they could not stop Brees or Ingram.  Of bigger concern was that it looked like Rodgers tweaked his hammy.  Hopefully for them it is not a significant injury because if they have to go with Flynn, the season will take a sharp downward turn.

3. Trouble in Seattle.  This team started the season looking better than how they finished last season.  Now with a couple of losses in a row and an unimpressive win against the Panteras this past week coupled with the dismissal of one of their best offensive players in Harvin have to leave you wondering how good is this team.  Reports are that Lynch is now upset with the Harvin trade and there is mounting locker room discord.  Wilson is trying to downplay everything in between of his endorsements.  They certainly have work to do.  This is what happens when you lose.  Winning cures all.

A final thought, at the midway point of the season, it's still unclear who is the clear front runner in the NFC.  It may very well be Arizona but no team looks unbeatable.  I'm sure the second half will bring lots of interesting games and stories.  Can't wait.

Have a great week everyone!  I know I will.  : )

Monday, October 27, 2014

It's getting ugly in Chi-town

Jay Cutler is getting smoked by opposing defenses this season. (USTASI)

After a poor performance last week in which B. Marshall had a post game locker room tirade, the Pears were abused by NE yesterday.  Apparently, tackling and coverage was optional yesterday as Tom Brady threw for five TDs.

I didn't watch the game other than some highlights.  I'm sure it is ugly in Chicago right now as fans and media are all over Trestman, Cutler, and the rest of the team. 

Frankly, unless things turn around fast for them, it will be hard to keep Trestman around.  Cutler is wearing out his welcome as well.  As we all should know, this is very much a what have you done for me lately league.  You could have been great before but if you are not performing now, fans will turn on you with the drop of a hat. 

Problem is that the Pears just committed long term to Cutler with A LOT of money so they are stuck with him.  Not good.

Skins vs. Dall-ASS tonight

It's gonna be a loo loo.  I know a lot of people aren't giving the Skins a chance.  Personally, I think it will be closer than people think.  Here are my keys:

1. Get Morris going.  We got to get that guy going.  He hasn't really done much all year.  It's a combination of blocking and running but we have to keep the Dallas offense off the field and if we are going to do that, we need to get Morris the ball and run effectively.

2. Will the "Real" McCoy show up?  While RG3 is listed as questionable, I would be shocked to see him tonight.  Looks like it will be Colt.  He was a star at Texas so he is going back home but it's been a while since he started a game and now he is doing it on Monday night against division rival Dallas in Big D.  Quite a way to have your first start in a while.  My hope for Colt is to just not turnover the ball.  Manage the game.  Make the safe throws and take what they give you.  Again, all the more reason to have Morris and the run game work so that they can help take pressure off of Colt.

3. Turnovers.  The Skins have been plagued by turnovers this season.  I believe they are worst in the league in +/- in turnovers this season.  Much of this is a result of Cousins throwing 3 INTs a game so, again, we have to be smart with the ball.  Morris, who was so sure handed his first couple of years, doesn't seem to have the same grip on the ball as before.  I believe this was a problem for him in college.  Again, Colt needs to be smart. 

4. Who's gonna cover Dez?  The last couple of years DeAngelo Hall has done a tremendous job locking on Dez Bryant.  Without Hall, it will come down to Amerson and Breeland.  I like these two guys but they are young.  I imagine Romo will want to test them, particularly Breeland so this could be interesting.  I like Breeland's physicality but Bryant is a premier WR in the league and it's a tall order for any DB in the league so the CBs will have their hands full.

5. Limit Murray.  Demarco Murray is playing at an MVP level so the Skins will have to do their best to limit him.  Our run defense is pretty decent so hopefully it will stiffen up tonight to stop Murray.

6. GOT to pressure Romo.  Points four and five above both hinge on our ability to get pressure on Romo.  The Cowboy O-line has been one of the best in the league thus far.  That's why they have been so effective in the run.  Give any QB time and they should be able to complete the pass.  It is critical we get pressure on Romo because he will make mistakes under duress.  O-Krapo is done for the year and in steps rookie Trent Murphy.  I'm sure he will want to make a play but he has to remember his job and stay in position.  However, when it is time to rush, he needs to get to the QB.  Hopefully Haslett dials up some blitzes and can create some disruption and hopefully turnovers. 

7. Replacements have to step up.  The Skins have suffered several injuries to key players this season (RG3, D. Hall, Cofield, O-Krapo, P. Riley, Golston and others nursing injuries) on top of that other guys will be getting opportunities because of ineffectiveness (namely McCoy and Compton at RT).  There are a lot of guys filling in and it's tough to win with second stringers and a third string QB.  Still, it's an opportunity for these guys to show that they belong.  Will be interesting to see how these guys fair. 

This season obviously hasn't gone the way I had hoped.  It's hard to win with a second string QB in there doing his best Rex Grossman/Jeff Cutler imitation.  We've been in every game other than the Giants game but football games come down to just a few plays and if you are able to make those plays, you will win.  The Skins just haven't been able to make those plays.  Tonight I think we will hang tough and make it more interesting than people think but the number of injuries will be too much for us to overcome and the curse of playing on national tv will continue to haunt the Skins and they will fall 27-17.

Hopefully RG3 will be back next week.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Urlacher criticizes Cutler

From ESPN:

Jay Cutler is the highest-paid quarterback this season, and Brian Urlacher says that's the only thing elite about his former teammate."Financially, he is one of the elite guys in the NFL. ... He just hasn't produced like an elite quarterback," Urlacher said. 

"You look at the Bradys, the Mannings, the Rodgers, the Brees, those guys win every year, even with no one around them," Urlacher said. "[Aaron] Rodgers has no offensive line. He wins. [Tom] Brady has no receivers. He wins.

"And you look at Jay. He's got Brandon [Marshall], Alshon [Jeffery], Matt [Forte], this great offensive line, Martellus Bennett, and they can't seem to put it together, for some reason. I'm not sure if that's his fault, but for some reason, they just can't figure it out."

Cutler has thrown for 14 touchdowns with 7 interceptions this season with all of the picks coming in the Bears' four losses. He has just one turnover (a fumble in a Week 3 win over the Jets) in the team's three victories.

Urlacher was a long time leader on the Pears and he was a staunch supporter of Jeff Cutler but he's right.  Cutler hasn't produced.  He has weapons around him but he isn't getting it done and isn't living up to his salary. 

He also makes a great point about how elite QBs (e.g., Rodgers, Brady, Mannings) make up for their teams shortcomings and find ways to lead their teams to wins. 

Equally at fault with the Pears is Trestman.  He was supposed to be a QB/offensive guru and he hasn't elevated Cutler's game.  With Marshall's outburst after the last game (and I don't think it was entirely unwarranted), Trestman is on the brink of losing the team if he hasn't done so already.  He may be in over his head taking on a storied franchise in a big market with big heads and big expectations. 

Bottom line is Cutler better improve or it will only get uglier in Chi-town. You can bet talk radio is going nuts over there with Cutler and Trestman.  Urlacher just added fuel to the fire.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

ESPN Power Rankings - Week 8

Skins: #26 up 2 spots.
Pears: #19 down 3 spots.
Puckers: #6 up 3 spots.
Iggles: #3 up 1 spot.
Texanas: #23 down 4 spots.

Skins (Cousins) tanked it but was saved by the "Real" McCoy.
Jeff Cutler throws picks. He LOVES to throw picks!!  Dissension in Chi-Town spells trouble for Trestman
Rodgers is playing well but a questionable D and run game may hold this team back.
Foles and McCoy have to show consistency.
The bubble may have burst in Houston.

Monday, October 20, 2014

O-Krapo done for the season

Reports today are that he tore his right pectoral muscle that will result in him missing the rest of the season.  He tore the left pectoral muscle at the end of the 2011 season and in the second game of the 2012 season.

This may actually be addition by subtraction.  Again, I like Krapo but he hasn't produced this year at all.  He was franchised this year so he is making top dollar.  Given his lack of production and inability to stay healthy and him becoming a UFA at the end of the year, he may have played his last game with the Skins. 

Dude is going to be 29 or so and unless he is willing to take a big pay cut, let him walk.  Would rather spend the money on Kerrigan and someone else.  Krapo hasn't shown he is worth it. 

Still, it's a shame the guy can't stay healthy.

The Real McCoy? -- Skins win

It wasn't the prettiest of games but a win is a win and you never have to apologize for that.  The real story was the benching of Cousins at halftime and going with Colt McCoy.  Here are a few thoughts on the game:

1. What up Cuz?  The bench, that's what.  I like Cousins.  He seems like a really nice guy but you can't be turning the ball over 2-3 times a game and expect to win.  He has made some really nice passes while the starter but he has made some equally frustrating throws that leave you scratching your head.  What has been more troubling is the look on his face recently seems to indicate that his confidence has taken a hit.  He just didn't look like a guy that knew he could make the plays needed to win games.  Apparently he struggled in the Friday practice and that probably had as much to do with his benching as the INT he threw that led to a Titan TD.  So in comes McCoy and on his first drive he throws a short sideline pass to Garcon who takes it 70 yards for a TD.  Quite the spark.  Colt made some nice throws and led a late game winning drive to give the Skins the win.  All of a sudden everyone has forgotten about Kirk and the new guy is in town and people are excited about Colt.  It's interesting because RG3 has been practicing and will practice this week so with Dallas coming up on Monday night, who will get the start at QB?  If RG3 is completely healthy and has enough practice under him, I'd say give him the nod.  If there is any question about his health or having enough practice, go with Colt.  I think Cousins has played himself out of the position.  Again, I feel bad for the guy because he blew his chance.  He had a real opportunity to seize the QB position here in D.C. or some place else but he didn't perform.  Will be interesting to see what becomes of him.

2. The other change.  While everyone was caught up with the change at QB, they may not have noticed that Polumbus was relieved of his duties in favor of Tom Compton for a few drives.  It isn't any secret that Polumbus has struggled this year at RT.  Being a UFA, I imagine this is it for Polumbus and the Skins are hoping to replace him with either Compton or Morgan Moses. 

3. O-Krapo stinks.  He just can't get it done.  I like the guy and want him to be good but I have been watching him more closely each week and he isn't doing anything.   He just can't get to the QB.  He either takes a really wide turn to get to the QB making it easy for the QB just to step into the pocket to avoid him or more often, he tries to bull rush but isn't big enough to take on large LTs in this league.  Adding to fans frustration is that he probably partially tore his pec muscle again which will sideline him for some time (this may be a good thing).  The guy hasn't been effective and has had his injury woes.  I bet the collective fan base is thrilled we didn't lock him up long term this past offseason.  Will be interesting to see what we do with him this offseason. 

4. D Jax.  This guy made some really nice catches.  I just wish we could get the ball to him more.

5. Morris?  The run game which has been so good the last few years is stagnant.  The line isn't creating many running lanes and Morris isn't breaking some of the tackles he did in previous years.  Wondering if Helu would be a better option as he is a bit quicker and a much better receiver out of the backfield.

In the end, it's a win and the Skins needed one.  Winning and losing is contagious.  Good teams find ways to win and bad teams find ways to lose.  Felt like the last few weeks, the Skins were beating themselves and seemed almost comfortable with keeping games close.  Again, will be interesting to see who starts at QB next week but if they could some how pull off the upset against Dallas, all of a sudden they are right back in the mix.  The Titan win was one game and it's nothing to get overly excited about but you have to start somewhere.

In other relevant NFL news:

1. GB has hit their groove.  They cruise to a win over the struggling Panthers.  They could make a case for the top team in the NFC.

2. Problems for the Pears.  Cutler throws picks.  He LOVES to throw picks.  Bad INT and a couple of inopportune fumbles led to the Fins beating Chicago at home.  The miscues led to B. Marshall going off in the locker room.  Things may be unraveling for Trestman.

3. Problems in Seattle.  Two straight losses for the Seacawks coupled with the trade of one of their best offensive weapons in Percy Harvin have to get folks wondering what is going on in Seattle.  Still think this team is a top team in the NFC but they have to regroup and pull it together. 

The NFL is like a soap opera.  Each week brings about more drama.  Until next Sunday, have a great week!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Os swept

Disappointing.  The bats just never came alive in the series. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Caps fall to Sharks 6-5 in SO

GREAT game!  Despite the loss, I really liked the way the Caps played.  Frankly, I thought the Caps were the better team and loved the way they fought back after being down 3-0 in the first period. 

Obviously, it wasn't Holtby's night and Justin Peters came in and from there the Caps really took it to the Sharks.

It's clear the difference in play.  The offensive guys are getting back on D and the defensive guys are coming in on offensive rushes.  When this happens, other guys on the team are filling in for these rushes.  It's just good team hockey.  There also seems to be a commitment to shorter shifts which is what you need when you are asking guys to skate more/harder when they are on the ice. 

Never like to lose but if we play like that every night, we will end up with two points more times than not. 

Caps take on a revitalized Devils team tomorrow night.  Should be a good one.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

RG3 to start individual drills this week

Looks like RG3's return is moving forward with him expected to take individual drills this week and team drills next week.  It is very possible we could see him on Monday night against the Cowboys. 

He has been doing sprints and agility drills for a couple of weeks now and I'm sure he is itching to come back. 

Feel kind of bad for Cousins as he is blowing his chance to be a starter in this league.  Feel annoyed at "fans" for bad mouthing RG3 in favor of Cousins only to turn around now and do the same with Cousins in favor of RG3.  Still, it's the nature of fans.

When RG3 returns, I just hope that he is truly healthy enough to get back out there.

Os and Royals postponed - Game 3 tonight

The Os game was postponed last night because of weather.  Instead they will go tonight and then again on Wednesday afternoon. 

The Os lost two tough games where they were close but could never take the lead.  Tonight is a must win as they can't afford to go down 0-3 in the series.  Chen will be going up against former Oriole Jeremy Guthrie.  Need to get the big bats working and jump out to lead. 

The Royals are pesky and you give them a lead, they play with more confidence.  They do a great job of getting guys on base and then making you worry about them with their speed.  The Orioles need to get that early lead and put the pressure on KC. 

I don't care too much for regular season baseball but I really enjoy playoff baseball.  Looking forward to tonight and hopefully the Orioles can get back into this thing tonight.

Also, given the postponement, there is a good chance we could see Tillman vs. Shields again tomorrow. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Skins lose...AGAIN!!!

I'll cut right to the chase.

1. What up Cuz?  This guy is channeling his inner Rex Grossman and throwing picks left and right.  The first one just sailed on him as he had an open Andre Roberts breaking towards the seam in the middle.  A catch and this is a big gain and possibly a TD.  Instead, it's an easy pick for the safety.  The second came late in the game as they were driving on a third and short and he stared down the WR and it was an easy play.  The last not sure what he saw.  It was right at the end of the game and I guess he was throwing a mid range ball to Garcon and didn't see the DB playing zone underneath and it was right to him for a TD.  Cuz is blowing his opportunity at being a starter in this league.  I like him but when he throws picks, he throws them in bunches.  All those Cousins lovers are all of a sudden waiting for RG3 to come back.  THILLY!

2. O-KRAP-O!  This guy is starting to tick me off.  He claims to be elite.  He says his record stands for itself.  I suppose it does.  It stands for MEDIOCRE!!!  Dude has .5 sack this season.  That's terrible.  Then yesterday he has a chance to make the play of the game with an INT that is softly thrown right into his hands with all kinds of space in front of him for possibly a TD and what does he do?  DROP IT!!!  FAIL!!!  This guy is not worth the money.  Not sure what he is going to ask for in the offseason but I don't mind letting him walk.  I want to like him but it's hard when you are paying top dollar for the guy for little production.  Where is Rob Jackson?

3. Run game?  Morris has been quiet all season.  I think this is a combination of scheme, blocking, and Morris.  For whatever reason, we have to get him going in order to take some of that pressure off of the QB.  Just disappointing after six weeks, we haven't seen much from him.

4. Roberts "fumble."  This was a critical play.  In the fourth quarter, had a chance to come back and on a drive to get the lead, Roberts "fumbles" over the middle.  The play was challenged and looking at the replay, it looked as though his knee hit the ground prior to the fumble but I understand that there may not have been enough evidence to overrule the call of the field.  That was a killer.  Didn't like the call and it hurt. 

All in all, it wasn't a terrible game.  Again, we hung tough but we can't make enough plays to win the game.  Good teams find ways to win and bad teams find ways to lose and that is what is happening now.  I've said it before, winning is contagious just as losing is.  We need to find a way to win a game and start building some momentum.  Right now, there is mounting frustration and disappointment.  I believe there are some solid pieces here but it just has to come together.  Right now, it's not.

In other relevant news around the NFL:

1. Rodgers and the Puckers pull out a last second drive to win against the Fins.  All the naysayers in GB should be much more R-E-L-A-Xed now.

2. Pears pull out a good victory against the Falcones in HOT-lanta.  They needed that and Cutler actually didn't do what he does best (throw picks).  May have saved their season with that victory.

3. Iggles manhandle Eli and the Gigantes.  Too bad for Victor Cruz as he suffers a patella tendon injury and is done for the year.

4. Texans claw back against Indy but fall short.  J.J. Watt scores another TD but it's not enough and the Texanas lose.  Still, Watt is a beast.

5. How 'bout dem Cowboys?  I normally don't talk about them but they go into Seattle (arguably the toughest place to play) and beat the Seacawks.  Pretty impressive.  Suddenly, the Cowboys look like they may be the team to beat in the NFC. 

That's all I got.  Have a good week!

Friday, October 10, 2014

RG3 coming back for Dallas game?

RG3 and the Skins have been very quiet on his injury and the time table for his return.  Several weeks ago there was talk of him possibly being ready for the Dallas game (game after the bye week).  The above video was taken from practice a couple of days ago where he is doing some agility drills.  He certainly looks like a guy that is making significant progress from that dislocated ankle. 

I will say this.  I would love to have RG3 back.  I know many people are down on him but he really hasn't had much of a chance to play healthy since his rookie season.  I want him back but only if he is truly healthy.  Suffering a dislocated ankle is a significant injury and the possibility of dislocating it again is very possible if it hasn't healed properly.  If he does come back, I'm sure they will tape the heck out of the ankle to keep it as stable as possible but then how will that impact his play?

This will be interesting to see what unfolds but it certainly looks like he and the Skins are targeting that Dallas game. 

Caps drop opener to Habs in shootout

Disappointing but there were positives.  Honestly, the first period was the best I have seen the Caps in a while.  They dominated the play outshooting the Canadiens 15-2 in the frame.  Unfortunately, they only managed one goal in that time.  Still, it was impressive to see what I thought was a very disciplined approach with guys outworking the other team.  Guys were playing both ends of the ice and there were a number of good chances. 

Problem was the same fire did not carry over into the rest of the game.  The second period was largely even with Montreal dictating play for stretches.  The third period got a little worse particularly late in the third period when Montreal tied it up and also had two goals called back (one for goalie interference and the other on a replay showing the puck never crossing the goal line).  Eventually, went to shootout and we couldn't pull it out.

Again, disappointing.  Especially, on opening night at home as the Caps celebrated their 40th anniversary.  It wasn't meant to be but I will say that I do like the team and I think we will be much improved from a season ago. 

A couple of final notes:

1. Burakovsky was outstanding.  He scored his first goal of his NHL career and he looked comfortable out there most of the night.  It's clear he has skill with some of his moves and despite his age and size, he seems pretty comfortable with the physical play of the NHL.

2. Defense looks better.  Orpik layed the wood out on several players and really provides some much needed toughness on the back end.  Niskanen also made his presence felt with some nice shots on net and solid defense.  As mentioned in a previous post, stronger defense alone should make this a playoff team.

3. Holtby much more aggressive.  The guy went back to his roots and was much more aggressive in his play.  He really comes out of the net which I am not sure is always the best thing but if he's comfortable with that and it works, good for all of us. 

Not much more to say.  This game is done and now it is on to a VERY tough test against the Bruins Saturday night.  It's fun to have the Caps back. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Caps season opener tonight

It's the start of another season for the Caps as they take on the Canadiens tonight at Verizon Center.  It's been a tumultuous couple of years but I'm pretty excited about this season.  I like the hiring of Barry Trotz as he seems to have full command of the team.  I like the way he speaks as he exudes confidence.  Apparently he is a more old school type of coach and ran a pretty tough camp which I think is good for this team.  I also like the additions made in the offseason.  Here are a couple of thoughts as we get ready for this season:

1. Huge upgrade on the defense.  Obviously, the defense was pathetic last year.  The Caps went out and took two of their rivals best D men in Matt Niskanen and Brooks Orpik.  Like these pickups.  Orpik is older and not thrilled about the contract he received but he does bring a toughness to the D and that is a good thing.  Niskanen was probably the best D man in FA and we locked him up.  He is solid on D and is also a threat on offense.  That gives us three quality D guys that can play offense in Niskanen, Carlson, and Green.  We also brought in the D coach from Pittsburgh to help this group.  Given the upgrade to the defense and Trotz's commitment to defense, I expect much better play from this group.  Frankly, if we had even an average defense last season, we would have been a playoff team so the upgrades made are huge.

2. Ovi back to LW.  He is more comfortable in that spot and I'm sure he is happy to be back there.  The key is to get Ovi to get back on defense and show the same commitment on that side of the rink as he does on the offensive side. 

3. Holt-BEAST?  Adam Oates is more of a tactician and student of the game.  He wanted to work on finer points and tried to change people to fit his thoughts in hopes of making them better.  Sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not.  In the case of Holtby, he was asked to stay deeper in the net which is different than Holtby's more aggressive approach.  Trotz brought in Mitch Korn who is apparently the goalie guru in the NHL and listening to Holtby yesterday sounds like he is much more comfortable with Korn's teachings as it is getting him back to where he feels more comfortable.  With the upgrades to defense and getting Holtby where he is more comfortable, I think we will see a rejuvenated season from him.

4. Burakovsky and Kuznetsov.  To me, these guys are the key to the season.  Burakovsky is a 19 year old kid from Sweden that has come in and will take over the #2 center position.  Kuznetsov is very skilled but still trying to adapt to the smaller rinks and more physical play of the NHL.  He has put on some muscle during the offseason but still has to adapt to the rigors of the NHL game.  You could see that he had talent last season but shyed away from contact and appeared tentative at times.  I think we know what we'll get out of most of the players but these two young guys are very talented but can they raise their game up to the NHL level.  If they can, I think the Caps have a chance to be something special this season.  They are going to be fun to watch.

5. Mike Green?  Last but not least is Mike Green.  A few years ago, this guy was a Norris Trophy finalist.  He was one of the best skaters and defenders in the league.  Injuries have side tracked his career and he now finds himself in the final year of his contract and fighting to prove he is still a top tier D man in the league.  If he can show some type of resurgence it would be huge for both him and the team.  He's already nursing an injury so he's not starting out on the best foot but we'll see how his season progresses.

As mentioned, I'm excited about this team.  I believe we have the right guy to lead this team and there is renewed excitement from the players with the guys they added and the new coach.  It all starts tonight.  The Caps have typically started slow so hopefully we can buck that trend this season.  Should be fun.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Nats LOSE! Season over.

Disappointing.  They just didn't get it done.  The offense was pathetic.  Outside of Harper, no one did anything.  Werth, Laroche, Desmond, Span, Ramos all sucked.  The relief pitching needed to be perfect and they weren't.  Starting with Storen blowing the save in Game #2 which probably was the deciding game in the series.  If the Nats win that, I think they win the series.  Last night, they couldn't even intentionally walk a runner right. 

Frankly, I also think they should go to a seven game series for the divisional series.  I truly believe the best team wins in seven game series but there is a better chance for upsets in five game series.  I think five game series can give the underdog teams an advantage as they come in to the series with some momentum having won the wild card game.  The team that wins their division and has home field advantage (in this case Washington) should not be penalized for winning the division and having to wait for who they play.  I do think it hurts them for having to sit and wait to play a team that is still fighting for the post season and playing more meaningful games.  That's why I think a seven game series would be more fair and better.  Still, for what it is, the Nats choked and couldn't get it done and now they go home and wait until next year.  I expect the Nats to be good again next year.  The only major loss I see is Laroche who will probably be gone as he will want a longer term contract and at his age, he won't get it here.  Also, Ryan Zimmerman will probably take over first base so there won't be a need for Laroche.  Cabrera may go as well but not a huge deal.  Other than than, this team should largely stay in tact. 

At least we still have the Os.  Should be a good series.  It's basically Baltimore's power vs. KC's speed.  Os starting pitching isn't great so they will need to put up some runs and rely on the relievers.  Still like the Os to win this series but then again, I liked the Nats to win over SF. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Skins fall to Seacawks 27-17

The first quarter was a debacle but outside of that it was a competitive game.  The Skins were just sloppy all around in the first quarter.  Fortunately we didn't dig too big a hole and still had a chance late but it wasn't to be.  Here are a few thoughts on the game:

1. Wilson.  The guy shredded the Skins D early and had like 80 yards rushing in the first quarter.  What was most bothersome about these yards was that much of them came off of the bootleg or read option.  For F sake play your position!  Whether it was O-Krapo, Kerrigan, or Murphy all these guys bit on the handoff.  I don't doubt this was practiced and these guys have seen RG3 do it so fine if it happens once but it happened over and over again.  Play your freaking position!  I know it is easier said than done but these guys are the best at what they do and they need to be disciplined.  It was frustrating to see it happen over and over again.  I also know that Lynch is a beast and that you have to pursue from the back but trust your teammates to make a play and stay home and do your job/role. 

2. 1st quarter stunk.  Whether it was biting on the boot or dropped balls, missed blocks, missed assignments, it was just all ugly in the first quarter.  Just sucky!  The only redeeming thing was that it did get much better after the first quarter.

3. Field position.  Just really poor field position for us all game and as a result, Seattle had really good field position.  Didn't mind going for the onside kick when we did.  The only problem was that because it didn't work, it pretty much set up poor field position for most of the second half.  I believe there was a stat that came up in the fourth quarter that we didn't have a drive start from outside the 20 yard line the entire game and many of the drives started within the 10 yard line.

4. Play of the game.  We had a chance late in the game after scoring to get the ball back for a last drive.  On a 3rd and short, Wilson just made a big time play.  He got pursuit from Kerrigan and spun around and ran to his left with pressure coming.  He floated a pass just over the out stretched hands of Jason Hatcher to Lynch who got the ball deep into the Skins territory.  Great play and it sealed the victory.

In the end, outside of the first quarter, it was a solid effort.  Still, there are no moral victories and it stinks.  I know everyone wants to be down on the Skins and while I'm not thrilled with a loss, this is something to build off of.  It wasn't the sort of embarrassment that took place a couple of weeks ago against the Giants.  Have to get better and healthy and keep pressing on.

At least the Nats won and kept there season alive. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Skins vs. Seacawks tonight!

Get ready for a loo loo!  Both teams should be well rested as Seattle had a bye week and the Skins played last Thursday.  Skins have SUCKED on national tv so they will get another chance to either dispel that reputation or further showcase their ineptitude.  The only good thing is that Seattle has to make the cross country trip and play here.  If this was in Seattle...fuggettaboutit!

Here are a few keys to the game:

1. What up Cuz?!  Which Cousins will show up tonight?  Cousins has been pretty inconsistent in all of his starts.  He has the ability to be very good but he has shown he can turn it over with the best of them (e.g, Rex Grossman and Jeff Cutler). Hopefully it is the good Cuz tonight.

2. Give a healthy dose of Morris.  Just grind it out with Morris.  Lets see what the guy can do.

3. Go at Sherman.  Would love to see Desean go deeeeeep on the first play and go right at Sherman.  I'm sure there will be some talking b/t these two tonight.

4. Spy on Wilson.  Need to keep a spy on Wilson. This may be Meriweather.  Just can let the guy beat us with his feet.

5. Need the young'uns to grow up REAL fast.  I'm talking about Amerson and Breeland (particularly Breeland).  I think Amerson has been good and is settling in nicely as a starter in the NFL.  Breeland needs to calm down and play his game.  Still, we need big games from these two.

6. O-Krapo.  Orakpo keeps saying that he is elite but we have yet to see it.  The Post came out with an article recently (I heard about it but didn't read it) talking about Rak being limited in moves and technique in his pass rush.  I don't care.  All I need is for Orakpo to do something and back up his words.  Frankly, he's playing for a contract so he really needs to step up.

7. Special teams.  Please be good (or at least not bad).

This is tough matchup for anyone.  It hurts but Skins lose 31-17.

In other NFL news:

1. Puckers look to have fully rebounded with a drubbing of the Viqueens and everyone has settled down in GB (at least for now).

2. Pears lose a tight one to the Panteras.  Basically, Cutler throws picks.  He LOVES to throw picks!

3. Iggles have issues with their run game and an inconsistent Foles and the defense isn't particularly great yet they continue to win.  I believe their schedule toughens up these next few weeks so we'll get a better sense of how good they are.

4. Texanas lose a close one to the Azzboyz.  J.J. Watt had a chance to blow up Tony Shlomo but he whiffed and Shlomo threw a bomb to T. Williams for a TD.  It was the play of the game.  Shlomo better enjoy that one because he will inevitably throw 5 INTs in the final game of the season that costs them a shot at the playoffs. 

That all for now.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Nats and Os playoffs

So it is settled.  The Os play this afternoon against the Tigers.  It will be Scherzer vs. Tillman.  Scherzer has been fantastic the last two years and Tillman is solid.  The Os lineup is better than the Tigers but I think it will be important to grab this first game.  If the Os can win this one, they should win this series but it should be a good one.

The Giants beat the Pirates in the WC game last night so they get the right to face the Nats.  The Nats are by far the better overall team and with Bumgarner going last night, it gives the Nats a HUGE advantage.  Strasburg will most likely go up against Peavy and I think Strasburg is chomping at the bit for this opportunity.  Frankly, I think the entire Nats team is really looking forward to this.  They had the talent a couple of years ago but they did not have the maturity/experience.  They have that now.  No question they will be excited but I think it will be tempered by recognizing you can't look forward and have to play every game, every inning, every out.  I expect the Nats to win this series handily. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

ESPN Power Rankings - Week 5

Skins: #27 down 4 spots.
Pears: #15 down 7 spots.
Puckers: #12 up 5 spots.
Iggles: #6 down 2 spots.
Texanas: #13 up 7 spots.

Skins (Cousins) tanked it.
Jeff Cutler throws picks.  He LOVES to throw picks!!
Rodgers gets redemption (even though he didn't need it).
Foles and McCoy are struggling.
J.J. Watt may be the NFL MVP.