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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Baseball playoffs start tonight

I'm not a huge baseball fan but the playoffs are exciting and they are even more exciting given both the Nats and the O's are in the postseason. 

Baltimore will face the Tigers.  The Nats will find out tomorrow who they play as SF faces Pitt in the wild card matchup. 

What I like about both the Nats and the O's is they are both very balanced teams (I think the Nats are more so than the O's).  They have quality starting pitching, solid bats from top to bottom, and good relievers.  Both teams will be very difficult to beat. 

For the Nats I also like that Strasburg has a chance to show why he was drafted number 1 overall a few years back.  Having missed out on the postseason a couple of years ago, I think he is itching for this moment.  I also think Drew Storen is looking for some redemption.  This team is more mature than it was a couple of years ago and I think they believe they should win it all which is a big part of playoff baseball. 

Should be fun. 

Laron Landry suspended 4 games for PED use


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Monday, September 29, 2014

EMBARRASSED!!! Skins spanked at home

It was a humbling experience for the Skins as they were outplayed and outcoached Thursday night and took a whipping against the Giants 45-14.  It just got plain ugly.  A few thoughts on the game:

1. Kirk Cousins.  I love it!  All the fans that were saying that Kirk should be the guy and ready to annoint him as the second coming of Peyton Manning are now shifting back and saying bring back RG3.  Again, fans are SO fickle.  Look, Kirk was unbelievably bad in that game but it was one game.  My own thoughts are that Kirk is a solid QB but RG3 still has tremendous up side.  Fans and media will say Kirk is more like Andy Dalton but it's only because they are not running QBs.  I highly doubt that true NFL evaluators would think they are nearly the same as fans seem to believe they are.  As far as creating an offense catered to the QB, I think Gruden is trying to do that with RG3 still keeping some read option and setting up deeper passes.  Everyone is SO quick to give up on RG3 after only two seasons.  We all know that the guy was nearly flawless in his rookie campaign and struggled last year but do people understand how difficult it was for him to perform last season?  He was coming off of an ACL injury in which he didn't get any preseason work or much training camp at all and then was still hobbling around the year with a cumbersome brace.  I get that some of this was his fault but it's like asking a marathon runner who hasn't trained for 8 months to get out and win a marathon.  It's not going to happen.  People just need to settle down.  RG3 looked pretty good to start this season.  It's interesting how quick fans are willing to throw things away and dismiss things.  Again, Kirk was bad but it was one game and people need to settle down.

2. Defense was offensive.  No pass rush to speak of and coverage was not great. I don't think the coverage was as bad as most people want to make it out.  The bigger issue I had was the lack of a pass rush.  I get that there are injuries up front (Hatcher, Cofield, Orakpo, Baker, Jenkins) and that the Giants are shifting to more of a west coast style of offense so the ball is coming out quicker.  Still, what was most disappointing is the defensive coaching.  Eli is prone to make mistakes under pressure but he is equally prone to picking you apart if he has time.  Why not send more disguised blitzes?  Especially later in the game we had nothing to lose.  The few times I saw a blitz I felt like Eli rushed his passes.  This was not done enough.  Maybe Haslett thought we could get pressure with the front four and have more in coverage to protect against the quick passes.  Didn't work.  Keep in mind, I am only speaking as what I would consider a smarter than average fan but I still don't know what the schemes and gameplan were. 

3. Giants D.  Similar to the Texans, they played one safety very deep and we couldn't get past that.  I am assuming our coaches are smart enough to adjust to that one safety playing so deep but outside of a few drives, our offense never really got going.  Again, much of this was poor QB play.

I don't need to say much more.  It's obvious this game was a debacle.  It happens.  It's not fun but you have to put it past you.  The Buccaneers took a drubbing against the Falcons the previous week and there were feelings of the Buccaneers being a HUGE disappointment this season and the Falcons looking like Super Bowl contenders.  This week the Bucs beat the Steelers in Pittsburgh and the Falcons lost to the Vikings led by rookie QB Teddy Bridgewater.  Again, things can change SO drastically in one week. 

It's good to get some additional rest.  We'll need it as the defending champ Seahawks visit Washington next Monday night.  Should be a loo loo.

In other football news of interest:

1. The Puckers beat the Pears and look rejuvenated.  Rodgers had a great day and quelled the angst that was rising in GB.  He looked perturbed in his post game press conference saying something to the effect that he likes when his team is questioned and almost seemed like he wanted an apology from fans for questioning him and his team.  For the Pears, it's pretty simple.  Jeff Cutler throw picks.  He LOVES to throw picks!

2. The Iggles could not find a way to win this week.  In a game where the SF offense was looking to give the game away, the Iggles couldn't get their own offense to work.  Struggling for nearly the entire game until the end when they had a chance to take a lead but couldn't find a way.  Foles has been inconsistent this season and McCoy is no where to be found (which is bad for my fantasy team).  Still, they are 3-1 and get to face the Rams this week.

3. The Texanas beat the Bills in a close one.  J.J. Watt has to be the NFL Defensive MVP right now.  The guy picks off a pass and returns it the distance for a TD.  He is one of those rare guys that can make a difference all by himself. 

After a quarter of the season, there are still SO many questions for each team.  Welcome to parity in the NFL.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Skins vs. G-Men on Thursday night

Outside of fans and the NFL, I don't think any player or coach enjoys Thursday night games.  Still, it is what it is and you have to play the game.  A few interesting thoughts on the game:

1. First and foremost is Captain Kirk.  He has played well in the last two games and he has a chance to show case his talents at home on national tv.  Another strong performance will only add and intensify the talks of him being the better fit than RG3.  Fans and media will have a field day with it.  That's what they are supposed to do but the coaches are the ones that will ultimately make the decisions.  I don't doubt it will be a topic of discussion in the pre game and I'm sure there will be camera shots of RG3 on the sidelines.  It is an interesting story and we'll see how it plays out.

2. Injuries.  The Skins are listing 17 players on the injury report and a short week will not help players get healthy.  Hopefully the Skins can get through this game without adding to the list and then they will have a little extra time to recover.

3. Secondary.  To point #2, one of the injuries suffered last week was D. Hall's ruptured achilles.  He's done for the year so that means in comes rookie Baushad Breeland.  It will be a young tandem of CBs with Amerson manning the other CB spot.  I like both these guys.  I'm fine with Amerson in there.  I think Breeland has talent but he is raw and brash and physical and he will be prone to gambling and his physical play will result in penalties.  Should be fun to watch these guys.

4. Ground game.  Got to get the ground game going. Morris only averaged a little more than three yards per carry last week.  That has to improve.  I imagine he will get more going at home.

5. Orakpo?  Need for him to step up.  He considers himself an elite player.  We have yet to see it.  He's solid but we need better production from him.  He hurt ligaments in his middle finger last week and will be playing with a hard cast but he needs to get at Elisha and get a couple of meaningful sacks.  We also need for Kerrigan and Hatcher (who is nursing a sore hamstring) to get pressure and create turnovers by the turnover prone Elisha. 

6. Lauvao?  This guy was a bigger offseason signing but has been thus far a disappointment.  He has a sore knee so that may be hampering him.  He was pulled out of the last game so will be interesting to see if he gets the nod or if they give it to LeRibeus.  This is something to watch.

7. "Special" teams?  Still being plagued by poor special teams play.  Gave up another TD on a kickoff last week.  They certainly look more capable than last season but they have to be more consistent. 

In the end, I expect the Skins to win this one 31-17 with the defense creating a couple of turnovers and possibly a TD.


NFL Power Rankings: Week 4

Skins: #23 - up two despite the loss.
Pears: #8 - up three with a couple of gritty wins.
Puckers: #17 - down nine in the biggest drop of all teams for the week.  BIG game this week against the Pears.
Texanas:  #20 - down six.  Has the bubble burst?
Iggles:  #4 - no change.  A gift at Indy and a close call against Washington.  Still, wins are wins and they are undefeated.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Is football too dangerous?

Before I start, let me say that I LOVE football.  I loved playing it and I love watching it now.  Not sure if it is me getting older and paying more attention or what but each week there seems to be a staggering number of injuries across the league.  Just the Skins game alone yesterday, there were injuries to RG3, D Jax, Helu, and a couple of others.  Frankly, the hit Darrel Young took was pretty frightening.  Young was falling down but a DB was already coming full speed and hit him right in the head bending Young's neck.  I literally thought that that hit was an inch away from paralyzing if not killing Young. 

The players are getting bigger, stronger, and faster and with that come more violent collisions.  Just looking at the numbers, from 1979 to 2011, the typical top-five offensive tackle enlarged from an average of 6-foot-4, 264 pounds to 6-foot-6, 314 pounds. From 1979 to 2011, NFL-bound centers enlarged from an average 6-3, 242 pounds to 6-4, 304 pounds. In the same period, guards enlarged from an average 6-3, 250 pounds to 6-4, 317 pounds.  Today's offensive linemen are on average 24 percent heavier than those of 1979, plus an average 31 percent stronger than those of 1991.

Guys on the defensive side of the ball have also grown although the numbers are not as large as those on the offense as defenders are not looking for girth but rather strength and speed. 

Again, I love watching football and the sport is the most popular and richest of all American sports so it is not going anywhere but I truly believe the human body is not meant to play this sport.  Having LBs that are 240 lbs., can bench press 400+ lbs., run a 4.6 40 yard dash is just dangerous if this guy hits you full on.  The constant, violent collisions that linemen inflict on their bodies cannot be good for their long term health.  The size of QBs, RBs, WRs, DBs, LBs and the way these guys have to start and stop and cut on a dime just cannot be good for their joints.  I think that is why you see so many ACL tears from just cutting. 

The way we are moving, I honestly won't be surprised if we someone get killed on the football field.  When that happens, I'm sure there will be a big uproar about the violence of the game but it will fade and football will go on.  As long as people watch and it makes as much money as it does football will be around. 

Skins win but lose RG3

ESPN 980

It was about as dominating a performance as you will see as the Skins beat up on the Jags 41-10.  About the only thing that went wrong was losing RG3 for most likely the entire year due to a dislocated ankle.  Some of the stats of this game include:

Total Yards: Jax - 148 vs. Skins - 449
Time of Possession:  Jax - 20:59 vs. Skins - 39:01
First Downs:  Jax - 8 vs. Skins - 32

I get that this was Jacksonville and they are not considered strong but this is still an NFL team and to beat up a team that badly says something.

Some of the main points to the game:

1. DEFENSE!!!  Unbelievable job by this group that was terrible last season.  They tied a franchise record with 10 sacks with Kerrigan in on four of them.  Maybe Haslett really was hogtied by Shanny last season.  Thought Amerson was really good in coverage and he looks to be playing with a ton of confidence.  No Cofield?  No problem.  Chris Baker had himself a good game at NT and even Frank Kearse (never heard of this guy) filled in well late in the game.  Jason Hatcher has been a HUGE upgrade at D line so far.  Love his play and his energy.  The one guy that has continued to struggle is Rambo.  Again, he took a very poor angle on the Jag WR and missed a chance to just shove him out of bounds that resulted in another long TD.  He was removed from the game after that play.  I suppose Meriweather is coming back next week after serving his two game suspension so don't think we will be seeing Rambo for a while. 

2. Captain Kirk fires max photon torpedos!!!  Feel terrible that RG3 got hurt.  Thought he was going to have a good year and started this game really well but injuries are a part of the game and it has to be the next man up.  Enter Kirk and he had himself a great game.  For all those people that wanted Kirk, you get your chance.  Kirk was very good and it will be interesting to see what he does this season.  What will be most interesting is if he has a great year then what would the Skins do in the offseason.  Depending on how good the year is, it will be hard to have Kirk sit.  My personal thoughts is that this is good for the Skins.  RG3 will be the starter when he returns.  Kirk has an opportunity to showcase his talents and will definitely add to his value and could bring in a good trade for the Skins.  This will be a fun storyline this season.

3. Where did Niles Paul come from?  Everyone thought Jordan Reed was setting up for a monster year.  Again, next man up.  Out goes Reed, in comes Paul.  Niles does have some issues dropping passes and fumbling but outside of one ball that hit him right in the hands, he had a career day.  Bonus for me as I picked him up for my fantasy team.

4. Special teams looking more special.  This group was an embarrassment last season.  Give credit to Bruce Allen and co. for addressing this in the offseason.  The group looks credible and capable.  Love Andre Roberts as a return guy.  He looks to be a guy that could actually make a difference.  For years the Skins had jokers back there that just couldn't get it done.  Still remember the days of Antwan Randle-El fielding a punt, hopping around in place for a few seconds before getting obliterated.  Roberts been very productive in the return game and seems like just a matter of time before he takes on to the house.  Our punter (don't even know the dude's name) is a HUGE upgrade on Rocca not to mention, he can kickoff into the oppositions end zone.  Coverage has been solid.  Forbath is nearly automatic from 40 yards in. 

5. Gruden opened things up.  He mentioned that the Skins would take shots downfield and he delivered.  RG3 threw a bomb to D Jax that should have been ruled a catch (even former ref now turned CBS officiating expert ruled it should be a catch).  There were several other throws that were downfield.  It was a great mix of pass routes and great balance of attack with nearly a 50/50 split between run and pass.

As mentioned, this was about as unbalanced a game as you will see in today's NFL.  Skins deserve a lot of credit on this one.  It's one game and it's the Jags.  I get it but they should be proud of their performance.  Next up Iggles in Philly.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Redskins vs. Jags preview

Sunday marks the home opener for the Skins and Gruden's first game at home.  After a somewhat lackluster performance putting up points against the Texans, the Skins offense will look to regroup and get the ball downfield to get the crowd excited and keep them excited.  Jax has a solid defense so this will not be easy.  Thoughts to the game include:

1. Need to take shots downfield.  I know you have to take what the defense gives you but if for no other reason than to keep the defense on their toes, there have to be some shots downfield. 

2. Run the ball!  Against the Texans, Morris averaged 6.5 yards/carry.  Helu had four carries and averaged 11.5 yards.  The run game is solid so use it.  Sure, it's not sexy but it's blue collar football and offenses love being able to ram it down the other team's throat and wear them down.  Morris should get at least 20 rushes and this will also set up the deeper passes downfield.

3. Get DeSean Jackson in space.  Would love to see one or two deep balls but do some deep crossing patterns where he can get into the seam and then run for extra yards.  This is where he excels and this is also what he loves doing.

4. Rambo or Ihenacho?  Ihenacho apparently will see action this week.  The question is will he get the start over Rambo.  Rambo wasn't particularly bad last week.  He had the one TERRIBLE play missing the tackle on Hopkins that sprung him for the 76 yard TD but otherwise he was solid.  Still, that one play was a crusher.  Ihenacho is more physical and probably the better tackler.  He said this week that he is comfortable with the defense and I'm sure he is itching to get out there.  We'll see who gets the nod.

5. Chris Baker filling in for Cofield. I like Baker.  He has worked hard to be in the position he is in.  I think he will have a solid game at NT and I also like Hatcher and Jenkins flanking him.  I expect the D line to be disruptive.  Another factor on the D line is Orakpo.  Orakpo wants to believe he is elite.  I think he is a very good player but not sure he is elite.  Everyone wants tons of sacks from him and he'll get some but they aren't really impact plays.  I understand he still drops back in coverage a lot so he doesn't get as many opportunities as other pass rushers but for the money he gets, he needs to be more of an impact players/difference maker.  I think he will make something happen this week.

7. Turnovers.  We need to win the turnover battle this week.  I always say that winning or losing a football game typically comes down to just a few plays in each game and typically those plays are turnovers.  We have to win the turnover battle this week. 

8. Special Teams.  We all know that last season the Skins had one of the worst special team units in NFL history.  There were some miscues last week and everyone wants to say, "same ole' special teams."  I don't think that is the case.  I believe this unit is MUCH improved.  Starting with Andre Roberts as the return man.  This guy is actually a threat to score and we haven't had that since I don't know when.  The issue last season was the unit was bad and the coaching (Keith Burns) was even worse.  The Skins invested in the offseason to bring in special teamers and the coaching is much better.  The issues last week were just bad mistakes from decent players.  They are easily correctable and I expect they will be.  Still, they have to show it and I expect they will this week. 

In the end, the Skins offense will get into gear and put some points up keeping the fans excited and win this game 27-17.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Beltway series?

So right about now is when I start paying a little more attention to baseball as the season is drawing to a close and we get into the pennant races.  The Nats and O's both have strongholds on their respective divisions.  They are both playing really good ball and showing a lot of confidence.  Right now, there is a really good possibility we could see a beltway series.  It's a long way to go but if that were to happen, I'd have a hard time rooting for one team as I enjoy watching both of them.

Lets just hope one of them make it/win it.

As a side note, watch out for the Cubbies in the next year or two, they will make a dramatic return with all of their young talent. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

NFL Power Rankings - Week 2

Many sites have their power rankings but I go with ESPN.  Here are the rankings going into week 2:

Skins: 28 down three from previous week.
Pears: 18 down eight from previous week.
Puckers:  8 down two from previous week.
Texans:  22 up five from previous week.
Iggles:  4 up three from previous week.

There will be a lot of fluctuation in the first few weeks but these rankings make sense. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ray Rice released by Ravens/suspended indefinitely by NFL

Right move by the Ravens and the NFL.  The thing that bothers me is that the NFL should have really taken the lead in this matter.  Goodell wants to come across as this disciplinarian but he admittedly botched this matter.  The NFL is denying they saw the full video prior to TMZ Sports releasing it yesterday but I find that hard to believe.  Goodell reacted to the public’s reaction to the video and Baltimore’s lead in releasing Rice.  Goodell needs to do better.  Frankly, he should go ahead and have a press conference on this matter now to admit to his shortcomings and get it out of the way because I’m sure it will be what reporters will want to talk to him about.  So instead of having them hound him where ever he goes, just get it out there.

As far as Rice, his career is probably over.  He’ll be turning 28 in January and his body has taken a lot of wear and tear over the years and he showed signs of decline last season.  Given that outside of a few elite RBs, that position seems like it can be filled with multiple, younger backs, I don’t think people will want to add Rice to their roster.  The backlash on Rice and the team he signs with would be too great a distraction.  Who will want to deal with an aging RB showing signs of decline coupled with that type of distraction?  No one. 

From a social perspective, people love a scandal and a scapegoat.  They love to pile on.  Rice doesn’t deserve any sympathy for his actions but he was dumb enough to get caught.  There are a number of other athletes that commit the same crime but in private.  Seems like the right thing to do is make more awareness to athletes and even the general public on the issues of domestic violence.  Instead of only vilifying this one athlete and waiting for the next scandal, why not take this opportunity to educate and bring awareness to the issue.  Just my two cents. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Ray Rice vid

The full Ray Rice video was released today and I must say that it is pretty disgusting.  You can't hear any words but the actions are disturbing.  He appears pretty calm through the entire event.  When he and his fiancee enter the elevator, Rice appears to hit her first and then she responds which leads to his left cross that results in her banging her head on the elevator railing and getting knocked out.  He barely flinches at all of this and only moves to try and pick her up before the doors open.

Equally disturbing is the punishment he received.  You are telling me that Brandon Meriweather gets the same punishment as Rice for his actions?  The NFL had access to the full video and still only gave a two game suspension.  Pretty ridiculous.

Skins lose to Texans 17-6

Missed the game live yesterday but watched it on DVR last night.  There was some good and some bad but the game boiled down to three plays:

1. A blocked punt deep in our zone that was picked up and returned for a TD.  Have NO idea what Roy Helu was doing on that play.  He pretty much just let his guy go right by him with little effort and it cost us a TD.

2. First drive of second half we move the ball very effectively particularly with the run and have the ball around the Houston five yard line and RG3 tries to hand the ball off to Morris but looked to trip over a lineman's foot and tried to hand the ball off as he was falling which resulted in a fumble that Houston recovered.  It's easy to say watching multiple replays in slow motion from the comfort of the living room after a couple of beers that RG3 should have eaten it but in the moment at full game speed, it's understandable how that happened.  Not excusing it but just mentioning that it is understandable. 

3. Our next drive, RG3 throws a great ball right down the middle to Niles Paul who is running into the end zone but gets stripped from behind resulting in another fumble inside the Houston 10 yard line that the Texans recovered. 

That's it in a nutshell.

Other noteworthy comments include:

1. RG3 was fine.  Nothing spectacular but he was not the reason why we lost the game.  The game plan seemed pretty easy to understand.  The Skins were going to run and do short passes.  RG3 was effective at that.  He had a high completion percentage and he took what the defense was going to give him.  The Texans played a lot of soft coverage and the WRs were doing primarily shorter routes so you can't fault him for the game plan.

2. J.J. Watt was tremendous.  The guy was as dominant as a single player at his position could be.  He blocked the PAT, recovered a fumble, had a sack and just seemed disruptive the entire afternoon. 

3. Our return game is much improved.  Andre Roberts is a ton better than anyone we had returning last season.

4. Defense was solid.  Thought they had a very good game.  Outside of not being able to stop the Texans on their final drive and giving up what looked like a botched coverage on the 76 yard TD, they pretty much shut down the Houston offense.  They just looked better in general.  Thought Keenan Robinson, Jarvis Jenkins, and Jason Hatcher all had good performances. 

In the end, I say football games are typically decided by just a few plays and that was clearly evident in this game.  When you actually look at the numbers (time of possession, yards gained, completion percentage, etc.), you would have thought the Skins came out on top but turnovers crushed us and were the obvious difference.  It sucks that that happened but those things are correctable.

It's over.  It's back to the drawing board.  It's on to the Jax at FedEx this week.


P.S. In other relevant news, both the Puckers and Pears lost as well.  Seattle looks like they are even better than last year and just outplayed GB.  Cutler threw some costly picks because he LOVES throwing picks and that hurt them.  Also, Fred Jackson just manhandled Conte on the final run that set up the game winning FG.  He basically stiff armed him down the field.  Wouldn't like to be Conte in the film room.