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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Skins beat the Pears

Exciting game.  High scoring and some back and forth.  Still, it felt like the Skins were going to win the game.  Here are a few thoughts:

1. RG3 is coming back.  I've said it ALL season.  Everyone wanted to get all over the guy that he didn't look good and this and that and the Skins stink.  IT TAKES TIME!!!  All you could hope for was that he would look better each week and that has been the case.  In the Pear game, he looked more like the RG3 that we all remember.  I expect him only to get better and have more games like the last one. 

2. Jeff George injury.  Looked like a pretty benign hit from Chris Baker but ended up a groin tear.  Probably a good thing for the Pears that day as George looked bad.  He had an INT (not his fault) and two other passes that should have been picked by D. Hall.  Josh McClown came in and had a really good day and not sure if George would have done any better.

3. Special teams gives up another punt return for a TD.  I get that it is Hester but another TD is a REAL concern.  I will say that it looked like a push in the back on the Chicago return team but it also looked like our guys didn't stay in their lanes and once Hester headed towards the sidelines, the Pears had a nice seal protecting him from any Skins tacklers.  This has to improve!

4. A tale of two halves for the defense.  The first half the D was fantastic.  The second not so much.  When you saw the stats of the two halves, it was completely different.  I will say that the Pear O line looked pretty good and we couldn't get a whole lot of pressure on McClown.  Our D has had times when they have been pretty good but it's too bad we couldn't play the second half like the first.  As a side note, Meriweather needs to tackle smarter.  The hit on Jeffery was dangerous.  The one on Marshall not so much.  I thought that that was more of a reaction type play but he got called because of his reputation.  Still, he has to be smarter.  As a side note, the Pears have been crying about Meriweather WAY too much and should just focus on their own issues.

5. The Pears are part of the muddled middle.  It's like I have been saying, they aren't special.  Their D is horrible.  They haven't gotten turnovers to mask all the yards/points they give up but they can't rely on that all season.  They are just too porous.

In the end, good/exciting game and it's nice to see progress.  You could see what the offense could/should be.  It will get better.



JSR said...

Fun game to watch. No defense really. I was really surprised at how bad both defenses played. Bears did have some injuries. Here we go again. RG3 is running more. Ill say it again, Injury is inevitable with this style of play. The game is just too physical. But I have to admit RG3 looked like himself from last year and the offense scores points with him playing like that. Its just really risky. Theyll need more of the same if they are to have any shot at winning the division.
Special teams is a huge concern, and now the secondary without that bum Meriweather is a concern with one of the best qbs of all time coming up next.

j and k's d said...

It's fine to run the ball as long as you do it responsibly. Take the 4 yards or the 5 yards or the 10 yards but get out of bounds and/or hit the deck. RGIII looks much more responsible this year and is avoiding trying to take every run to the house. There was only one time last game where he should have slid/gotten out of bounds and instead tried to push for a first down and took a hit.

Running is part of RGIII's game and should be used. Much like Russell Wilson and Kaepernick. Even McClown took off and ran a few times. It is an asset for teams to use.

Again, to have a Lambo and only use it to drive down to the market and pick up groceries is a gross misutilization of the car. If that's all you are going to do with the car, buy yourself an Accord. If you have the Lambo, drive it. AGAIN, drive it responsibly though. Don't get drunk and drive on an icy road along a cliff.

JSR, are your thoughts that RGIII should only run when ABSOLUTELY required?

Skins defense was a concern going into the season particularly secondary. The good news is that they have improved but need to be consistent. The Raider game, Cowboy game, and the first half of the Bear game they played very well. We just need to be more consistent.

Will be interesting to see what we do at the Safety spot as it looks like Meriweather will get at least a game suspension. I know he is appealing but I see him getting at least a game. Also, Doughty will probably be out with a concussion.

The good news is that the Skins should be able to fix this problem next season. Unlike the Cowboys (who will be $31M over the cap next season) and other teams, the Skins will be well under the cap and can address the secondary needs. We also will get All American Philip Thomas back.

Special teams is an issue. Again, looked like an illegal block in the back on the Hester return but as an outsider, it looked like guys need to do better staying in their lanes. The good news is that is correctable.

As far as the Broncos, they are suddenly looking vulnerable. Eked out a win against Dallas, held a 2 point lead against the lowly Jaguars late in the third quarter, lost to the Colts. I don't expect to win this game. Denver is a tough place to play especially for the Skins who have to deal with the humidity of D.C. and then go to the thin air of Mile High. Also, no doubt Denver will be extra focused coming off of a loss and no way they will want to take two in a row.

Still, it should be an interesting game for both teams.

JSR said...

Very true about mile high and the broncos. They look definitely more vulnerable now than they did at the beginning of the season. I think the broncos dont have much of a defense either so itll be closer than many are expecting. If they can pull this win out, ill be convinced that they will emerge from the nfc east as winners as long as RG3 is healthy.

I do think he should run but it should be managed. Meaning that he should only when its 3rd and 8 and a first down is needed to keep the team in the game late in the 4th quarter. Or a similar scenario. Not early in the game or when its 1st down or when he just doesnt feel like going through his progressions. So yeah it should be only when neccessary. I mean he can fake all game long with the read option but only take off rarely. I think itll keep the defense even more confused because out of the 12 times he runs the read option they have to bite all 12 knowing that 1 or 2 will be deadly runs. That would probably open things up elsewhere the other 10 to 11 times.

j and k's d said...

The Skins are making strides and looking more like last year's Skins with each passing week.

Disagree on RGIII running on 3rd and 8s. That is when he will most likely get hurt. He will try and go for a first down and get nailed by an LB or DB looking to ensure he doesn't reach the first down marker.

Again, I have no problem with him running as long as he (RGIII) protects himself and minimizes the chances for him to take a big hit. Look, running is a big part of RGIII's game. It is what makes him so dangerous. The guy can pass and he can pass on the run but running is an extra asset that he possesses that most QBs don't. Use it. Like I said, don't try and look end zone on every run. Just take what the defense gives you. Take the short gains and hit the deck or go out of bounds. It still gives you positive yards and it keeps the defense off balance.

RGIII got hurt in the Ravens game last season because he turned the ball up field and dove head first. For what? An extra yard? Just hit the deck and protect yourself. He got a concussion last season because instead of just stepping out of bounds, he tried to get an extra half yard and took a hit to the head. Running is okay as long as he does it responsibly. I like that he is a player and wants to make plays but he has to recognize how important he is to the team and be smart.

When he is healthy, the offense works. He has been getting better each week and with his improved health we've seen the entire offense improve. This is what I have been saying all season.

The Denver game will be interesting as both teams have something to prove. No doubt Denver at home is a tough game. It's tough for any team so it will be interesting to see how we do.

My own thoughts are that we need to control the ball to keep Manning and Co. off the field. When he is on the field, bring pressure. Make him uncomfortable. If you give him time, he will pick you apart. The good thing is that Denver will be without their two starting tackles. We need to take advantage of that. I would rather live and die with the blitz. It's high risk/high reward but I think we are better off with that.

Will be interesting to see what happens.