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Monday, October 22, 2012

Captain Chaos returns

Chick Hernandez of Comcast SportsNet has reported that Cooley has passed his physical and is officially a member of the Redskins.

Earlier this month, free agent Chris Cooley said he was content with his post-football life but quickly added that he would entertained an offer from the Redskins if his former team gave him a call.

That call came yesterday.

With Fred Davis sidelined for the season after suffering a torn Achilles’ tendon in Sunday’s loss to the Giants, the Redskins re-signed the tight end.

Although he's been out of the game for two months, Cooley could be a viable alternative to Davis, who entered Sunday’s game as the Redskins’ leading receiver.

When Cooley was released in August, Coach Mike Shanahan left the door open to bringing back the 30-year-old veteran, whom Shanahan said was interested in catching on with another team as a starter. The Redskins, meantime, had committed to Davis as the starter and Logan Paulsen and Niles Paul as the other tight ends.

Cooley resisted signing with another team – and now it appears he’ll get the opportunity he really wanted all along.


Rob said...

Meh. He won't do anything meaningful. He hasn't for years anyway. At least they get a guy who doesn't have to learn the system.

j, k, and s's d said...

Problem is he wasn't healthy. If he is healthy, he is more than capable of contributing. It's a good pickup. Still, we don't have a problem with the offense. So I would be fine with Paulsen or Paul in that position. Actually, I like Paulsen. Paul drops too many balls which is strange because he is a converted WR.

JSR said...

Cooleys a bum. Hes too busy appearing on all the dc talk radio shows since hes back. Instead He should be focusing on football and how he can regain his once decent form And contribute to the team and RG3s growth. he is nothing other than a money grubbing overrated has been. They should let Paulsen start. When davis comes back next year they will cut him agaiN which is what he deserves.

deepie said...

JSR's criticism of Cooley seems unnecessarily harsh. I hope you're exaggerating a bit JSR because until he broke his ankle two years ago, then broke his hand last year, he was one of the top 5-10 TEs in the game. He's the team's all-time receptions leader at the TE position. He's a good blocker and he knows the system. If he's healthy, he will contribute. At the very least he can help coach up Paul and Paulsen.

You may be turned off by his radio air-time, but he only did that because Monday and Tuesday are either off days or meant for rehab. I'm sure he's focused and will be ready.

The guy is far from "money grubbing". During one of his interviews this week, he said he turned down offers from other teams because he doesn't need the money. He wanted to start and if that wasn't possible, he was content with his decision to retire.

JSR said...

No exaggerating here. His numbers over the past four years are pathetic. Averaged 1.5 td catches a year and 523 yrds a yr. Yet he continued to collect money as if he were an elite tight end. And yap continuously and annoyingly about the competition instead of focusing on football. He is exactly what the redskins need to separate themselves from. I was happy to see him get cut this past summer. A good tight end these days needs to be a red zone threat and take advantage of linebacker mismatches And help pick up first downs on third downs consistently like tony gonzalez or gronk or the guy on the saints or witten. Over the past four years Cooley hasnt even come close to doing what those guys do. redskins and their fans are the only group that for some reason still think this guy is any good.

j, k, and s's d said...

JSR, I have to agree with Deepie in that you are being overly critical of Cooley. Actually, trying to figure out what your beef is with the guy.

Two of the last four years his seasons were cut short due to injury. However, in 2008, he had 83 catches and in 2010 he had 77 catches. In both those seasons, he averaged more than 10 yards a catch.

Point is that that the guy has been productive when he has been healthy. No question that Fred Davis is the better option but Cooley is a good guy to backfill him now that he is injured.

Don't think Cooley can be considered "money grubbing" as he decided not to just leave and join some team for the money.

What you have to really like about the guy is that he loves being a Redskin. He didn't just want to play football as he could have done that. When this opportunity opened up, he jumped at the chance to play with his team. How often does that happen in today's NFL?

JSR said...

I dont really have any personal beef with cooley. i just think hes not that good. His production gets overlooked because of hes a loudmouth and probably because he is white as much of the fanbase is. being exposed to the redskins fanbase and looking at it from the outside I have to say he is severely overrated over-appreciated by the redskins and their fans. I cannot understand the fascination with this guy. I mean maybe there is some sentimental value that i dont see. Sure he was decent in his day but this is a business and the goal is to find hungry young players who want to produce to win championships and leave Posers like Cooley behind.

j, k, and s's d said...

I never thought he was a real loudmouth. I never thought he was self serving or anything like that. He seems like a pretty good dude. He speaks his mind and is pretty honest which I find refreshing as opposed to canned, expected answers that most athletes provide.

Again, I really like that he loves the Redskins. He has stuck with them through thick and thin and that is very rare in today's athlete.

The guy has been to multiple Pro Bowls and was considered one of the better TEs in the league for several years. Sure, he is older and it has to be expected his production will slip some but he isn't ancient and as long as he remains healthy I think it is reasonable to believe he can be a solid contributor.

Clearly we have a different view of him. Maybe you have seen/heard him be very arrogant and shamelessly promoting himself. I just have not seen that. His numbers (when healthy) look respectable to me so not sure how his production can be knocked. Again, he is a two time Pro Bowler and has had a number of productive years.

I am not a guy that is in love with Cooley. I always liked him for his production, his loyalty, and just seems like a good dude so I have always been confused as to JSR's vitriol towards him.

deepie said...

No beef? When you say he's a white, loudmouth poser, it sounds like you've got beef.

Cooley is an intelligent person who speaks his mind and is therefore frequently asked to join radio talk-shows. He's an educated Redskin who knows the history of the team and understands what it means to wear the Burgundy and Gold. He's always worked hard. He's never complained about the team sucking while he's been here. He makes his home in the area and has always wanted to remain a Redskin for his entire career. He is the consummate professional. I'm not saying he's an elite TE, but if you want to deny that he's been extremely productive throughout his career, despite playing on some bad teams, then you're lying to yourself...or you've got beef.

JSR said...

Not being a Skins fan, the favoritism for cooley is something ill never understand. The extreme level appeal has to do with other things than his production and capabilities as a tight end. id rather see a player shut up and play and speak Humbly with victories and what he accomplishes on the field instead of appearing on talk radio shows to bash other players like Romo. This guy hasnt done anything in four years yet he talks as if hes still relevant and whats more annoying is redskins nation completely embraces him as if hes some kind of legendary player. For the point packers tight end Bubba Franks went to three pro bowls Was a part of many victories and has comparable stats to cooley during their best four years but he is not regarded as some great player nor does he have great appeal where any team would sign him (hes only 34). that makes me believe that cooleys appeal had to do with other things than his performance And i dont think The skins should be bringing anyone on a team that isnt a positive piece to support a Young superstar qb . Cooley is a loser and always will be A representation of redskin failed campaigns.

deepie said...

No one ever said he's a legendary player. He's been the best and most consistent weapon the Skins have had on offense over the last decade of ineptitude. He stuck with the team despite the bad teams he was on and for that he is appreciated by the fan base.

Your opinion of Cooley ignores his productivity and is clouded by some personal gripe you have against the guy for being intelligent enough to be outspoken. So what if he bashed Romo? Cooley's a Redskin and anyone that bleeds Burgundy and Gold hates Romo and the Cowboys.

I don't know what else to tell you. You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't believe your opinion is fair or reasonable, so...Whatever.

j, k, and s's d said...

It appears it comes down to a matter of perception. I have never felt like Cooley shamelessly promotes himself or goes out of his way to get more air time.

I have always felt that Cooley enjoyed being a Redskin and recognizes his role as a role model. At training camp, he is one of the most approachable, friendly guys on the team. He consistently will stay longer than most players to sign autographs.

When he spoke about Romo, I don't think he was trying to be malicious. I felt like he was more enjoying the Redskin/Cowboy rivalry and trying to play it up. In fact (I may be wrong on this one), I believe he later came on the air and said that his comments were all in good fun.

Cooley has never come across to me as an arrogant, pompous, self promoter. If anything, he seems quite the opposite as a guy that cares about his team, his coaches, his fans, and the community.

As far as his production, it seems pretty obvious that when the guy has been healthy, he has been productive which is saying something considering on some of the crappy teams he has played on. Franks has been the beneficiary of playing on very good teams with great QBs. Cooley on the other hand has dealt with a revolving QB and offensive system but still remained productive.

Look, I'm not a guy that loves Cooley but I also don't believe he is deserving of the vitriol JSR is spewing.