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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"The Arm" is signed!

RGIII announced the news via Twitter saying, "Well people....It's Time to go to Work!!! Off the unemployment line and oh yea HTTR!!!!" Can't wait to see this guy.


JSR said...

Def exciting time to be a DC fan. Even for fans of football RG3 is very interesting and def worth watching. I can say that I am looking forward to watching his opening game and his progressions. This guy has A LOT of hype to live up to. I think he will do well. Question is how well will the rest of the team do.

j, k, and s's d said...

No question there is a lot put on this kid's shoulders so fans should so some patience with him. Of course, I'm sure Skin fans will expect him to throw 70 yard bombs or run through the entire defense every play. That is unfair and we should just expect him to play solid football and improve week to week with the occasional flashes of something special.

No one understands the situations/expectations better than RGIII and I think he looks forward to showing everyone what he is capable of. No question he has freakish physical abilities. However, I have been more impressed with how well he speaks and his maturity and composure. This kid has everything to be great. Question is will he pull it all together. The more I see/hear/read about him, the more I believe he will be something special.

It definitely will be fun watching him this season.

Scott said...

First of all, now that JKSD is over 40, he needs to change his little description of himself. No reason to lie to the public and 10 years is too much for the 30+.

Second of all, it's just football. A game RG3 has been playing his whole life. The problem is, that even if RG3 throws for 3,500+ yards, and throws or runs for 25+ touchdowns and throws 10-15 interceptions, the team may still finish 8-8 because of the division and the difficulty of their schedule. But, that's ok, they were in fact hurt by the ridiculous salary cap hit.

deepie said...

RG3's confidence may take a hit the first time an NFL defender blows by Kory Lichtensteiger for an uncontested sack. He has way too much composure to let it bother him for long though. Growing pains may result in an average season in 2012, but I can't see him being any worse than an above average QB in the league...That is, as long as he doesn't get hurt.

It's great to have a guy at QB with this much potential and, more importantly, with the charisma and smarts to get others to follow his lead. We've seen a bunch of other teams draft their franchise QB over the last 20 years. Now we can finally start worrying about filling the other holes on the team because QB can no longer be an excuse.


j, k, and s's d said...

If RG3 can pick things up quickly, this can be a solid team even this year. Going through the positions:

1. QB - solid. We have a rookie but the ceiling is very high and again, if he can pick things up quickly, this could be a strong spot for us.

2. RB - solid. Hightower and Helu and Royster are all solid backs. None of them are superstars but this is a passing league now and we just need decent production from the backs and I think we can get that with this group.

3. WR - solid. The additions of Morgan and Garcon are big plus the return of Hankerson will help. Moss is trimmed down and looks much better. Thought it was a mistake for him to bulk up and it's good he realized it too. The biggest question will be how quickly this group can pick up the offense and gel with RG3.

4. TE - very good. Davis and Cooley is one of the best tandems in the league. Davis needs to have that breakout year and prove that his dubage issue is behind him as he tries to land that big multiyear deal.

5. O line - mediocre. This group has taken heat over the years but it really wasn't that bad a group last year. All teams want a stellar O line and most don't have it. I'd like more stability at RT but assuming Brown is as healthy as he says he is, this is a group that we can play with. They also did a very good job run blocking the last several games of last year.

6. D line - okay. Carriker will have to fight off Jenkins for the starting position but both seem fit for plenty of action. Cofield is undersized at NT but he is okay. Bowen is okay.

7. LB - very good. Flanked by Kerrakpo and with Fletch and Riley in the middle, I like this group. I expect Kerrigan to take things up a notch after a good rookie campaign. Orakpo will want to show he is one of the elite pass rushers in the league and try and land a big deal. Fletch is always solid despite getting long in the tooth. I liked the way Riley played when he got in there last year and I expect more from him now that he is entrenched as the starter.

8. CBs - suspect. D. Hall is solid. Josh Morgan needs to step up. It's an okay tandem but they need to improve from last year.

9. Safeties - unknown. Meriweather will try and ressurrect a promising career. He has talent and playing SS and closer to the line is more of his strong suit so hopefully Raheem Morris recognizes his strengths and puts him in better positions to be successful. The dude from TB (Tanard Jackson?) will probably end up being FS. He was solid in TB and hopefully playing back near his home and with Morris will help him out.

All this said, I don't expect Super Bowl but this is a team that should definitely compete week in/week out. We need to take the next step and hopefully we can get to the playoffs this season or at least be relevant late in the regular season.

It should be fun.