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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Are you ready?

He hasn't thrown an NFL pass yet but there is great reason to be excited about this kid. It will certainly be fun to watch him and after watching him and listening to him, you can't help but want to see him succeed.


deepie said...

The guy was phenomenal in college. He's got what it takes to succeed in the pros. It's a matter of patience and hard work. If Shanny can show trust in his new QB and give him time to learn and gel with his offensive teammates, the next 10 years of football in DC will be great. If not, consider it the start of the Cousins era.

j, k, and s's d said...

Love the response. All in for RGIII but finishing with Cousins in case Rob sucks.

That's the thing. He is RGIII as long as he performs but if he sucks than he is just Rob.

deepie said...

Osi Umenyiora is referring to him as Bob Griffin until he proves himself in the NFL. I like it. In fact, Bob himself was asked about it and he said that's fine.

The very admirable thing about Bob is, he knows RGIII is a name that the fans have given him. He is Robert to his teammates and to those he associates with. He seems to understand that RGIII won't last if he doesn't succeed.

It's refreshing to have such a humble and normal kid as our QB. The fact that he's a world-class athlete is just amazing. We have a unique person to root for and it will be interesting to see him grow from Bob to RGIII in the NFL.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yeah, I like to hear Bob talk.

When the question came up that typically the types of commercials he has done are often reserved for more accomplished pros and if he was deserving of those, he said, "You’re only unproven if you think you’re unproven,” he said. “I’m not proven, but I don’t think I’m unproven, either."

Good answer, Bob!

deepie said...

An interesting trend...
The DC teams have had a great run recently acquiring talent through the draft. What's unusual is the character and demeanor of the recent draft picks.

1. Stephen Strasburg - Once in a generation pitching talent, yet level headed and grounded. The only flash this guy shows is on the mound. You never hear anything about him outside of baseball, which is a good thing.

2. Ryan Kerrigan - He had a great rookie season at OLB and he may be the stronger half of Kerrakpo. Like Strasburg, he's just a good kid who shows up for work everyday.

3. John Wall - Hopefully hanging out with Blatche, Young, and McGee didn't corrupt this kid. He is a gifted point guard who just wants to win and is humble enough to admit that he's still learning the game.

4. Bryce Harper - It seemed like he was going to be an egotistical brat, but the 19 year old phenom is a low key and humble all-star who puts 110% into every play. He says he wants to be a guy who stays with one team his entire career. It looks like the bratty persona was a media creation.

5. RGIII - This list wouldn't be complete without Bob. He's got the star power to be the face of DC sports, yet he's completely focused and his humility allows him to see that he hasn't accomplished anything yet. What more could you want out of a rookie in terms of personality?

6. Bradley Beal - The kid doesn't seem to have the charisma of RGIII, but when it comes to smarts and humility, he's got it. He talks about working hard in school and being ultra competitive due to being one of 5 brothers. Hopefully it will translate onto the court. At the very least, he seems to be another guy we can feel good about rooting for.

I didn't include any Caps in the list, but going back to Ovie, the team has done a pretty amazing job of acquiring talented, quality individuals as well. As we're seeing with the Nats, winning will make these draft picks bigger stars than they already are. It

deepie said...

Completing the last post...
...It should be interesting and fun rooting for the local teams while we watch these guys grow and gain experience over the next few years.

j, k, and s's d said...

I think it is interesting that the major sport teams in D.C. all have marquee players that you can build around. That is the issue though. Needing to build around these guys to be successful.

Yes, it will be fun to watch these individuals grow and gain experience but it would be a whole lot more fun to watch these guys be the cornerstones of teams that become successful and lead to championships.

We are already seeing that with the Nats.

Caps seem to be in a resurging mode as Ovie is not the player he was a couple of years ago and with a new coach need to reinvent themselves.

Skins are in the second year of a rebuilding project. I like the direction of the team building around hopefully a superstar QB and getting younger and creating depth on the team. It has been a complete change in organizational operation from the last couple of decades and hopefully we will start to see the benefits this year.

Wizards are largely hopeless. I like the moves they made this offseason with Okafor and Bradley and even bringing in Nene. John Wall needs to raise his game and be the superstar that he seems to think he is. If he doesn't and if Bradley steps up, Wall is in jeopardy of losing that face of the franchise title and I think that would bother him. It will be interesting to see Wall and Bradley co-exist. It certainly can work but I could see jealousy take over given the right scenario.

JSR said...

You guys should check out a DC United game for a great fan experience. They are one of the top teams in the MLS right now. Not to mention the only DC team to win a (multiple) championship in the last 20 years. Maybe the Skins should move back to RFK.