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Monday, October 17, 2011

Who will it be - Rex or Becks?

I think the quick knee jerk reaction is to go with Becks but now that things have cooled down just a bit, seems like Rex may have a chance to start against Carolina.

Moss has come out publicly and stated that there's "no question" Grossman should keep the job and that "you just can't give up on somebody because they had a bad outing."

Fred Davis has also accepted for two of Rexy's four INTs. Rexy hinted toward Davis being at fault for INT #3 and thought Davis needs to cut across in front of the S. Davis agreed. He also took responsibility for the first one that was a well placed ball but the S had time to get over and outjump Davis who didn't see the S. I can agree with #3. The first one I was fine with anyway as it was basically a really good punt. It would have been a great play by Davis to get the first one and I think he is doing what he can to protect his QB.

I love that the players are sticking up for Rexy and it will be interesting to see what the coaches decide to do. Again, making a QB change would be the unpopular choice among fans but fans can't dictate coaches decisions. Again, I won't be surprised to hear either one named starter. My hopes are that they stick with Rexy as making a change is a big deal and once you make the change, it's hard to go back unless the other guy REALLY stinks it up. I say stay with Rexy but let him know that he HAS to improve.


Scott said...
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Scott said...

What the F is wrong with JKSD? How many more chances do you want to give this guy? He has been trending downward for each of the games this season. Despite relatively strong defensive performances, the offense has sputtered. Rexy has been the cause of many turnovers, which by definition stop drives and put an even greater strain on the defense. I have no idea where your F-ing sympathy for Rexy is coming from.

deepie said...

Rexy is a popular guy with the players and I'm sure many of the guys didn't care for Beck's off-season lobbying for the starting job. Like Scott, I think Rexy has had his shot though. His play has steadily declined and the offense has started to sputter as a result. It would be a shame to allow the team to continue to struggle without attempting to fix the root cause of the problem.

Rob said...

Rex is Rex. Just like Romo is Romo. These guys are just slinger types who can make plays and make boneheaded plays that make you wonder.

Deeps and Scott - you want to play Glenn Beck? You think he will be better? Beck could beat out Rex even though the Shannies clearly loved him. He couldn't get past third string on the Ravens. He couldn't hold the starting job for the 2-14 Miami Dolphins.

Rex has had bad games, but always comes back to give some great performances. The Bears' Super Bowl year would not have happened if Rex didn't have some huge games late in the year. He had critical plays that won the OT playoff game against Seattle and he made a huge TD throw late in the third quarter to help the Bears blow open a tough game that was in the balance against the Saints in the NFC title game.

But I want Shanny to start Glenn. It would destroy the locker room, ensure at least 8 more losses, and end with the Deadskins finishing last in the NFC East for the fourth straight year.

The Deadskins are going to draft or trade for a new QB in the off-season. Nothing is going to change that with Rex and Glenn.

Rob said...

Obviously I meant to say Beck could NOT beat out Rex.

j, k, and s's d said...

Scott, we are 3-2 and while Rexy has played a part in the two losses, he has also played a part in the three wins.

Make no mistake, I don't like some of the things Rexy has done. However, making a move like that has deeper ramifications that affect more than just Rexy and Beck. It's clear that many players want Rexy to stay. They have more confidence in him than Beck.

I watched some replays of his INTs yesterday and the two thrown to Davis seemed like Fred could have made a better effort on. Davis accepted blame and watching the replays it's understandable why.

Again, the knee jerk reaction is to just blame Rexy and make the change. I just think that there is more to it (what the players think, receivers needing to make stronger efforts on the balls, the effect in the locker room).

I laid out my plan on how I would handle the situation in the posting about the game results. Basically, I would sit Rexy down and let him know that he has to play better. I would let Beck know to prepare like he is the #1 but that the job still belongs to Rexy. I would give Beck some reps with the starters in practice this week. However, it would be Rexy's job and I would give him this opportunity on the road to play better.

The other part is just by going with Beck doesn't guarantee success. This is a guy that has largely been relegated to third string his entire career. This is a guy that was cut by the Dolphins in favor of Henne and Pennington. This is a guy the Ravens signed and traded to us for undrafted rookie Doug Dutch. He is not widely regarded as a strong candidate in the league. If we put him in there and he blows, we have given up on the 3-2 record we have now and basically ticked off Rexy and the team.

It's not so much that I sympathize with Rexy. He needs to perform better but, again, a change has bigger ramifications.

Finally, PLEASE Robs, I implore you to cut with the Glenn Beck nonsense. I can take the Deadskins and Arsenio Hall but Glenn Beck has no context or relevance. It really is silly. Look, this is not about me being sensitive to Beck. I am happy if you think up a name but Glenn Beck? Come on, man. It's a silly reference. Do better.

Scott said...

Maybe Rob should refer to the idiot Beck the singer:

"Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
(Double-barrel buckshot)
Soy un perdidor
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?"

Rob said...

I'll stop using Glenn Beck when you stop using "Pears" and "Jeff Cutler." I you go with Bears and Jay Cutler, I'll go with John Beck. That is my offer to you.

I don't see any context for "Pears" and I don't see "Jeff Cutler" as appropriate given how tough a guy Jay is.

That said, I don't really care that you use those terms and don't see why you should care about "Glenn Beck." But it is up to you if you want to make the "trade" I propose.

j, k, and s's d said...

Pears is funny and Jeff Cutler/Jay George has relevance.

Glenn Beck has neither. Go ahead and use it but it is weak and annoying.

Again, I can take Deadskins and Arsenio Hall as they have some entertainment value but Glenn Beck REALLY doesn't work.

I would be more accepting of Scott's recommendation of Beck the singer. It looks more like him and the song is applicable. Cannot make ANY connection b/t John Beck and Glenn Beck. I suppose you can use it but you it makes you look foolish.

Rob said...

I think "Glenn Beck" is funny.

The way he lobbied for the job and talked out of his arse in the off-season is pretty much like Glenn Beck talking like he is an expert but looking like an idiot.

Beck looks like a "Red State" Republican Hick which is basically what Glenn Beck is.

There is your entertainment value and context - not that I need to give you any.

j, k, and s's d said...

Go ahead and use it. It doesn't really work but if you like it, whatever. Seems pretty weak and would've expected more/better.

Rob said...

I just cannot wait until THE DECISION II (Decision I was LeBron's decision to leave Cleveland) comes out tomorrow.

If Rex is the man, I MAY actually pick the Deadskins to beat Carolina. If Glenn Beck is the man I will definitely pick them to lose.

Oh Shanny, you have me on pins and needles.

Rob said...

I don't really care if you don't think Glenn Beck is funny.

I don't find "Pears" funny.

What I don't get is why you care so much about it. Do you love Glenn Beck? Do you love John Beck? Do you love Beck? Whatever.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't care for John Beck. I don't really even know Glenn Beck. Honestly, I'm all for having fun and everything but I just find that as a really poor attempt to try and mock.

Believe me, I am not a John Beck fan so I'm all for some mockery but you really tried forcing that one. As if you were just trying to find anyone else with the last name Beck and could only come up with Glenn Beck and said, "Okay, I'm goin' with Glenn Beck!" It's silly, dude. But hey, I'm glad you like it.

Like I said, I can support your other names but Glenn Beck? Come on, man! Man up!

Scott said...

Well, I am a John Beck supporter. Despite his unorthodox throwing motion, he throws the ball with much more zip than Rexy. Also, his mobility is a plus. Further, he should view this as his last chance to realize his life long dream and that should motivate him to excel.

Rob said...

I laugh every time I think of Glenn Beck QB'ing the Deadskins. And frankly, I expect John Beck to be just about as good as Glenn Beck would be.

The result - assumng Beck becomes the QB - is that the Deadskins will go into a full out tailspin.

The locker room would be splintered. I'm sure there would be a lot of grumbling that Rex is better. And then, there would be questions about the Shannies that could actually threaten to unravel their effectiveness and any good will that they created with the early start.

I'd love to see that happen because I cannot stand Snyder and want his product to continue to fail as long as he owns the team, but the amazing thing to me is that many in Deadskin nation are actually clamoring for it to happen.

Rob said...

Beck has more zip than Rex? WTF.

All you really need to know is that Moss, Gaffney, Davis, and probably some others all want Rex. That also says a lot about what they think of Beck.

When Cutler took over in Denver for Jake Plummer, the Broncos had gotten off to a 7-2 start and then Snake had two bad games and the Broncos found themselves at 7-4. However, players on the team were very supportive and wanted to actually see Cutler play because he had outplayed Plummer in preseason and he was apparently proving that he had the better arm and was ready to take over in practice.

I have not heard anyone on the Deadskins - publicly or even anonymously - say that Beck should be playing. The players would know.

j, k, and s's d said...

Rob, I too laugh at the thought of Glenn Beck QBing the Skins or any other team. It's a ludicrous thought.

Weak reference, dude. You gotta come with something stronger. Again, it was like you were trying to get clever and couldn't and then being a guy that likes politics thought of Glenn Beck and the only similarity is their last name. There's nothing to that and it shows a complete lack of originality. Weak, man. Your name and I find it amusing that you like it but hey, it's your deal, dude. If I were you, I'd get back to the drawing board on that one and think up something more clever. Something we can get behind. Man up!

The "amazing thing to (you) is that many in Deadskin nation are actually clamoring for it to happen." Why the surprise? That's what fans do. They do it in every city across the U.S. If something seems to be going wrong and the media hops on it, the fans get behind it and every little negativity will spark and fuel the fans reactions. What I find amazing is that you don't realize this by now.

Rob said...

Glenn Beck or John Beck the result would be no different.

With Rex you can expect 4 great games, 2 disasters, and 5 average games the rest of the year. He would probably end up 6-5 the rest of the way which would end up a pretty successful 9-7.

With Beck you will get consistently vanilla QB play which will result in a 3-8 record the rest of the way. 6-10 on the year.

Take your pick.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, who are you responding to?

Rob said...

I'm just adding to the discussion.

deepie said...

Robs seems to know exactly who Beck is. Well, I and much of the sporting world is not as smart as you Robs. I say let's see what Beck can do.

JKSD - you seem to be forgetting that the Skins are still a team in flux that we agreed was about a 7-9 team this season. We are lacking talent in the interior of the O-line. Our receivers are pretty average. Our QB situation is mediocre at best. What harm is going with Beck going to do? Is he going to throw picks and make bad decisions? So what!? That's what we have with Rex.

Here's the bottom line. Rex is a gunslinger, but he brings a BB gun to the gunfight. He talks a big game, but he's steadily becoming gun shy because he's finally realized that he does in fact have a BB gun.

Beck may not have the support of the players right now, but it won't take long to gain their support if he can put together a few scoring drives on Sunday. If he sucks, it's easy to put Rex back in because no one expects anything from Beck.

I see no harm in making a move. It can only help because it will show that Shanny isn't too stubborn to do whatever he can to create a spark. Our offense needs a full blown inferno to get jump started right now, but Beck will have to do.

Rob said...

Beck had to fight to be the third string QB in Miami and Baltimore. It is pretty obvious what is going to happen with him at QB.