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Friday, October 21, 2011

Skins vs. Panthers - Prediction

Interesting matchup as the John Beck era begins. This is the first week I do not feel real comfortable and I really don't know what to expect in this one. Beck is unproven and while I don't know a whole lot about the Panthers, I do know that they have had a very tough schedule but have been in every single game.

Here are my predictions on the game:

1. Beck will be doing a number of rollouts on both sides. Hopefully he doesn't do something stupid like throw across his body back towards the middle of the field. I expect him to run the ball a few times as well. I think the game plan will be shorter, controlled passing and have him more manage the game as opposed to sending the ball deep downfield. I think he will have reasonable success with this.

2. Ride the Love-TORAIN. I expect to see a whole lot more of Torain this week. Last week, the Eagles focused on stopping the run and Rexy couldn't convert third downs and we got down early thus, taking our running game out of play. I expect the Panthers to do the same. They will have more guys in the box to take away the run and put pressure on Beck. We also have a depleted line so all the more reason for the Panthers to send more guys up. Still, we have to stay committed to the run and get Torain going.

3. Stop Cam. In a way, it's good to have to face Vick and Cam on back to back weeks as our guys should be expecting to face a dual threat at QB. We need to get pressure on him and try and force turnovers. As well as Cam has played, he is still a rookie and we have to take advantage of that.

It's going to be interesting. It really comes down to the points I mentioned above. Our defense is going to have to continue to play well if we expect to win. In the end, I think we will be able to control the clock and come away with a 20-13 victory.



Rob said...

Carolina will load up in the box to stop the run and dare the Deadskins to throw downfield. Unfortunately, I think doe-eyed, trucker-wannabe, Glenn Beck is going to be Captain Check-down which will mean doing next to nothing on the field.

On offense, I expect the Deadskins to blitz Cam and try to rattle the rookie. I expect a couple of long throws with Steve Smith burning Arsenio Hall (as well as getting behind Landry).

I expect Carolina - who has played most teams fairly well - to have a pretty easy time of it against a Deadskin team that may go into a tailspin.

Carolina 27 - Deadskins 13.

JSR said...

I think the Redskins will play this one close and probably win. John Beck will not make dumb mistakes nor will he make any great throws ( I think, but who knows). Itll be on the Running game and defense and I think this week the Zero defense will prevail against a rookie QB. The special teams is going to have to help. I expect it to be a very low scoring game with plenty of chances for Banks to return one back.

16-13 Redskins

deepie said...

The whole "close knit locker room" notion is a bunch of BS. For once, JSR has it right. If my qb just threw 4 picks in 43 minutes, I'd be pissed too. The guys that came out to stand up for Rex did so because they're pros and they're going to show solidarity with their starting teammates. You know what's going to happen after this week's game? The guys are going to say it was the coach's decision to make a change to create a spark and we stand by that decision. Beck is our guy.

Robs is convinced that Beck can't play. If he comes in and lights it up, he'll say the Panthers suck, so he wasn't surprised. If Beck is plain average (i.e., no better than Rex) he'll laugh it up and say that Snyder is up to his old antics again. Whatever. Keep drinking the Hater-ade Robs.

I believe Beck's line will be somewhere in the 17-30, 250 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT range. We'll ride the love TO-RAIN to a win based on ball control and time of possession. Skins win 24-19.