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Monday, October 10, 2011

Thank you Seattle and Buffalo

Wins by Seattle over NY Giants and Buffalo over the Iggles help the Skins take sole possession of the East without them even playing yesterday. It was an interesting weekend in football and a couple of things worth noting. The Packers certainly look like the top team in the NFC (if not the entire NFL). I keep waiting for Cam Newton and the Panthers to just get blown out but another strong performance that falls just short. Good emotional win for the Raiders against the Texans. SF blows out TB and looking more and more legit. Good job Jim Harbaugh.

One team of particular interest is the Iggles. They came in as the "dream team" and many "experts" had them winning the East easily and a favorite for the Super Bowl. I watched some of the game yesterday and something I find incredibly annoying is the amount of trickery they try and pull. Instead of running a basic screen pass, which they used to be able to do better than most teams, they throw all these wrinkles into them and it just confuses things. They run a lot of end arounds or fake end arounds. If they just simplified things and played football they would be SO much better. Reid should take blame for that.

The other thing is they cannot tackle. It's missed tackle after missed tackle. NO idea why Reid put that former O line coach as D coordinator. WHAT?!! I suppose they are friends but the defense needs to get back to fundamentals. The Eagles are a talented team no doubt but they are all screwed up. They need to step back, regroup, and just concentrate on "Xs" and "Os" and they can correct this thing. For me as a Skins fan and a guy that doesn't like the Eagles or their approach at assembling a "dream team," I love it.

Eagles play the Skins at FedEx next week and an Eagles loss pretty much is a dagger for them this season. Don't know how they would be able to come back from a 1-5 start. I imagine they will be pretty desperate next week. Should be interesting.


Rob said...

Eagles problem is that they play the silly "Wide 9" defense. It basically spreads their D-line too wide and makes it easy for teams to run on them. If they just cut down on their turnovers adn play more of a base D they will still win the NFC East.

JSR said...

My my how low has the NFC east sunk. The Redskins are in first place?! It has to be the worst division in the NFC and maybe the NFL.

I wasn't too impressed with the Eagles (or Giants). Redskins Eagles should be a closer game than I originally thought. The Eagles have faced some tough opponents though. Bills, 49ers, Falcons, Giants, Rams, and it doesnt get much easier for them. I still expect them to win next week. We'll see what happens.

Big game tonight. Im going for Chicago. I dont want the Lions anywhere near the top.

Ive also found myself rooting for the Raiders this season. Especially Jason Campbell. Thatll change in week 14 when they play Green Bay at Lambeau.

deepie said...

Things are really setting up nicely for the Skins this year. We just have to take care of what's in our control and this season can be a memorable one. The problem is...I'm not sold on the Skins and I am hesitant to believe the Iggles are done. Skins vs. Iggles is setting up to be a true trap game, right Robs?

Rob said...

A trap for the Eagles. Sure.

I like JC and I think Oakland can make some noise

I am surprised by how bad the NFC East has become. Still, when all is said and done, I expect that the Eagles will rise to the top, Dallas and the Giants will battle for second/third and the Deadskins will finish last for the fourth year in a row.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't think the East is as bad as you guys are making it out to seem but again we can differ on opinions.

The Cowboys were destroying the Lions but were done in by a Homo. If they literally just run the ball and go three and out and punt as opposed to Homo pulling his nonsense, they probably win that game easily.

The thing about the East is that the Iggles and Cowboys have a lot of talent but they haven't been able to pull it together.

I agree that I don't think the Iggles are finished by a long shot. Again, if they cut out all the trickery nonsense and play some basic football and then take the tackling dummy out and just work on tackling, they would be a much better team.

As far as the worst division in football, I would have to say it's the NFC West. The Rams look like they have regressed and will really struggle. The Cards have been in some games but they will struggle. The Seahawks have issues and will win a few games but don't think much of them. The 49ers have been a good surprise. We'll see if they can keep it up.