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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sources say it is Beck

ESPN's Adam Schefter is reporting that Shanny has informed the team they are going with Beck.

I am not a fan of this move but I will support the decision and still cheer the team.

I am not surprised either as Grossman has been a turnover machine, with 18 giveaways in eight Redskins starts, and his quarterback rating has been on a slide since the 110.5 he posted in the season-opening win over the New York Giants.

Since then, he's put up 74.9, 77.5, 48.5 and then the paltry 23.7 on Sunday. His 66.5 overall rating ranks 32nd of 33 quarterbacks in the league, with only Kerry Collins (65.9) trailing him.

Still, I don't believe in Beck and hope he proves me wrong. I suppose the one advantage he brings is his mobility which will be all the more important given that we lost the left side of our line. However, as mentioned, the move has deeper ramifications. This is not fantasy football where, should Beck blow, you can switch back and forth b/t QBs. The Shannys are basically committing to Beck for at least the next few games. I am sure the majority of fans will support this move but if Beck blows this week, there will be some grumblings but he will get some leeway because he hasn't been practicing with the starters, etc. If he blows in week 2, the fans/media will start getting on him. If he blows in game 3, the "We want Rex!" chants will start and to have to go back will be tough on the team. That said, the Shannys better hope Beck pans out.

If nothing else, this makes Sunday's game all the more interesting.


Rob said...

I love it and it is so predictable.

You take a 3-2 team that seems to have a good locker room and to be pretty close-knit and you stir up the pot and change QB to a guy who is closer to being a second string CFL guy than an NFL starter. It is so typical of the Snyderatto Deadskins.

Honestly, I would not be surprised if Danny Boy was consulted and helped shape this decision.

Deeps - you said, "I see no harm in making a move. It can only help because it will show that Shanny isn't too stubborn to do whatever he can to create a spark." I would say that he may create the spark that burns the entire season.

It seems clear that Rex is much better liked within the locker room. When Beck gets in this week and sucks it up and the Deadskins lose - it may not even be Beck's fault given the offensive line problems - I expect that there will be some real grumbling from a team that has been pretty close so far.

This is the type of drama that the Deadskins always have under Snyderatto.

j, k, and s's d said...

We shouldn't even bother with the word Snyderatto because Cerrato isn't even around. To think that Snyder was consulted is ridiculous. He may have wanted to know but to think that the Shannys and Allen would allow Snyder to call this shot is silly.

Again, I am not for this move but I am not surprised either. I'm sure there are guys welcome the change too. Cooley said he went up to Beck after the game and told him repeatedly how proud he was of his play. Jamal Brown was happy with Beck's play.

I laid out my plan of what should take place and it seemed more sound as it seemed like it would have appeased everyone. Still, I don't get paid the big bucks and we'll see if the Shannys were correct in their move.

I admit that I am concerned about the move -- both in terms of Beck's ability to play and the effect on the locker room. However, Beck can solve both issues with his play on Sunday. If he performs, he will prove he can play and he will help get the locker room behind him. However, if he blows, there will be issues.

Just don't think at 3-2 (despite progressively worse play from Rexy) it was the right time to make the switch.

FYI - from SI, Goat of the Week

Washington QB Rex Grossman. The voters for "The Award Section'' in this column have been unanimous on none of the players/coaches/goats of the week ... until now. Throwing four interceptions in 43 minutes will win the Goat of the Week most weeks. All weeks, quite honestly. The 20-13 Philadelphia victory was a game there to be won for Washington, until Grossman got his hands on the ball.

Rob said...

I didn't say "call this shot," I said "I would not be surprised if Danny boy was consulted and helped shape this decision."

Big difference.

The point that I am making, and that you seem to agree with me on is that this is a bad idea for a 3-2 team, but it has just become the norm since Danny Boy took over.

At least Glenn Beck gets to play against one of the worst statistical defenses in the NFL. If he cannot put up points against Carolina and the Deadskin lose, then it truly will be a dreadful decision.

Who knows, maybe Glenn will be the second coming of Joe Thiesman and all will be well. Of course, JKSD and I probably both agree that is highly unlikely.

j, k, and s's d said...

I HIGHLY doubt Snyder was consulted and helped shape the decision. I would not be surprised if Snyder was told what was going to happen but that's it. The Shannys are not going to allow Snyder to muck with the starting lineup.

I would not have made the change at this point. Again, I laid out my plan before. I am not surprised in the least at the change.

I also have not been thrilled with Rexy's play and wanted him to improve. Again, I would have stayed with him because we are 3-2 and some of the players support him and I am not a believer in Beck.

Beck actually reminds me some of Theismann. We'll see if he can perform. I do think his mobility will be effective given the loss of the left side of the line. I expect to see several naked bootleg plays. It will be fun to watch what happens.

Funny because I was looking at video of when Beck was drafted and the entire ESPN crew was saying how good Beck was. We'll see.

Rob said...

We'll find out if he was consulted in time - it really doesn't matter much.

I expect to see Glenn crumple under the weight of the "imposing" Carolina D (#28 scoring D).

Carolina is 31st in the NFL against the run - giving up 140 yards per game. I expect to see a heavy dose of Torain/Helu/Hightower/Whoever, but with their O-line problems they will have to make some plays in the air.

Will Glenn deliver? I think not and we will see the end of the 2011 Deadskins as the locker room rips apart.

JSR said...

I dont understand close knit locker room. sure at the beginning of the season when the slate was clear and everyone was positive about everything it was a close knit locker room. The guy just threw 4 interceptions in 3 quarters. If anything, id imagine the defensive players were/are pissed. Probably more players than not have to be saying bring in Beck. I cant see a majority in the locker room saying "our qb just threw 4 ints and pretty much was the cause of the loss to a division rival at home, but oh well hes still a good guy and we love him and want him to start next week" Rexy is not a tenured superstar QB who wins more often than not. He had one good (arguably good) season in his career. He is not a good QB and his time in the NFL should be over.

Its an emotional game. All those guys are pouring everything they have into each play and with four swings of an arm from an incompetent QB, they are doomed to lose. I know if I were a player in the Redskins locker room and my QB threw 4 ints, id def be a little annoyed and be hoping for the next guy to come in.

that being said, I am rooting for Beck and hope the skins can win this week against the Panthers. It should be a fun/interesting to watch.

Rob said...

JSR - here is my belief. The guys have seen Beck for months and know that he cannot play. That is why a bunch of guys came to Rex's "defense."

FYI, Rex has always been popular with his teammates. Even after debacles in Chicago, you had a lot of guys backing him up. In Houston, Rex was popular with his teammates and he came in as the third QB but beat out a much higher priced Dan Orlovsky to take the backup roll.

The Shannies love Beck because he is good at film study, but Beck was the third string QB in Miami when they went 1-15. He was third string in Baltimore. He lost out to Rex this past pre-season. The fact is that Beck has basically been closer to being out of football than to being an NFL starter.

To think that he is a hidden gem seems like a stretch. But we will find out soon enough.