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Friday, October 7, 2011

Cooley's comments on Romo

Cooley responded to criticism of his radio comments in which he celebrated Dallas' epic collapse in Week 4, writing on his blog that he shows "no remorse in cheering against another team, especially the Cowboys."

“While I feel an honest respect for all NFL players, I show no remorse in cheering against another team, especially the Cowboys. If it sounded like I was delighted by Tony Romo's failure last week, I was.”

In his blog post titled "Reigniting a Rivalry," Cooley writes that his comments made on 106.7 The Fan in Washington have "received 15 times the 15 minutes of fame it deserved."

"In a league full of glad-handing and ass slapping between competing teams, I actually care about the organization and fan base that has supported me throughout my 8-year career," Cooley wrote. "While I feel an honest respect for all NFL players, I show no remorse in cheering against another team, especially the Cowboys. If it sounded like I was delighted by Tony Romo's failure last week, I was."

In Sunday's loss to the Lions, two Romo interceptions were returned for touchdowns in the second half as Dallas blew a 27-3 lead on the way to a 34-30 loss to the Lions. In his radio appearance, Cooley said that it was "amazing to watch him choke like that."

Cooley writes that he doesn't plan on changing. " ... as a player who has decided to share my real personality with the fan base, I make a clear choice with expressing my political incorrectness as an entertaining attempt to engage as a real person," he wrote. "I will not apologize if my sense of humor and hint of sarcasm is difficult to ascertain by the more serious NFL supporters. I will never make an apology to any offended Dallas fans and I expect every Redskin fan to cheer at the folly of a Cowboy."

He also writes that he's surprised that his celebration of Romo's failure offended so many. " ... I have to say that the peculiar defense of 'America's quarterback' has completely blown me away. From genius talking heads like (ESPN's) Skip Bayless and former Maryland great Norman Esiason to the bible thumping twitter bullies, it's very clear that a cult like group of Dallas supporters has emerged to stand in defense of the epic Tony Romo. To them, my tongue-and-cheek opinions scream sacrilege and idiocy. It's a funny thing, the way simple lighthearted banter can change gears so quickly, but that's part of the amazing world of sports fanatics. You don't want me to be boring, but as soon as I'm entertaining I'm crossing a line. You can't have it both ways."

He also thanks select followers on Twitter for their "clumsy charm and the outpouring of the appalling tweets (that) has inspired me to feed the fire of an NFL rivalry that seems in need the more flame."

LOVE IT!!! Love that he takes a jab at Bayless and Norman Esiason (two people I find very annoying). Also loved that he said that people don't want him to be boring but once he gets entertaining, he's crossing a line and that fans can't have it both ways. Finally, love that he is trying to reignite a rivalry. He is simply saying what we all feel. Romo did blow it and it was fun to watch as a Skins fan. I actually listened to interview on the LaVar and Dukes show the other day and thought it was funny that he would take on Romo in an MMA match.


deepie said...

I appreciate Cooley's commitment to his team and the fact that he understands what the Skins/Cowgirls rivalry means to D.C. I'm glad he stood by his words and, in the process of defending his position, he made it very clear that knuckleheads like Bayless were blowing what he said way out of proportion.

Cooley was on the Junkies this morning when John Feinstein called in to the show. When Cooley jokingly said he feels the need to retaliate against guys like Bayless and Esiason because he's petty, Feinstein told him he should retaliate. He basically advised Cooley that TV talking heads like Bayless are just saying what a 22 year old producer tells him to say because the TV show is more interested in ratings than expressing honest opinions - a sign that Bayless' career has sunk to a significant low.

j, k, and s's d said...

Bayless looks like the guy that sucked at sports and got picked on as a kid and now, after years of pent up frustration, wants to let it out.

He's a jerkweed!

Rob said...

I like Bayless. He gives his opinion and he doesn't back down.

I don't know if you saw his face-to-face talk with Chris Bosh. After hammering Bosh as soft all year, he did not back down when Bosh was in studio with him. I liked that he didn't back down.

As for Cooley's comments - I have no real issue with what he said, but I suspect Shanny wasn't too pleased. We'll see if Homo and the Cowboys' D makes him pay when they play again.

deepie said...

Robs - Per John Feinstein, Bayless has changed in his demeanor and approach since joining ESPN as a TV personality. Do you think Feinstein was exaggerating when he said Bayless isn't being honest and is just saying what his show needs him to say for the sake of ratings?

Skip Bayless's opinions are sometimes so extreme and egregious that I find it hard to believe that he's being completely honest.

j, k, and s's d said...

I did see the face to face discussion with Bosh in studio. I didn't mind that he didn't back down about Bosh being soft. Even Bosh accepted the criticism. However, Bosh took exception to Bayless making fun of his family name by calling him Bosh Spice he and let Bayless know very respectfully. Bayless didn't seem to care. I didn't like that. He didn't need to make it personal. Disagree and criticize all you want but just didn't care for Bayless keeping it personal.

I think he is an ass.

On the flip side, I thought it was hilarious when Rome called Jim Everett Chris Everett several years back and Jim Everett pushed Rome out of his chair. However, that was different in that Rome is just making fun of his first name and not his family name and also that Jim Everett handled himself very differently than Bosh.

Rob said...

I don't really care what Feinstein thinks, nor do I care if Bayless has changed. I watch him 2-3 times a week and while I don't agree with everything he says, he is entertaining.

We'll see if he goes with Bosh Spice anymore, but it isn't any different than us changing guys names.

I thought Rome looked like a dick with his stupid smile. It may have been funny, but it was far more disrespectful than Bayless was with Bosh.

Scott said...

All kidding aside, it would be pretty funny if Cooley fought Romo in a cage match! Cooley was a wrestling stud in high school and almost didn't play football in college because he received so many scholarships to wrestle.

The way that some of these posts have been going, perhaps you guys should enter the cage and settle it rather than writing 100 posts.

j, k, and s's d said...

Bosh was very accepting of the criticism. In fact, he finished the discussion up thanking Bayless because it served as motivation. I don't really care for Bosh but I thought he handled himself very well.

When Bosh explained very politely that he was fine with the criticism and it was deserved, he elaborated on his family (father, uncles, etc.) of how proud they were of the Bosh name and he didn't like that Bayless was making fun of the Bosh name, Bayless said that he didn't have a problem calling him Bosh Spice. Again, just disrespectful for me. Seems like Bayless would have more respect and appreciate what Bosh was saying. Didn't like it.

Rome did look like an ass with his smirk and I probably would have wanted to hit him too if I was Chris Everett (oops, I meant Jim Everett). Still, Rome is more making fun of Jim Everett and not the Everett family/legacy. There is a difference.

As far as us making fun of peoples names, we do it for entertainment for each other. If I was a national (or local) media person, I would never say Tony Homo. I might use Jay George. I certainly wouldn't make fun of someone's family name particularly if they explained to me that they didn't appreciate it and thought it crossed the line in the way Bosh did.

As far as Cooley and Romo, Cooley said that he would prolong the match with Romo and punish him the way he used to when he wrestled. Now that would be some major PPV beaucoup!

Rob said...

Family name or first name - mocking is mocking.

j, k, and s's d said...

True. Mocking is mocking; however, mocking the name Chris is just mocking Chris Bosh. Mocking the name Bosh is mocking his family. The difference seems clear to me and I know I wouldn't appreciate someone mocking my family name.

Whatever. I guess once again we can't see eye to ey and we will agree to disagree.

Rob said...

It isn't mocking all Bosh folks. It is obviously directed at Chris Bosh.

Calling Everett "Chris" or "Chrissy" doesn't make fun of all Chris's in the world.

j, k, and s's d said...

Of course it is not mocking everyone with the last name Bosh. Don't be silly.

Yes, Bayless started out mocking Chris Bosh. I doubt he had any motives to mock Chris Bosh's family. However, it is his family name and Bosh explained to him that he didn't appreciated it and gave him reasons why. Reasons that made perfect sense to me. Reasons that I would agree with if I were him and Bayless still had no qualms saying what he said. He is an ass.