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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beck's comments

So Robs has been making a big deal recently about the comments Beck has been making seeming that he is deflecting criticism and blaming others. Beck came out yesterday and made it very clear that the INT on the Hankerson pass was on Beck.

Conversely, in the 4 INT game, Grossman tried to deflect blame on him on a Davis pass saying that Davis has to cut inside and make the play.

Now the thing is I don't have a real problem with what Beck or Grossman said. However, Robs has been uber critical of Beck and I have a feeling that if Beck said what Grossman said, Robs would have been highly critical of him. I may be wrong on that but it seems like Robs has been pretty nit picky and hanging on every word Beck says and how he says it. It seems a little silly to me.

Lavar and Dukes had a whole segment yesterday about the contrasting comments made by Beck and Grossman and played the audio clips and they were both up in arms over the difference in the comments made by the two.

Again, I didn't really care too much about either of the comments and didn't have too much of a problem with them. However, Robs has been quick to point out Beck's comments and I thought it was worth a posting.


Rob said...

Don't make it about me. I have an opinion that is not changed by one comment Beck says. My opinion of Beck is based on his years of barely hanging on to an NFL spot and the stories and things I have read/heard from Glenn.

My contention is still that Glenn is a sub-par QB that won't do anything for the Deadskins. He is not popular in the locker room as near as I can tell.

Waiting a day to admit that he threw a bad pass, after letting Hankerson take the blame for running the wrong pattern (which apparently he didn't) does not change my opinion of him.

We'll see this week if he does anything of consequence.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm not making it about you. You had a whole posting on quotes. You seem to have a larger issue with Beck in not just his play but what he says and how he says it. You even take issue with what Beck wears.

I really didn't have any issue with what Beck or Grossman said. So what if Beck took a day to clarify the Hankerson pass. He probably didn't think too much of it right after the game on Sunday and after the backlash that Hankerson took, he specifically came out to talk to reporters (QBs typically aren't available to speak to the press until Wednesday) to clarify that it was his fault. What's wrong with that?

The thing is given how much you hang on each of Beck's words, I HAVE A FEELING that if Beck said what Grossman said regarding the Davis INT, you would have been all over that. I may be wrong on that and I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but it's a hunch given how interested you are in Beck's comments.

Look, again, I don't really pay as close attention to the comments as you do. I get that you love Rexy and it's not like I am a huge Beck supporter but I just don't get your fascination with each word that comes out of his mouth and then when he does take responsibility, it's still not good enough. It just seems ridiculous.

As far as the locker room, I heard from Cooley, Moss, and Paulsen and all of them commended Beck for his play. They appear to be supporting him.

Rob said...

I'm not fascinated by Glenn Beck's words - I am fascinated by the insane amount of hope he has seemed to generate.

This is a guy who openly lobbied against popular guys who were ahead of him (McNabb and Grossman), but who has been a career third stringer. He couldn't beat out Cleo Lemon or Chad Henne in Miami. He could't beat out Troy Smith in Baltimore. He lost to Rex in the competition this year.

Yet, he is garnering an unusual amount of hope. In the end, he will be who we know his is - a third stringer playing the part of an NFL QB.

DeMarco Murry had the best day he will ever have as a pro and he rushed for 250+ yards. Great game. Glenn Beck had the best day he will ever have as a pro and he threw for 279 yards (many of them meaningless later in the game). This week both of them will show why they are third stringers for their teams

I don't blame Beck for the loss, but what I will continue to contend is that his ceiling is far lower than Rex's ceiling. Given how poor the Deadskins are, Beck's ceiling isn't high enough to win games.

We shall see.

j, k, and s's d said...

No. You are fascinated with his words as you spent a whole posting on quotes.

I don't necessarily disagree with you as far as his potential and who he is. Where I do disagree with you is in his play this past weekend. I also disagree with you in how you come down hard on him for what he says and how he says it.

Look, I don't really care about the guy but I don't notice the stuff you are bringing up when he talks. You seem to have it out for this guy. Almost like Rexy is family and Beck took a swing at your family. I don't get that part.

Again, given how hard you have come down on the guy, I would have liked to have read/heard what you would have wrote if Beck was the one that said what Rexy said about the Davis INT.

Rob said...

I have not come down hard on the guy. I said the loss wasn't his fault.

He is a third string NFL QB who is starting for the Deadskins. If the Bears decided to start Nathan Enderle at QB, I wouldn't have very high expectations. If he had the kind of game that Beck had I would probably be happy because that is the best I could possibly expect.

However, that game that Beck played was not nearly good enough to win in the NFL on a regular basis. He did nothing of significance in my opinion and many of his yards came in the 4th quarter with the game out of hand.

That isn't being hard on Beck it is just saying what I perceive is reality.

As for what I would have said about Rex had he thrown the pass to Hankerson, blah, blah, blah - WHO THE F CARES? Why bother worrying about that?

I said after the game last week that I thought Davis did not make enough of an effort on the two picks - if Beck had thrown those two balls I am 100% sure I would have had the same opinion.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, this subject is not about Beck's play. The subject is his comments and how you seem to be fascinated with what he says and how he says it and coming down on the guy.

Again, I agree with some of your observations on Beck the player and whether he should have replaced Rexy. However, I don't get the whole hanging on his every word and stuff. It's like the guy can't say anything right in your eyes. When he does come out an try and clarify, it's not good enough.

Again, it's not like I am a huge Beck fan or anything. I just don't get why it seems you hate him so much.

Whatever dude.

Rob said...

You are the one who is unusually fascinated by words - that is, what I think of Beck's words.

I am not that fascinated.

I think he is a 3rd string dude who is a bit dickish. I think guys in the locker room think so also. I may be wrong, but I believe what I believe.