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Monday, March 28, 2011


After a stunning victory against #1 seeded Kansas, VCU finds themselves in the Final Four. It is a complete loop for them as they played in the First Four to earn the right to play in the tourney. Many people were upset at their bid and that the CAA sent an unprecedented three teams into the tournament but they have silenced all critics and get a showdown with Butler (the team that narrowly squeezed by ODU (another CAA team) in the opening round).

A few years back, George Mason shocked the NCAA BB viewing world by getting to the Final Four and now it's VCU's turn and get a favorable draw with Butler and could find themselves playing for the national championship. SHOCKING!!! When March Madness begins, we think that teams like Duke, Kansas, UNC, Syracuse, Pitt, and other big time college BB programs. This year, we have not only VCU but Butler.

The big concern for VCU is that they just beat the #1 seed and find themselves in the Final Four and they may get caught up in all the hoopla and excitement and may fall into the "We've arrived" syndrome and be satisfied with what they have accomplished. It will be up to Shaka to make sure that the team enjoys the Kansas victory but look ahead to Butler and that opportunity to play for the championship.

Congrats to VCU and good luck!

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