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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Winter Classic

Great matchup on Saturday (should they play). The Penguins look like they are the top team in the league and the Caps seem to have found their way after that horrendous losing streak.

I have been watching 24/7 on HBO. The first two episodes were mildly interesting. However, last night's episode was much more interesting as it spent about half of the episode on the first meeting b/t the two teams which the Caps lost in the 7th round of the shootout. It was neat to have watched the game live but then hear what the coaches/players were saying before the game and during the intermissions. It was also interesting to hear some of the discussion taking place on the ice during the game. Found it particularly interesting how Bylsma never referred to Caps players by name and only on their numbers. Also liked how Boudreau broke down game film of the Pens and in particular Malkin and said that if you hit him, he will retaliate and could get a stupid penalty. For those that watched the game, we saw early on how Ovie laid out Malkin and right on cue, moments later Malkin tried to return the favor to Ovie and took a bad penalty. Gave you a sense of how the players feel about each other and the way they take the rivalry.

Given where the two teams stand right now and the type of game they had just a few days ago, it certainly makes for an exciting matchup on Saturday in front of a national audience. This is the type of game that Ovie loves. The grander the stage the more he loves it. I believe Varly will get nod over Neuvy who played in the first Penguins game. Varly is coming off of a shutout and while Neuvy has been playing well and the two are the same age, Varly seems like more of the veteran and more of the imposing goalie for the opposition.

It is only one regular season game but there is no doubt that the players will be more excited about this one. The first game had a playoff feel about it and I expect this one to feel the same way. Hopefully the weather will cooperate but look forward to this one.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thoughts on Rexy

Looks more and more like Rexy will be the Skins starting QB next year. I don't have a huge problem with it as it seems like the best option given the way things have played out this year. I still don't think that highly of Rexy. He was good in the Dallas game and okay in the J Hole game but the one thing that I find tremendously interesting about the guy is that the players/coaches on the teams he plays for seem to really like the guy.

In Chicago, amidst all the criticism, the players/coaches really stood by him. The same is happening here in D.C. It's obvious that Kyle likes the guy and it's good that the two seem to be in sync. However, when you listen to players like Moss and Cooley, they really seem to like Rexy as well. Moss has said that the offense seems "light years" better than what it was when Rexy is in there. I listened to Cooley on the LaVar and Dukes show and he seemed really jazzed about Rexy being in there.

I know the fans/media are all over Rexy but that is what they do. Coaches coach. Players play. Fans/media bitch and moan. That is the nature of sports. I am not sold on Rexy but what I do like is that the players seem to be rallying around the guy and that is important. Not sure what Rexy is doing to garner the love but it's good. He does seem to have command of the huddle and players have backed that statement up and that he has good tempo in getting guys to the line and organized. Rexy comes across in interviews a little bit like an idiot or a guy that thinks he can play but really can't but his behavior on the field is a little different. He seems to show more confidence and emotion on the field which again is a good thing.

Before Robs starts going off, for the third time, I am not sold on the guy but he is making me look at him in a slightly different light. Again, his play has not been the greatest so far. It's been okay but the thing I am impressed with is the command IT APPEARS he has of the huddle and the way the players seem to be responding to him.

The Giants game will be a big game for him and he can really win/lose over people with his play in Sunday's game.

CEAFOD Championship game

So it was closer than I wanted it to be but I was able to stave off AP and Deepie to pull out the victory and take the championship of the CEAFOD league. The Philly D was not great but they got a couple of sacks and most importantly they recovered an AP fumble that may have been the play of the CEAFOD championship game. AP did score a late TD and my heart sank as I thought b/t AP's additional points plus the subtraction of points from the Philly D that that may have pushed Deepie into the lead but I checked and I was still a few points into the lead. At that point, I was just praying for the clock to run out. AP got a few more yards and Philly D got an additional sack so I was able to pull out a 118-112 win.

I was proud of my team and felt that I finished very strong. I had won 10 of the previous 11 games with the only loss coming to Scott in which I still put up 168 points. The only thing I could have hoped for would have been to play Scott in the championship game and beat him and avenge that one loss. Still, in the end I am just happy to pull out the win and claim my second title in three years.

Great year and look forward to defending my crown next year.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

CEAFOD - the door stays open for Deepie

As mentioned in a previous post, I felt pretty comfortable with my position in the championship game given the score at the end of Sunday's games and the remaining players Deepie and I both had. Basically, the score was 95-91 and I had Brees, Colston, and the Philly D vs. AP.

Brees and Colston had a combined projected score of 32 so I was hoping to put the game out of reach last night with them playing. However, they just couldn't get their groove on. Going into the 4th quarter, the tandem only combined a total of 7 points. The Saints did have a drive in the 4th quarter and Brees threw an over the top pass down the middle to Colston for a TD but it was called back because of a false start. If that play had stood, I think it would have been almost a lock of me winning the championship. Brees did throw the game winning TD so he did get me some points but the tandem combined for a final result of 17 points (a little more than half of what they were projected).

So we find ourselves going into tonight's game with me having a 13 point lead and I have the Philly D and Deepie has AP. It's still wide open. I have to believe that if AP does play, the focus of the Philly D will be to stop him. Joe Webb is starting at QB and AP is Minnesota's best player so it would only make sense that the Philly D would key on AP and force Joe Webb to beat them. Also, the weather will be cold and AP still has a sore knee and the Queens are out of the playoffs so I'm not sure why they would want to push AP (their franchise player) and risk further injury. These are all my thoughts and hopes of keeping AP on the sidelines. Seems like the Queens will also want to see what they have in some of the younger guys and give Gerhart some reps.

Finally, given that Webb is the starter, I am hoping the Iggles can force a couple of turnovers.

The last two weeks the teams I have played have each had one individual that has scored at least 40 points. Hopefully AP doesn't continue that trend and cost me victory. At least tonight's game becomes more exciting for Deepie and me.

Monday, December 27, 2010

CEAFOD Championship

Deepie had most of his guys playing in the 1 pm games and most of my guys were playing at 4 pm and on Monday night so needless to say, Deepie jumped out to an early lead.

I believe he had about a 40 point lead heading into the 4 pm games. I had Arian Foster, Ahmad Bradshaw, and LeGarrette Blount at 4 pm while Deepie had Vincent Jackson. Jackson. Jackson (and the Chargers) didn’t play as well as projected while my three headed monster provided significant contributions. I have Brees, Colston, and the Philly defense left for Monday and Tuesday while Deepie has Adrian Peterson left. So last night I was hoping to close the gap to 10 points and I would feel pretty comfortable about my chances with the remaining guys left.

By the end of the 4 pm games, I had shrunk the lead to 4 points. Deepie is up 95 to 91 with the guys I mentioned above remaining. I fully expect to take the lead tonight with Brees and Colston. Hopefully they can rack up the points and give me enough of a cushion where AP will need the game of his life to take back the lead for Deepie.

In the end, I hope to capture my second CEAFOD title in three years and do so against Deepie in a rematch of our title game from two years ago.

Skins beat J Hole

Skins pull out a win yesterday. Didn’t care so much for the win as much as I liked that we fought hard against a team that needed that win for their own playoff hopes. Here are my general thoughts:

1. Defense was big. More than half of the defense was backups. Three fourths of the secondary was backups. Two thirds of our D line was backups. We were missing arguably our best players in Landry and Orakpo but still the defense played well recording 4 sacks, 2 INTs, and forcing Garrard to fumble twice. Really liked the play of Rob Jackson and the NT Bryant. Kevin Barnes was also solid. It was good to see some of the young guys get a chance and step up. I also liked that we attacked Garrard more. We blitzed and blitzed effectively. We were able to get pressure and a lot of credit goes to the DBs for covering guys without additional help because of sending more guys at the QB. The big concern with the group is that they need to do it on a consistent basis.

2. Rexy was okay. Wasn’t good but wasn’t terrible. Pretty uneventful for him and didn’t really do anything that made you comfortable that he is the solution at QB. Still, I was fine with him. He didn’t blow it. I also didn’t like the play calling. We did not commit at all to the run in the first half. Not sure if that was the game plan against J Hole or if it was to get Rexy more reps and opportunities to help evaluate him. Either way, didn’t like the play calling.

3. Gano. Gano? GaYES!!! The guy made a couple of long FGs and then put the game away in OT. So good job by him and at least saved his job for this week.

4. Cooley. What was up with him? Dropped at least 4 passes. The most silly was the short pass in the end zone where he was wide open and the ball was right in his hands. He is a good player and he just had an off day. His TD drop didn’t hurt us as we ended up scoring on the next play. Still, it was tough to see such a good player struggle the way he did. I don’t expect that to happen often.

Not a whole lot else. Again, felt like the story of the game was our defense and how well this group of backups played. We finish up with the Giants next week and the game will have meaning as it is a divisional game. We got embarrassed by them a few weeks ago in NY so we will want to play better. We will be at home and most importantly, the G-men need the win for a possible playoff berth. They have been embarrassed the last two weeks so no doubt they will be fired up for the game. Hopefully we can play spoilers to them and finish on a high note.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Sexy Rexy!

Okay, so I have been a big anti Rexy guy for years. Now I find myself in the strange predicament of him being the starting QB for the Skins. I have long maintained that my problem with Rexy is not that he isn't talented. It's that he makes BAD mistakes. He is not consistent. If he eliminated the bad mistakes and played with more consistency, he could/would be a legitimate NFL starter.

Anyways, yesterday he got the nod to be the starter. I do feel bad for D. McNabb because he has had a very good (not great) career but barring some strange occurence, he will find himself on a new team next year. It's tough for a guy that was a mainstay and perennial Pro Bowl player with the Eagles to find himself jettisoned from his team by the coach that drafted him to a divisional rival. There were not a lot of suitors for the guy when he left the Eagles. Then he comes to D.C. where he has had difficulty picking up the offense and despite all the changes and arguably the lack of talent around him, he still hasn't played as well as he should/could have. He has been benched for the rest of the season and we get the opportunity to see what Rexy can do.

In his first game, Rexy had a very good game. The guy threw for a career tying best 4 TDs and over 320 yards. He looked liked he had good command of the offense and his accuracy for the most part was excellent. I did say prior to the game that he will fumble at least once and the fumble he had wasn't the best. Also, his first INT was not the smartest throw. He basically lofted one up there and I know he thought Sellers was going to stop but still it would have been better for him to eat the ball and take a sack or throw it out of bounds instead of trying to make that throw that results in a Cowboy INT in our territory. The second INT was not that bad given that time was running out and he had to make a play and if that throw had been just a little bit higher, it could have been potentially caught setting up a long FG (that Gano would have probably missed).

All in all, I was pleased with his play. I would rate it a B+. Lets keep in mind that it is only one game so it will be interesting to see what he does in the final two. But he has an opportunity to show everyone (fans, league, peers, coaches, etc.) that he is capable of being a starter in this league.

What was also interesting was that several players upon hearing that Rexy was going to be the starter accepted the news (there were some that seemed disappointed with the move) and that afterwards, there did seem to be some excitement among some players with how the offense was clicking. Moss, who had two TDs, seemed pretty pumped with the performance. Shanny also looked and sounded less frustrated when talking about the offense.

I admit that it was good to see the offense click and how the ball was spread around. Six players caught balls and three different players caught TDs. Armstrong had 100 yards in receptions. It was a solid offensive performance.

Going back to McNabb. It's tough because again the guy was jettisoned by the Eagles, now looks like he will leave the Redskins and will find himself on his third team in three years. The guy didn't have a whole lot of suitors previously so I imagine there will be less suitors now. There's no question he will find a place to play (best options are Minnesota or Arizona). However, it looks more and more like his final years will be spent as a journeyman QB and I'm not sure what kind of success he will find.

As far as the Redskins are concerned, Rexy has an opportunity in the final two games to make a case that he should be the starter next year. I think Kyle loves this thought. Kyle is the reason Rexy is here. Maybe it is a good match between those two guys. Grossman is in the final year of his contract so we could sign him for not too much and then draft a QB to learn the ropes.

The toughest part of this whole thing is thinking that we had found a franchise QB in McNabb and that not panning out and giving up 2 higher level draft picks for the guy. Still, it is better to find out now rather than later if he is our guy.

Will be interesting to see if Rexy can replicate his performance next week against the Jags. I like his confidence. Again, it has been an issue of consistency with that guy so hopefully he can string together a couple more good performances.

As my son says, "PEACE OUT, BRO!!!"

Skins come up short

The game was a tale of two halves. The first half was ridiculous but the second half looked very good.

Just a couple of notes:

1. Special teams in the first quarter/half was terrible. On the opening kickoff and our first 2 or 3 punts we gave up big yards to the Cowboys. We have had good coverage all year but yesterday it hurt us big time as the Cowboys had great field position the entire first half. Not sure if this was a result of putting in backups to see what they were capable of doing but whatever it was, it sucked.

2. Field position. Touched on it above but the entire first half the starting field positions for us sucked. We seemed to be pinned back deep in our territory while the Cowboys seemed to be starting on our side of the field. That definitely hurt us.

3. Defense sucked. The 3-4 has not worked this year. We went from a regularly top 10 defense to the worst in the league. I recognize we don't have the pieces yet but Haslett has got to get this thing fixed. He will have another offseason to bring in more pieces that fit his system but if we don't make dramatic improvement next year and at least get to be a middle of the pack defense, he has to go.

4. Offense. Was good...very good in the second half. The ball was being spread around. A pretty good mix of run and pass and for the first time in quite some time, we actually looked like a good offense where things were clicking...consistently. I will speak specifically on Rexy's performance in a separate post.

5. Good to see getting some of the young guys out there. Playoffs are out of the picture so it was nice to see guys like Riley, Barnes, Austin get into the game. There is no reason not to play them now and see what they can bring. Hopefully we will see more of them in the final two games.

In the end, it doesn't really matter that we lost. It's an evaluation period and you want to see guys work hard. There were positives yesterday but still areas for improvement. I do believe in the coaching staff and that these guys have a plan and are committed to sticking with their plan. We'll see what the rest of the year brings.


Caps win...FINALLY!!!!

After an 8 game skid, the Caps finally found victory yesterday against the Senators. Still, again they got down early. The Senators took a 2-0 lead before the Caps rallied for a 3-2 win.

I watched the game on Saturday against the Bruins and we fought hard in the final two periods but still came up short. We outshot the Bruins something like 26-2 in the final period but only found the net once.

Last night, Eric Fehr looked like he found the net right before the end of the first period but the puck went in a half second after the horn sounded so the goal did not count.

There are some troubling signs with this Caps team. Boudreau has altered the schemes to be more defensive minded and gear them better for the playoffs. However, it just doesn't seem to be working. Our offense is down and our main offensive weapons (Ovie, Backstrom, Semin, etc.) have not been finding the net. On top of that, we are still letting in goals so not sure what the benefit is of the new system. Also, we seem to be snake bitten. Seems like we hit the post often and just aren't getting the breaks. Finally, we just can't seem to put an entire 60 minutes of quality hockey together. We just seem to go these long stretches in the game where we look like we don't even want to be there and are getting outworked and outhustled. That is unacceptable.

The only hope is that after last night's win, it gets the monkey off their backs and they can get on a win streak. We went from being one of the stronger teams in the NHL (prior to the losing streak) to middle of the pack within out own division. This team has too much talent and is expected to make a run at the Cup so the recent play cannot be tolerated. The stars need to play better and Boudreau needs to get his guys ready to play better. I like Boudreau but maybe he should spend less time doing commercials and more time preparing his team. As much as I don't like to think about it, continued losing and Boudreau's seat will start to get a little warmer.

Penguins come to town this week and the teams seem to be going in different directions. We need that win not just for the 2 points but for our psyche and to let the league know that we are still a top tier team.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Rexy to get the start against the Cowboys

This should be interesting. I have mixed feelings about it. As a Skin fan, I try and be supportive. I like to think that I don't follow blindly. It's clear we are not going to the playoffs. It's also clear McNabb doesn't seem to have panned out for us. I recognize that our offense as a whole has not been the greatest but despite any deficiencies with the line, WRs, RBs, coaching staff, etc., McNabb has not done his part. I have the utmost respect for him as a leader and that is a much needed quality in a QB and something the Skins have not seen in some time. However, his performance on the field has been far from stellar. Peter King wrote a good piece on this subject.

"So now it's eight months after the McNabb trade to Washington, and a second highly respected quarterback guy, Mike Shanahan, has spurned McNabb. Whether you like the move or hate it (and I find the timing questionable, certainly, with McNabb having played better than average Sunday in the 17-16 loss to Tampa Bay), the one thing you have to admit is this: Two smart quarterback men have turned thumbs-down on McNabb in the span of nine months. You can defend McNabb all you want, and Lord knows he has his legions of defenders out there, but Reid and Shanahan are in the business of winning football games. Both have been to Super Bowls. Shanahan's won two of them. And both said they thought they could do better than McNabb.

Reid was under tremendous pressure to be right when he traded McNabb within the division. And 13 games into McNabb's Washington career, Shanahan is under tremendous pressure to be right in playing Grossman. My point is: Criticize Shanahan for his handling of McNabb and for thinking Grossman is anything but a backup, and acknowledge that McNabb is hamstrung by poor offensive support, but understand that McNabb bears a prominent role in this too. He's 25th in the league in passer rating, 26th in touchdown-to-interception ratio, 27th in accuracy."

I like McNabb and the big problem with this move is that it has created a division within the locker room. I'm sure players are upset about it. The question is can Shanny reunite the guys or will he lose them all together. The other interesting big piece that has not been mentioned that much is Rexy. Can he perform? Should he go out there and have a good game, what then? If he sucks, what happens?

Either way, it makes Sunday's game all the more exciting because one way or another Rexy will make for a great story.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CEAFOD Playoffs - Round 2 preview

So after my epic game in Round 1, I face Hoo Knows? in Round 2. I am projected to win by 34 points. However, as Scott is all too familiar with, projections mean nothing. That's why we lace them up and play the game. I am the only higher seed to make it past the first round. I do feel good about my team although some of the individual matchups for my guys concern me. Brees and Colston will be going up against the Raven defense in Baltimore so that is a concern. The Saints O has picked up in recent weeks but it will be cold and there will be a hostile crowd so not sure if they will be able to continue their strong play. Still, I like my team and I fully expect to win this week and make it to the Championship.

In the other matchup, Deepie faces the Maniacs. The Maniacs barely eked their way into the playoffs with a 4-7-1 record. I don't particularly care for the Maniacs and don't really want to see them in the finals. Deepie has been solid but tailed off towards the end of the year. Deepie is favored by about 6 points so it could be a tight match for those guys.

Either way, I fully expect to win it.

Band Aid

So around this time of year, in the car I will listen to 97.1 WASH FM for the Xmas music. The kids seem to enjoy it. They seem to often play that Band Aid song quite a bit. The song was done decades ago and is a collection of European artists singing to help raise funds for famine relief. It's not a bad song but there is a line in there that always makes me chuckle. It's Bono and he sings, "Well, tonight thank God it's them instead of you."

It just sounds funny that we should be thanking God for their poverty and poor situation and that we are not them. I get what they are trying to say but it just seems like the lyrics could have been better.

Anyway, just a random thought.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Basically, started the night 35 points back but I had Arian Foster, Sydney Rice, Ahmad Bradshaw, and the Baltimore defense and he had Andre Johnson.

My guys made up quite a bit of ground and I ended up taking a 9 point lead with 2 and a half minutes left in the Texan/Raven game last night. The Texans took the ball over inside their 5 yard line and had to drive the length of the field with no timeouts. The one thing that could not happen to me is for Andre Johnson to score a TD. So what happens? Andre Johnson scores with 20 seconds left! Since I had the Raven defense, I lost points there and he gained points because of Johnson. All of a sudden, I find myself down by 3 points.

Then the Texans convert the 2 pt conversion to tie the game sending it to OT. I was thinking I'm still not out of it because I have Arian Foster and maybe he could do something in OT. However, the Ravens won the coin toss and I was thinking they will come down and score and that will be the ball game and I'll lose. The Texans end up forcing a punt. They take over inside their 10 yard line and on, I think it was their second offensive play of OT, Schaub throws an INT for a TD. Because I had the Raven defense, I got the points and ended up winning by like 5 points. UNBELIEVABLE victory!

It sends me into the second round of the playoffs (the final four) and I am the highest remaining seed.

Monday, December 13, 2010

CEAFOD Playoffs - Round 1

Very tough day for the favorites. Most surprising/disappointing is it looks as though Scott will lose to Mark's Maniacs.

Scott has been pretty dominant the entire season and was even projected to get 140 points but looks like he will score about half of the projected amount and lose out. Scott is Green Bay Packer player loaded and a 7-3 loss to the Lions yesterday certainly didn't help his cause.

Robs is out. He had a strong early showing with P. Manning and Garcon having strong games Thursday night but struggled after that and was not able to score more than 100 points.

Deepie looks like he will hold on for a win and advance to the next round.

Darren McFadden may be the end for me. The guy has a career game yesterday and accounts for 41 points himself. I find myself down 118 to 83 going into tonight's games. I do have Arian Foster, Ahmad Bradshaw, Sydney Rice, and the Raven defense tonight while my opponent has Andre Johnson still left to play. I need for my guys to really step up for me to have a chance. With my 4 guys, I have to pick up 35 points plus any points that Johnson gets.

We'll see what happens.


What the heck, man?!!! Skins lose a heartbreaker. We had a number of opportunities to win the game but we blew it. Here are my thoughts:

1. Ride the Love Torain. Torain was unbelievable. He racked up like 120 yards in just over a quarter. The guy runs hard and seems to have great vision in the zone blocking scheme. He seems to know what hole to hit and when to hit it. O line deserves a lot of credit for the monster holes they created.

2. GANO!!!! The guy blew it! He was on shaky ground coming into the game and then he missed a 34 yarder and like a 20 yarder. He barely made the extra point. That's an easy 6 points that if we get, could have been the difference in the game. Won't be surprised if we start trying out kickers this week.

3. Playcalling. I loved the commitment to the run game. However, we should have used the run to set up play action. It was obvious going into the second half that the TB defense would bring more guys down into the box and make a commitment to stop the run seeing how they were gashed in the first half. We didn't adjust. Our first few drives, we continued to try and run and it wasn't going to work. Would have loved to see on our first offensive play in the second half to show run, do play action, and try for a deep ball.

Also, I did not like in the first half, when we were inside the TB 10 yard line, after running the ball effectively down to that spot, we line McNabb in shotgun and spread the field and do a shovel pass to Moss. Why get cute? Just pound the ball down there. We had been effective with it the entire first half and don't get cute with it.

4. HOLDING!!! On the TB touchdown with a few minutes remaing there was OBVIOUS holding on Orakpo. I recognize that there is probably holding on every play. However, what bothered me on that play was that Orakpo and the tackle were not jumbled up with the rest of the O and D lines. They were by themselves as Orakpo tried to go around the tackle. It was clear as day and shocking that the ref missed it. The ref told Orakpo that he was busy looking down field. That is not his job! That is why there are back judges! Terrible blown call that changed the scope of the game.

5. Botched extra point. After celebrating a last second drive that culminated with a McNabb to Moss 4th down TD, we botch the extra point. Given our issues with the kicking game the entire day, I did not expect the kick to be automatic. Still, it was VERY disappointing. The snap was a little high and the ball is wet but that is part of what Hunter Smith is paid to do. HOLD THE FREAKIN' BALL!! He blew it!

In the end, there were positives but we again found ourselves on the short end of the stick. I loved the effort. Moss was actually a little emotional after the game so I like that these guys showed heart and fought hard. It's clear they care even though they are not going to the playoffs. What I really want to see though is consistency. We play well one game and then suck another game. The inconsistency even shows up during the game. One drive will be flawless and then the rest of the half we suck. Also, we seemed to change our identity yesterday. We have not committed to the run as much as I would have liked this year but then that's all we do yesterday. I recognize we had been down to our third and fourth string RBs the last several weeks so that played a part in it. Still, I just want to see consistency.

I do think the team is headed in the right direction and I think another off season where the coaches can bring in their guys that can run their systems and have the players work another year in the systems will make a big difference.

Will be interesting to see if the coaches allow some of the younger guys play in the last three games to see what they offer. Wouldn't mind seeing Kevin Barnes, Terrence Austin, Perry Riley among others in there to see if there is a spot on this team for them next year.

What the heck is going on with the Caps?!!!

The Caps have lost 6 in a row and it was culminated with a 7-0 drubbing last night against the Rangers. Ovie has been in what seems like a season long slump. Semin was super hot a couple of weeks ago but has really cooled off. Seems like we never hear Backstrom's name. Hannan hasn't won since he arrived. They've tried different things to jump start the team (brought up Perreault, Ovie fought last night, etc.).

We went from having a pretty nice cushion in our division to now fighting to stay atop of it. The interesting thing is that this team was expected to make a run for the Cup. A few more losses in a row and Boudreau will really be on the hot seat.

I still like this team and think it's better to lose now than come playoff time. In fact, if anything, maybe this is a good thing as it will help humble the team and help them learn how to fight through a losing streak and/or personal/team slumps as they make their push towards the playoffs.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Haynesworth suspended

Haynesworth was suspended without pay for the rest of the season yesterday for conduct detrimental to the team. I have no problem with this move. I’m sure Shanny could have dealt with things better over the past few months but Haynesworth made it clear he was not happy to be part of this team. What’s most telling is that it seems that most of the team is happy he is gone as well. I’m sure everyone wanted him to play but they wanted him to be a positive force and a good teammate. He was not that and as a result, most everyone got sick of him. He had become too big of a distraction to this team.

Was listening to Grant Paulsen (Redskins reporter) on the LaVar and Dukes show last night and he was saying that Haynesworth had been saying recently that he wanted more snaps and that he still thought he was a top tier D lineman but he is the one that dictated his role. He refused to be the nose tackle in the 3-4 and he was the one that wanted to only play on passing downs. He would show up late to meetings and instead of showing any remorse, he would say things like so what? Everyone is late to meetings/practice every now and then. A couple of weeks ago, he was asked who his best friends were on the team and he said Vonnie Holliday and Jeremy Jarmon. Just a couple of days ago, Holliday criticized Albert for his behavior.

Sure, he is better suited in the 4-3 but it’s not like a totally different position. It’s still D line and he should be a professional. Football is football and he is part of the team and should act like it. Andre Carter, who had one of his better seasons last year with 11 sacks at DE, was asked to play and entirely different position this year. I’m sure he wasn’t happy about it but he has handled himself with the utmost class. That is what a good teammate and professional does.

What’s worse is Shanny gave Fat Al a chance to be released in the Spring but Al said he was on board and then he took the money and reneged on his word.

Bottom line, he is a loser. There is no question that if he puts his mind to it, he can be a very good player but getting his mind (and body) in proper shape is too big of an ordeal.

Frankly, Fat Al is the epitome of the Snyderatto era so I say good riddance to Fat Al

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CEAFOD Playoffs

Interestingly, Scott, Deeps, Robs, and myself are all in the playoffs but none of play against each other.

I am the #2 seed and face Paladins United and am actually pretty worried about the game. I am projected to lose by 10 points. The individual matchups don't seem to favor me so it may very well be one and done for me. Would love for Robs and I to advance as we would face each other in the next round.

We'll see how it goes.

Monday, December 6, 2010


I will win this week but Scott will also win so Scott will hold on to first place heading into the playoffs this coming weekend. I will hold on to the #2 seed. We all know anything can happen in the playoffs; however, it really looks like the Scott and me are the top teams in the league. We are seeded one and two respectively. We have held on to those spots for some time. We are the top two scoring teams in the league. If there is justice in this league, he and I will square off in the Championship. However, we all know that guys can have a monster game in any given week so there are always opportunities for upsets.

I think the way it is shaping up right now, I would face Deepie in the first round of the playoffs. Deepie has been struggling as of late so I may be catching him at the right time.

We'll see.


Skins blew it against the Giants yesterday. What's worse is I'm not sure if the Giants beat us worse than we beat ourselves. Just a really poor showing. Here are my thoughts:

1. Turnovers, turnovers, TURNOVERS!!! Ridiculous! Six turnovers and many of them were just poor turnovers. Perhaps the most egregious one was where McNabb had a 2nd and short and it looked like they ran that play with Donovan rolling right and throwing across the field to the TE. He had plenty of room to run for the first down but he hesitated as he wanted to wait for the WRs to run their routes. When he decided to run, he was tentative and then he just let go of the ball as he tried to slide. It was an ugly play from the get go. McNabb had another bad INT when he tried to make a play to Moss in the end zone. The safety barely had to move from the spot he lined up at on the play. Cooley was stripped. Williams fumbled a shovel pass. The list goes on. I don't care about it being cold or this or that...both teams had to play under the same conditions and we just hurt ourselves with those turnovers.

2. POOR TACKLING!!! Apparently the scheme going into the week was to stop the ground game. Didn't work that well as both Jacobs and Bradshaw pretty much ran for 100 yards apiece. Much of that can be attributed to just plain poor tackling and taking the wrong gaps. Pathetic.

3. More dropped balls. Once again, blame is shared. Moss, Cooley, Sellers all had very makeable catches that they dropped and cut short drives. Pathetic.

4. Rotating offensive line. Seemed like every other play there were new O linemen in the game. Just seemed like a constant shuffle. That just seems like a very difficult way to run the offense.

Not much else to say. What bothers me most is the lack of consistency with this team. They are so unpredictable. We can put together a good series or even a good game but then we can look terrible. I understand there are growing pains with the types of changes that we made in the offseason. I never expected playoffs this year. I said at the beginning of the season that 8-8 would be a tremendously successful season. However, what I wanted to see was improvement week to week and right now that isn't happening. There is still too much inconsistency which bothers me. We have 4 more games to show improvement and hopefully we can do that.