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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Will McNabb be cheered on jeered on Sunday?

Quarterback Donovan McNabb expects to receive a mostly warm reception Sunday from fans in Philadelphia when he faces his former team for the first time, he said in a radio interview Tuesday.

"Honestly, I think that I would be cheered. More cheered than booed," McNabb said during "The Donovan McNabb Show" on ESPN 980. "No matter what the situation is right now, that I'm with a different team and obviously it's kind of a rival, and it wasn't by my choice.

"But the whole deal about it was 11 years. It was a successful 11 years. And you had a lot of great times, a lot of great moments [and] a lot of exciting plays. Obviously, some down times, but you have that in the NFL. But there's more exciting things that happened in 11 years."

I have to believe that if the Eagle fans have even the slightest bit of class that they would cheer for McNabb in his return. The guy is the most prolific QB in their history and he did not leave by his choice. It will truly be a shame if they boo.


Rob said...


There will be some boos, but that group will be a small minority.

Should be interesting, and I will be rooting for the 'Skins this week. I'd like to see McNabb outplay Vick and win the game.

Rob said...

Here is an interesting question for Redskin fans. Why hasn't McNabb been signed to a longer term deal yet?

I am going to assume the Redskins will draft a franchise QB next year, but they gave up a 2nd round pick next year and a 3rd or 4th (conditional) in 2011. If they let McNabb go after a 5-11 season this year it would be a disaster.

I think they want McNabb, but I could see him in Minnesota or Arizona next year. Then the Deadskins would be out two high draft picks and a QB.

j, k, and s's d said...

Obviously, I will be rooting for the Redskins as well. However, I will be rooting for McNabb as the guy gave everything he had to Philadelphia and the Eagle organization and I don't think he was ever truly appreciated. Now with Vick doing well, it lessens the pain of losing McNabb. However, if Kolb and/or Vick had struggled, the fans would have really missed McNabb and the same people that cursed his name while he was there would be complaining about letting him go. Such is the nature of football fans.

Regarding why haven't the Skins signed him, I suppose they wanted to wait a few games to see how he performed. Maybe the Eagles knew something about him and the Skins weren't prepared to invest mega millions in the guy for the next 3-4 years. McNabb will be looking for probably his final contract and will want probably 4 years at top dollar. The Skins probably wanted to wait until deeper into the season to see how he performed both as a player and a leader and see if he was able to perform at a high level. So far he has been very good in my opinion. Not sure if negotiations are taking place now but if not, I imagine that they will take place soon.

I can see McNabb possibly going to the Vikings. They have more talented WRs and arguably the best back in the league. Plus, he knows Childress. The thing is if the Viqueens don't start picking it up, Childress may be gone. Also, their O line is aging. We'll see what happens.

Rob said...

You don't trade a 2 and a 3 or 4 for a 33 year old QB if you aren't going to keep him for 3 years.

If they lose McNabb it willbe bad for the 'skins.

j, k, and s's d said...

At the same time, you don't keep him and fork over mega millions if he proves that he can't play anymore.

Rob said...

He can play.

deepie said...

McNabb will be cheered because leaving wasn't his decision. There will be a bunch of boos though because this is Philly we're talking about...About as classy as one of John J Rambo's steaming piles of dung.

Regarding him not being signed yet...I think it has as much to do with the organization waiting to see what he's got in the tank as it does with McNabb waiting to see what the team does to support him. He wants to win as he approaches the end of his career. If we can't improve the O-line depth and get him a receiver at least half as good as Santana, why would he stay? He is a class act and he'll probably sign a deal with the team, but there's going to be a bit of posturing while each side figures out what the other is doing.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, I agree that he has proven that he can play in the past and he is proving that he can still play now.

HOWEVER, I agree with Deepie and it's what I have been saying. The Redskins were probably going to see what he had left in the tank before investing years and millions of dollars into the guy. This will most likely be his last contract so he will want to get paid and the Redskins just want to make sure they don't have damaged goods.

The Skins were obviously high on McNabb for bringing him here but they were probably also thinking about why Philly dumped him and if they knew something that the rest of the league didn't know. He is proving to be a quality QB/leader and I imagine that a deal will be in the works shortly if it hasn't started already.

As Deepie stated, the flip side is if McNabb will want to stay here. I think he will but it remains to be seen.

Not sure why you are making a bigger deal out of this than you should but then again, it's you.

Rob said...

Based on both of your responses the Deadskins shouldn't have traded for him.

If you are going to give up so much for him, you better be sure you want him around for a couple of years.

If they gave up a 2nd and a 3rd for a guy who is only around for one year in which the 'Skins have a losing record then it will be a terrible, terrible trade.

They would have been better off using the 2 on lineman and then using their 3 on another lineman next year. Without McNabb they would be pushing for the first pick in the draft and then you could take your franchise QB.

At least then you would have a young guy to build around and three new young offensive linemen.

Same ol' 'Skins.

deepie said...

I believe Allen and Shanny want him here, but I think part of the hesitation on the organization's part is to determine if McNabb is going to be able to go for another 3 years or if they can offer him more. They also have to factor in the impact of potentially drafting another QB to groom.

Trading multiple picks and then not extending his contract would be disastrous as it would perpetuate the issue we've had with Snyderatto...mortgaging the future for aging vets that we keep for a year or two before we dump them for nothing in return.

Scott said...

They were waiting for Brady's deal to shake out. I bet something happens during the bye week. No JKSD, I don't mean bi week, which is your favorite week of the year.

j, k, and s's d said...

Relax everyone. Lets see how this plays out before everyone gets even more excited.

Can't wait for the BI WEEK!!!!